Member Reviews

An interesting read of the thread from Genesis 3 and the impact of sin. This will be a book I will return to and read again.
*I received a digital ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my review.

Short of Glory by Mitchell L Chase traces the themes found in Genesis 3 through the Bible. He traces the themes what happened in the Garden and the impact on humanity with an eye toward the Cross and the redemption found in Jesus, the promised seed.

First sentence (from the introduction): When a floating shelf fell from our living room wall, we heard multiple sounds at the same time.
Mitchell Chase's new book is an exposition of Genesis 3. He argues that a right understanding of Genesis 3--is essential to understanding all the rest--the Bible itself, the gospel message, life. He shows in his chapters HOW each paragraph/section of this chapter [Genesis 3] fits into the big picture. He doesn't just leave you hanging. He walks you through how a (right) understanding brings the rest of Scripture into focus, into clarity. These are key concepts, themes, doctrines. And the root--if not the ultimate fruit--are found in this opening section of Scripture.
Note: While the focus is clearly on Genesis 3. I'd argue that Genesis 1 and 2 are somewhat included/discussed as well. They provide context for Genesis 3. And Genesis 3 provides context for the rest of Scripture.
The chapters are:
Sacred Space
Two Trees
The God Who Walks
That Ancient Serpent
Taking and Eating
A Broken Covenant
Afraid and Ashamed
Salvation Through Judgment
Multiplication and Division
From Dust to Dust
The Mother of All Living
Garments from God
East of Eden
I found this a wonderful read. I would definitely recommend it. It isn't popular to talk about sin, the doctrine of sin, the consequences of sin, etc., but I think it is crucial to the gospel. Churches suffer when sin is either discounted (ignored) OR redefined in an UNbiblical way.

“One way to conceptualize the drama of Scripture is to understand the role of Genesis 3 in the storyline.”
In this book, author Mitchell Chase presents a clear and concise argument that we must understand the fall in order to be able to accurately interpret the rest of Scripture. Chase’s words are accessible and compelling, and this book gives a strong deep-dive into the truths from Genesis. Highly recommend!
Thanks to Crossway for the ARC.