Member Reviews

Smiling. I LOVE Debbie McComers writing style and characters. Her books are delightful and heartwarming. Must Have Flowers does not disappoint. The characters are real and come out on top. It’s about loss and healing, family and honesty, starting over and second chances. Easy read but hard to put down. When it comes to summer reads, I always reach for McComber and was thrilled to receive an ARC of hers. Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing!

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A book about moving on and second chances. Joan is struggling with everything after he husband passed away suddenly, even four years later. When she receives a wake-up call she slowly starts moving forward. Phil is a man who she hires to help mow her grass, but he also awakens part of her that she thought was gone. Against her son’s wishes, she also agrees to let Maggie move in. Little does she know these two people will be pivotal in her life.

Phil is quiet, hardworking and trying to move on after his daughter passed away. He wants to help Joan and date her, but he know he has to be patient. Maggie has a rough home life, so she needs Joan’s kindness more than anything. Nick is Joan’s son and he really puts his foot in his mouth a lot where Maggie is concerned, but he also steps up when it is needed.

I liked how the stories were interconnected and helped the arc of each character grow. While I didn’t like his reactions, I understood where Nick was coming from. I wish Joan would have talked to both of her sons at the same time so they could have worked through things together. Overall, I felt this was a wonderful book about second chances, learning to let go, and finding a way out of the dark and living again.

I received an ARC and this is my honest, voluntary review.

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I really liked this book. I grabbed based on the author alone not reading what the story was going to be about, and I was not disappointed. I loved this group of friends/family they were just a group of broken people on the journey to finding healing and love. Joan in her hurt found away to help Maggie who was also hurting while working to live without those they have lost and loved and dealing with and processing the grief of it all. The author discussed covid but the way she did it played so well into the story it just felt like these characters walked through the same journey the rest of the world did without the author putting to much emphasis on covid. At first I would have loved to slap Steve and Nick but they too were on there own journey to healing and finding themselves that there actions just made sense and it was hard to not like them in the end. Phil was one of this people who when he spoke people noticed and listened. Overall this book was refreshing and well worth the read. The author kept the story clean to it would be suitable for all readers.

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Another great read from Debbie Macomber. Great setting, great characters, heartwarming story. Perfect feel good read! I especially liked Maggie, but really enjoyed all the characters.

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I absolutely love Debbie Macomber and always look forward to reading her latest. Must Love Flowers has all the trademarks of a Macomber novel, and it did not disappoint.

I was immediately pulled into the story and instantly connected with the characters. The story was very uplifting and I felt very hopeful for the characters. I found myself rooting for Joan and Maggie throughout. Must Love Flowers is a story about friendship and starting over, and it contains all of Debbie's charm and humor. It will give you all the feels. I highly recommend this one.

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Must Love Flowers by Debbie Macomber is a wonderful standalone novel. We meet Joan Sample, who has been widowed for 4 years, and has been a recluse, with her sister and two sons trying to pressure her out of her rut. Joan realizes she is lonely, and decides to listen to some of the suggestions made by her family, such as counseling, taking in a boarder, and when she receives a letter from her HOA that her yard is a disaster, this pushes her to start living again.

Joan hires a landscaper to fix the yard and bring it back to life. She meets Phil, who is very helpful and friendly. Joan goes to a therapist, who encourages her to join a weekly grief support group, and to her surprise, she sees Phil also attends. Joan also meets Maggie, a college student majoring in nursing.
Maggie Herbert, works long hours as a barista, as well as going school for her nursing classes. She has been living with her father, who is an alcoholic, and giving her a hard time. Maggie is trying to find a place to rent, and is thrilled when Joan offers her a room to stay, and they both connect quickly. Maggie and Joan help support each other, with a strong bond developing between them.

Joan’s two sons are always busy, with one son living locally, and the other in another state. Maggie accidently meets Joan’s son at her job, and when he discovers she is the new boarder, he becomes belligerent, thinking she is using his mother; but Joan will clear the air, and slowly Maggie and Nick will become attracted to each other. Joan enjoys meeting those in the support group, making new friends, as well as a slow burn friendship that grows between her and Phil.

What follows is a heartwarming story, with Joan and Maggie always there to help one another, especially when Maggie, Joan, Phil, and even Nick help fix up Maggie’s father’s place; and slowly her father stops drinking and things change for the better. I loved Joan and Maggie’s close friendship, almost like a mother and daughter.

Must Love Flowers was so very well written by Debbie Macomber. The story covered many life changing issues, such as grief, support, parents, therapy, friendship and children. I suggest you read this book, as I could not put the book down.

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Must Love Flowers
By: Debbie Macomber
Pub Date: 7/11/23
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine

Joan’s life has been a roller coaster since her husband died. Unfortunately, with awful timing the pandemIc started. The only place she felt safe was at home. It’s been 4 years now. She received a letter from the HOA about her yard. She decides it’s time to start living again. She hires a gardener to get the yard straightened out. After talking with a friend and tired of being alone she meets Maggie Herbert, a nursing student whose home life is a mess. Her father is an alcoholic. He’s not paying the bills even with the rent she pays him. So it’s time for her to move out.
It’s such a beautiful story with lots of growth, healing and change. Debbie does such an amazing job with the side characters in this novel. I love the idea behind the story line, death is something we all have to deal with.
I couldn’t be more excited that retirement wasn’t for Debbie! Can’t wait for the next one.

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Joan has been living through the grief during the pandemic after losing her husband unexpectedly, and subsequently her job, when she sold his practice. She's let things go, and it's time to get her life together. A letter from the HOA and the state of her yard means she needs a landscaper. She looks some up and leaves a message with one with the condition he must love flowers.
Her sister suggests she take in a boarder, not because she needs the money, but because it would be good to have someone else around. She agrees to go to a grief support group. These little changes are making a difference and she discovers her landscaper is also in the group. They socialize with the rest of the group and form a friendship.
Maggie is a full-time student working her way through college and trying to care for her dad who has given up after the death of his wife, her mother. It's a lot, and she finally makes good on moving out. Living with Joan has made a difference in her life till she discovers the cute guy who orders coffee at her job is Joan's son.
Joan and Maggie are becoming self-supporting women and fast-friends, even though they're from different generations. 
As these women navigate life, new opportunities, and dating, plus a dog thrown in the mix, they become family to one another, plus flowers make life brighter.
A beautiful story of love and starting over at any age!
**received a netgalley from the publisher**

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I didn't know until I read Debbie Macomber's letter to readers at the start of Must Love Flowers that she had decided to stop writing, but then this story started bubbling up and she couldn't ignore the fact that she loves to write. I'm so glad that she isn't forever putting away her pen. Even if we don't get a new summer or Christmas book every year, I would be sad if there were no more Debbie Macomber books.

Joan was widowed shortly before the COVID-19 shutdown. She lives in Seattle which was particularly hard hit by the virus and it was just easier to stay at home where it was safe. But four years later, she still doesn't venture out of her house much. A heart-to-heart with her son and a scathing letter from the HOA, Joan knows she needs to make some changes.

I have long been a fan of Macomber's Christmas books but not as big of a fan of her summer books. However, the last few summer books have had the vibe I enjoy in Christmas books and I've really enjoyed them. Must Lover Flowers features a middle-aged woman and as I age I am becoming more drawn to stories with older protagonists. There is a prominent secondary character who is in her 20s, so I think this novel will appeal to a wide range of age groups. I also think if I'm going to read a second-chance romance, I prefer widowed characters to divorced characters.

I thought Macomber captured the difficulties and discombobulation that many of us experienced after a long period of isolation. I know what she described was similar to what I felt when I went into a restaurant for the first time after a year of eating only at home.

The romance is sweet but not truly the focus of the story. It was more about healing and finding one's own path forward. Though the main character is dealing with the death of a spouse, I think anyone who has experienced a loss will be able to relate to the character.

It is a really great book and I couldn't put it down. My only complaint is that it is a quick read and I finished it way too fast.

My review will be published at Girl Who Reads on Wednesday -

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Love Debbie Macomber! This book has all the depth. Mother/son relationships, .Daughter/Father relationships, plus romance, both young and old. Loved the characters and felt their indecision about how to move forward and how to live life!

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This book presents the dilemma of loss, grief and finding hope in such a realistic and heartwarming way that it is easy to read and hard to put down. Joan has suffered a tragic loss and as a result has become reclusive. When her sister encourages her to get back into life again, she starts by hiring a landscaper and then rents out a room to a college student named Maggie. The landscaper seems to be secretive while Maggie is just needy, as she is escaping a home with an alcoholic father who has stifled her from pursuing her dreams of becoming a nurse. The story moves along at a good pace and is multi-layered and complex. Debbie Macomber does a wonderful job of having the stories of the three main characters dovetail and create a blended and stirring tale of finding hope when there seems to be none. The title is perfect but one has to read the book to find out its meaning. There is romance in the book, but it is not the central theme. Rather, this novel is more about self-discovery, acceptance and stepping out of one’s comfort zone in order to find possibilities for a better future. I loved the hopeful theme and the insight given into a broken heart that has to be mended slowly and with purpose. The book is enchanting and thought-provoking and not to be missed by anyone who enjoys a good story with fascinating characters.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review, and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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I am glad Debbie Macomber hasn't completely retired, as this book was amazing. I loved the characters. They were struggling with grief, and how their lives and themselves have changed. But, for each of them, something happened that put them on a different path. Their lives started to turn around, they could see hope, were being lifted up, and were starting to make connections again.
The story is a wonderful reminder that things can change, become better, and someone or something can bring the light back into your life.
I received an ARC from Ballantine Books through NetGalley.

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Being a Debbie Macomber fan I have to admit a struggled with reviewing this book. Must Love Flowers is beautifully written with characters that seem like people you would know. The descriptions of their everyday lives feels like you have been in their homes. But, while Macomber has always written about human struggles, this book seems a little bit darker than her usual fare. No spoilers intended but be warned that the focus of this book is climbing out of grief and alcoholism. Both main characters have their own kind of battles. It was hard not to feel depressed while reading this book. But, as per usual, Macomber gives us the happily ever after ending that we all want. I voluntarily received a copy of this book from Netgalley

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Oh my gosh, this is the best summer read I've ever experienced!

This is the story of two women, each stuck in places in their lives that does not bring them peace. My heart hurt for them both as they fought for change in their lives and I loved the immediate connection they had and the resulting friendship that developed.

The addition of a romantic interest for each of them was icing on the cake of this warm and rich storyline. I loved that the relationships were unique and separate from each other. Their conclusions filled my heart with warmth and contentment.

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Joan Sample has been widowed for 4 years and admittedly, she isn't finding it any easier. Not long after her husband died, the Covid pandemic hit the nation, and she hunkered down in her house and still hasn't emerged. However, Joan is starting to get really lonely. Her sons have stopped spending time with her. And now, to top things off, she just got a letter from her homeowner's association saying her yard was bringing property values down and if she didn't get it taken care of, she would be fined. She always used to be so proud of her yard and her flower beds, too, so that really rankled. After a few tough love conversations with friends and family, Joan decides to make some major changes. She hires a lawn service, goes to get her hair cut and styled where she learns about a nursing student needing a room to rent, calls the girl and offers her the room, goes to a therapist, and the therapist convinces her to start going to the grief therapy group that she is in charge of. Between all of the new friends Joan has made, life is finally starting to bloom again.

I really enjoyed this book. I loved how Joan, Maggie (her boarder), and Phil (her landscaper) all needed each other, and they all bonded over grief. I was really rooting for both Joan and Maggie, since the story is almost equally about both women, and they were both going through a lot. This makes a great light read for anyone in the mood for a good story with a little romance thrown in.

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It's out today GO BUY IT!!

What can I say about Debbie's writing I just love everything she writes. Auto buy for sure and she is the one of a few I will re-read. It was delightful, as always. Perfect Summer read. New founding friendships, love, forgiveness and a whole lot of flowers. I didn't want to put it down. Pure enjpyment from start to finish.

My thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If ever you want an author who can write true to life stories and emotions, Debbie Macomber doesn't disappoint. Her stories bring real life scenarios and situations to the forefront. The reader finds themselves being able to relate to the characters. and storylines. This story is one of lost love, withdrawal, grief, growing, evolution, and second chances. Joan, a reclusive widow, must find her way out of the fog that has enveloped her since her husband's death. Maggie, a struggling college student, doesn't see a way out of her suffocating situation. Bringing them together, a glimmer of hope comes to light. Will Maggie's dreams be dashed before she can enjoy them? Will Joan find her second chance or be to scared to grab it? I love curling up with a Debbie Macomber's book. It always turns into an all day read. I can't put them down. Looking for a relaxing but true to life story, pick up this book. I received a copy through Netgalley. A review was not required.

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What a wonderful story about grief from the death of loved ones and finding your way back to living life and enjoying it. This was truly a one sitting read for me as when I started I could not put it down. All the characters,Julia, Phil, Maggie, Nick and Steve had pivotal roles in this book as we got to know them. Julia has been widowed for 4 years but was hardly living. an HOA notice that her lawn and yard were not up to standards forced her to call a lawn service, which is where we first learn of Phil. Maggie needs to move out of her alcoholic fathers house and Joan wants a board. This begins a match made in heaven and from their the story just flows as do all Ms. Macomber books do. I loved this story. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Must Love Flowers is a heartfelt story of learning to live again after having suffered a great loss. Debbie Macomber knows just how to engage the reader with the characters. A story of loss, grief and finding hope with a renewal of life. This story has charming characters, filled with warm witty dialogue, friendships and family found.

You can’t go wrong with a book written by Debbie Macomber. Shirley, Goodness and Mercy approve along with me recommending this book to readers everywhere.

The publisher through Net Galley provided a complimentary digital copy. I have voluntarily decided to read and review, giving my personal opinions and thoughts.

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This book of women's friendships (different generations) is mixed with romance to make it extra special. Joan, a woman in her 50's has been lost in grief after losing her husband four years ago. Maggie is a young nursing student that she takes in as a border. Their friendship is lovely and they both help each other from the darker sides of what life has dealt them. The unexpected attraction to men in their lives helps round out everything and bring it to the HEA you expect from Debbie Macomber.

Thanks to Penguin Random House and NetGalley for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

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