Member Reviews

This is such an excellent story. I loved how Joan and Maggie finally found their footing after all their grief. Joan has been coasting through life for the last four years. When her son fails to show up for her birthday and she gets a notice that her yard is a mess, she figures it is time to get her act together. How will she do that? After her husband's sudden death, then COVID, she has pretty much holed up in her house for four years. First things first. She made an appointment to get her hair done. After looking into the mirror, she realizes how much she has let herself go. She also needs to tackle the problem of her yard, so she calls a landscaper. One of her requirements is, they must love flowers. When she decides to take in a boarder, so she won't be alone all the time, her son is against it, but it is her decision to make. Along will a lot of other changes, she starts seeing a therapist and may join a support group.
Maggie is so happy to meet Joan and rent a room from her. Since her mother's death, her dad has been drunk. Everything in and around the house is falling apart and Maggie has had enough. She is trying to go to nursing school and gets nothing but negative comments from her dad. Living with Joan is like a breath of fresh air. When her dad gets diagnosed with a liver disease, Maggie feels she needs to move back with him. Everyone thinks that is a very bad idea, but he is all the family that Maggie has.
Can Joan finally come to terms with her husband's death and move on with her life? Can Maggie deal with her father and still become a nurse? Will they both find a love they weren't expecting?

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I realize I’m probably not the target audience for Debbie MaComber but this book felt very dated if not problematic. It’s a book that sure put a positive spin on abusive behavior imo. Beyond that it’s a glossy story of people helping each other her out in a time of need. Thank you to NetGalley for giving me this to read in exchange for my honest review.

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Debbie Macomber never disappoints! She has crafted a heartwarming & beautifully written story focused on loss, grief, new beginnings & journeys and love. She writes of relationships that have broken apart, need repair and how to thread them back together. She brings together Joan & Maggie - each needing to begin over after suffering loss. Joan lost her husband and Maggie is losing her father to alcohol. Both characters find their lives connecting together to help each other on their new journeys and realities. As Joan & Maggie help each other even more relationships blossom and develop surrounding them. Macomber’s stories are like a giant hug and when reading her books I feel like whatever the themes they relate to me. This book is no different!

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It’s nice to take a break and read something a bit more lighthearted, although, don't' let that lead you down the wrong path, as Macomber does touch on tough topics, she doesn't try to sugar coat it, or swerve in another direction, she faces it head on. This is only the second book Ive read by Debbie Macomber and I and will definitely go and look for more from her.!

Joan Sample has been a widow for 4 years and she’s had a very tough time. She is dealing with not only an empty nest, with boys who have moved onto live their own lives, with mom taking a back seat, but she has lost the love of her life. She finds it hard to move past this, and becomes reclusive. This is the story line that I most connected with, as I too am in the empty nest phase of my life, and at times find it difficult. Macomber wrote this with a deft and gentle hand. This book is about strength, courage and starting over. I loved it!

And this is one time where you can judge a book by its cover; It's beautiful. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. To be published July 2023.

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A wonderful story by one of my favorite authors. Joan Sample is a bereaved widow, who has struggled for four years with the sudden loss of her husband.. Maggie Herbert is a young woman, trying to finish her education, and cope with a bitter alcoholic father, creating obstacles that impact Maggie.
This story is written with both as narrators, as they navigate to improve their situations, Joan finally agreeing to attend counseling and join a bereavement group and Maggie when she finally makes the tough decision to stop enabling her father and concentrate on completing her goals. Joan and Maggie are brought together, when a friend convinces Joan to take Maggie in as a border. This develops into a nurturing friendship, as Joan is able to get beyond her anguish and Maggie has a support person to help her move forward.
Debbie Macomber is a wonderful storyteller and her characters are just likable. This is just a pleasurable read and my thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Ballantine books for the ARC. This is definitely worthy of five stars and all opinions are my own.

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I’ve always loved Debbie Macomber books and this one was no different. I’m so glad she decided to write another book!
The story revolves around Joan, a widower struggling with grief, and Maggie, a college student who struggles with her alcoholic dad. Wonderfully written. Definitely read it!
Thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishing for the advanced copy

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Debbie Macomber does it again! She created yet another heartwarming, easy read. I loved the intertwining plots, the realistic characters, and the idea of finding love. The story is about a widow who just came to the realization that she needs to start living her life again. Her husband died suddenly and for the past 4 years (and a pandemic) she has not left her house much. The story begins to pick up when she takes in a boarder and Joan starts to live again. Love has a funny way of finding her. Definitely read if you want an easy read romance.

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For me a very relatable story. The story of Joan journey through her grief of losing suddenly her husband, soulmate and work partner. Then Covid hits and four years later Joan is basically a recluse. Her sister is worried and tries to have her rejoin life. Her sons are not sure what to do with mom. When the HOA sends her a letter siting several offenses she needs to pull herself together.
There are several strong characters in the story, which gives Joan a purpose in life. And by befriending and helping them she has discovered how to help herself.
I would love to see this made into a movie, it has all the classic Debbie Macomber endearing, heartfelt trademarks. Plus love the cover! Thank you NetGalley for this eARC. I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an Advance Reader Copy of this story. #NetGalley #MustLoveFlowers

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Must Love Flowers
Debbie Macomber
July 4, 2023

Last night I was up late finishing Ms. Macomber’s latest novel, Must Love Flowers. Here of late I always think it will be one of her usual lovely stories. This one started sad, I found it a bit slow but I knew there would be a reason. She reels us into her books in different ways. No sooner than I had finished the first chapter reading about Joan Sample, a widower whose boys had finished college and left home. Joan was her husband’s dental assistant. She ran the books, made the appointments and helped with the patients. His death was sudden. She had to prepare to sell the practice. The boys helped while they were at home but their lives grew into their own space and employment. Now, 4 years later, Joan finds herself alone most of the time. The house is always kept clean yet the landscaping has gone out of control. The grass is wild and weedy. Most days she hardly cares.
Must Love Flowers will be published on July 4, 2023 by Random House Publishers. I am extremely pleased that they allowed me to read and review Macomber’s latest book via NetGalley. As ever, once started, I found it hard to put down. It was a welcome, heart-warming journal of a widow woman’s life. I pray I never have to feel the losses she felt. I heartily recommend this book to all. Fans will certainly choose to read it but if you usually do not read Debbie Macomber, try this one. It is a marvelous selection - do enjoy it!

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It was as though Debbie Macomber had a view of my life since 2019. I lost my father in summer of 2019, then six months later, we were locked down due to Covid. I live in Florida, so luckily, I was able to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine, get outside for walks, and read a lot.

In Must Love Flowers, we're introduced to Joan Sample, who is grieving the death of her husband, who passed four years prior. Between grief and Covid, she became a hermit and let sadness overcome her life.

On Joan's 54th birthday, her sister gives her a gift certificate to a hair salon, gently reminds her to see a grief counselor and suggests she offer one of her extra bedrooms to a boarder. After some consideration, Joan realizes it's time to break out of her cocoon of grief. She schedules a hair appointment and it is there that the owner tells her of a young woman looking to rent a room.

Maggie Herbert lost her mother and is dealing with a father who uses alcohol to deal with his grief. As a nursing student and barista, she's carrying the weight of school and caring for her father. While she loves her father, she longs to escape so she can focus on herself and her studies.

Since Joan didn't leave her house, her yard became overgrown and neglected. Her HOA sends her a letter to get it in shape, thus she hires a landscaper named Phil.

Joan's therapist convinces her to attend a group grief counseling session and when she does, she's surprised to find Phil. While at work, Maggie finds a frequent customer attractive and yes, it turns out to be one of Joan's sons.

Must Love Flowers is a beautiful story about grief, its consequences, and what one must do to escape the grief cocoon. It's a story of opening your heart after loss and finding love again. I read this book in a day, so if you're seeking an easy and lighthearted book, grab a copy of Must Love Flowers. I

Thank you to Random House, Ballantine and NetGalley for the ARC. #NetGalley #MustLoveFlowers

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I've been blessed lately with books that have held my attention, and this one certainly did. For one thing, I could truly relate, being a lonely widow, myself. I experienced so many things & feelings that Mary did when I lost my husband. My life has gone on, but I wasn't as aggressive as Mary finally was in trying to get some fulfillment back.

I, especially, liked the clever dialogue which Debbie Macomber is known for. Thankful to NetGalley for the opportunity to read it.

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Such a wonderful story. Debbie Macomber books almost alays leave you smiling. This one was no exception. Joan's husband had died 4 years ago and she was still lost. Her two grown sons did not call much and she didn't hardly leave the house. A letter from her HOA telling her yard was a disgrace started to wake her up. She got a landscaper and they eventually became friends and then more. Her sister got her a gift certificate for a hair stylist as she had not done anything for a couple years to her hair. It was a good start. Her younger son took her out to dinner and was pleased that she had taken the initiative to just get her hair done and was going to have the yard worked on. She realized she needed help and went to a councelor and then to group sessions. She made friends there and they helped alot. She got a boarder that was a young woman than worked two jobs and was going to nursing school. She had been living with her father, but her father was an alcoloclic and was becoming mean. and spent any money she gave him for beer.
This story was about relationships and moving forward. . I really enjoyed reading it

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Always heartwarming and a delightful, easy to read story.
I love the way this author continually finds topics and plots that fit in with our emotions and life experiences. An endless voice of uplifting messages of hope and love, Macomber brings another go-to story to the masses. Must Love Flowers focuses on healing from loss and an unfortunate disconnection from society.

Finding your way through the minefield of the loss of a loved one is the main focus of this book, and Macomber writes the story with a positive, realistic outlook. Faced with an empty nest and empty home, the answer to the main character’s healing is unexpected and delivers a warm message to those struggling with similar issues.

Written with care and kindness, Macomber doesn’t tiptoe around the messy struggles people can encounter and deal with during times of loss. She plows right through them and opens our eyes to possibility and hopes for healing and happiness.

This story is loaded with truths and unexpected healing from multiple sources as Joan, the main character, opens her eyes and heart. Strong and supportive secondary characters make this book a sweet feel-good treat for the soul. Plus, this cover is everything!

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Oh Debbie Macomber never lets me down! I absolutely loved this one. I love stories of intergenerational friendship and second chances. I thought this one was such a touching reading, as most of hers tend to be. I loved the premise of overcoming grief, getting a second chance at life and love for multiple characters. The story of forgiveness and acceptance of who our family members are. Will always read anything Debbie writes for as long as she decides to continue writing. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was an easy, quick novel that mainly focused on two women finding connections and the support they need from others after encountering difficult times. It's quite what one would expect from a Debbie Macomber novel, although some of the supporting characters were annoying and everything happened rather quickly. Thanks to Netgalley and Ballantine for the advance digital copy!

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On the surface, this book seems really sweet and I enjoyed lots of it.. there were a couple of things that weren't cool . The author uses race to describe a person of color, but does not do so with the rest of the characters who I am guessing are white. Al, Maggie's father's friend - "The Black man saluted her" and "An elderly Black man stepped outside".

Nick ( who was the male lead.) was not a nice character, and I started liking Joan a little less after he got mad at Maggie for multiple things and Joan defended him. His reactions to several scenarios were kind of concerning, and just not with the times..

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I loved this book. Joan is a widow in her 50s who has been suffocating from grief for a few years. Her story is about learning to live again. The importance of friends and family in helping her, caring about her, and not giving up but continuing to reach out is beautifully portrayed. Maggie is a young woman who needs an affordable place to live. She has a dream, but her alcoholic father drinks away her hard earned money. The impact of a kindness on a life cannot be overstated. Most people aren't looking for charity; they are looking for a chance.

This novel is about hope, starting over, following a dream, and finding love. Highly recommended. Family friendly.

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Heartwarming story about the death of a love one and choosing to move on afterwards. Both Joan and Maggie are easy to relate with. Counseling and support proves to be a positive outlet for each of the characters. Grief comes in different forms as portrayed in this sweet story. Recommended!

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Debbie Macomber has been my favorite author for many years.... Must love flowers is a beautiful story! Two women , different ages,with different lives but needed each others friendship and support! They both helped each other us ways neither expected! Their lives intertwined is wonderful ways ! It was a perfect story of hope! Debbie never disappoints!!!

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Follow on Instagram: @alexlivesathousandlives

Title: Must Love Flowers
Author: Debbie Macomber
Method: E-book- Thanks @netgallery
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Pub date: July 11, 2023

Wow just wow! I can not type this review fast enough because this book was absolutely fantastic and gave me all the feels.

Joan, a widow, lost her husband 4 years ago and does not know how to navigate life after the loss. When she ends up spending her birthday alone, she decides to walk the steps of healing.

Maggie, an overworked barista, wants to escape her home situation and decides to rent a room from Joan. Little does she know, she stumbles across more than she bargens for.

This book talks about grief, friendship, love, and healing all in one. The storyline was cute and funny, the characters were lovable, and the themes make you cry of happiness. Debbie did a fantastic job with this book and this is now my new favorite book by her.

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