Member Reviews

HOLY COW. V. E. Schwab has done it again. I am a long, long time fan of this author, and when I read the original trilogy I fell in love with her writing. I don't usually like time skips or returns to a world with different characters because I am usually so enraptured by the original series. She somehow made me care not only about this series and this world again, but also for ALL the new characters. She effortlessly wove together the new threads she introduced, and kept me guessing throughout the whole book. Some things were fairly obvious, like how certain characters would come together, others not at all! But just best of all, Schwab's writing, her craft, has just grown so deeply. It was an absolute joy to read her seamless, beautiful, flowing writing and compare it to her earlier works. I just have so much appreciation and awe for how much she's grown as a writer. She was always great- this book proves to me she is truly a master craftsman and an author I'm excited to support for as long as she's going to keep writing. I am so glad to be along for the ride.

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This book was like visiting old friends in a new place. It felt right but exciting. Like having a piece of home. It was nice to be back in the writing I know and love. All the stars.

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It was wonderful to get back to the Londons we all love and know. As always, Schwab's world building and characterization jumps off the page and creates such a beautifully woven world. This was a wonderful set up for continuing books as it pulled me back into the story by my neck, introducing me to new plots and characters while giving me enough of the ones I have missed to make me keep reading.

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This was an excellent evolution of the Shades of Magic series. I loved how familiar things felt while also adding well-executed new elements.

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I enjoyed this installment though I do believe it would have been better if we had let the original characters go. Though I enjoyed seeing all of them, I really don't believe their stories needed to continue.

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Reading *The Fragile Threads of Power* felt like stepping back into a place you didn’t realize you missed so deeply until you were there again. It’s the kind of book that wraps itself around you like a favorite sweater—soft, familiar, and filled with quiet magic. I didn’t know how much I needed to see Kell, Lila, and Rhy again until they were right in front of me, changed yet still the same. And can we just talk about how much my heart ached (in the best way) during their moments together? 🥹

But it’s not just nostalgia; it’s so much more. Schwab threads new faces and stories seamlessly into the world we know, and wow, Tes and Kosika? Obsessed. The stakes feel bigger, the magic richer, and the world more alive than ever. It’s the kind of story that reminds you why you fell in love with fantasy in the first place.

Honestly, it was like coming home—but with a new door to step through. And I can’t wait to see where this new path leads.

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Book Summary:

Red London has endured a lot over the past few years, but it survived. With Rhy Maresh on the throne, some are still unhappy with the potential outlook. These people formed a group known as The Hand and wanted to take out the king.

Rhy is not without allies, as Delilah Bard, Kell Maresh, and Alucard are all by his side, plus many others. However, each character has their own problems to deal with, as they are soon to be reminded of.

My Review:

Ahhh! I think it’s a tradition for me to be behind on reading everything Shades of Magic. I was late to discover the original series, and now I’m late in reading The Fragile Threads of Power, though at least this time, only by a year (oops).

I don’t know why, but part of my trepidation for reading The Fragile Threads of Power is because I got irrationally afraid that the series was about to kill Kell off. So I got two chapters into the series, panicked, and shut the book. It took me a further two weeks to get over myself and continue reading. Yes, I embarrass myself sometimes.

The good news is that I can safely say that The Fragile Threads of Power is worth the wait! This novel has multiple stories/perspectives weaving throughout to tell a larger story. You can already tell it will be another complex and probably very dangerous adventure.

While some twists were predictable, I largely found myself enchanted with this return to the world(s). The new characters were a nice addition, though I almost wish Tes was in her own series instead (so readers could have more time to explore her ability).

I look forward to seeing where the Threads of Power series leads. Here’s hoping my favorite characters continue to live and tell enchanting stories!

Part of a longer series
Magical Worlds
Politics, Drama, Family Dynamics
Magic & Pirates

Trigger Warnings:
Self-Harm & Suicidal Ideation
Controlling Behaviors

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I have to admit, my love of the Shades of Magic series is so strong that I was a but apprehensive to start The Fragile Threads of Power. Excited to jump back into one of my favourite worlds, surely, but. I’d read everything that Schwab has published in the meantime, and even though I am well aware of how perfectly she navigates different styles, genres, and even age-ranges, I couldn’t help but be worried that her return to this beloved universe wouldn’t be the same.

I knew instantly, in reading the first several chapters, that I was back. I was immediately introduced to characters with sharp wit and realistic tragedy in their backgrounds. As a reader, you’re thrown into stories already in progress and you’re instantly along for the ride.

The Fragile Threads of Power isn’t Shades of Magic, but it’s exactly what you want: more. More of the places, more of that magic system that is so perfectly crafted, more adventure. More of the characters you love. More new characters to learn and root for.

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A fantastic expansion of the previously visited Shades of Magic series. I look forward to what else the series brings to light!

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V.E. Schwab is one of the best authors of our time. I love the completely magical worlds that are created!

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This book was like a warm mug of tea welcoming me home to the Londons. Returning to a world that was in fact not stagnant while we were away but grew and developed. Creating more for us to explore and fall in love with.

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I attempted several times to read this one. Got as far as about 55% and it just was not for me. DNFed.

Thanks for the opportunity.

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I tried to reread the ADSOM series before I got into this, and to be honest, I just could not get into the world the same way that I did the first time. I abandoned the reread, and jumped into this - which demonstrated that you definitely don't need to reread them! I understood what was going on, but I just have lost something in my attachment to these characters and stories. There was nothing overtly wrong, except perhaps some odd pacing here and there, but overall this just couldn't hold my interest.

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V.E. Schwab could write a grocery list and I would read it. Seriously. I love her work, I love the world building and character development, and I love love love devouring her writing.

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This was such a good fantasy book and it’s been awhile since I’ve read a fantasy that I enjoyed. Fantasy books tend to be slower paced so it usually takes me some time to get through it.

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As much as I enjoyed meeting our new characters, I have to say that it was just nice to see some of my favorite characters again. So much has changed from when we first met them, as well as when we last saw them in A Conjuring of Light which is set seven years ago from when this new story begins. Kell has really had to adapt after we last saw him, that's for sure. I don't want to give anything away, but I will say that of the returning cast I was probably the most invested in Alucard's role in the story.

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It was so good to back to this world. I have missed Lila and Kel and the gang. I am excited to see where these new characters take us and can’t wait for the next book to come out!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an advance copy in exchange for honest feedback.

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A wonderful reintroduction to the world created in the original trilogy by V.E. Schwab. I will be anxiously awaiting the next installment.

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I loved the magic system in this book so much! Everything about this book was fantasy done right. The characters were interesting and memorable, the world building was complex without being overwhelming. I loved the concept of the cities and how they worked as a far as the magic and how people traveled between with the doors. I think that the character development was done extremely well and I enjoyed the main characters a lot. I think that the magic system was so neat and complex and well done. It is one that I will definitely remember for a long time. I cannot wait to read the next book!!

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