Member Reviews

This is SURREAL. It felt surreal while I was reading and it feels surreal to think that I finally have the contents of this book in my BRAIN?? Shades of Magic is my favorite series of all time, so to say I have been anticipating this new book and that I had high hopes would be an understatement.

All I can say is that VE SCHWAB DELIVERED. Every expectation I had was surpassed, it truly felt like no time had passed since I was last with these characters. Every quote, every plot decision, every flashback, it all seemed so absolutely RIGHT. I love these characters and this world so much, and this book expanded on everything in new, yet familiar ways.

The plot was so expertly crafted, I loved the pacing and how the flashbacks were interwoven throughout the book. With such a big time jump, I was a little worried things might seem abrupt or missing, but everything was seamless. Every piece of flashback we got perfectly flowed into where the characters were currently at in the present timeline and my excitement was HIGH for the book’s entirety.

I loved the mix of old and new characters! I love Tes and am so excited to learn more about her. Everything with Kosika in White London was fascinating and SHOCKING, so interesting to see. My fave gang of Kell, Lila, Rhy and Alucard absolutely SERVED in this book. It was honestly like I was reading my dream domestic fanfic but it was REAL CANON and I lost my mind approximately 700 times. I cried more times than I can count and have spent the last 24 hours going through my highlighted quotes and bookmarks over and over again. I am SO, SO happy to be back in the Shades of Magic world and I can’t wait to see where we go!

Thank you thank you Tor for granting me access to this early copy, I’ll never forget the experience of reading this book!

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