Member Reviews

This is one of the best dark romance books I've ever read! The things both MC's go through is so heartbreaking, but the way the MMC is there for the FMC while they endure is beautiful.
The author has a way of sucking you into the story and make you feel so deeply. Emotional, intense, and heart achingly beautiful! What a journey!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

I wish I had done more research before reading this one- it was very dark, and hard to read for me. The plot is the two main characters, Cora and Dean is Dean spending half of his life dating Cora’s sister- and them hating each other. THEN they are kidnapped and tortured and forced to be in image with each other, while this whole time Dean was in love with Cora instead of the sister.. just so strange and I found Cora to be just be an all around awful character.
Just an overall not great read for me and if I’d known the extent of the torture, the graphic mess, and just the weird relationship between Cora, Dean, and the sister, I would have passed.

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Such an amazing story of strength and overcoming one’s demons. Cora and Dean found so much love in each other and I loved their story even though it was such a journey to get there. Dean was such an amazing guy and sacrificing himself multiple times for Cora’s sake just made him such a better person in my eyes.

Definitely a lot of trigger warning so be sure to look into them before reading this one!

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This book breaks your heart and puts it back together again! It’s a hard read but it’s a beautiful story! Jennifer Hartmann did it right and I can’t wait to read more of her stories and devour them like this one ❤️

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“I told you her heart was still beating. As long as it was still beating, she was okay.”

Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann | 18+ check tw!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | 🌶🌶


*A special thank you to Netgalley and Bloom Books for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*


Words cannot describe how I feel about this book, but I’m going to try my best. This was my first Jennifer Hartmann book, and I already know that I’m going to be reading more in the future. This book surpassed my expectations and more.

I’m not really a dark romance girl, but this book was so well done. It touched on a plethora of sensitive topics but I never felt like it crossed the line or was overly descriptive for no reason. This is definitely the kind of book you check the trigger warnings for, however. It’s pretty immersive, so protect your mental health.

Speaking of which, I like that there was a trigger warning page included at the beginning. I think a lot of publishers and authors don’t realize how important that is to a reader. Trigger warnings should be accessible and readers shouldn’t have to go searching for them.

Getting back to the plot, man I loved Dean and Cora. They went through this horrible, traumatic experience together and clung to each other as a way to survive. You could literally feel the chemistry between them from the beginning and that just grew as the book progressed. The way that they care for each other and love each other, man, that got me.

This is dual POV but not in the traditional sense. There are three parts of the book, two of which are told in Cora’s POV and one told in Dean’s. You get to experience the horrors of their captivity and their subsequent troubles coping, but you also get to experience their ending triumphs.

However, I wish this was a traditional dual POV, so we could hear more of Dean’s POV during the captivity and during the third act conflict.

Finally, nothing can describe the grief I felt for Tabitha. I really wish that the bonus scene was more about her finding happiness after losing Matthew instead of feeling alone. I want to know how her story concludes so badly.

This book broke me and put me back together, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

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I really struggled when reading this book. I had a hard time connecting with the characters and DNF. Check trigger warnings, as I went in blind. I can see why many enjoy this book because it is really well written, however, it just wasn't for me.

Thanks NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow. What can I say. This absolutely lived up to the hype for me.

This is a dark and gripping story involving a tough subject and Jennifer has written a beautiful story about overcoming trauma. It is emotional and raw and beautifully tragic. This will grip you and you will not want to put it down. The title is perfect and you will understand why after reading.

Our two main characters go through a three week long nightmare where lines are crossed and they must learn to deal with the aftermath as they acclimatise back into society. The connection formed from their horrific ordeal runs deep and they learn that their previous hatred and mutual pranking of eachother was just a cover for something else as confessions come to light. Their relationship is definitely taboo and forbidden but they cannot stay away from eachother, knowing the other is the only one who understands what they have been through (or is it?).

Powerful, dark, gripping, raw, beautiful.

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Plot: Cora and Dean have known each other since school but have always been less than friendly. Dean being Cora's sisters fiance she can't exactly stay out of his way. After a night out ends in both Cora and Dean waking up handcuffed inside the basement of a madman's basement they only have each other to rely on. Following how you move forward after such a traumatic experience and how do they now fit into a life that doesnt feel their own anymore.

Review: This was a very gripping novel. It was an emotional rollercoaster and kept you wanting to know more. I was intrigued by the storyline and it did not disappoint. I would definitely recommend but I would check the trigger warnings (which are noted before you begin the novel) before reading it.

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I had mixed feelings about this book! This is a dark romance and those aspect of the book didn’t bother me. I personally was stuck on Cora’s relationship with her sister.. how she always thought about how “different” they were and poking fun at Mandy just felt wrong. There is a bit of an explanation for their relationship and I guess it comes down to jealousy for Cora’s thoughts but I still didn’t like it and felt it could have been done differently.

Then we get into Mandy and Dean’s relationship. I cannot fathom the fact that they were together for FIFTEEN years. I felt the story would have had just the effect if they were together 5-10 years (with 10 pushing it). It felt wrong to me and I just didn’t understand it. Dean had some feelings for Cora the whole time and he just stayed with her sister? It took them being kidnapped and raped for him to realize he wanted to be with Cora? I don’t get it. I also don’t understand how he had eyes for Cora and thought “I’m going to marry her one day” and then went out with her sister within the next year!? It didn't make sense to me and gave me a bit of an ick factor.

Outside of that I did really enjoy Cora and Dean’s relationship. What they went through was horrifying and they truly bonded over it. This book broke my heart in so many ways. You don’t usually think about what happens when someone’s been kidnapped and found. What happens in their life? How do people react? How do they get through it? Dean and Cora coped in very different ways along with clinging to each other. I liked the conflict and how they needed to become okay again on their own before being together. The epilogue was so sweet and really brought everything together!

I think this book definitely depends on your personal preference but regardless of how i felt about certain things the book was still beautifully written and took me for a ride. It was addicting and emotional. I'll definitely be checking out more of Jennifer Hartmann's books in the future.

Make sure to read the trigger warnings! There is graphic details of rape and more. This story is dark and emotional.

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"Still Beating" by Jennifer Hartmann is an intense and gripping novel that delves into the lives of Cora and Dean, two individuals who are kidnapped and forced to endure unspeakable trauma. The book explores their harrowing experiences and the aftermath of their rescue, as they navigate through a range of complex emotions.

As readers follow Cora and Dean's journey, they can't help but become emotionally invested in their struggles. The author skillfully portrays the characters' pain and suffering, making it impossible not to empathize with them. The book is a rollercoaster of emotions, taking readers through moments of fear, despair, hope, and resilience.

Throughout their ordeal, Cora and Dean form a deep connection as they rely on each other for survival. Their bond becomes a source of strength and empowerment, allowing them to find solace in one another. "Still Beating" highlights the importance of support and understanding in the face of trauma, portraying Cora and Dean's shared journey as a way to heal and find a new sense of purpose.

Jennifer Hartmann's writing style is fluid and fast-paced, adding to the book's excitement and ensuring that readers are constantly engaged. The dual point of view provides insight into both Cora and Dean's perspectives, allowing readers to understand their individual struggles and the unique ways in which they cope with their traumatic experiences.

It's important to note that "Still Beating" deals with sensitive and potentially triggering subject matter. The book explores themes of trauma, abuse, and survival, which may be distressing for some readers. It's recommended that individuals approach the book with caution and be aware of their own emotional well-being.

Overall, "Still Beating" is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that tackles the aftermath of trauma with sensitivity and depth. It explores the complexities of human resilience and the power of connection in the face of unimaginable circumstances. Readers should be prepared for an emotional journey that will leave them contemplating the strength of the human spirit.

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Thank you Sourcebooks Bloom for the advance copy. All opinions of my own.

I learned a very important lesson while reading this book: Dark romance is not my cup of tea.

Still Beating is what I imagine a romance to be if Jennifer Hillier or Alice Feeney wrote one. To her credit, Jennifer Hartmann warns readers in the beginning of the book. She provides all the content warnings. She hints it’s gonna be dark and yet, I was still not ready for it. I was not prepared.

Still Beating is DARK y’all. It’s got an ick factor times 10,000. I am traumatized. I thought about DNFING so many times but I could not do it due to the fact that I had an overpowering need to know that Cora and Dean were going to be ok.

For first time ever, I don’t know if I can recommend a book. Still Beating is certainly not for everyone. It’s for the dark romance lovers only.

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This book shook me to my core!
It was such an emotional and intense roller coaster.

Dean and cora aren't the best of friends but one phone call changes their entire lives.
They go through unimaginable grusome things, and through that truama and survial they form and everylasting bond.

The author absolutely took my breath away. Her writing had me feeling like i wasin the sotry, facing the same demons. The characters were magnificently written with so much depth and emtion, you would think they were real and telling you their story first hand.

This book had so much heartache and so much hope.
Definitle check the triggers before reading as it is INTENSE!

Thank you to Sourcebooks bloom books and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This book got me im every single feel that I have. Gut wrenching and powerful and the way you break for every single character. 🙌
This book may not be for everyone check trigger warnings for sure However if you can get through the triggers it is a very Powerful message about survival, guilt, mental health and love all in one.

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This one is going to stay with me... as with all the Jennifer Hartmann books I’ve read. I went in blind and am glad I did.

This was dark & intense… but in the end, hopeful and healing.

Dean & Cora 😭💔 they go through unimaginable trauma that changes them forever.

The writing was WOW… navigating the events of the story as well as the aftermath. Amazingly done and absolutely gut wrenching.

I don’t want to say too much more, because it would be spoilers. So I will just say, check TW for this one! And if you’re a Jennifer Hartmann fan, this needs to be on your list to read.

Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for a chance to review an advance copy.

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This book destroyed me along with the characters. The author made the story so believable I felt like I was trapped with them. I’ve never read anything like this before and Jennifer Hartmann is now an auto buy author for me! Prepare yourself for lots of tears and heartaches!!

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“Still Beating” by Jennifer Hartman is a dark romance. Read TW/CWs as this book contains subject matter that may be sensitive to some readers. Dual POV, MMC/FMC, First Person.

The story of Cora (FMC) and her sister’s boyfriend — whom she dislikes getting along with — is an emotional read of two unlikely people that unexpectedly get kidnapped. They are kept and brutally tortured and abused by a disturbed man. But during their time together, they recognize their
shared trauma is bringing them closer together. And their relationship that they had before has evolved into something more.

“Still Beating” is a tragic story but a love story nonetheless. Author Jennifer Hartman shows the progression of Cora and Dean’s relationship to readers beautifully as they go through something so evil and inhumane by their captor. “Still Beating” is a book that I continue to think about.

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overall, i enjoyed this book. while it was nothing groundbreaking for me, i did find myself very intrigued.

my issues were with the characters. corabelle specifically—and corabelle? really? that’s what you chose for her name?

it was slightly irritating that cora was constantly comparing herself to her sister. she seemed to think she was so more unique and perfect and wonderful and special than mandy. like ok? do you want a sticker?

it was also a little off-putting that mandy and dean had been together for 15 years… and dean claims that he wanted cora first. i’m sorry? am i missing something? you love cora so you date her SISTER for FIFTEEN YEARS and PROPOSE? what?

anyways, minus these issues, i did like the book.

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First off, if you are sensitive to dark, abusive situations with sexual violence... this is not the book for you. Still Beating is a harrowing tale of two people taken by a serial killer, and their against the odds survival. Cora and Dean's traumatic story may end in escape, but going home has never been harder. For two people who have survived the worst thing imaginable, the battle to find normalcy is only beginning.

While dark, the story will suck you in, and won't let go. Trust me, I read this entire book at work... whoops. I just couldn't put it down. It's a bare, tragic look at what happens after you survive. How traumatic events reshape you as a person, and how sometimes what you think is right in front of you isn't what you think.

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I admit, I have sat for hours wondering what I would give this one in rating form. When I broke it all down, I landed on a middle of the pack rating. Because that's how I felt. I felt like I didn't like most aspects of this read, however the writing style and quality has lead me to be a little more lenient with rating.

Still Beating follows Cora, on a night out for her sisters birthday when she has a little bit too much to drink, loses her wallet and then has to rely on her sisters fiancé Dean, who she dispises, to help her get home. During the course of that trip home, she wakes up shackled in a dark basement - with Dean locked up too with her. Cora and Dean have no idea their abductor has a plan for them. A plan that will alter the course of their relationship and blur the lines of their relationship.

In the beginning, I hated the first 30%. The only redeeming feature was how they actually seemed to grow together. Both Cora and Dean were experiencing something that no one else has and they learn that together they might be able to escape - but together they can also keep each other in the best mental state that they can be in. Then when they move on, Cora does deal with a lot of severe mental repercussions - however she seems to just float as a character. Her sister, Mandy, was an awful, awful person. She was portrayed as someone who 'cared' for her sister and fiancé - yet really only cared about what everything has done to her. She was unsupportive and blasé the whole time. My highlights were the crime loving, thriller side of me absolutely loved the idea of the "match maker serial killer". Brilliant move. And one thing I couldn't fault, was Jennifer's writing. I do think I would read more of her books - perhaps this one just wasn't the right one for me. Spoiler filled rant incoming now: Why was there no recognition that Dean was sexually assaulted too. He was just expected to be normal, go back to work, go back to his fiance. Then when he ended it with the fiance, he was seen as the villian there. In reality, even book world reality - these people needed therapy.

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🩶 Still beating - Jennifer Hartmann🩶

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars

This. Book. Broke. Me.
I have no words for how this book made me feel, it broke me then put me back together. This book had me in tears and feel real sorrow and heartache!

This book follow horrific ordeals that the main characters go through and the aftermath of trauma that the readers get to follow. Please ensure you read the trigger warnings, this is not a light and fluffy book so ensure you can handle it.

🩶Enemies to lovers
🩶Close proximity
🩶Taboo romance
🩶Dual POV
🩶Trauma recover
🩶Character driven

Thank you to Netgallery.

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