Member Reviews

It was dark, but it was so good :)

Jennifer does such a good job with this book. Is a tragic romance that you enjoyed while you are reading it.
The story of Cora and Dean is not flowers and hearts but so intense, so raw, and beautiful because you can feel what they are feeling. The writer made the parts with the point of view of Cora or Dean so you can know what are they feeling.

Each part is about something that they are living, first the abduction, the second is the part where are they feeling the worst, the worst battles, the worst of themselves and the third is when I felt they are healing.

In each part, you can feel with so much intensity.

I really like it is not something I read every day but I think it is worth it.

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This is my favorite book of 2023 so far! I was completely captivated by this heartbreaking but hopeful dark romance. The first 25-30% is really difficult to read, but the story of Dean and Cora has stayed with me since I finished the last page of this book. Their story was so heartbreaking yet so beautiful. What they had to endure and overcome together was truly remarkable and their connection and growing love for each other because of it was just written so beautifully. I wanted 300 more pages of their life together. Jennifer Hartmann writes with such emotion. I love her books, but Still Beating stands miles ahead as my all time favorite from her so far. I absolutely loved the bonus epilogue in this version of the book! All the stars ⭐️

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this book will never NOT make me weep. so emotionally and beautifully written! Jennifer Hartmann literally never misses.

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This book is full of emotion, it's a book that worms itself into your heart and forces you to feel and there is no escape. I went into this book a little blind because I was on a little mini vacation and wanted something light. This was in no way light and I realized my mistake when I was in a public airport trying to hold my tears in. Please make sure to check the trigger warnings because it gets very real very fast but for me it was oh so worth it. Cora and Dean are not friends, in Cora's eyes they only tolerate each other because Dean has been with her sister for years and at this point he's part of the family Things take a turn when they are both kidnapped by this man later dubbed 'the matchmaker." This man breaks their will and spirit, violates them and forever changes their lives. To survive they had to learn to rely on each other and reading through their pain low-key traumatized me, When they finally do make it out alive everyone expects them to be able to bounce back but its not that easy. Now they have to navigate how to go back to a normal that doesn't give them nightmares and make them want to scream when people come in close contact with them. Only they know what happened in that basement, can they really move on from all they shared?

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This book officially lives rent-free in my head and my heart. Raw, messy, heart-wrenching Jennifer Hartmann put her all into this novel and it shines through from the first page to the last.

Cora and Dean's story is one of pranks, animosity, growth, resilience, patience, and sacrifice. Their story will rip your heart out and then stitch it back together again.

One Sided Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Forbidden Love
He Falls First
Dual POV

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I really enjoyed this one, especially having read some of Jennifer’s other books this one was a welcome addition full of angst, emotion, and the forced proximity trope. I think what would have made this better is even though given the precarious situation the MMC AND FMC are put in I feel as though there should have been a little more emotion involved with the fact that he was in a relationship with FMCs sister. I still think that this was an engaging read and I would recommend other readers to check it out. Both the characters go through something horrible and are navigating in a way they can both handle. I think this story had the potential to do even more, but still a good story.

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Thank you to Jennifer Hartmann, Netgalley, and Bloom Books, for the arc. These opinions are my own, and I am leaving them voluntarily.

Notable tropes:
Dark Romance
Enemies/Friends to Lovers
Forced Proximity

Still Beating does have some pretty heavy topics/traumatic experiences, so I would highly recommend checking the TW before reading this book.

“As long as it’s beating, I’m yours.”

WOW. The rollercoaster this book took me on. The plot was definitely something new and outside of my comfort zone. I struggled getting through some of the chapters, and it was so hard to muster through… but somehow I did. Is it possible to like and also not like a book?

Few things I didn’t like…. MMC liking FMC from the beginning, but was with her sister from the beginning… Also, the sister is awful?? I just can’t comprehend how she couldn’t be a little more understanding of the situation.

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I feel bad because I wanted to love this book so much. I really tried, but it just fell flat for me.

I think the biggest issue I had with it is Cora and Dean just weren’t likable, and not in the “they are morally gray” type of way, but the just flat out disdain type of way.

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By no means is this my favorite book of the year, but it had a super intriguing concept and a solid story. Low grade spice, but I appreciate the story.

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I don’t want to spoile the story because the firsts chapters are really surprising and frightening. But I can say that this is a dark romance, so be aware that some moments are hard to read. But I cannot put this book down! We fall so hard for Cora and Dean, keep hoping they’ll be okay and in peace.
We feel so many emotions, fear, sadness, joy, heartbroken. This book will not leave you in one piece. I read many books already this year and this one is is definitely one of my favorites that left me book hangover !

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This book has one of my favourite taboo tropes which we honestly need more of. It's such a well-written, very engaging viij that I read it really quickly, devoured it and wanted more when I finished. Definitely angsty, which I love. The ansgtier the better. Jennifer Hartmann definitely outshined herself on this one.

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Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann

There are so many amazing Jennifer Hartmann books but Still Beating owns my heart above the rest. I own not one, not two, but three copies of this book ( 2 physical/1 ebook) and I am still in search of the Cover to Cover SE.

I was consumed by this story and the beauty of Jennifer’s Hartmanns writing. Pretty sure I stayed up all night reading it. She said here is a dark romance novel but I am going to make it lyrical and poetic and break you then heal you. Dean and Cora’s journey will take you through ALLLL the emotions. If you can, go into this story blind but if you have triggers definitely check the ones in this book before you start. I will say that two of my friends went into this totally blind and each had major triggers for two of the topics covered but Jennifer’s writing is so amazing that they made it through, sobbed and absolutely loved it.

Still Beating and a few other of Jennifer’s books recently got picked up by Bloom Books. The new cover with a bonus chapter releases on July 11th, 2023.

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Thank you to Bloom Books, Jennifer Hartman and Netgalley for giving me a E-ARC of "Still Beating" in exchange for an honest review

CW for kidnapping, rape (not graphically detailed), miscarriage, alcohol, non con

So this was an interesting book, because I've seen it pitched as a romance, and I would say, as the book is spilt into 3 parts, the first part is a thriller, second and third parts recovery/romance. I was sucked in the first part, so that was solid, but the second and third parts kind of weakened the whole story for me. I actually wish that more time was spent on Cora and Dean's recovery, as I felt it was quickened for the sake of the plot. But, ultimately, if you're looking for a different type of story, this should do.

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Wow do I love Jennifer Hartmann. Thank you netgalley and bloom for the arc! The first book I read by her was Lotus and I LOVED it. I was so excited I was given the opportunity to read this. Check the trigger warnings because this book is very dark. Wonderful book that really makes you think and feel as you read. The heartbreak that Cora and Dean go through is unimaginable. I do wish there was a little more character development prior to the kidnapping and a little more explanation while they were in the basement. Overall, I would recommend this to everyone.

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This book was one heck of a journey for these characters. It was messy, and it was really dark at times. But there was a lot of hope written in those chapters too.

If you have triggers, this is one book you definitely need to check the TW and CW for.

I really appreciate that the author gave her characters the time to work through the trauma, with getting professional help. That there isn’t a easy fix, especially the the trauma Cora and Dean went through.

This book was unputdownable, and it was definitely a ride. Lots of angst with this one, so come prepared for a lot of emotions!

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What an absolutely tragic and heartbreaking book about two people in an impossible situation.

Cora and Dean's relationship has always been rocky at best; but when both of them are kidnapped by a serial killer and only have each other to depend on, their relationship reaches a whole different level. The things that happened to both of them while they were chained away in the basement are completely and utterly traumatizing. And once they get out and are able to go back to their lives, they realize that they will never be the same.

This is the story of grief and loss, not of another person, but of a life that they both once knew. Dean is engaged to Cora's sister, but after they went through this event together, they are bonded like only they will understand.

The progression is their relationship is both heartwarming and sole crushing at the same time. Both of these characters needed huge hugs and 24/7 therapy after what they went through.

As usual, Jennifer Hartmann brought a book that will make you sob real tears.

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Wow...this book was tough to read but it was sooooo good and entertaining. I feel like a lot of people woudn't like it due to the heavy topics like rape and miscarriage (I struggled as well) but I still need to give it 4 stars because it was so emotional and angsty. People who don't like dark books would hate it though.

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This was incredibly dark, but VERY readable and I would definitely pick up more from Jennifer Hartmann. Major trigger warnings, and the whole sister's fiance thing was tough to read, as well as obviously the SA, but it actually wasn't too graphic.

I would struggle to *recommend* this but I definitely am glad I read it.

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Still Beating is a dark, haunting, yet hopeful tale that stayed in my mind long after I've finished reading. This story took me on an intense roller-coaster ride as I went on this journey with Dean and Cora and I'm still reeling a couple weeks later after finishing the book. This was not a traditional love story. It was terrifying, it was angsty, it was emotional and at no time was I able to put the book down. The story was captivating and will evoke so many different emotions. The author did a fantastic job showing the character's trauma and their messy chaotic feelings as well as their strength and growth as they try to move forward and heal in the aftermath of their devastating ordeal. This story was filled with triggers so please reading the warning. It was a well written and engrossing tale and I would recommend it to lovers of dark romance.

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I want to say that this book is one of my top favorite dark romances!!! Cora and Dean and enemies and soon to be in-laws thanks to her sister and Sean being engaged. The end up being kidnapped and forced to endure some horrible situations that in most cases people would never be the same again. It follows their journey of being held captive and their eventual return home which bring along its own struggles. The newly released version will include a bonus scene and I absolutely loved it!!!

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