Member Reviews

I LOVE Jennifer Hartmann. I fell in love with her writing when I stumbled up her book Lotus!! That is one of my favorite books. So when I had an opportunity to read this book I jumped at the chance. I've been meaning to read it for awhile and now I kick myself for waiting so long. This was such an interesting story. You start with such trauma and end with so much love learning to deal with the trauma. This is a MUST read book!! Grab this book NOW!!!

Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books, Bloom Books for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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Beautifully ugly. I think this this story hits so many dark elements that to some it could be ugly, but to me the way it focuses on two people making a connection out of a situation they never expected to be in is EVERYTHING. Absolutely heart touching.

I loved the different POVs between our main characters.

I loved how raw this book was. I cried, more than once because of how difficult some of these scenes were.

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I originally read this book on Kindle Unlimited and absolutely loved it and after reading it a second time, it is still as heartbreaking as the first time I ever read it.
Still Beating is such a dark book and definitely comes with a lot of trigger warnings which you should read before you pick this book up. But despite its heavier topic, I think that this is a beautiful love story about survival and being able to connect with someone through the darkest of experiences.
There were parts of this book which can make you feel so sick having to read what these characters go through but seeing them afterwards and how they were able to turn something tragic into something beautiful really is something amazing to read.
I loved the writing in this book. Jennifer Hartmann's writing is so easy to fall in love with and makes you fall in love with these characters and their relationship so easily and makes you want to keep reading even when the book turns incredibly dark.
I absolutely love the new cover for this book and cannot wait to be able to have the traditionally published edition of this book on my bookshelves.

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TW: kidnapping, attempted suicide, on page rape, sexual assault, explicit sex, murder.
This is one of the best books I’ve ever read. Probably the best romance I’ve ever read. This was so dark but the angst and the bond these two characters felt was unlike anything I’ve ever read in my life.

Cora, her sister, Mandy and Dean, her sister’s fiancé, are our at bar having a fun night. Dean and Mandy leave and Cora decided she’s going to take an Uber home. She looks and finds out her wallet has been stolen. She tries to call a bunch of friends and no one answers so she calls Dean to come pick her up. And then Dean and Cora are kidnapped.

They live chained in a basement for 20 days. Cora is raped every day by the kidnapped, Earl. And then one day Earl decides to hold a gun to Dean’s head and have him have sex with her too.

And then on day 20, they escape. The bond they have formed is undeniable. But so is the PTSD. The relationship with each other that is explored. The relationship between Dean and Mandy after they escape. The relationship between Mandy and Cora. It’s is beautifully crafted and so well written.

I loved everything about this book and have read it twice since receiving this copy.

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Is there anything that Jennifer Hartmann can't write? She is fast becoming one of my "go-to" authors and will read anything she writes without even reading the blurb. This books is slightly darker than Lotus and The Wrong Heart, but it still held the same heart-breaking emotion and had me gripped from the very first chapter.

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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Still Beating is a story of two people getting kidnapped and them overcoming their trauma together once they escape. Oh and they fall in love.

So I'm disappointed to say that I'm very underwhelmed by this book... I already didn't like premise because of the sister's fiance trope, but then I decided to give this a try anyway because I heard a lot of good things about it.

Cora and Dean are kidnapped by a psychopath and he locked them in his basement. You probably already know what happens, but the psychopath does traumatizing things to them. Fortunately they were able to escape after I think 20 days. Cora and Dean have never got along, they basically hated each other prior to the kidnapping. We see them bonding over their shared trauma and they eventually fall in love. I do believe that they've always had feelings for each other though, and them being kidnapped made them realize that. Part of me does agree with what Cora said at some point during the book, about how maybe their relationship is "temporary" and that they don't actually love each other romantically but only because they went through the same trauma and are convinced that they need each other in order to heal. I have mixed feelings about this, but if Dean actually did have feelings for Cora before, why did he get with her sister instead? Dean and Mandy's relationship lasted 15 years and they were even about to get married before this all happened.

Another thing is Cora and Dean never opened up to their families about their trauma. I get that trauma is not something that can be easily talked about, but they did talk to their therapists about it (although they never got into the vivid details). I don't think Mandy truly understood what Cora and Dean went through because of how she reacted to the breakup... Her reaction was just warranted though, but well, she could have maybe been more understanding of their bond...

Cora and Dean's relationship was also pretty frustrating because of the back and forth... Cora keeps giving in to Dean, but then avoids him after. This keeps happening for like 4 or 5 times and it just got really repetitive.

One thing I did like about this book was Tabitha's bonus chapter in the end (this chapter will be available in the re-released version of this book on July 11th!). Tabitha is also a victim of Earl, the psychopath who kidnapped Cora and Dean. We get a little bit of her story in the book, but we get to see how she actually felt in the aftermath of what happened in the bonus scene.

🦋 E-ARC provided by Netgalley!

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Still Beating By Jennifer Hartmann📖
       Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
            Spice  🌶 🌶 🌶
My thoughts about the book ~ woah so I go Into books blind for the most part and was not expecting anything that I read. Luckily for me I don't have any triggers while reading as of now. With that said this book captivated me from the start it is definitely a slow burn enemies to lovers bonding together over a tragedy, this read gave me all the feels I was angry. Horrified, emotional, In love, I could name many more, honestly  I was all over the place definitely an amazing roller coaster!

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TRIGGER WARNINGS !!! There is a lot of them. But if you can get through it like i did you wont be disappointed. this turned into one beautiful love story. By far one of the best reads of this year. This book gets a 10/10 from me. Read the book!

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This book captured me right from the very beginning, broke my heart over and over, but glued the pieces back together again at the end.

This book follows, soon to be brother and sister in law, Dean and Corabelle. Cora, Dean and Mandy (Cora’s sister) are out having drinks, Dean and Mandy decide to go home, but at the end of the night when Cora realises her purse has been stolen and she has no money for a cab, she rings Dean asking for a lift home. Tragedy strikes, and Dean and Cora are faced with something completely unexpected, leaving the two of them depending on one another for survival.

After the whole ordeal, newly developed, complicated, feelings, and having to adjust back to mundane life, Cora and Dean are dealing with their trauma and their newfound comfort with one another.

Although this book was a hard read in some places, due to the dark topics within, this book was written beautifully. I can’t wait to read more of Jennifer Hartmaan’s books.

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5⭐️ 4🌶️

"Every love story is worth writing, no matter how messy it might be."

Messy, dark, heartbreaking, heartwarming, soul shaking. Jennifer Hartmann has sucked me in and I will never be the same. This is my second read through of Still Beating and it hit me just as hard this time around. I loved the little details I picked up on this time that I may have missed before and I fell head over heels in love with Dean and Cora all over again. Still Beating was one of the first dark romance books I picked up and while the difficult subject matter may be a little easier for me to read at this point in my book journey, Jennifer's writing still makes my heart ache and my tears well up all the same.

After being taken by a serial killer and held hostage, forced to commit and endure unspeakable acts, Cora and her long-time enemy (and sister’s fiancé) are forever bonded through their trauma. When they were finally released, I thought I could let out a sigh of relief but Jennifer was screaming NOT YET. Watching their anguish and healing in the aftermath, hurting themselves, each other, and those they love, was just as gut wrenching as their time in the cellar. The push and pull and broken pieces of Dean and Cora trying to heal one another left me reeling and there was a brief moment of feeling as though all hope was lost before Jennifer delicately put the pieces of my shattered heart back together and tied it up with a sweet little bow.

I adored Dean. He was smart, witty, a bit of a jerk, but so very caring deep down and I loved watching his relationship with Cora twist, turn, and blossom. Cora absolutely broke me throughout her journey back and I certainly cried some happy tears for her once she finally found her HEA. Their relationship together was enemies to lovers, taboo, spicy, tender perfection. I’ve never read an enemies to lovers quite like this and the unique take on it was so refreshing and haunting.

Finally, I loved Tabitha and the perspective she helped Cora gain, as well as their unexpected but so desperately needed friendship. And the bonus chapter?! Everything my little Tabitha loving heart was screaming for! I’m so thrilled that we finally have her book announcement and I cannot wait to get more of her story and head back down into the cellar, while revisiting some familiar faces, when The Stars Are On Our Side releases next February.

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This book absolutely destroyed me. Before I go on anymore this was dark the subject matter uncomfortable and black, that being said I was completely blown away. This probably is going to be a little scatterbrained review because I’m still trying to absorb all this.

I have read some dark subject matter but this was wow. I am still fairly new into this sub genre. Absolutely excruciatingly painful and heartbreaking. Completely tragic.

I could not put it down. From the very beginning to the last page I did little else but emerge completely into this story. It is a story of survival and love, overcoming terrible things and coming out after it. Trust me you should read this book but be aware of the triggers because it is definitely a lot. I’m not sure how to move onto the next after this one.

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This is a story that will definitely stick with me for a long time!

There are a few books that leave me emotionally destroyed in all the best ways and forever stay with me. This has become one of those books. Cora and Dean's story is so heartbreaking and tragic but also beautiful and real. I went into this completely blind and I'm so glad I did. The author told such a tragic story in such a beautiful way that you can't help but feel all the emotions right along with the characters.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time! Jennifer Hartmann is an amazing writer I love her work and this book there is absolutely no words that can explain how good it is definitely living rent free in my mind!

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I’m kicking myself for not reading this sooner. The hype is so real for this book. Hartmann tackles something horrific and it turns it into something beautiful.

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Wow! This book blew my mind. As a new reader to Jennifer Hartmann, I dove in headfirst into this amazing story after just one look at that incredible cover and synopsis. I knew it would have the emotional intensity and feels that I love to immerse myself in. Cora and Dean have known each other since high school. Seemingly fated to be antagonists, they are constantly heckling and bickering, but are tied to each other's company because Dean is engaged to Cora's sister. Still, if there's anything they can truly depend on, it's the other person's annoying presence. Until the night that Cora needs a ride home from the bar and the only person she can reach at that hour who will pick up the phone is Dean. And that is when their nightmare begins.

Both of them are abducted and subjected to a sick and disgusting captor with a twisted sense of ownership and interference. The horror and shame that Cora has to go through with Dean as the witness is beyond appalling. Not to mention what Dean is forced to carry out as well since both of their lives depend on it. They have no choice to form a tentative bond that grows stronger because of dire circumstances. However, there are flashbacks throughout the book of their interactions and in each one, it shows how much emotion they bring out in each other, appearing to be negative but sometimes positive and usually memorable.

While the kidnapping sets the stage for the story, there is also the entire aftermath to contend with and the story focuses a lot of their relationship development from that point forward. It is a hot mess because these two individuals have been horribly traumatized and can never go back to the people that they were before, having committed acts they would have never chosen to do in the first place. And it is that shared experience of them sinking to the lowest of the low, where they see the other at their most raw and vulnerable and bottom point that binds them. This winds up being the catalyst for Dean and Cora to finally realize what they've been ignoring or overlooking all along, but it comes with heavy consequences. However, the beauty of it is how much more respect and admiration they have for each other rather than the opposite given what they've seen of the other.

The journey to recovery is a hard path for them. Either they can do it together or separately, but they both have their own crosses to bear with internal darkness to reckon with. I felt a lot of their pain because it seemed impossible no matter which path they took. So many obstacles and so much despair and self-loathing. I was surprised that their closest friends and family weren't a bit more understanding and supportive in certain ways, particularly Cora's sister in relation to Cora. I loved all the flaws and imperfections of these characters, and the story ended exactly where it was supposed to, showcasing the strength and love of two people who survived it all. As for the heavy and serious matter, there are definitely moments of humor and wit sprinkled in, too. One of my favorite reads of the year. I plan to read more of Jennifer Hartmann's books and highly recommend this one.

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Loved this book. I have read it so many times and I owned the original and per ordered the new cover extended bonus. This book will break your heart and put it back together at the end. Love Dean and Cora story!!!

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Still Beating is another fantastic book by Jennifer Hartmann. I discovered her books this past year after reading her book, An Optimists Guide to Heartbreak and the duet to it. I LOVED both of those books so when I saw Still Beating here on NetGalley I was so excited. Cora and Dean, the main characters in Still Beating were amazing. I really enjoyed Dean’s character and POV more than Cora’s, but I love the way the author wrote Cora’s story. It was necessary and also understandable that Cora’s character be written as it was in order for the story to end as it did. I loved the ending of the book. Dean was by far my favorite character.

****^^^^Possible spoiler below:
One thing I am still trying to figure out is the bonus chapter. It left me feeling somewhat sad and made it seem that Tabitha’s future may never be as happy as the reader would like it to be. My heart hurt for her as I finished this book. I would love to see a follow up book of Tabitha💗

Overall, I really, really enjoyed Still Beating and would recommend this to other readers. I just downloaded Aria on my Kindle. Jennifer Hartmann is by far the best ‘new’ author I have read so far this year.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Lots and lots of triggers, so please check the TWs/CWs before reading. I definitely think this is for someone who has read dark romance before and NOT for someone starting out in the genre.

Overall, I enjoyed this. It was so emotional yet captivating. I didn’t want to put it down.

Things I loved:
- The dynamic between Cora and Dean
- The relationship building being shown both in the past through flashbacks as well as during the captivity and recovery
- These characters took their trauma and learned to heal

Some of my complaints:
- Cora acted like she was better than her sister just because her sister liked fashion and girly things while she herself was into books and Shakespeare
- The sister like didn’t give a fuck about Dean or Cora’s trauma???? She was outraged that Dean didn’t want to get intimate ~6 weeks after they were rescued? Girl he is TRAUMATIZED and dealing with PTSD. Keep it in your fucking pants
- Another example of the sister not grasping trauma: she insists on setting Cora up on a date 6 weeks after the rescue. Which she KNOWS Cora was raped by their captor. But yes, by all means seems like a great idea to try to have her get close to a man she doesn’t really know because you want her to date again. GTFO.

I wish the ending were a bit longer, it felt like the last ~3-4 chapters were a very rushed timeline.


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This story was so heartbreakingly beautiful. It does have a few very heavy triggers so I would recommend checking the trigger warnings before reading. I honestly could not find anything negative to about this book. I originally read it back in September of 2022 and have reread it a few more times. And the new cover is stunning. Dean and Coras story will be one to remain in my heart for quite a long time.

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Still Beating
Jennifer Hartmann

Genre: Dark Romance
Rating: 5/5⭐️
Recommended: Yes!

This book was so out of my comfort zone… and I loved it! After reading the synopsis, I knew I had to go into this book with very different expectations than usual (aka desensitizing myself a little). I’m so glad I did because I don’t think I would have enjoyed the book as much!

I then went on to read her other book Lotus which I also really liked. Please check the trigger warnings before reading either Lotus or Still Beating.

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