Member Reviews

This was such a tragic and beautiful story. I love the growth Dean and Cora went through. So much happened to both characters but they made it though it in the end. The pain Cora went through hurt my soul it was so beautifully written

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Thank you to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for this ARC.

I devoured this book within 14 hours, and I was biting my nails, I was that on edge. Still Beating is a gripping dark romance book that is full of emotions. Even 2 days after finishing this book, I can't stop thinking about it. I very highly recommend this book!

**Please be aware there are TWs in this book, and I highly recommend that you make sure you are comfortable with them before reading.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Sourcebooks Bloom Books, and Bloom Books for allowing me to read this book!!

This was my first dark romance. I've read messed up things before, but this takes the cake. I was unsure how I was going to enjoy the dark romance aspect, but I ended up really enjoying it. Cora and Dean were really nice characters to read about. My only issue is I feel the side characters needded to be fleshed out more, especially Mandy. I feel there was an opportunity to explore the tramua Mandy experienced from having her sister and fiance being kiddnapped. Instead Mandy is insufferable the whole time.

A review will be posted on @abookwormsgarden on IG on July 3rd @9:00am.

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Why did I wait so long to read this. Truly an amazing story from beginning to end. These are characters that I will never forget.

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Holy SH*t!! When I say I devoured this book, I mean I didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, and wouldn’t stop until I finished it!

Cora does not get along with her sisters fiancé, Dean. They’ve been antagonizing each other for years and she’s tired of it.
When they go out for her sisters birthday, the next thing she knows is that she wakes with her and Dean in shackles, in a serial killer’s basement. They now must work together to get survive. What they don’t expect is the bond that this situation forced upon them.

This book was SO good! I’ve read over 100 books this year, and this is probably my favorite. I kept thinking about it days after reading it, and can’t wait to read it again!

This was emotional, intense, heartbreaking, and heartwarming. I cannot recommend this book enough and I know it will be on the bestseller list!

📘: Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann
🗓️: July 11, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley, Jennifer Hartmann, and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for this ARC!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

*Reviewed on NetGalley and Goodreads.

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I didn’t expect to like this as much as I did—at first I wasn’t sure if I was going to continue reading it because the beginning is intense. But I’m glad I did, because the story, while dark, was mostly about healing and second chances, and I ended up unable to put it down. This was my first read from this author, but I think I’ll check out her other stuff at some point.

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5/5 ⭐
2/5 🌶️
5/5 🎧

Still Beating is one of my all time favorite books. It's tragic, but it's so beautiful too. This was my second time reading it and I loved it just as much, if not more, this time around. There is something so profound about Dean and Cora's love, finding hope in such darkness and the bond they found while chained in a mad man's basement. I also loved the little peeks we got into Lotus and Jennifer's upcoming story The Stars Are On Our Side. This little world she built is amazing.

I adore Dean so dang much. This man goes from playing childish pranks on a girl to helping her through the hardest thing in both of their lives and the emotions you feel and discover from him in that basement will rattle your soul. The way he caressed her wrist, how he sung her favorite songs to her and all the words he said to keep her calm were magical in the most heartbreaking of ways.

What I didn't realize going in the first time was that them being captured and tortured was only a third of the story. The actual main storyline of this book is how these two learn to live with their traumas and how they overcome the taboo nature of their relationship to finally get to live out their happily ever after. Jennifer will probably write her story someday and make me love her... But I can't stand Mandy almost as much as I hate the Matchmaker. There are some things she does and says that are unforgivable and made Dean and Cora's healing so much harder. And by her attitude in the bonus scene, I'm not convinced she's ever going to grow into a person who thinks about others before herself.

Speaking of the bonus scene, I was expecting more from Dean and Cora but it actually ended up being a POV from Tabitha and gave us a little peek into her story which is coming in early 2024. I really can not wait for this Still Beating and Lotus crossover story and I'm so excited to watch her and Gabe get their happily ever after, it's so deserved.

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First off, definitely check the trigger warnings as everyone else has stated before me. There are a lot and I'd say it's pretty important for a book like this.

Second, I expected to like this book a lot more than I actually did.

It's a confusing thing to explain. It was very dark, and the main characters went through a lot of traumas, but at the same time it seemed to end too easily and too soon into the book. And I hate to say that because trauma shouldn't be timed. I expected a much more intense survival struggle and escape. But it was over halfway, and the rest of the book was a completely different, personal struggle that wasn't thriller anymore. Also, I didn't really feel a connection to any of the characters and Cora was especially unlikable.

I definitely commend the author for writing such a dark, taboo, and not talked about much topic and putting it out there. At the same time, I just felt like it fell short for me. Fortunately, I still felt pretty gripped into the story as the authors writing was done well, and it did keep me reading as I wanted to find out what happened next. Unfortunately, I didn't find what I was looking for.

That being said, I definitely still recommend giving this a read as many others actually did not feel this way. So, you may actually enjoy it!

Thank you for this eARC that was generously provided by the publisher and author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This one was just wow. Very deep emotional read. I've loved all of Jennifer Hartmann books that I've read.

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Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Publication date: July 11, 2023

Still Beating is a dark romance novel by Jennifer Hartmann. This was previously self published by the author and now being refreshed and released again.

⚠️ Trigger warnings ⚠️
Loss of pregnancy
Loss of pet

Okay so this is my first book by this author. I have read dark romance before and enjoy it. In this case, I’m not sure the lead up to the relationship was necessary. I did love the connection between Cora and Dean and really wanted to see them together, just not sure the set up was right for me.

Cora Lawson has always disliked her sisters long time boyfriend Dean (now fiancée). They tolerate each other for the sake of her sister but mostly spend any time together arguing or pulling extreme pranks on each other.

After losing her ride home after her sisters party, Cora is approached by some creep. In her desperation she calls Dean to give her a ride home and it spirals into the worst possible scenario. Cora wakes up chained in the creep’s basement with Dean by her side.

After escaping a month long harrowing experience, Dean and Cora descend into a strange new relationship born out of the tragedy they experienced together. But they soon discover that their connection runs deeper than the last month and they share more than just an experience.

This was a 3 star for read for me. While I really enjoyed the connection between Dean and Cora, I really didn’t find the initial events were to my taste or necessary to understand the connection between them.

#NetGalley #stillbeating #jenniferhartmann

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Jennifer Hartmann's "Still Beating" takes readers on a heart-pounding and emotionally intense rollercoaster ride from the very first page. This dark romance novel delves into the lives of Cora Lawson and Dean Asher, two individuals who have been at odds for years but find themselves chained together in a madman's basement. As they face unimaginable trauma and fight for their survival, their relationship evolves, blurring the lines between hate and love.

From the beginning, the author's skilful storytelling grabs hold of your attention and refuses to let go. The pacing is impeccable, with each chapter leaving you eager to turn the page and discover what awaits Cora and Dean next. The raw and authentic emotions portrayed throughout the book make it impossible not to feel a deep connection to the characters.

It's important to note that "Still Beating" contains sensitive and triggering content, so readers should familiarize themselves with the provided trigger warnings before diving into this intense journey. However, if you're a fan of dark romance, this book is a must-read. Jennifer Hartmann masterfully navigates the complexities of the genre, delivering a story that will captivate and engage you until the very end.

The bond between Cora and Dean is beautifully portrayed, demonstrating the power of love and understanding amidst suffering. The author expertly showcases their growth as individuals, as well as their development as a couple. The chemistry between them is palpable, and the moments of connection and tenderness are truly captivating.

Jennifer Hartmann's writing style is nothing short of remarkable. She deftly balances the intense and harrowing scenes without veering into excessive explicitness, making the book more accessible to a wider range of readers. The emotional impact is profound, leaving you with a mixture of tears and a desire to read the book again to fully appreciate its beauty.

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This is my first book by Jennifer Hartmann and it won’t be my last. It was well written, good pacing, and not too over the top, considering the subject matter. Check those trigger warnings! This is a very dark romance, so be prepared for a heavy plot that might make you cry.

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When Cora Lawson attends her sister's birthday party, she expects a hangover and a walk of shame at most. She doesn't anticipate a stolen wallet, leaving her stranded and dependent on her sister's fiancé, Dean Asher, who is a perpetual thorn in her side. And she really doesn't anticipate getting knocked out and waking up chained in a madman's basement, Dean beside her in his own shackles. Fifteen years of teasing, insults, and never-ending pranks cultivated to the ultimate joke of being here, two people always joking they'd end up killing each other, now depending on each other to work together if they want to survive. Cora and Dean don't know their abductor's plans for them, a plan that will alter the course of their lives, their relationship, and blur the lines between hate and love. They're in this together―no matter what their unexpected bond might cost them.

PLEASE look up all the trigger warnings, this is not for the faint of heart. This book absolutely grips you from the start - I was reading with my heart racing, holding my breath, and absolutely could not turn the pages fast enough to see what would happen next. You feel such empathy for these characters, the emotions are just so raw and real that it's impossible to not feel their pain so deeply. Literally the only criticism I have is that I feel Cora and Dean's immense trauma was being downplayed by the other characters in the book which didn't sit right with me. Aside from that, I have no complaints. And yes... I cried. If you like dark romance, this book is a must read.

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Book: Still beating by Jennifer Hartmann
Publication: 11th July 2023

I would like to take a moment to express my genuine appreciation for the remarkable work done by the author in this book. The narrative swiftly immerses us in the primary event, allowing us to witness the hardships faced by our main characters as they endure and rebuild themselves, despite the dwindling hope, yet remaining resilient in their will to survive, as long as the heart is still beating.

The book is structured into three parts, with the initial section depicting the trauma, followed by the aftermath where the characters strive to establish a normal life while grappling with persistent doubts, insecurities, and nightmares. Eventually, they gain a clearer perspective on life and to keep fighting for not only themselves but for each other.

The way this book portrays the love, and understanding between our main leads is truly awe-inspiring and despite finishing this book in a day’s time, I craved for more.

Thank you NetGalley and sourcebooks bloom books for the ARC copy.

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⚠️Definitely check out Trigger warnings. This book has a sensitive topics that some may find uncomfortable. I received an arc for an honest review of this book. Thank you NetGalley and Bloom books

This was such an amazing story. It starts off sort of hectic and gut wrenching. The stuff that Cora and Dean endured was difficult. Learning to navigate outside the experience was hard. It’s a story of finding connection during suffering. The love they shared is beautiful. Dean is 😍!! It an emotional rollercoaster full of ups and downs. I loved it!! I have read June first prior to this and all I can say is Jennifer writes such emotional stories. I definitely recommend reading this book

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This book was Heavy. If you are going to read this, make sure you check the TW/CWs.

With that said, this book is phenomenal and so well written. This book pulled me into it in a way that not many books have, It shattered my soul and then it slowly built me back up. I cried more than once while reading this. If you can handle the TW/CWs then this book is a must read. It is a dark romance done perfectly. It did what I want a dark romance book to do. I loved it so much and all I want to do is read it over and over again. I will say that this is not a dark romance for readers who haven't read the genre before.

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Is it weird to say that I thought this was a beautiful book? Well I'm going to anyway.
Aside from the genuinely horrific trauma that the two main characters go through, this book has some genuinely amazing moments of love and chemistry and it's shows the highs and lows of mental health.
The writing was fabulous and while the intense scenes weren't overlv explicit we were still able to feel the pain from the characters without having the scenes go into a lot of details which probably makes this easier for a lot of people to read.
I sobbed while reading this and for this is the best way I can recommend a book.

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**Make sure to check trigger warnings, this is a DARK romance with a lot of intense themes**

This book definitely will not be for everyone, it's incredibly dark and intense but I personally thought it was really well written. I developed a really strong connection to the main characters and was routing for them the entire way through their story and was so happy with the ending they got.

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THIS BOOK! I just adore Jennifer Hartmann and I loved this book! Its so exciting that these books are getting published and having their moment. This book is a bit taboo but go into it with an open mind and you will fall in love. It also has an element of suspense that keeps you flying through the pages. Cant recommend enough!

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I haven't read much dark romance and this one truly dropped me right in the middle of it, especially because I went in very blind. If you think dark romance might not be for you, I'd skip this one.

The thing that kept this book from being five stars for me was how quickly friends and family wanted everything to get back to normal after the trauma. I think the author focused the most on Cora and Dean and their relationship so other timelines/events that take place after their trauma didn't feel fully fleshed out to me.

Although difficult to read at times, there’s also a lot of growth and hope. I really enjoyed the writing and the author’s ability to add in just the right amount of sweet words and moments.

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