Member Reviews

Rehab is a woman in the Bible who showed strength when she could have cowered. I was genuinely excited to go through this study.

This Bible study goes deep into the Bible in everything that leads up to Rahab’s story. It’s all connected. The author asks deep questions that make you think about what you’re reading. She also connects other parts of the Bible to Rahab’s story.

I enjoyed reading this study, and I’d like to look for the author’s other studies. I received this ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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Shadia take readers on insightful, deep , courageous journey about Rahab's story. Shadia entwined her personal experiences that I relate to. I enjoy learning about Rahab's story in whole new light. I am still on this journey to the end of Rahab's story . I am surprise that to learn that Rahab is part of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Good read! I enjoyed the Bible study, it was a little fluffy but overall, enjoyable. I would recommend it.

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Rahab is a thought-provoking six-week study focusing on the biblical character of Rahab. We see how God uses ordinary and sometimes ostracized people in extraordinary ways.

The book lends itself well as a group or personal study.

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I originally thought that this was just a book to read. It was a bible study to help my go deeper into the book. I loved this Bible study. Digging into Rahab was eye opening.

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Shadia Hrichi has done a beautiful job in bringing Rahab to life in this 6 week Bible study. I love the story of Rahab for the way it illustrates the redemptive nature and grace of God. I loved the dive into the historical and cultural context surrounding Rahab's life and the way her transformation is highlighted, from a woman who was a prostitute to one who makes the brave choice to put her faith in God and ends up mentioned as a woman of great faith who is a part of the lineage of Jesus. Well worth the read. Highly recommend!

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The story of Rahab has always been one of my favorites. A prostitute who saved others - also in the family line of Jesus! This true story is a reminder of how we all fall short of the glory of God, and he still loves us unconditionally.

I appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a review.

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Love, love this book. The first book by Shadia Hrichi that I have read. But I am sure that it won’t be the last. A six week devotional that can be use£ either as a personal study or in a small group setting.

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This is a six week, five day personal study that can be as in-depth as you want. You choose a commitment level and there are questions for a group discussion. It can be done without a group and I felt like I was doing it with the author.
The study is challenging and made me stretch my faith. I think the author did a great job.
Thanks Leafwood Publishers via NetGalley.

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The Bible study on Rahab was incredibly insightful and uplifting. It beautifully highlighted Rahab's remarkable faith and courage, demonstrating how God uses unlikely people for His divine purposes. The sessions were engaging, with thoughtful discussions that deepened our understanding of God's grace and redemption. The study brought the story of Rahab to life, emphasizing themes of trust, repentance, and God's unfailing love. The group's fellowship and support were wonderful, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Overall, this study was a powerful reminder of God's ability to transform lives and a testament to the strength found in faith.

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RAHAB Rediscovering the God who saves me. By SHADIA HRICHI is an in depth study of Rahab and God’s faithfulness towards a pagan woman who had only heard of the God of the Israelites and yet her actions show her great faith in Yahweh. “Rahab’s story is our story”. I love the author’s honesty and friendliness as she leads us on a journey through Rahab’s life which lines up with ours. She has done incredible research but there is nothing at all heavy in her writing - it is cheerful and easy to understand, and I also like the way we are invited to take part in the study, which I will do when I read the book again over six weeks. The Bible verses she uses back up everything she says.
I cannot recommend the book highly enough.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Abilene Christian University Press and Leafwood Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own

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I never knew, when grabbing a study about Rahab, that I would be traveling from Genesis all the way to Revelation. We spent time with Abraham and Moses and went into Revelation also. There were some very cool parallels that I had never realized. This study has a lot of different levels where you can take it. You can do a basic study or go all the way up to each session of study taking you an hour of time every day.
This is my first study by this author, but I’d like to do more.

I received an eARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Rahab: Rediscovering the God Who Saves Me is a Bible study by gifted author Shadia Hrichi. This six week study may be done individually or in a group. It is extraordinary!
The author has a fabulous way of writing and presenting her material. It is easy to understand and follow. She presents life application questions to make it personal and relatable. There is much food for thought here.

Whether you are a seasoned Christian or new fledgling one, you will benefit from this edifying study. I highly recommend it for all Christians. It gets a 5 star rating from me.
A copy was provided by NetGalley, but these are my honest words. #Rahab

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I found this book to be very informative. It makes you think and dive deeper into how God used Rahab and also of God's promises. It would be a great book to use in small group Bible studies as well as personal Bible study. If I found anything I didn't like it would be that it didn't just focus on Rahab as the title implies but that's minor. It was interesting and helpful in my studies.

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A very eye opening Bible Study of Joshua using Rahab. And how she was indeed important in the line of Jesus.

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This study is packed with history and is a fantastic resource to explore the Bible. The main focus is on Rahab's story, but also goes into many scriptures from both the Old and New Testaments. It's an easy read and great study.

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This would be a wonderful Bible Study to do on your own or with a group of people! You can go through it slowly in a couple of weeks or do it daily.

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Rahab: Rediscovering the God Who Saves Me is a Bible study that is not to be missed. The time and effort that went into developing this study has to have been quite significant. It goes beyond simply looking into what the Bible says (which is a necessity, of course!). This author writes the best personal application questions I have ever encountered in a Bible study. The questions are specific and clearly exemplify how the Biblical passage is directly relevant to the reader’s life. While there are options for using only portions of each day’s reading, I highly encourage readers to go all-in to get the most out of it. I cannot wait for the accompanying video teachings to be released. I will definitely be purchasing a physical copy of this study and will be looking into other works from the author!

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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ARC copy received from NetGalley

This is the story of Rahab, the Canaanite prostitute who lied to her king’s soldiers about the Israeli spies she was harboring in her loft. Her faith in God is rewarded after the spies keep their word and save her family from Jericho’s imminent destruction.

Rahab even makes it to the bloodline of Christ.

First things first, this is not a regular book but a devotional bible study designed to be read over several weeks. The reader is often asked to read prescribed verses and fill out blanks and notes. This might not work for those using an e-reader.

Rahab makes her entrance at around page 48 of this 181-word book. Personally, I think it could have been edited for brevity, perhaps 30-40 pages shorter.

That said, I did learn a lot about Rahab who could very well be a modern day hero. A woman living alone in a time when men’s sexual needs were not only catered to but also institutionalized, being constantly referred to as “Rahab the Prostitute”, yet displaying shining qualities – resourceful, bearing presence-of-mind, taking a leap of faith into the unknown, she even negotiated a deal with enemy spies so that her parents, siblings and their families would be spared.

Mention worthy are her detailed instructions to the spies to facilitate their escape, asking them to hide out in the mountains for three days and then proceed, all in an effort to outsmart her king’s men.

The Question of Lies

Another theme that the author Shadia does make reference to is the question of lies, how Rahab lied to her king’s men about the spies having left when they were still at her home. A couple of bibles I referenced do not use the verb “lied” to describe her action. This book too describes her action of lying as "weaving a convincing tale to throw off the king's messengers."

This got me thinking, is a white lie still a lie, or are some lies justified?

There’s a quote from an American series which goes:

“I'll tell you about lies.
There are white lies and black lies, and many shades of grey lies.
Some lies are justified.
Lies told out of kindness, lies that preserve dignity, lies that spare pain.
Everybody is a Liar, dear.”

I would recommend the book for those serious about bible study as the author has taken effort to cross-reference relevant verses from both the Old and New Testament.

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Rahab by Shadia Hrichi is a thought-provoking six-week devotional which focuses on the character of Rahab and how we can all easily relate as we all have bits of her in us. Hrichi emphasizes, "Rahab's story is our story". Absolutely true. The author also clearly describes the steps of faith, grace, trust and salvation. We see how time and time again how God uses ordinary (sometimes even ostracized) people in extraordinary ways. Rahab was clever, brave and enterprising and she had only heard of God.

What an excellent group (or personal) study this would make. The format ensures plenty of space for note taking and answering questions. Included are points to ponder which I like in particular. There are also "just for fun" bits such as imagining what Rahab's home environment was like. Another thought which really resonated with me is that God saves us from ourselves, as the author described of her own situation. I like the idea of written devotionals to keep one focused (speaking from experience) and the fact that the author has weekly dates with God at the sea! We could all implement that, sea or no sea. So many practical lessons to be learned. God is always, always faithful and He never changes.

Whether you are new to Christian devotionals or not, you will definitely get something out of this. God knows our needs and will meet them in ways which are special and miraculous.

My sincere thank you to Abilene Christian University Press & Leafwood Publishers for providing me with an early digital copy of this wonderful devotional book.

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