Member Reviews

2.5 - 3 stars
by Shadia Hrichi
This is a very in-depth look into the life of Rahab. I truly learned a great deal about her, her life and her family.
I do, however, have a few reservations about this study. This would be a much better group study than an individual one due to the length and the manner in which the book is designed.
I personally dislike the fill in the blank work in each section. It is much easier when an author gives you the entire verse instead of dropping out a few words here and there, especially when reading on an electronic device.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley.

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I loved Shadia's Hagar study before, and this did not disappoint. I love her style of writing, and love the way she implores the reader to further study God's Word and how God values women. Excellent, Biblically-based work.

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Rahab: Rediscovering the God Who Saves Me
Shadia Hrichi
This is the retelling of the story of Rahab. We first learn of Rahab in the Old Testament. God uses what we as humans consider the most unlikely, God used Rahab, a prostitute, a female, a brave soul and an extremely intelligent woman able to plan.
Rahab was not an Israelite, she never witnessed any miracles, nor did she know God’s laws but she had heard of God, his power and she believed. She hid and protected the Israelite spies when they entered the Canaanite lands/the Promised Land, despite the kings command she risked her life and found eternal life. She is in the lineage of Christ Jesus. Through Rahab’s story we witness the passion God has for his people; he pursues us.
This is a six-week study.
Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this book to review. My reviews are always my unbiased opinion.

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Rahab by Shadia Hrichi is an in-depth bible study. Complete with spaces for notetaking and comments.

A copy was provided for my review. All opinions are my own.

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