Member Reviews

While I enjoyed this and found some parts amusing, it really wasn't what I was expecting. It was very short and a lot of it is typical crap that parents tell kids to get out of explaining things, doing things, or to get kids to do things.

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Outrageous Fibs We Tell the Kids: The Best Lies Grown-Ups Tell Children
Charlie Ellis
Did your parents ever tell you a lie? Have you ever told your children a lie? Of Course Not. We prefer to call it a Fib. Why would we as parents tell our children a lie? I know why! To get them to behave. Or maybe the prevent further questioning when we aren’t sure of the answer ourselves.
Santa is checking up on you to make sure you are being good. Remember the doll that laughed when you tickled it and when bounced. It also laughed when you bounce her head off the floor. Actually, it never stopped laughing after that. Did you take the batteries out? Did you tell your child the doll broke? Officially that was a lie but when you told your children it was a white lie or a fib.
I found the written book funny, but the audio book left a lot to be desired. The text to this book needs to be read and thought about, you can’t do that with the audiobook. I read the reviews of this book and I think everyone was too serious or they didn’t want to remember the things they told their children. This is a short book; the audiobook is a mere 53 minutes in length. I laughed. Being a parent isn’t always easy and we do what we have to, too cope. If you are truly honest with yourself you have told a few “white lies” in your life time.

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Not the best text for an audiobook, but it's a quick and charming satire.

Audiobook ARC from publish via NetGalley, but the opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and Charlie Ellis for the ARC copy of this book. I am reviewing the audiobook version only.

I had very high hopes for this book but sadly, did not enjoy it. I understand that the author intended it to be funny and light-hearted but I feel as though the jokes fell flat and missed the mark for me. It was a very short audiobook so it may be worth it to give it a listen and form your own opinions.

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Outrageous Fibs We Tells the Kids has its heart in the right place, collecting all those white lies we tells kids to get them to behave or because the real answer is probably too complicated. And it may work a lot better in print than it does as an audiobook.

But I can only judge it by the audio version of the book.

Charlie Ellis sets up a lot of jokes, only to have them not deliver the goods. The observations are humorous, but the audiobook doesn’t allow you time to consider the humor and laugh at it before it’s moving on to the next joke. I ended up becoming partially frustrated with the book about halfway through its run time (and it’s a relatively short run time) and wanting to give up.

As with a lot of humor, it’s hit or miss. What may strike me as witty or humorous may not play the same for you. So, while I didn’t love this one, others might.

It feels like an easy gift for Father’s Day, as a lot of these fibs are ones that dads might tell to the youngsters.

In the interest of full disclosure, I received a digital copy of the audiobook from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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what a curious and hilarious book. it was such a fun break from what I normally read. It was quirky and silly and everything it was supposed to be.

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This book was outrageously funny and made me wish I'd read it before kids.

This is a perfect parent-to-be gift. Or read just to share the fun with others. Either way, you'll have a good laugh and be glad that you're not the only parent dealing with these kinds of kid questions and behaviors.


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I definitely expected this to be funny. It was more just a telling of things that many parents do or tell their children (like when that super annoying toy just magically stops working but we took the batteries out…). At the least I would have enjoyed it to be told with a funny tone rather than the stilted version I experienced.

I received the audio through NetGalley and I’d say this would likely be better served in any other format. It’s short and it was fine, but where these books usually make me giggle, I barely cracked a smile in the 53min listen - and I think it’s just the delivery didn’t hit for me.

I’m gonna go a neutral 3⭐️ though because I do think this would be more enjoyable in literally any other format.

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The book was witty and entertaining for the 54 minutes but it jumped from one thing straight to the next. There wasn't a lot of flow or story in between. I wish it would have had a better varying length in the stories/fibs.

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This was a fun quick listen that definitely made me laugh out loud. I’m glad it was as short as it was because I don’t think I would have kept being humored by it had it been longer.

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A book making fun of the type of lies parents tell to try and convince kids to eat vegetables, go to bed, do homework, etc. The author is from England so all of the slang is very much British - "torch" instead of "flashlight", etc., and so this is more for a British audience than American. Overall its cute but not hilarious.

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The audiobook for this is like having a joke book read to you. There is no overarching story or narrative to weave the stories together. They aren’t even grouped by topic or theme. While the jokes/anecdotes are mildly amusing, audio is not a good format for this style of book.

The narration was good.

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Thank you to #Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced audiobook. I liked the narrator and that it was short. However: the stories didn’t seem to flow and some were exactly what the title says; outrageous. I still laughed out loud. If you need a laugh - listen to this book!

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There were some funny moments in this book, but I didn’t ever laugh out loud, which was disappointing. Some of the suggestions made in this book seem outdated, like pushing the star button on the telephone, but it may just be the difference in cultures that make it appear that way to me.

This narrator didn’t feel like the right fit for this book. The strong accent made it difficult to understand what he was saying at times. There weren’t any pauses between chapters so the topic changed without any transitions, and the accent made it take me a moment to realize it each time.

It was an okay short book. The idea has some good potential, but it wasn’t executed as well as it could have been.

Thank you to #NetGalley for an audiobook ARC of #OutrageousFibsWeTellKids by #CharlieEllis - 2 stars

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This was absolutely hilarious! I loved this quick audio and would recommend it to any new parents. I can just see us using some of these great fibs!

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An entertaining listen - so easily done in a single listen. I feel like I did get some creative ideas for parenting through this book, though I recognize it’s satire. If you’re looking for a lighthearted parenting audiobook, I think it’s worth a listen!

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Thanks NetGalley for this ARC audiobook. I do not have children. However, I do have lots of nieces and nephews. All of the white lies in this audiobook are obviously for the kids who are so curious sometimes it drives you mad. I don't condone lying, but I wish I knew some of these jokes when they were younger to explain away some of the subjects that were too mature from them. My favorite story was the "finding their kids eating carrots under their blankets at bedtime".

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Short, funny audiobook. Good narration- enjoyed the narrators vocals, talking speed, etc. Although the book was funny at some parts, it must NOT be taken as actual advice (which it mentions briefly in the beginning but could have been mentioned a couple more times), as some of these were just not a good idea. As I was listening, I kept thinking about how traumatizing these little white lies could be and how some could even backfire and it made me think- why can't we just tell them the true reason they shouldn't do something? Overall would have given 2 stars but I did like the narrator so upped it to 3.

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This was a fun & short audiobook.

Some stuff was weird but some stuff was pretty funny.

Very tongue in cheek though, some of these things you’d never actually tell your kids. 😂🤣

If you’re a parent / aunt / uncle etc looking for a fun lighthearted read, you’ll prob enjoy this one.

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Funny at times but also very over the top. As an audiobook it was choppy and didn’t flow, but is a quick listen.

Parenting is hard, so I get the need for survival of telling lies. For me, some were too much BUT it states to not take these literally. I personally really enjoyed the “are we there yet” lie.

Thank you, Netgalley and RB Media, for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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