Member Reviews

2.5 stars

I’m glad I stuck this one out since I almost gave up several times. The last 20% finally became the book I was anticipating reading since the beginning of the book felt like it was a competition to see how many cliches/hot topics could be shoved into one book: rape, abuse, alcoholism, abandonment, witchcraft, murder, infidelity, gaslighting, suicide, transgender, lesbians, anti police, drugs, adult and minor relationship, infertility, and more. It felt like the author was trying to win a bet to see how many triggers she could fit into one book. It made the book kind of annoying since I was just planning on reading a psychological thriller/mystery.

The other struggle I had was, there are so many characters! Most of the first half of the book I was so lost and confused on who was who and why they are connected to Jamie.

Thanks NetGalley and publisher for the digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I did need to take notes during this story to keep up with the number of characters involved in this revenge murder mystery. Seven women with seven motives plus family members and police officers, it was a lot to remember. However, the story was very enthralling. I hated Jamie with a passion and I am glad someone killed him, never known a character more deserving of death. With so many suspects, I honestly could not work out who the murderer was and even when the big reveal happened I was still surprised. I received the audio book arc and it killed me not to be able to read through the story faster. Very good book highly recommend.

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I’m not gonna lie, the blurb of this one pulled me in and it did not disappoint! The premise aside, there’s content in this one that some readers might be aware of - check out at the end for more info.

This one takes you across multiple timelines as you follow the multiple viewpoints of each of the women in this very particular group. It did take me a while to get it in my head the backstory of each woman, as there’s a lot to process. But once I got my head round them all - I was hooked.

I loved how Wilding slowing brings out the back story to each of the characters and they each have their own reasons for killing Jamie. And the breadth of the injustice they’ve experienced at his hands or because of his actions made my blood boil. But there’s also the events taking place after his death that were equally gripping, as we also follow the lead police officer (who also has an indirect connection). And when the big reveal came, I honestly hadn’t guessed it.

I also loved the narration with this one - Prendergast brings a Newcastle twang to the voice of this story, but given she’s got to bring more than 7 different characters to life, it’s a cracking listen.

Thanks to NetGalley, the team at John Murray Press/Baskerville, and the author for the opportunity to listen to this review copy.

⚠️Content warning/potential spoilers: reference to self harm, rape/sexual assault, gaslighting, suicide, domestic abuse, transphobia ⚠️

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An exciting thriller read with twists that keep you guessing till the end! Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

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I came across this author by accident, I thought I'd try the first book. I wasn't disappointed, brilliant story excellent characters, and I'm looking forward to book 2.

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I just reviewed Speak of the Devil by Rose Wilding. #SpeakoftheDevil #NetGalley

Didn’t know what to make of this book (Audiobook) at first and it took me some getting into but ended up really enjoying it.

It’s about several women who are all called to meet at a certain place. A human head is revealed. The head of Jamie who has been involved with all the women in the room, in one way or another.

Murder, Mystery, Love, Heartbreak, Deceit. It has everything you could want in a murder mystery.

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This story revolves around 7 women confronted with the death of a man; each woman had at some point liked or loved him up until they got their own unique taste of his abusive, gaslighting psychopathy.

As the investigation unfolds, we learn more and more about their histories with him- and the many possible motives for his death. On a surface level, this is a story about a murder investigation; on another level, it’s a story of gendered trauma; on a deeper level, it’s a story about the ways women can either support one another, or turn against one another, when in the orbit of a charismatic but manipulative man.

It’s a decently told story, if a bit slow in parts, and abrupt at the end.

*I was provided with an ARC by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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