Member Reviews

Set in ancient Crete around 1440 B.C.E., the novel follows fifteen-year-old Martis, a young poet and aspiring bull-leaper. When her sister Arge dies suddenly at her wedding, Martis is convinced it was murder. Arge appears to Martis in a dream, revealing that she was poisoned. Driven by grief and determination, Martis embarks on a dangerous quest to avenge her sister’s death. As she investigates, she uncovers unsettling secrets within her squabbling family and suspects that the killer may be someone close to her. The story weaves together Goddess worship, sacred snakes, and human jealousy against the backdrop of an ancient civilization.

This is an engaging mystery set in a vividly depicted historical context. Eleanor Kuhns skillfully combines suspense, family dynamics, and ancient rituals. “In the Shadow of the Bull” offers a captivating blend of mystery, mythology, and poetic prose.

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Ancient Crete, 1450 BC. When her sister Arge drops to the floor in convulsions and then dies at her wedding, fifteen-year-old Martis, a young poet and bull leaper in training, is certain she was murdered.

Having studied the Minoan Period in University, I became fascinated by all things Cretan.
Martis must find out who murdered her sister, her shade continually haunts Martis until she solves this mystery. At the same time she is determined to be a bull leaper despite her high born status and total family disapproval. I found the narrative flowed well and was, at certain points, really hard to put down. Kuhns injects great passion and action in her books. Any reader with an interest in ancient Crete and Greece will love this story, so good. The whodunnit is really unexpected. Thank you Severn and Netgalley for an ARC of In the Shadow of the Bull. Apologies for the delay in reviewing.

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Crete, 1450 BCE. After her beloved sister, Arge, dies at the beginning of a wedding ceremony, Martis is visited by Arge’s shade. Her sister was poisoned, and fifteen-year-old Martis, who dreams of becoming a bull leaper, is tasked with exposing the murderer. Martis’s mother, a member of the all-female priesthood, tries to get her daughter to focus on weaving instead of investigating. Instead, Martis sneaks out to fulfill her promise to Arge. Martis is sure it was Arge’s betrothed but quickly learns that there are those in her family that are protecting dangerous secrets.

Martis has much to learn in her attempt to uncover the truth behind her sister’s death. As she grows in knowledge, readers are treated to a vivid walk-through of ancient Knossos during the final few breaths of Crete’s flourishing Minoan culture. Kuhns’s exploration of this time and place is intriguing to read. Actually, I could have used more. Many observations are limited to smell (most often, human sweat and bull “musk”) and visualization of a limited area. Occasionally, words pop up that are out of time, like calling someone a “serf” (serf and slave aren’t synonyms). While the practice/performance of bull leaping heightens the tension for Martis, these moments don’t quite transcend the page. Additional time with Martis interacting with her fellow acrobats while training would help endear these characters and moments to readers. The middle section’s sense of urgency slows considerably as the investigation pretty much halts. Martis asks the same people questions over and over, prisoners keep escaping the same prison over and over, Martis sneaks out of her house over and over. However, readers will enjoy the final act, which is filled with twists and turns, resulting in a reveal that’s a satisfying surprise.

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Eleanor Kuhns immerses the reader in ancient Crete with In the Shadow of the Bull. It's 1450 BC and Martis has sworn an oath to the spirit of her murdered sister Arge to find the murderer. The suspect is the Greek Saurus who was supposed to marry Martis. The background is the bull leaping culture and goddess culture of Crete. Enjoy an interesting historical mystery.

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This is the year of Crete: a blog tour made me organise a travel to Heraklion and another blog tour makes me travel to those places I recently visited.
It was a pleasure to read this book as the images of the places, the smells and the atmosphere are still fresh in mind and it was like visiting the places and travel back in time.
This a good historical novel as there’s a vivid and well researched historical background. It bring us to an age when the Minoan civilization was at the top and we get to know Martis, a young women who is poet and a bull leaper in training.
One of Martis’ sister is killed on the day of her wedding and Martis will start to investigate trying to understand who-did-it.
Eleanor Kuhn writes solid mysteries and this was quite good. Martis is a clever woman and she’s able to investigate without being too reckless.
The historical part plays a relevant role as the different people of the Mediterranean area and the continental Greece are featured with their customs and their prejudices.
It’s hard to imagine how it was 3500 years ago, the Minoan civilization is still a bit mysterious as the Linear A, their way of writing, is not deciphered yet. I liked how Ms Kuhn developed her version of this civilization keeping track of what we know.
One note: Martis is 15 and, I suppose, a woman of 15 was a grown up woman even if she acts like a very young woman at times.
I hope to read soon other books in this series and catch up with Martis.
This one is highly recommended.
Many thanks to Eleanor Kuhn, Severn House and Partners In Crime Tours for this digital copy, all opinions are mine

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Martis is an interesting character. She is the youngest of four sisters – although one of her sisters is a house slave due to having been born in the wrong place. Martis is certainly a rebel – while her mother wishes her to become a weaver, she yearns to become a bull-leaper, like her grandfather. Her mother is an acolyte of the Priestess, who is the mouthpiece of the Goddess and is therefore reasonably well placed within Cretan society. However, when Arge, Martis’s older sister decides to marry a barbarian from the mainland, many people aren’t all that happy about it. It takes all of Arge’s persuasive powers to let the wedding take place, so there is general shock and grief when the bride dies during the ceremony in convulsions.

Martis is utterly horrified – Arge is her favourite sister, due to her sweet and gentle nature. But when Arge’s Shade visits Martis and claims she’s been poisoned – it’s Martis who she charges to find her murderer. It’s a heavy responsibility to bear and Martis is frankly overwhelmed at the task. Interestingly, the pace at this point slightly stutters and I did wonder if having such a very young and inexperienced protagonist was holding back the storyline. However, it turned out to be a smart move. For all Martis’s habit of sneaking off for secret practices at bull-leaping – she isn’t all that streetwise, which makes sense given her age and birth. So aspects of society need to be explained to her that would be apparent to adults of the time – and as the reader, we also get to learn about them.

Kuhn’s world-building is superb. I enjoyed learning about the clothes, the food and the general customs of the time. I found it intriguing that women of this particular time, before the usual pantheon of Greek gods overwhelmed the worship of the Goddess, had a great deal more power and freedom than was usual within Hellenic society. So it’s Martis’s mother who is head of the household and the one to make the major decisions regarding her daughters – particularly as her husband is a slave who makes sandals.

I also liked watching Martis grow up during the story. Arge’s death isn’t the only tragedy to beset their family and increasingly, Martis needs to step up and help her mother. I thought I knew whodunit – and I was wrong. Furthermore, the murderer had a strong motive for their actions that made entire sense, even though it was a shocking act. As this is a series, there are a couple of dangling plotpoints that will clearly need to tidied away in the next book – which I look forward to reading. Highly recommended for fans of historical murder mysteries set in ancient Greece. While I obtained an arc of In the Shadow of the Bull from the publishers via Netgalley, the opinions I have expressed are unbiased and my own.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Severn House for this Advanced Reader Copy and the opportunity to review “In the Shadow of the Bull.” All opinions and comments are my own.

Martis is a fifteen-year-old girl in ancient Crete. Her ambition in life is to be a “bull-leaper,” part of the sacred religious rites to honor “The Goddess.” An honored position, but very dangerous, as you can imagine. While she is preparing to do this, her sister Arge is preparing to get married. Unfortunately, that isn’t going to happen. Sister Arge is going to die, and “In the Shadow of the Bull,” written by Eleanor Kuhns, younger sister Martis is tasked by the High Priestess (and the demanding Shade of the poisoned sister; there’s a touch of the supernatural here) to find her murderer.

As you can probably appreciate, no one expects Martis to be able to accomplish this - we’re told this a lot -- but she does. The identity of the murderer might not be a head-scratcher to readers, either -- there were plenty of clues along the way, and whether the author intended it to be that easy is anybody’s guess. Oh, there were suspects aplenty, and red herrings thrown in -- family secrets and shady moments, for instance -- but I had a pretty good idea of who was the bad’un from the get-go. Lust and jealousy, always grounds for murder.

What I did enjoy was the look into Minoan culture and practices. The bull leaping ceremonies and preparations were interesting to read about, recapping the reciting of the rituals and customs. An author’s note explains more about the people and the times in Crete, circa 1460 BC.

Martis is a fully realized character, not a child and not an adult, sure and unsure of herself, able to fulfill her ambition while carrying out a crime investigation. Author Eleanor Kuhns shows what it means to be this young person very well, in “In the Shadow of the Bull.”

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1450 BC. Crete. It is the wedding day of Arge but during the ceremony she dies. Her sister Martis, on receiving a visititation from Arge, is determined to find her murderer (from a limited suspect pool). Her first suspect is the groom Saurus. Martis seems to go from one suspect to the next quite quickly. A lot of description of the times, and for me not enough mystery, and not really a likeable main character
Overall an enjoyable historical mystery and a decent start to a new series.
An ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Ancient Crete, 1450 BCE. Like many in her family, fifteen-year-old Martis is wary of her sister's decision to marry a "barbarian" man from the North. But then the bride dies publicly and unexpectedly at the altar—and Martis believes she was murdered.

What an absolutely unique read! The ancient city of Knossos comes alive with descriptions of sights, sounds, smells, and traditions. Martis, our heroine, is young but determined to find justice for her beloved sister. Family and friends are nuanced, relationships are complex, and the politics of the time and place are intriguing. I especially enjoyed the details about "bull-leaping," the ancient Minoan tradition of acrobatic leaps over the back of a charging bull. Martis is an aspiring bull-leaper and much of the book explores this.

The writing is clear and accessible, and the mystery is strong and twisty. I do wish, though, that the denouement was longer. I was hoping for a stronger resolution to tie everything together (or, at least, more time spent on the "why" and "how").

I so hope this book finds its audience—mystery readers, historical fanatics, and perhaps even fantasy lovers who enjoy settings in completely different worlds would enjoy this read. The author's note in the back offers excellent context to her creative decisions with the story.

Thank you to Severn House and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. I've shared my review to Goodreads and will post on Instagram closer to the pub date.

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In the Shadow of the Bull is a historical fiction mystery novel set on the Ancient Greek island of Crete. With Martis, a prospective bull leaper, trying to solve the murder of her older sister and bring her justice.

This book had vivid descriptions of clothing and regalia that was not only engaging and essential for establishing the setting, but also in maintaining historical accuracy and a establishing a sense of time and place. The plot entwines Martis’ vow to avenge her sister and her own ambitions to be a bull leaper, both elements of the plot are given equal coverage. It was nice that Martis had interests and goals instead of a vague two dimensional passion, the addition of her enjoying poetry also added to the story, giving additional detail and description in a lyrical manner.

From early on in the story I had a hunch on who the murderer was (based purely on vibes, not at all on evidence) and as the plot began to advance I thought I was certainly correct, however, the writing and plot were woven so well that I too, soon shared Martis’ doubt and confusion, and started seeing suspects everywhere. I did not foresee the murderer or the ending coming at all, the twist was well done. It would have been nice to have some closure for Martis and the characters beyond identifying Arge's killer.

Overall this story presents an engaging mystery in an ancient setting that evokes clear, strong imagery. It was a relatively fast paced, enjoyable read. Thank you to NetGalley, and the publisher Severn Press, for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review, these thoughts are all my own.

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