Member Reviews

Anna Lakeman works with her father, Peter, on paleontology digs of dinosaur bones. Anna makes sketches of the digs. When they discover dinosaur bones near their home, they become involved in the Bone Wars. Anna has felt great sadness due to the loss of her true love, Joshua Ziegler. He left for medical school and never returned or wrote. When her father falls ill and Joshua returns, will Anna be able to navigate what life has thrown at her?

I enjoyed that this novel had it all: well developed characters, romance, mystery, suspense, fascinating history on the Bone Wars. I didn’t know much at all about the Bone Wars and how competitive they were on finding dinosaur bones in the American west. I loved the note at the beginning of the novel where author Kimberley Woodhouse discussed how she came up with the idea for the book and talked to the granddaughter of a famous paleontologist, Earl Douglass. In an author’s note in the back of the novel there is more information and set up for the rest of the books in this series. I am looking forward to them!

The Secrets Beneath is a clean read and had Christian themes and wisdom woven throughout the novel.

This novel had a great opening line – “The garden – his garden – was alive with color today, while the inside of him was black as death. Especially when he thought of his father.”

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Flash floods. Dinosaur bones. Missing children. Illness. Injury. Danger. Romance. Faith. All this and so much more awaits you in The Secrets Beneath by Kimberley Woodhouse!

First of all, I found the historical elements fascinating. I didn’t realize that there was such a push to discover dinosaur fossils in North America, and I want to learn more about the Bone Wars and the race to make those big discoveries, sometimes at any cost. Having Anna so intimately involved with the dig in The Secrets Beneath also raised my awareness of female paleontologists and their fight even now to be taken seriously in this branch of scientific exploration. Woodhouse does such a good job of crafting the dig scenes to involve readers as well, so that we too are waiting with bated breath to see what they will uncover next, feeling mutually frustrated with their obstacles, and rejoicing with them at their successes as if they were our own.

I was also not expecting the killer suspense thread (the pun worked) that Woodhouse incorporated so skillfully into this story. I love a good suspense plot, and this one is all kind of twisty and well-written and layered. After reading this author’s current contemporary suspense series too, I knew how good she is at crafting disturbed killers but y’all this was on a whole other level. I want to keep gushing about it, but I don’t want to give anything away so … suffice it to say… read this for yourself first chance you get & then come talk to me about it!

I loved Anna’s dad and the role he plays not only in the overall story but also in Anna & Joshua’s relationship. These two childhood sweethearts who are going through a bit of a rough patch reminded me of me and my husband early in our relationship when we still had A LOT to learn about our own weaknesses and how to love each other sacrificially. I really appreciated that Woodhouse chose to show a relationship that isn’t all lovey-dovey and hearts and roses but instead sustains some bumps and bruises on the way to happily-ever-after.

Bottom Line: The Secrets Beneath is an intriguing glimpse at a little-studied slice of American history, and I can’t wait to meet more female paleontologists as this series continues. The snippets from real-life paleontologist Earl Douglass at the beginning of each chapter were so profound and made me want to read more about his life and writings. In many ways, his quotes set the tone for the story, as far as the personal impact of paleontology on an actual historical figure’s heart and mind, and it made me see Anna and her father – and their passion for the discoveries – in a new light. The romance is both sweet and realistic, and the suspense is tightly written and deliciously twisted. Whether you care about dinosaurs or not, The Secrets Beneath by Kimberley Woodhouse is an entertaining escape to the historical western United States with relatable characters and a few surprises along the way!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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The Secrets Beneath was such an enjoyable read.

Set in the late 1800s, Wyoming, The Secrets Beneath, was a beautifully written historical romance blended with a captivating mystery.

I read through this book so quickly. It was difficult to put down. Our female main character, Anna, was undergoing so many trials, and I had to keep reading to see how things would turn out for her.

Meanwhile, our male main character, Joshua, who was trying to win back Anna's love during his time back home from medical school, was also experiencing his own trials.

Both characters tackled life's challenges by tapping into their faith and leaning on friends, family, and each other.

I loved Joshua and Anna and their families. They were all characters with such strength, kindness, and love. I enjoyed reading their stories as they eventually realized their dreams.

The mystery to this story had me on the edge of my seat, but it was also so incredibly sad.

This is a must-read for lovers of historical fiction and Western romance. The Secrets Beneath is the first in The Treasures of the Earth series, and I look forward to the next.

I received an advanced copy of this book for free. My opinions are my own.

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Kimberley @kimberleywoodhouse draws me in again with her latest book “The Secrets Beneath". This story is a wonderful blend of faith, history, and mystery. I was drawn to this unique tale set in the 1800s Wild West, showcasing a woman in paleontology—a refreshing rarity in storytelling, and being set close to where I live added a personal interest in the story.
Kimberley expertly blends second-chance love and forgiveness, but also immerses readers in a thrilling mystery! I am a little familiar with the prehistoric backdrop, but "The Secrets Beneath" unearthed some forgotten details, particularly the bone wars.🦖 An absolute page-turner with twists that left me stunned. The complexity of the villain Kimberley wrote elicited some unexpected sympathy and feelings towards said villain. I adored Anna and her Father’s relationship. They were a team. Her father saw her talents and always put them to good use and encouraged her work. I felt the love story was a bit second to the mystery storyline but still well done nonetheless. Joshua and Anna were good together. They had hurdles to overcome for sure but it was beautiful to see how they grew and matured. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Thank you @bethanyhousefiction for the gifted copy of the book to read and review. All thoughts are my own.

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"The Secrets Beneath" is a captivating blend of paleontology, family drama, second-chance romance, and crime fiction, set against the picturesque backdrop of 1870s Wyoming. I met the author at a book conference and heard her speak about the research into this story and was fascinated. I recommend reading the author notes in the front and back of the book to enrich the reading experience. The story revolves around Anna and her father, a dedicated paleontologist team, who stumble upon dinosaur bones near their Wyoming home and unwittingly become entangled in the dangerous world of the Bone Wars.

What's intriguing is that this book, although marketed as a romance, delves deeply into crime fiction. The narrative takes an unexpected turn with the mysterious disappearance and possible abduction of a child, creating intense suspense and an unexpected resolution. Despite its challenging subject matter, the story manages to balance suspense with sensitivity, making it more palatable for readers.

The vivid portrayal of rural Wyoming, complete with a harrowing flash flood, adds a rich layer to the narrative. Themes like family dynamics, second chances at love, faith, and forgiveness are thoughtfully explored, and the book is infused with Christian references and prayer.

While the characters are well-developed, the absence of physical descriptions leaves much to the reader's imagination. The plot could have benefitted from more detailed descriptions of the bone-hunting process to further immerse readers in the world of paleontology.

In the end, "The Secrets Beneath" is a great read for those seeking a clean and faith-based historical fiction story with a unique blend of elements. It's a page-turner that caters to fans of crime fiction, paleontology, and those with an appreciation for the Wyoming setting, while delivering a powerful message of faith and compassion. However, potential readers should be aware of content warnings related to sensitive subjects such as child abduction and mental illness. No sexual content or profanity.

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Fascinating and Great Storytelling!

I was truly entertained by this story. The setting was very interesting and I’ve always wanted to visit that area.

The twists and turns were not what I expected and I was surprised few times. That is what made this book 5 Stars! I will continue to seek out books by Kimberley Woodhouse and look forward to the next book in the series Set in Stone that comes out in March 2024

Audiobook: Narrated by Stephanie Cozart
I enjoyed the narration. Stephanie read this book in a way that drew you in along with the story. She even sang! It was beautiful. I would definitely choose to listen to a book narrated by her.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the Publisher and was under no obligation to post a favorable review.

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An enjoyable Christian historical fiction story set in Wyoming Territory in the 19th century.

There are two main protagonists and one antagonist. Alternating chapters were written in the third-person omniscient POV of each. The author doesn't describe the characters physically, so I had to use my imagination.

The writing itself was good, but the main characters made some foolish decisions and there was too much agonizing over relationships and introspection for my taste. I wasn't at all surprised by the "twist" at the end. The bone-hunting would have been more interesting if it had included more details.

The story includes lots of Christian references and prayer. There are some frightening moments, but little violence, no sex, no foul language.

Thank you to the publisher, Bethany House, and the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this wonderful historical fiction novel that talks about many interesting secrets that many of these characters possess. I enjoyed getting to know some of what paleontologists do and that some women did do some work at the time of this novel. I loved Anna and Joshua. I enjoyed how Julian was handled in the story. I could not put the book down. I received a copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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The Secrets Beneath is everything you may have come to expect from Kimberley Woodhouse and so much more.

Strong Heroine with big dreams - check!
Dashing Hero who is flawed but supportive = check!
Misunderstood antagonist with a mystery - check!
Happily Ever After - check!
Plenty of drama and mystery with a little bit of science thrown in - check!

I loved this story and these characters. This was truly well written and I may have found out a few things about gardening and fossils.

Anna Lakeman has assisted her father for years on his dig sites where he is a paleontologist. She and Josh Zeigler were engaged, until they fought over her participation. He has been at medical school for three years and they haven't written or spoken.. When circumstances bring them both home, their romance is rekindled, but not until they address what ripped them apart and distance had nothing to do with it.

These characters are flawed and learn true growth through their faith and they grow together as they share that, truly making this a Christian Romance. While there is a kiss or two shared, there is nothing untoward, but the burn is just right.

I thoroughly enjoyed this stroy and look forward to more as this promises to be the first book in a collection.,

I received an early copy from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest review.,

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This story is a unique romantic historical fiction. It has a nice second chance romance, but there are also hints of darkness, and it’s full of suspense, intrigue, and crime—something I wasn’t expecting but thoroughly enjoyed.

It’s hard to say more without giving any spoilers, but the title of Secrets Beneath took on a whole different meaning after reading a few chapters. It was a page turner, especially towards the end.

The topic of paleontology and the Bone Wars that took place in the late 1800’s was really interesting and obviously well researched. I loved Anna’s character forging her way into a male dominated field, and her relationship with her father was wonderful.

I received a copy from Austenprose PR, Bethany House Fiction, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, but a positive review was not expected.

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The Secrets Beneath is a family drama with generous sides of intrigue, suspense, crime, and paleontology.

Anna and her father are a paleontologist team. She is responsible for drawing detailed sketches at the dig. Their lives take a dramatic turn when they discover dinosaur bones near their Wyoming home and are caught up in the intrigue and danger of the Bone Wars. Meanwhile, Anna’s father becomes ill, her first love comes back into her life unexpectedly, and a desperate search for a missing child develops. Drama unfolds and secrets are uncovered.

Dinosaurs + female paleontologist + second-chance romance + rural Wyoming? Yes, please!

If you appreciate a multilayered story, there’s lots to keep you engaged in this suspenseful story. Even though Secrets Beneath is promoted as a romance, I consider it crime fiction because of the intense search for a missing child, the fear of a serial abductor, and a heart-pounding rescue. The war over dinosaur bones, the ill father, and Anna’s second-chance romance are dramatic backdrops to the crime.

So…..I went into this expecting a romance (which I did get), and, of course, the idea of digging for dinosaur bones was enticing. I was a bit surprised by the crime fiction aspect, and especially the disappearance and possible abduction of a child which I usually prefer to avoid. I don’t want to give away spoilers, so I will simply say the buildup was suspenseful and the resolution caught me by surprise. Even though missing children is not my preferred type of mystery, it was more suspenseful than traumatic which helped. Other readers who embrace crime fiction will enjoy it! Content Warning: child abduction, missing child, kidnapping, child abuse (in the past), mental illness.

I did love the rural 1870s Wyoming setting, and the author described it all (including a harrowing flash flood) in vivid detail.

Thoughtful themes in Secrets Beneath include a father/daughter relationship, a nephew/uncle relationship, second-chance romance, family dynamics, women working in a man’s world, bullying, mental illness, child abuse, compassion, faith, and forgiveness.

I’m recommending The Secrets Beneath for fans of page-turning crime fiction and paleontology (dinosaurs). Readers who love rural Wyoming might also appreciate the setting. Those who look for suspense and a strong message of faith in God won’t be disappointed. Please consider content warnings.

Content Warning: child abduction, missing child, kidnapping, child abuse (in the past), mental illness, child death.

Thanks #NetGalley @Bethany_House @AustenProse for a complimentary e ARC of #TheSecretsBeneath upon my request. All opinions are my own.

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What a great start to this series! From the very start of the book you are captivated and want to know more. While the story does revolve around paleontologist and dinosaur bones there truly is SO much more to this story. The "Secrets Beneath" takes on a whole new different meaning than what you expect as you start getting deeper into the story and I was ALL for it!! This is a page turner for sure.

I can't tell you too much of this story without giving some things away but I can tell you that the characters are well developed, there is a huge mystery thread I was not expecting (I'm talking creepy moments and all!) There was familial love and also romance which you can never go wrong with. I can't forget to say that the faith thread throughout this story of faith and forgiveness.

I honestly don't know how she does it but Kimberley manages to write a mixture of all my favorite genres into one: historical, suspense, mystery and romance all into one book with the perfect dosage of faith being present.

Overall I really enjoyed this story and I can't wait for the next books in the series!!

I received a copy of this book for review. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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A second chance romance filled with mystery and featuring paleontology during the “Bone Wars” of the late 1800s, The Secrets Beneath delivered historical romance in a totally unique and exciting way! This is my first time reading Kimberley Woodhouse (I know, I know— I must have been living under a rock somewhere!) and it certainly will not be my last time reading her work. I totally adored the way she wove mystery and romance together to create a suspenseful but sweet story in such a unique setting like a paleontological dig. It is so creative! The mystery aspect of this story was intense but thoroughly riveting, and kept me engrossed until the last page. I really was not expecting that ending! Joshua and Anna were a sweet hero and heroine that had realistic flaws, and I loved them despite wanting to take them by the shoulders and shake some sense into them! But isn’t that how God looks at us, but with grace and love abounding? The Secrets Beneath tells the story God’s steadfast love for his children, and it is a wonderful way to tell a story! I can’t wait to see what happens next in the Treasures of the Earth series!

I received a copy of this book for review purposes. My thoughts are my own. I really did love it!

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The Secrets Beneath isn’t your run-of-the-mill romantic historical fiction story. It IS romantic historical fiction, but so much more! There are hints of darkness (shades of Jamie Jo Wright), great relationship and character development, a female forging her way into a male-dominated career, plus the added bonus of the fascinating topic of paleontology (which made me want to go on an archeological dig! Not to actually DIG, mind you {lol} but to see the site).

While this can be read as a standalone book, it certainly left me eager to read the next in the series.

An advanced reader copy was provided for my review, but a positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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A sweeping saga of history, romance and mystery. I loved the mix of paleontology and history. It is set in a time that is little known and in a place that isn’t populated, even to this day. We get a story from 3 perspectives. Each is so unique and fascinating. Sometimes having more than 2 perspectives could get confusing. But this is well done and laid out perfectly. We hear from Julian, who is the outcast and just returning from being away from his abusive father. Joshua, who left to medical school on bad terms with the woman he loves. And Anna. The left behind girlfriend and dreams of being a paleontologist and has a knack for drawing bones and an eye for detail. When all 3 of these voices come together, we get a beautiful story of forgiveness, redemption and love!

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I had a hard time getting into this read, and found it different than I expected. That can often be a good thing--I love it when that happens!--but it didn't really work for me this time.

The paleontology element was really intriguing, but wasn't as "at the forefront" as I expected--maybe it picked up later? And Julian's story made me sad and depressed--as it should, certainly, to a point! It's super heartbreaking! But I really struggled to move past his formative years, especially with the abuse he faced from his dad (among other things), and that's ultimately what caused me to set aside the book without finishing. Right now, I just couldn't do it; I may revisit later on, but I think I'd pick up some of Woodhouse's other books first.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Readers who enjoy paleontology with some mystery and suspense will enjoy this book. Julian's character was the most intriguing but readers who pay close attention to some of the details will soon realize things about him. Per time period, Anna's artistic talent and expertise on dinosaurs are not given merit. Interesting read but not my favorite by this author.

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Wheeeeewwwwwww!! Have to get my heart rate to slow down enough to write a review now. And I'm still trying to reconcile how Kimberley's bubbly, sweet personality can write a thriller like this! The cover looks so sweet and innocent...

I'm not sure where to start. I'm seriously still reeling.

I loved this book. Everything about it. Many people are fascinated with dinosaurs, and to see a woman paleontologist in the 1800s? Even better. She has a temper, which irritated me at times, but you know one of the things I loved? SHE didn't expect everyone to change for HER. She realized when she was in the wrong, and did some apologizing. I loved that. The characters here were all spectacularly written, and I just really need the next book right. now.

~I was given a complimentary copy of this book. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.~

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"A faint glimmer of hope spurred to life. This trip had the potential to change the outcome— put things to right again. It was far-fetched. But God could still do miracles."

This is a story of love, difficult paths, and second chances.

I have to say, this book ended up being rather different from what I expected when I requested it.

There were parts I enjoyed, and a few I really didn't but I can't disclose though, because ya know, spoilers.

Favorite characters: Anna, her horse Misty, and her Dad. Her dad did a pretty great job of raising her and teaching her his craft after she lost her mom.

It was also neat to read about the devotion, care and the meticulous processes that were part of unearthing dinosaur bones. Imagine discovering something that's been buried in tons of layers for thousands of years, and how it must have felt being the first to see it and touch it. It would be quite an amazing thing in my opinion!

So, while this wasn't my favorite book out of the ones she's written, it wasn't bad, just not my cup of tea.
I would say fans of Jamie Jo Wright (who also reviewed this book) would love it.

My thanks to the publisher for the complimentary paperback I received to review through Interviews and Reviews. I was not required to write a positive review, and the thoughts above are my own.

Trigger warnings: death, blood, physical and mental abuse

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Author Kimberley Woodhouse does it again! If you enjoy historical fiction then this is for you. Imagine a female paleontologist back in the day when Wyoming was a territory. It just didn’t happen.

Woodhouse did her research and then some. With actual entries taken from the writings of Earl Douglass, we learn a lot about The Bone Wars. Those people were ruthless in their quest for dinosaur bones. The author weaves facts into her fiction story with such finesse you’ll be turning pages quickly. Because the story takes a turn….quickly.

Twists and turns, mystery and romance, The Secrets Beneath has it all and I highly recommend adding it to your library.

I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.

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