Member Reviews

OOF That was a doozy, and I think I’m afraid of apples now???

I am so thankful to Del Rey Books, Chuck Wendig, Netgalley, and PRH Audio for the digital and audio access before this behemoth hits shelves on September 26, 2023.

The town of Harrow has had a tough go of it throughout the centuries, and they have seemed to land themselves back in harm’s way as Dan Paxton continues to cultivate his apple orchard with rare and delectably delicious apples. Everyone in Harrow LOVES Paxton’s Ruby Red Slipper apples, in fact, they can’t get enough of them. Everyone that is except for Dan’s daughter Calla and a few other Harrow natives.

It's not long before the non-apple eaters start to notice that something is seriously wrong with those who’ve consumed these suddenly delicious apples. They are acting out, growing increasingly more violent and distant from their loved ones, and are altogether morphing into zombie-like fruit-bearing entities with a vengeance on the world. Take Stranger Things and combine it with Halloweentown and you’ve got Black River Orchard.

There’s blood. There’s gore. There’s ancient lore, and also apples of course. This chunker of read took it OUT of me, and now I’m in search of a palette cleanser for sure.

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"True evil is real. But it's still a human. evil. Even if it comes from outside of us, I think at the end of the day, it only wins when we let it in".
Thanks to Net Galley for the opportunity to read Wendig's latest novel. Having read his most recent novels over the last five years, his narrative structure and reflection on human nature continues to evolve with greater complexity. Wendig does his research, bringing a new fascination to apple hunting which is where this story of ambition, betrayal, failure and moral compromise spins into a damn good horror story.
The three century span which provides the historical context for the cursed apple orchard brings some realism to the story, leaving me wanting more on the three other eras where the evil emerges. This novel begs for a sequel (or perhaps prequel).
Lastly, Wendig's story is driven by strong characters and a variety of relationships- taking the time for character development makes the betrayals and moral compromise poignant. Kudos to the other for taking the poisoned apple trope to the next level, with a healthy serving of gore and haunting transformations.
Excellent! Looking forward to a follow up.

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I feel like Black River Orchard is the first truly horror book I’ve read by Chuck Wendig, and fortunately, it’s not the type of horror that scares me. On the flip side, though, I don’t care for this story style. But I do love Wendig’s writing style and his ability to tell a compelling and immersive story. I must admit, though, that I missed the more sci-fiish twists I’ve enjoyed in his other tales.

I loved the attention to detail and the descriptive language used. The atmosphere is just so pervasive because of it. The ominousness of the apples is never a question. The only question in my mind was how did they become that way. Was it a play on the biblical story of Eve and the apple from the Tree of Knowledge? Did it have something to do with Native Americans who originally lived on the land? Or was it some other nefarious reason?

The characters are all so vividly developed - full of layers and nuances - from the teens to the oldest members of this community on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. They all feel authentic rather than like stereotypes of their prospective roles. And all have a moral grayness, making them endlessly fascinating and capable of falling prey to the evil lurking in their midst.

I found the backstory interesting, though the story may have gone a tad too far into the absurd. This is why this style of horror story doesn’t scare me. I have trouble suspending disbelief due to the twists and turns it takes. But if you enjoy Stephen King’s novels and similar ones, this is just the type of tale you will love, and it’s perfect for this time of year. You may even think twice before bobbing for apples.

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I had the lucky fortune to pick this book up after a string of disappointments. It really highlighted the skill of the writing - this was descriptive yet funny, deeply set the scene and left me no choice but to love the characters.

I knew Chuck Wendig was good, but this book really sealed the deal for me. I was wanting fall vibes to kick off the season and this delivered. Poison apples and creepy orchards, cults and the supernatural, this story hit all the right notes.

We follow multiple perspectives and there was not a single one that I was unhappy to jump to. They all brought a different view to the events happening in this small Pennsylvania town and added to the story in their own way.

Fantastic all around, this one will stick with me. And I might think twice before I bite into an apple.

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"Is this really a 544 page horror book about... checks notes... apples?!", You ask. Why yes, yes it is! I have really loved Chuck Wendig's books in the past, but deciding to hit that "request" button on a bigass book about apples was a hard ask, even for me. I am pleased to report that I have no regrets, and a brand new knowledge of apples that I never asked for, but am strangely okay with. Let us talk about things I loved in this book:

►It is set in the same world as The Wanderers, methinks! I mean Easter eggs from books that kind of hadn't happened yet? Oh hell yes.

►The use of Wegner's. If you are from Pennsylvania and follow politics at all, you will know what I mean. Thank you, Chuck, for making me spit out my drink in laughter.

►I somehow felt compelled by this complete mess of characters. Like- please don't misunderstand, every one of these folks is a hot mess. But I'll be damned if I didn't end up invested in them, and kind of... liking them? Certain ones, that is.

►Oddly enough, the whole "magic apple" plot completely worked. I am bad at suspending disbelief, but I didn't even have to here. The author made it just... work. I can't explain how, maybe magic apples? 🤷‍♀️

►It is so delightfully messed up! I mean, you'll see when you read it, but these apples are not... they're not making folks sit around singing Kumbaya, okay? They're doing all kinds of weird stuff to the community. And when you think about what happens if these apples are unleashed on a larger scale... yep.

►The humorous bits were just perfectly positioned throughout. Like it could have been very heavy, but there were just enough funnier and lighter moments that you didn't want to succumb to the apples.

►I was just so completely hooked that it did not in any way feel long. That's just it, I needed to know all the things, and so it was very readable.

Bottom Line: I literally drove down my street, saw some apples on the road, and confidently told my children "bet that's a 'spitter apple'", so Chuck Wendig should probably go to the corner and think about what he's done.

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The only thing stopping this from being a 5 star read is that it's so long I know I'll never read it again, but omg I am claiming this as the intro to my horror-reader era. I am so ready to get back to my roots and this was the ONE to do it with. So freaking gross and scary and awesome and disgusting and fun and badass and holy shit I don't know what else to say. Damn. You should read this.

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Wendig has such a way with creating an eerie ambience and he knows how to crank up the discomfort level of his readers. This book was such a good deep dive into how power, greed, and evil can sprout, blossom, and spread through small towns. All of the characters were interesting and had unique backstories and it felt like you could actually care for them.

This book was so good, so spooky, and just wonderful. I loved it.

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Black River Orchard is as juicy and tart as the apples set at the heart of this page-turner. I adored the Grimms' Fairytale atmosphere and the deep, archetypal satisfaction of poison apples that date back to the allegory of original sin, and probably far further back than that. Chuck’s enigmatic and otherworldly apples, so deep red that they border on black, hold an inexplicable allure – bite into one, and you'll find your senses heightened, desires multiplied, and strength amplified. Wendig's vivid prose weaves the history of apple cultivation and lore with multiple narratives that all connect back to these deadly trees. The suspense in the first half of the book is mesmerizing as the story delves into the insidious darkness that often accompanies unchecked desires. Sadly, I have to dock a star because the masterful pacing and interwoven narrative in the first half of the book degrade into cliché monster chases and full-force heady action that doesn’t let up. In the end, I mourned the loss of the creepy mysterious vibe that the beginning of the story so vividly captured. A great book, but not perfect.

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So much apple information, I feel like I could own an orchard! But seriously the overall thought of this is so mind provoking. Wendig will no doubt be compared to Stephen King and for good reason, but in my personal opinion, I like Wendig better. The humor that's wrapped into his writing while still creating the spooky element with characters that are so flawed and real... so good!

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Who would have thought that you can learn so much about apples while seeing the wheels of chaos spin in this fantastic story by Chuck Wendig.

Apples are like ice cream, movies and authors, everyone has a favorite they enjoy! Chuck Wendig happens to be one of the authors that I enjoy reading. His stories contain odd situations that keep you wanting to read more while at the same time, with his great character development and writing, makes you feel like you are reading about a familiar a town you lived in way back when. His stories also carry a constant and stead build up that makes you feel the tension building before all crazy breaks loose and that is when the real fun begins. Black River Orchard follows this usual path but, I will say this one felt a bit more of a slow boil. With his other books, I felt the hook jab at me pretty early in the story. This one took it's time, almost like Chuck was showing you how he sharpens his blade before hooking you with it. I think I would have preferred for a slightly faster pace but regardless, I really enjoyed this book. Chuck Wendig is an author who doesn't seem to run out of fresh and unique stories, which is why I will continue to enjoy his books. I'll be thinking of Chuck every time I'm at the grocery store or farmers market and loading my bag with my favorite apple (Envy).

I want to thank Chuck Wendig, Random House Publishing, Ballantine, Del Rey and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange of my honest review.

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This feels like a good Stephen King pastiche, of demonic apples, and the town suddenly corrupted by them. I will say I am a fan of body horror, but some people aren't, and there is a lot of body horror in this story, so consider that your content warning. Dark, tense, and with a diverse group of characters. A straight up good read.

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My brain will never unsee what it read in this book. It is horrific, intense, graphic, gory. Set in a small town with an apple orchard, this is a perfect fall read. I think it absolutely delivered on the premise, but it was a bit long and overall just wasn’t really the story for me. To be clear, this is not a knock on the story itself…because other reviewers are raving over this book. I recognize that this book is extremely well done, I personally just didn’t love it.

This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year because The Book of Accidents was my favorite book of 2021. I think that book had an impact on me in a way that this did not, in a large part because BOA wove its scary and suspenseful elements with themes of family, friendship, trauma, pain and empathy, ghosts and demons. Black River Orchard certainly touches upon family and friendship, but I think the more predominant themes are the corruption of power and selfishness. And even these themes took a backseat to the plot itself.

Chuck Wendig remains, without a doubt an auto-read author for me! Can’t wait to see what he writes next, it’s guaranteed to be a wild ride!

Black River Orchard will be out 9/26. Thank you so much to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley for the ARC.

Now off I go to buy apples for Rosh Hashanah this weekend… 😳

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Chuck Wendig is the ONLY author I've found that comes close to Stephen King for me. I have to be in the mood for one of their stories because I know it's going to be an adventure, but they never let me down. Chuck paints a picture when he writes that I can visualize so well.

I also feel like he writes a lot of "good vs evil" plots *coughStephenKingcough* but he always find a way to make it unique and original. I mean, my guy wrote a horror book about apples, who else could make that work?!? But he does.

This did not disappoint. Don't let the size of this book deter you, yes, she's thick but the chapters are short and fly by. If you're a fan of horror, you don't want to miss this one.

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Overall this book is a 3/5 for me. There is no question that Chuck Wendig is an amazing author. This book is really beautifully written, well structured, follows full characters, and a variety of compelling storylines. My one critique, it’s a bit long and slow moving. That’s all on me, right now I relish short, pithy, plot driven stories. I would revisit at a later time.

This particular book reminded me so much of my favorites. Atmosphere: T Kingfisher with the spooky wooded home tied to a sinister past (The Twisted Ones); themes: Stephen Graham-Jones (My Heart is a Chainsaw); meandering gothic style: Michael McDowell (Blackwater). Would recommend for horror fans who want to dig into a chunky story with deep details.

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Wow! This was absolutely whackadoodle lol but in the best way! I loved the use of f*** around and find out in here because that really sums it all up! You probably won’t look at apples the same way again (as I stare outside at our apple tree 👀) This was such a fun, horrific ride. A bit of a new spin on cults and my god the body horror! Why is no one talking about the body horror!?!? Arguably the best I’ve read in a long time. This would make such a great movie. The visuals would be so good! This read like a Stephen King novel to me. It was maybe a little too long (like 100-150 pages too long) but I can’t say that I was ever bored. The last 30-40% is just bonkers and worth the journey! Im giving this 4-4.5 star rating. Again, just a touch too long but wow so so good! Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

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If you love apples, this is the book for you. There's a whooole lot of apple talk at the beginning, and curiously, two prologues.

I have to mention, this has Stephen King written allover it, in approach and elements more so than voice. The author takes their time and we really get to know the setting and characters as things veer toward obsessive madness.

If you're into ancient evil, small town corruption, and apples-- so many scary apples, give this one a go-- it will stick with you. While it's a brick, it has short digestible chapters, plenty of terror, and emotional weight.

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AHHHHHHH!!!! What did I just read?! Huge thank you to NetGalley for the advanced readers copy of Black River Orchard!!! Chuck Wendig is an absolute auto buy author for me. I fell in love with the Wanderers and every book since. This book is HUGE! (Most of his books are) But the thing with Wendig, he does it justice. The book may be chunky but it consists of quick, short chapters that keep you reading while also giving you all the detail to immerse yourself in the setting and characters. Some characters I will protect until the end of time, others I will gladly feed to the orchard and not feel a drop of guilt about it. I will never eat a new variety of apple that I haven’t heard of for the rest of my life. I enjoyed the diversity of characters, not only in lifestyle, but age, gender, background, etc. I was so invested in this story and Wendig is one of my favorite horror authors. Do not be intimidated by the size of this book, it is worth it! All the stars, but only read this if you like horror. Thank you again for the ARC of Black River Orchard!

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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I wasn’t entirely sure where this book would go, as you never know when it’s a book by Wendig. But this book took a turn into bizarro-land and kept right on driving straight into it. The storyline comes at you in multiple timelines and points of view. This is on the heftier side of books, and the storytelling comes at a leisurely, thorough pace. A lot is going on, and each new thing is more horrible and bizarre than the next.

I can say, without a doubt, most every character is unlikable, except for John. Meg was abusive and controlling even before things went down. Her wife, Emily, was too forgiving and weak for my taste. Calla was so mean to her father. And she was constantly calling him a nerd or a dork in her head, so her meanness was deep down. But you don’t need to like the characters in a book to enjoy the storyline.

I especially appreciated the timing of Black River Orchard, as we aren’t having an apple picking season this year because of a freeze we had in May that devastated the area. Though I wouldn’t trade off picking our apples for the ones in the book, that’s for sure.

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Like Wendig’s last few novels, this is a nice chunk of a. book weaving back and forth between multiple characters, an ode back to the thick King and Koontz horror books of the 80s. A farmer starts growing a mysterious new apple that gifts those that eat one with health and strength. However it soon becomes clear that the apple orchard has a mysterious past and sinister plans of its own. Tho a bit slow at times, this was a great sprawling story. Look forward to his next one! Thank you NetGalley for a chance to read and review this one!

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