Member Reviews

Bringing a different, dark and rugged side to Marvel's Star-Lord to life, this is a fun read. Don't go in expecting earth shattering fiction - this is fun - an easy read that represents a different side of a beloved character

Marvel wastelanders: star lord felt like the perfect embodiment of the style and tone of old man Logan paired with the creative and characteristically executed writing of Cawkwell, it proved to be an enjoyable and engaging read that fans of the marvel dystopia and general marvel fans will love.

Cawkwell manages to cash in on that Marvel magic with Wastelanders: Star-Lord. She really nails the blend of comedy and emotion that works so well for Marvel. Now it should be mentioned that she adapted her tale from a scripted podcast by Benjamin Percy. So the overall story isn’t her creation. That nod goes to Percy and he absolutely created a great story. But Cawkwell has filled in the basic story and dialogue with a rich background and internal worlds that are very enjoyable.
Anyone who likes Marvel, and especially Guardians of the Galaxy fans will love seeing how that band of misfits ended up as they aged. Just be aware, this story isn’t all fun. There are a lot of emotions explored in Wastelanders: Star-Lord and readers should keep a box of tissues handy, they’re gonna need it. So make sure to check out the newest Guardians adventure now!

First things first, I got this book from NetGalley, so thank you NetGalley and Aconyte Books for this opportunity.
I wanna start with a little confession, I initially requested the ARC for this one due to interest in the Wastelands setting but totally forgot about it. I only remembered the book after watching 'Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3' and starting to miss Quill, Rocket and the gang. I am quite glad that I did start reading it, as I loved the book and finished it in only a few days despite my busy work schedule.
The book is set in an alternate universe where things have taken a very bad turn for both the Guardians and planet earth some 30 years into the future. The much older duo of Star-Lord and Rocket returns to earth to complete a job for the Collector, but things are not as it used to be on the planet which they realise in a matter of moments after their crash landing. Soon, the duo with their robot companion Cora gets embroiled in an adventure that will introduce the readers to a very different western influenced post-apocalyptic Marvel universe.
Quill and Rocket are the main stars as to be expected, and their banter will keep the readers chuckling despite being very emotional at times. Quill behaves just as optimistic as always and keeps on jumping into no win situations headlong. Rocket Raccoon is also on character, acting all gruff with a much softer interior. Another character that steals the show at times is Cora with her dialogues and mannerisms. The character of Red Crotter is also really well fleshed out.
As this is based on a podcast, the dialogue is the main driving force rather than action most of the time. And the dialogue is very skillfully written, one can get so engrossed in the oftentimes humorous banter it could really drain time. The chemistry between Quill and Rocket has always been one of the main reasons why I love the Guardians movies, so I rather enjoyed their banter.
The ending could have been a bit more action oriented if you asked me, but you have to consider the original source material. It has to be said, all through the book there is not a single boring page and this is mostly due to the excellent characters and the dialogues. This is a definite recommendation for any fan of superheroes or post-apocalyptic fiction.
I will give this 4 out of 5 stars.
Hashtags - #Marvel #MarvelEnt #Aconytebooks #Review
About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit marvel.com. © 2023 MARVEL

Hmm, as much as I love Guardians of the Galaxy, I don't think this was as good. It was a nice story but I thought it could have been more adventurous and space-like. The villain wasn't really much of a villain in my opinion. The skinbot was weirdly added to the story. She did have her good moments, but I mostly thought she wasn't that interesting.
I did like how Quill and Rocket were portrayed. The writer nailed their characters just like they are in the movies. Quill a bit of a teenage boy character (although in this book he's in his 50's) and Rocket the all time grumpy raccoon. The ending was quite sad, but it also had a cute addition to it.
I'm not sure if I would recommend reading it to anyone per say. But it might be a nice book for people who don't mind that the original GOTG idea is altered a bit.

I'm a fan of Sarah Cawkwell's writing since her work at Games Workshop, but for some reason this book just didn't do it for me. I think it's possibly the Guardians of the Galaxy characters - they seemed too cynical for me to relate to here, and the plot didn't grab me. It was a DNF, but I may try again in future. Sorry!

If you are a Guardians of the Galaxy fan, then you need to read this! We follow Star-Lord, Peter Quill, and Rocket on a mission to Earth. In this Earth though, the bad guys have won, and Earth has been turned into a wasteland. Peter and Rocket are trying to locate a long-lost relic called the Black Vortex.
This was a really fun book! I love Peter and Rocket together; they have some of the best banter of all the Guardians. If you're looking for a book full of adventure and jokes, then definitely check this out!

This book follows a much older Peter Quill and Rocket as they crash land in what used to be South Dakota but has long since been taken over by Doctor Doom. Despite only having two members of the team, this book still manages to capture the essence of a true Guardians story, which was my favorite part. Through their antics, you could still see just how much Quill and Rocket still cared for each other, even though they don't always show it. With a little bit of humor placed for comedic relief and some truly heartbreaking twists, I really enjoyed this book and I'm excited to see what happens next.

Got this book as an ARC by Marvel via NetGalley. I’ve never read a Marvel novel completely (I’m currently reading the novelization of “Original Sin”) but this book was amazing. It did a great job in painting the marvel universe in the novel form , with references to the grander world and characterizations that reads like the characters.

The novel Marvel’s Wastelanders: Star Lord is based on the podcast of the same name, and while I haven’t listened to the podcasts I most definitely will be in the near future.
We start out with Peter Quill (aka Star Lord) and Rocket in dire trouble as they are being pursued by the Brood. They end up rescuing a robot (who they end up naming Cora), who then records the exploits that brought them to cross paths with her.
The story takes place in the future with Peter and Rocket having fallen on hard times. They are the remaining members of the once noble Guardians of the Galaxy now taking any jobs they can. And this time around they are working for The Collector (no, not the Collector from the MCU movies, a different one. I should note it the book is more based on the comics than the MCU movies, made clear early on when there is mention of Peter’s father J’son, as opposed to Ego in the movies.) The Collector has tasked them with finding the Black Vortex, a power ancient relic. She’s given them a short time table and fitted them with guillotine collars to ensure they not only act quickly but also to ensure they don’t attempt to double cross her and run off with it.
They return to Earth, crash landing in the wastelands and discover Earth has radically changed since the last time they were there—think apocalyptic old west. Doombots abound and Earth’s heroes all appear to be gone. And Peter being Peter, he naturally finds trouble in no time at all. I won’t say more. I don’t want to spoil the adventure for readers, but suffice to say there is action, humor, and of course a number of cameos from other well known Marvel characters. Sarah Cawkwell did a wonderful job of capturing the spirit of the characters and I enjoyed the heck out of the story. I hope there are plans for the rest of the Wastelanders podcast series to be novelized. 5 stars all the way! I’d like to thank Aconyte Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Marvel’s Wastelanders: Star Lord.
About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit marvel.com. © 2022 MARVEL

I was given an ARC to review for by Aconyte Books & Netgalley. My reviews are always honest and all opinions are my own. #WastelandersStarLord #Marvel MarvelEnt #NetGalley #SarahCawkwell #ARCBookReview #ARCReview #AconyteBooks #BookReview #gifted #ad
Wastelanders: Star-Lord sees something I didn’t know I needed but I did, an older but not wiser Star-Lord and Rocket (he is wiser by the way it’s just Peter who is still, well Peter). They are a little slower and a lot saltier than before. Now crash landing in the desolated Midwest of Earths America they soon find that it isn’t what it used to be either. Especially after thirty years of Doctor Doom’s control over the now newly named Wastelands. But it’s not like they came to Earth by choice either, the form Guardians are working for The Collector. Who sent them to find the Black Vortex, an ancient relic reported to yield cosmic powers. That shouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the guillotine collars their employer has snapped on their necks which will finish them off if they don’t complete the job. Add to that the fact that they aren’t exactly alone in the wastelands meeting the ageless telepath Emma Frost, outlaw Ghost Riders and the bloodthirsty hunter Kraven. All with plans and schemes of their own. Who will find the Black Vortex first and what will be the price they have to pay for its power?
Okay so before the semi spoiler I want to say that Cawkwell is brilliant at capturing the characters and bringing them to life. Although the Star-Lord and Rocket we see here are older they still are very much the characters we know and love (well we do Rocket, Quill is just sort of there for me) and I have following on from that she made me actually laugh and like Quill. Now that is a hard task to complete. I love the Guardians don’t get me wrong and Quill is, well, an integral part of the team but much like Rocket I do get a bit fed up of him. That said he is still frustrating but that is a good thing. For me at least. It means his character is captured perfectly. On top of this so are the other characters that we see make cameos and appearances. I particularly loved that Kraven and Emma Frost make appearances and of course Doctor Doom (arguably my favourite Marvel Villain).
Not only does Cawkwell nail the characterisation the novel is action packed and reads a lot like a comic. That isn’t to say it’s telling not showing or overly heavy on description but rather it is punchy and keeps you on your toes. Something is always happening to either aid or hinder our heroes and it is brilliant but we have the added bonus of getting to know characters more intermittently with thoughts and feelings.
Firstly you know I hate spoilers but I am putting a warning here that while I will not spoil anything overly major or go in great details of the plot there is one thing I feel I need to say because I will not lie this is the first marvel prose novel to make me emotionally upset. I am talking literally pausing and being on the verge of tears. The reason will be mentioned below and prefaced by a spoiler warning section but first lets discuss what the novel is about.
Now for the mini spoiler a testament to Cawkwell’s further skill of capturing the characters and bringing them to life was Rocket and his death. No one can live forever but honestly that scene just broke me emotionally and helped me realise Quill isn’t so bad after all. This after rather rudely thinking, why couldn’t Star-Lord of is this have died. I honestly haven’t been that emotionally hit by the book in a while actually. And while it was a fitting way for him to go it still struck me. Now it’s not a bad thing. Quite the opposite as I said it goes to show how amazing Cawkwell is. I literally had to take a break from reading. That hardly ever happens. So yes, if you are a fellow Rocket fan prepare to be amused by our snarky friend but perhaps bring some tissues too!
End Spoiler
All in all this novel was amazing and one I really enjoyed. While it will be a must for Guardian of the Galaxy fans I think most marvel fans would enjoy this and potentially even those outside the Marvel. With elements of old westerns, action, adventure, science fiction it really has something to offer everyone. On top of this we get to see our heroes a little older but not that much changed. While their bodies might betray them they still are the Guardians of The Galaxy and will still try to save the day.
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About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit marvel.com. © 2023 MARVEL

This book has without a doubt raised Starlord in the ranks of my favorite Marvel characters. I mean, honestly, his ability to use 80s music as a weapon …well, at least a distraction…already put him head and heels above characters like Ironman or the Hulk for me just because it’s entertaining and relatable, in a sort of embarrassing way. But Rocket Raccoon is by far a character I’d rather read about or watch than most anyone else in the Marvel Universe, and this book absolutely did his sardonic, moody, gruff, but deep down sensitive nature justice. Older, grayer, but still looking to score a big stash of credits and a lot of bragging rights, Starlord and Rocket take a job from the latest Collector (shudders) to collect a dangerous item of unimaginable power and end up back on Earth …well, what’s left of it, anyway, and at odds with Doctor Doom who is seen as both tyrant and savior after the Avengers are wiped out, having taken over the wretched wasteland that remains of what Peter Quill once called home and brought some order and a lot of tight fisted control to the planet. Doom basically taxes the heart and soul out of the remaining nuclear fall out survivors via his Doom Bots, taking a page from the Sheriff of Nottingham’s playbook, and the result is a dilemma for our less than spry former heroes. They can face overwhelming odds against them and prove that Guardians , like a fine wine, are even better with age, or look out for number one by trying to collect the Collector’s item and get it back before their deadline runs out and they quite literally lose their heads. The result is a fun, fast paced adventure that made me laugh..a lot. Lots of new faces, some old ones, and a bunch of Starlord trying to weave his legacy with far fetched tales not even a robot fully believes that continually embarrass Rocket by association and you have the perfect read for an Guardians of the Galaxy or Marvel fan or just someone looking for a fun book with a lot of jokes and action. This Story lives up to all the awesomeness of the Awesome mix tapes rolled into one and then some.

Thanks to Sarah Calkwell, Aconlyte Books, and NetGalley for access to this advanced reader copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
I found the story entertaining and fun. The dialog was sufficiently sarcastic and aligned with my view of the characters – it was great to read about them in another adventure.
That said, the action scenes towards the end between Kraven, Red Crotter, and the Ghost Riders was a weaker point. Red was an experienced fighter and hunter. I didn’t believe he would leave himself vulnerable by stopping under a tree or be separated from the rest of the Ghost Riders when they were pursuing such a challenging prey. Likewise, I would have expected the Ghost Riders to respond more as a group in their battle with Kraven.
#Marvel #MarvelEnt #Aconytebooks #Review
About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media

My thanks to Aconyte Books for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘Marvel Wastelanders Star Lord’ by Sarah Cawkwell in exchange for an honest review.
This novel is based on the first series of Marvel’s ‘Wastelanders’ scripted podcasts. In it, the surviving Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Lord/Peter Quill and Rocket Racoon, return to Earth on a mission for the Collector to find the Black Vortex, an ancient artefact of great power. As an incentive the Collector has placed guillotine collars around their necks that will activate in seven days.
Their spaceship ends up crashing in the desolate wastes of the Midwest and they discover that Earth has changed radically since a group of super-villains have taken over the planet thirty years previously. This area, the Wastelands, is under the strict control of Doctor Doom.
They are accompanied on the mission by a robot, a Rigillean Recorder that Quill nicknames ‘Cora’. As they travel through the Wastelands, they encounter a number of characters including the ageless telepath Emma Frost, the grizzled farmer Red Crotter, and the terrifying Kraven the Hunter. No further details to avoid spoilers.
This is the first Marvel novel that I have read and while I have watched many of the MCU films, including the first two Guardians of the Galaxy ones, I am not as familiar with the characters and interlaced plots than some readers might be. Still, I feel that due to this I was able to ascertain how relatable this novel is for a reader like myself.
I was very pleased to find that I was quickly caught up in the story, which was full of action, thrills, and some great twists. I will caution that some of the scenes were quite graphic, especially when Kraven the Hunter was involved.
The dialogue was brilliant, including the lively banter between Quill and Rocket. I also found myself becoming quite invested with the fates of the supporting characters as well as theirs.
Overall, I enjoyed ‘Marvel Wastelanders Star Lord’ very much. It was exciting and exactly what I look for in a SF adventure: just enough of an action filled romp though there were some moving scenes that deepened my engagement with the narrative.
I felt that Sarah Cawkwell clearly had an understanding of the Wastelanders source material as well as respect for the wider Marvel Universe.
While complete in itself, the Epilogue teases for further series in the Wastelanders podcasts and I certainly will be interested in finding out how the story continues.
4.5 stars rounded up to 5.
About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit marvel.com. © 2022 MARVEL
#Marvel #MarvelEnt #Aconytebooks #review

For people who saw Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and want more Quill/ Rocket buddy action, Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord is the way to go. Long after an impetuous decision leaves Rocket and Peter Quill as the sole survivors of the Guardians, the heroes find themselves on a quest for the Collector - return to Earth and find a source of great power. Once they land, they discover that the United States is a wasteland, devoid of heroes and ruled by Doctor Doom. Hitting most of the Western notes, Rocket and Quill make their way towards Doom's stronghold in pursuit of their bounty, making allies and enemies along the way. The character work is great - Rocket is aging and scared, Quill spills all his secrets to any female-shaped thing or person who looks at him twice, and their dynamic is moving. As I usually do when encountering Star-Lord, I cheered each time he got punched in the face (not enough times, for the record) and Cawkwell creates a believable nightmare for our heroes to fight against. Would be nice if the narrative remembered that the Earth is not just the United States, but we can't have everything.

Perfect timing on the release for this book! After seeing guardians of the galaxy 3, I wanted more. This fed my marvel addiction. Very cute.

Star-Lord (Peter Quill) and Rocket Raccoon, the two remaining Guardians of the Galaxy, are living out their twilight years accepting jobs in exchange for petty cash when they find not only their lives at risk - but also their home planet. Earth...
'Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord' is a prose novel written by Sarah Cawkwell, adapted from the scripted podcast by Benjamin Percy. The story is told through 3rd person narration, focusing through the perspective of Peter Quill. Alongside this, the story is told many flashbacks and incorporates the character Cora - a sentient mechanical humanoid that has the ability to store any kind of information she hears.
What's it about?
'Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord' follows the story of Peter Quill and Rocket Raccoon in a race against time to collect a celestial artifact known as 'The Black Vortex'. The power of this artifact is unknown to the characters, but what is known is that if they do not retrieve it for The Collector within a week, then the collars around both Quill and Rocket's necks will quickly decapitate them. Suddenly money is not the most important thing for our main characters...
Not only this but on their adventure, alongside a sentient humanoid 'Cora', Quill and Rocket find the location of the artifact is on non other than Earth. Earth is not what it was when Peter last visited however...upon arriving it is merely a wasteland with a clear devotion to the evil 'Dr Doom' - shown by the carvings into the famous Mount Rushmore and constant patrolling of 'Doombots' keeping 'Law and Order'.
And then there's the issue of the murderous Kraven who just absolutely wants to destroy our two main characters...
Why it is awesome!
I absolutely had a blast reading this novel! As a huge 'Guardians of the Galaxy' fan, this book was everything I hoped it would be...and more!
The characterisation of both Peter and Rocket was well developed and detailed perfectly the struggles that they had gone through. Quill is nearly 60 and is struggling with both the guilt he feels about the death of the rest of his team, and Rocket with illness and older age. The years have not been generous to them and Cawkwell did a fantastic job of expressing this. The bond between the two characters is clearly stronger than it's ever been in any iteration of 'Guardians of the Galaxy', as Quill and Rocket are the only family each other has left.
Final Verdict
'Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord' is a fun, exciting and emotional read that builds fantastically on the stories of Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon. It's an absolute page turner and is full of drama that never leaves the reader with a dull moment. This is the first Marvel prose novel I have read and with this standard, it will definitely not be the last!
Rating 5/5
Many thanks to NetGalley and Aconyte Books for providing me with a review copy of this text in exchange for a honest review!
This is a link to the Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord trailer to the podcast featuring the voice cast of Timothy Busfield as Star-Lord, Chris Elliot as Rocket, and Danny Glover as the Narrator.
About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit marvel.com. © 2023 MARVEL

Marvel’s Wastelanders: Star-Lord follows the journey of both Peter Quill (Star-Lord) and Rocket Raccoon, both as reckless and insulting as ever. As they travel from space to Earth to find a relic of high celestial power. Sarah Cawkwell delivers a wonderful tale of aging, heroism, and friendship as heroes past their prime must fight an evil that has never been stronger.
In this journey, Star-Lord and Rocket meet some new faces and discover what has become of both Earth and its mightiest heroes, introducing a darker tone than we might recognize when it involves these two characters. On top of the progression of age, we see an additional layer of how they are dealing with their mortality, giving more character depth than ever before and resulting in a great Marvel story.
A Dangerous Mission Unfolds.
Star-Lord rocket marvelMarvel Wastelanders Star-Lord
What started out as a simple high-paying job ends up being a deadly one. As you progress into the story, you meet the Collector, an entity in space who controls a massive intergalactic trove containing a vast collection of objects and living specimens. He hires our elderly duo to retrieve an item of cosmic power, leading them on a long and deadly journey back to Earth.
Along the way, they pick up Cora, the Rigellian Recorder responsible for documenting our heroes’ exploits. This addition to the team adds a new perspective and voice to the narrative, enriching the storytelling experience. With Cora on board, the tale unfolds before our eyes with a perfect balance between different perspectives and a cohesive structure.
Upon reaching their first destination, Earth, 30 years since Star-Lord’s last visit, they are met with a shocking revelation. The place he once remembered has been turned into a complete wasteland controlled by Victor von Doom, the most powerful of the Earth-bound Marvel villains. The remnants of Earth’s mightiest heroes are no more, leaving the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Now, it falls upon what remains of the Guardians of the Galaxy to save themselves and the world from Doom’s tyranny.
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What Happens When Our Heroes Age?
Star-Lord Wastelanders Marvel
Like many great stories from the past few years, Wastelanders: Star-Lord addresses what happens to our heroes when they are no longer in their prime. Star-Lord and Rocket are no longer young, and as aging heroes, they must confront their own morality as well as the enemies in the story.
If that isn’t enough for you, add to it the question of what happens when the bad guys win. In Wastelanders: Star-Lord, our heroes discover that Earth has been turned into a wasteland after Doctor Doom and other evil doers have killed all the heroes and driven hope away.
I’m a sucker for stories like this. Heroes at their most vulnerable become more compelling and much more relatable for fans. It’s easy to win when you’re at your strongest. However, at their weakest, Star-Lord and Rocket have to find the strength to fight. It’s something we all have to do at different times in our lives.
Aside from this thrilling narrative, the story introduces a mix of familiar and new characters. Kraven the Hunter, a relentless villain, relentlessly pursues our heroes, adding a constant sense of danger and tension. Emma Frost emerges as the leader of the resistance against Doctor Doom’s rule, offering support to what’s left of the Guardians.
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As the story unfolds, it answers some burning questions about the fate of the other Guardians and Earth’s mightiest heroes. However, to discover the fate of Star-Lord, Rocket, and the ultimate outcome of their mission to save the world, readers must stay tuned and check it out in early July
Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord is available on July 4th, 2023.
About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit marvel.com. © 2023 MARVEL

I downloaded this for my son who is a huge marvel fan, and in particular GOTG. He loves to read the comics and the graphic novels and note the differences between them and the films, as he likes that they seem darker.
He enjoyed reading this and got through it in a couple of sittings. He liked the concept of it and said it was written well. His selective hearing was definitely switched on when reading it so I could tell he was fully engaged!

Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord is a really fun story to read. Even though Star-Lord and Rocket are older, they’re still their young silly selves at heart. There’s a good amount of comedy and action throughout this book. As others have said, there are some characters that show up that are not mentioned in movies. People without knowledge of these characters may get confused.
Overall, great book and highly recommend to any superhero or marvel fan.
#Marvel #MarvelEnt #Aconytebooks #Review
This book was given to me in return for an honest review.
About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit marvel.com. © 2023 MARVEL