Member Reviews

I'm bummed to say that I DNF at 34%. I tried to push through and I just couldn't get into it.

I was looking forward to this because the world sounded unique. And I liked that the setting was different than most fantasy romance. But I got about 20% in and realized the story was unfolding like I was already supposed to know the backstory for these characters in order to connect with them. I also didn't fully understand the magic system because I felt like it was front loaded really quickly. I looked up some reviews and found out it was originally Reylo fanfiction, which made it make more sense. I've read a bunch of books that started out at Reylo fics and really enjoyed them, but this was the first one that felt like it was actual Reylo, rather than something new. We have an orphaned girl who can use rare Light powers, against the evil empire and the general who wields shadow powers. The empire is crushing the resistance and hope is shrinking.

I also struggled with the pacing and the lack of emotional connection to the events. In the 1/3 of the book I read, A LOT happens in pretty quick succession. And the telling of it felt like I was reading a plot checklist, rather than seeing characters really reacting and processing what was happening. This goes back to the Reylo roots. If you read this and have Star Wars in your mind, there are a lot of pieces that connect.

I think the writing is solid, if a bit too purple in places for me. And ultimately, I just think this wasn't for me. I think others will enjoy it, especially if they love all of Reylo origins.

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I know that people have noted that this is ReyLo fanfic, and maybe that's a hard no for some. TOTALLY FAIR! To each their own! You get to decide what you want to read (there are so many books!) and your reading experience is valid.

However, I still had a pretty good time! This is the author's debut work, so I do think there's some room for improvement as far as flowery, verbose prose. I really enjoyed the story though!

I'd read from Thea again in the future, and obviously I'm biased because I'm a huge Star Wars fan AND I am Filipino, but I thought this was enjoyable enough!

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This is a highly-anticipated fantasy release and one I wanted to read due to the Asian rep, but unfortunately it was not for me. I stopped around the 25% mark, as I was already forcing myself to continue at that point.

It was pretty obvious this was based on a fanfic with how the world building was set up. All these terms and names were thrown at you and became confusing. And this was just the beginning...I struggled to be engaged with the characters and invested in the story.

I was also not a fan of the writing style, which I would consider purple prose. And this is coming from someone who loves lyrical writing from authors like Laini Taylor, V.E. Schwab, Madeline Miller.

Thank you Harper Voyager for the ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced reader's copy. This book is magic. The world building is superbly done. This is the first steampunk fantasy that I have thoroughly enjoyed. The back and forth between the two main characters is what I lived for while reading. It's honestly one of the best books I have read this year. I truly cannot wait for the next one and am impatiently waiting. I plan on suggesting this to everyone I know who will enjoy it. Bravo and well done.

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I loved this. It gave me everything I want - a new, fully realized and interesting world, some romance and a bit overreaching plot. I loved the way the world was presented. There’s lots of info but it doesn’t bog you down at all and it’s easy to remember. I liked the characters and found their relationship more believable than many other books I’ve read recently. I just wish there was a map!

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"She could almost taste it, the rage of someone who believed in something. That was the most dangerous kind. It burned."


Thank you Netgalley and Harper Voyager for a copy of this book for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I discovered The Hurricane Wars back in April and from the description of an Adult enemies-to-lovers fantasy by an imprint I really enjoy with a gorgeous cover, it quickly became one of my most anticipated releases for Autumn 2023.

The Hurricane Wars is a dual-POV story that follows Talasyn (a soldier for the Sardovian army, a small group of rebels fighting for freedom against an empire) and Alaric Ossinast (the emperor's son). This is already tense enough, but Alaric can wield darkness and Talasyn light, making them close to the only people who could destroy one another. What will happen when they're forced into a tumultuous alliance due to those very powers?

This is a debut novel, and yet the writing is already STELLAR!! Guanzon has such talent at describing the world and its different locations from its atmosphere down to its food in such a tantalizing way that you wish you were there despite the ongoing danger. The atmosphere was easy to get lost in as well.

What I struggled with most in this book was the pacing. In the first 10%, I was mildly intrigued, which is normal for me. Up until around 35% though, I struggled to want to pick this one up, and wasn't sure where it was going and when we'd get there. From 35%-85%, I couldn't put this book down! Then, at the very end, I had mild whiplash from the characters' interactions and needed a little break. I have no complaints about the plot, but would caution that this felt very much like a character growth/relationship development > plot for book 1. I love that personally, but others might find it a bit slow or possibly be unsatisfied at the lack of what happens before the end. I had no issues with the logic other than wondering at Talasyn's behavior on a specific plot point that seemed to really put others in danger so unnecessarily despite her reasoning.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and it ended up being a 4.5 star read for me! I would pick up book 2 in October if it were coming out at the same time! 🤭 I'd really like to learn more about the side characters in the sequel as well.

I would definitely recommend this to people who love the tension of enemy kingdoms, Reylo, Southeast Asian-inspired worlds, and slow burns (both plot and romance)!

Disclaimer: I was really sick and also moved twice during the two months I read this book, so my intrigue could have been low due to that as well. After I finished The Atlas Six, this was my current favorite read most of the time I was reading it!

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4 stars. The Hurricane Wars is the first book in a new fantasy romance series, and is based off Star Wars Kylo/Rey fanfiction. I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan, and haven't watched all of the new ones, but I can definitely see the inspiration. With respect to this being the first book in a new series, I think that the Hurricane Wars did a good job of peeking my interest for what's to come. It should be noted that the world building in the beginning is DENSE. I struggled a little bit to find my footing, and it felt like it took at least 100+ pages for me to get into the groove of this story. The Hurricane Wars has a lot of similarities with other YA/NA romantasy books with respect to character archetypes. Talasyn is an orphan who happens to be able to wield light magic. She's basically the last of her kind, which makes her supremely powerful. But because of her upbringing, her powers are grand but also unpolished. Alaric is her enemy-- in fact, their countries fight against one another in the Hurricane Wars. He, too, is supremely gifted, but instead of wielding light magic, he wields shadows. He's also described as being quite large, quite grumpy, quite powerful, while also being mysterious/ aloof. As with most YA/NA romantasy books, we do get that requisite "training" scene, where he tries to help her perfect/ strengthen her powers. While all of these things seem to be almost de rigueur for the genre at this point, where the book really excelled and captured my excitement/ attention was the dynamic between Alaric and Talasyn. Firstly, Alaric FALLS for Talasyn. He falls pretty quickly but FALLS very hard. I love that. This is a marriage of convenience trope between sworn enemies that realize they are developing strong feelings for one another. They both happen to be in unique positions that only the other can commiserate with. But they are unsure of whether they can trust these feelings, as the possibility of betrayal is so high. Consequently, it's marriage of convenience, but also a little bit of a forbidden romance as well. Because of all of this, the sexual tension between them was delicious. They bantered like pros and their passion (both hate and love) exuded from the pages. I think it's worth noting that this was VERY slow burn. And I think the slow burn combined with the heavy world building in the beginning may be tough for some people to get beyond. For my personal preference, I LOVE a slow burn. It feels more genuine, and in a way, allows the couple to show their love/ emotions/ connection, rather than have the author just tell me about all of those things. Consequently, I am very curious to see how this series progresses, mostly because I'm very curious to see how Alaric and Talasyn progress.

Thank you so much to Guanzon, Harper Voyager/ Avon, and Netgalley for supplying me with an early version of this one!

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In a magical world inspired by the Philippines, Talasyn is a soldier fighting to defend her homeland from the might of the Night Empire. And she has a secret– she’s a rare Lightweaver, light magic user, which makes her even more dangerous to the Night Empire once the Night Empire’s crown prince discovers she exists.

I enjoyed the book a lot. It’s definitely heavy on the romantic tension– the relationship between Talasyn and Alaric makes up the most compelling parts of the story– but the world-building surrounding the Nenevar Dominion is beyond the scratch off lottery card thickness of most romantasy world building. It’s not faultless– while Nenevar is beautifully described in lush detail, the other relevant areas (Sardovian Allfold and the Night Empire) feel barely sketched out. That shouldn’t dissuade anyone from picking this up though.

Not to toot my own horn, I caught on pretty early. There’s a female protagonist with light powers and a male love interest with shadow powers. They fight multiple times, often wielding weapons made of their respective elements. Sabers of light, if you will. All that to say, I was already a bit suspicious before the love interest was described with a constellation of moles and an asymmetric face. That’s when I realized this is a Kylo Ren/Rey fan fic with the serial numbers filed off. The faults I found with the book, namely the puzzling lack of world-building, are resolved knowing this is a Star Wars fan fic.

Here’s the thing though– The Hurricane Wars is a pleasure to read. It’s a lot of fun if you like romantic fantasy even if you don’t like Star Wars. And if you do like Star Wars, the occasional sly reference might leave you in paroxysms of delight like me. I'm buying multiple copies of this and telling all my friends.

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epic in scope and somewhere between slow burn and not at all slow burn this romantasy is was so fun! I can see this story having such a wide appeal. I feel like I've read stories similar to this so many times but in almost all instances the woman is being forced to marry and she doesn't want to but slowly falls in love with the man, but I LOVED that the MCs have made the choice to marry together. They choose to do what's best for their countries together rather than being forced in a terrible way. This story retains the same dynamic that I've seen countless times before but blows it out of the water with that subtle agency that makes a huge difference.

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4/5. Releases 10/3/2023.
Vibes: enemies to lovers who actually do battle, secret princess-ness, masks (hot), and fantasy meets sci-fi

When Prince Alaric, son of the Night Emperor, discovers that orphan rebel Talasyn wields magic to counter his own, he knows there's more to her than what meets the eye. Combined, their abilities reach untold degrees of strength. The question is--now that they know this, what are they going to do about it?

Thea Guanzon has taken her original source material, infused it with a Filipino influence, and created a really interesting enemies to lovers romance that is heavy on politics and plotting. It was a step towards world-heaviness for me, but it never lost my attention and set up a compelling love story.

Quick Takes:
--Yes, this is a classic "dark prince/light girl" story, which I know some people are going to rag on, but it does that setup very well. And it's a classic for a reason, you know? Alaric and Talasyn are legitimately enemies, which is kind of hard to find in EtL right now. You begin this novel with them in the heat of battle, and I don't think they're going to overcome their issues easily, however much they may be attracted to each other. It feels like an actual challenge.

I'll add that, to me, Alaric's motivations for standing where he does make much more sense than those of many characters we could compare him to. Frankly, for me, as soon as you make someone the "Prince of the Apparently Evil Empire", you've already done a lot of the work there. We may want to see these corruption arcs, but the reality is that if you were raised on the "good side" (is the good side really good--a question in this novel, for sure) you have to like... either be dumb or naive enough to get seduced into the dark, or legitimately agree with the dark side's points on some level. Alaric doesn't really have a lot of choice here--there is family and responsibility and also simply culture to consider. I found all of that interesting, and I will say that he is undeniably the more compelling of our two leads, but like. That's not a shocker, all things considered.

Also, Alaric has like, never held the hand of a woman, and him getting very literally distracted by Sexy Girl was highly entertaining and pleasing to me and my brand.

--I really liked his mask. I have nothing to say about this except "mask is hot", mask made a big impression on me, I was a fan, 10/10 mask usage.

--You do start right in the midst of the action, but in terms of the romance it's a slow burn. Like, a slower burn than what I usually read; a "this will take a few books to cover" slow burn. However, I didn't feel frustrated by that, because it seemed natural. They could not simply jump into their desires and feelings here. The situation was too complicated, and they would have looked a bit silly if they had acted any earlier than they did.

--I've seen other reviews that call this too romance-heavy, calling out the world-building and magic system... Whereas I as a romance reader am like "this could have used a bit more romance". I would definitely call this a romance--but like I said, there's gotta be some stretch over (I believe) three books. She has to take her time. In the end, and I kind of feel like... I don't know, Thea, you don't need to explain the world much more for me. I'm good, I get it, I don't need the minutiae of magic. So while I'm not saying that fantasy-first readers are wrong in that sense, I do tend to wonder if this book is meant for fantasy-first readers. To me, it's reading as more romance-first, but I DO want to see the romance kick up a notch in the next book, and I'm reading this with the assumption that it will.

For the sake of comparison--as someone who enjoyed Fourth Wing, I would call this heavier on the worldbuilding than Fourth Wing, but still somewhat comparable in a tonal sense. The Big War Plot and the Magic and Shit is secondary to the Feelings. As they should be, in my opinion. Again, I really think that in the next installment, it should be HEAVIER on the feelings. I do worry somewhat that romance-first readers might have an equal but opposite complaint to the fantasy-first readers.

--In that sense, I do think this book is a little denser than it needed to be, and we could've used a little bit of quickening in the general pace. Like, I was engaged, I was interested, I was about it, I just think it could have mored a little faster. That said, I am someone who in general prefers a brisk pace, and I know that this is not necessarily the norm for fantasy-heavy books.

The Sex:
As I said, this is a slow burn. It's not closed door by any means (what happens is explicit and clear) but we're taking incremental steps towards a full................ commitment.

Interesting and romantic and adventurous, The Hurricane Wars is a step outside of the norm if you're not used to fantasy or fantasy romance, but I found it pretty easy to understand and fun to read. Would recommend!

Thanks to Harper Voyager and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I struggled to get into this story. It has a lot of tropes that I enjoy (enemies to lovers, marriage of convenience, angsty romance). But unfortunately for me the plot just could not keep my attention. The book starts off plunging you into fights and battles, but 15-20% in the action completely stops and does not pick back up again. With a title like "The Hurricane Wars" I expected high-stakes fantasy action. Instead I got chapter upon chapter of marriage contract negotiations and mis-communications between the love interests. I was frustrated that nothing really happened at the end (there was no climax, no final fight seen, no confrontation with the real villain, not even the Night of the World Eater that is the main characters motivation. This is setting itself up for future books but I wasn't intrigued enough to want to to read more.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Voyager for providing a eARC of this book.

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This was another book that I requested because I loved the cover, but it turns out it might be one of my favorite books I’ve read this year. I loved the magic system and the characters felt like friends of mine. I was so connected to their thoughts, feelings and felt I was right alongside them. If you’re looking for a fantasy book with a strong lead and a immersive and fascinating plot, definitely pick this up!

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What you can expect to find in The Hurricane Wars
-enemies to lovers
-marriage of convenience
-slow burn
-she's sassy
-he falls hard and fast
-diverse characters

Talasyn a lightweaver is fighting as a soldier against the Night Empire in the Hurricane Wars. Prince Alaric is uses his Shadow magic and hasn't met his equal until he fights Talasyn in the battle field. Soon these two discover that when their magic is combined they create something powerful. With a threat looming in the near distance these two must decide if they are willing to come together to defeat a threat larger than both of their forces.

From the moment I started reading The Hurricane Wars I was intrigued. I will say that it did take me a bit to get into the book as the word building is extensive. But what kept me coming back was the chemistry between Talasyn and Alaric - gah how I love these two! Talasyn is amazing in her own right - she doesn't take crap from anyone and isn't afraid to voice her opinions. And Alaric is absolutely gone for her - it was so much fun to watch!

I have to say that the writing by Thea Guanzon is so lyrical and beautiful. I had passages after passage highlighted because of the vivid imagery. And let's be honest - nothing makes me love a book more than a marriage of convenience trope. The slow burn between Talasyn and Alaric was slooooooow, but the tension and angst was always there which I love in a romantasy.

There were so many twists and turns in this book and I am already dying to read book 2. If you're looking for a enemies to lovers, fantasy romance with diverse characters I highly highly recommend The Hurricane Wars

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The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon is a page-turning fantasy, enemies-to-lovers slow burn romance. It kept me interested and engaged and I really loved the world building. However, the pace and timeline of the novel was difficult to follow. I felt the story when in several directions that were distracting from the main plot point. I’m still giving this book 4 stars because it was very good and I’m interested to continuing reading of Talasyn and Alaric, Nenavar and Sardovia and Kesath. I would definitely recommend this book to fans of romantic fantasy and political fantasy.

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4.5 stars is more accurate but I’ll bump it up to 5.

An amazing debut that while slow to start builds up to something fast and fully enrapturing bringing the reader into a world of high stakes, peak tension, political war games and two lonely powerful people who must wade through it all. I feel anyone whether they are a fantasy fan or even the more passive fantasy fan would get a lot of enjoyment out of this.

Best parts: tension, banter, forced proximity, will they won’t they and the power system.

The bits mentioned above are a big part of why I gave this a higher rating but it took a while to get there. The world building is good - but felt like it could have been better. Even interspersed with action sequences and political talks it felt sluggish. It took about 50% of the book for me to get to a point where reading it didn’t feel like a chore (I will say I do intend on rereading at some point to see if I still feel the same way about the first half or if it’s a case of bad timing because as I said the world building itself is fine just felt slow).

Past that halfway point? I breezed through this. The stakes kept getting higher and every interaction between Talasyn and Alaric was more exciting than the last. The story grew with them as their ‘relationship’ grew. The little personal bits of information they started to trust with the other, the heated tension filled moments, the understanding of the lives they came from - you can’t help but root for each of them and both of them together.

The fact that Alaric is just head over heels and can’t keep control of it? Easily the reason I gave this five stars. Him whining to Sevraim about wanting Talasyn to just like him and not knowing what to do? Hysterical but also the poor thing. I cant wait to watch him just completely fumble his way through being disgustingly in love with her while also dealing with everything else (his father, the rest of the Sardovian fleet, his own issues).

Talasyn’s personal growth through the book - ultimately ending with her standing up for herself against authority realizing she is powerful enough to have the upper hand and knowing when to show - is well done. Her discovery of this through her time with Alaric but also on her own shows a distinct choice. She’s capable of growth on her own with or without him - he just pushes those boundaries a little bit farther than anyone else is willing to and gets her there faster. I can’t wait to see their dynamic going forward.

I appreciate the differing POVs because it helps remind the reader that while yes - Alaric and Talasyn’s stories are now fully intertwined they’re still their own characters. They still have their own personal battles to fight. Their own stories to tell.

The hint of things throughout the book - most notable at the end - are perfectly teased enough to get the reader interested in the books to come. Both Talasyn and Alaric dealing with parental authority figures who are controlling and in the way of their ideals - what will come of this and what choices will they have to make? The mystery of what happened to both of their mothers. Where is Khaede? Where will their loyalties ultimately fall and what sacrifices will be made before we reach the conclusion?

Thank you to Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the eARC and the opportunity to read and review this ahead of publication.

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If you loved the OG fanfic you’re gonna go hard for this. If you love fun, addictive, and sexy romantasy you’re gonna go hard for this. If you love thoughtful, interesting characters and fascinating magic systems you’re gonna go hard for this. Basically I just think most folks are gonna go hard for this.

One of my fave moments from the original fic happened way into the story, and I can’t wait to read it again but remixed this way. I’m strapped in for the long haul.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this in exchange for an honest review!

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4.25/5 stars

First in a Southeast Asian-inspired romantic fantasy trilogy, this debut was such fun to read and kept my attention riveted through the entire book.

This story revolves around a long-standing civil war between the ruthless Night Emperor with their shadow magic and basically everyone else in their sphere.

Talasyn is a young, orphaned resistance fighter who has known nothing but hardship and war for much of her life and has made her military comrades her surrogate family. She has a secret, however, that could change the tide of the war. Prince Alaric, the son of the Night Emperor, lost his mother at a young age and has been molded and groomed to become his father’s successor.

As Talasyn’s abilities are forced into the light, Alaric is ordered to hunt her down and kill her. But when they both end up on a nearby “neutral” island nation, objectives change, and the two are forced into a truce of sorts to secure objectives for each of their factions.

I enjoyed this, but at 500 pages, I think it was too long and seemed too repetitive in spots. There’s great world-building, and I did like Talasyn and Alaric as characters, but their change in feeling towards each other felt both sudden and drawn-out, if that makes sense. They went from hate to attraction, back and forth and back and forth…so that it became a bit tiresome at times. And while the age difference wasn’t over-the-top (T is 19, A is 26) sometimes it felt a little jarring and too obvious in their actions.

So even though I felt it had a few issues, it was well-written, a good debut and ended with plenty of plot to still play with. I will definitely read more.

My sincere thanks to the author, NetGalley and Harper Voyager for providing the free early arc of The Hurricane Wars for review. The opinions are strictly my own.

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I’m struggling with this one. As soon as I found out it’s based on a star wars fanfic I cannot unsee it. I am one to enjoy fanfics and know how talented their writers can be. What I’ve read is really good and the world building is fantastic. I just can’t get my mind to cooperate knowing what I know. I’ve really tried. I stopped and came back several times, but I just cannot seem to get into it.

I will not be leaving any public reviews for the sake I do not believe I can fairly review this piece.

I plan to attempt the audiobook when it’s released to see if that enables my brain to get into it.

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Wow - This book blew me away! So well written; the world-building was incredible. I went back and forth between the audiobook and the ebook, and I appreciated listening to the characters' names and locations and then reading them. I cannot wait to see what else Thea Guanzon writes next in this series. What a superb first novel!

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I went into this book with really no expectations or preconceived notions other than the beautiful cover and intriguing storyline . The beginning of the book was hard to read as it took me a couple of tries for the story to really capture me. The world building was a little confusing, and the pacing seemed off. I did really enjoy the romance and the tension, and I felt that the plot moved more cohesively towards the middle of the book. I would recommend this to my friends and will read the next installment.

Thank you to HarperVoyager and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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