Member Reviews

Such an easy and fun read with nods to the craft. Even had a poster in one of the panels! Very 90s vibes! The art style was so beautiful and the ending twist was not something I saw coming! I really hope there are additional volumes

I enjoyed this fun, witchy graphic novel. It would make a great Halloween read. I want to know what happens next!

Taous Merakchi has created a wonderfully illustrated story of 4 young witches finding their way into the world of witchcraft. I thoroughly enjoyed the world building and character building involved in creating this story. I found myself sucked into their world, hoping for their safety, and their friendship being solidified amongst the group. Such a captivating story, and I wish it wasn’t over so soon! Highly recommend this one if you are into witchy stories and women friendships.

I really loved this graphic novel and think it is perfect for anyone looking for fun witchy vibes in a quick and easy read. The artwork is just as gorgeous as you would expect looking at the cover art. There were fun pop culture "easter eggs" and a diverse cast of characters, both of which I LOVE. I also felt that the overall story was solid and would love to see it continued.
A great graphic novel to summon all of the spooky vibes you could want as fall approaches.

Typical teenaged kind of graphic novel, which doesn't mean it's bad, but doesn't mean it exactly suits all the audiences potentially open to it. Here, four teenaged girls are worried so much about a local elm tree getting the chop they try and use magic to save it. Something hellish and spooky oversees their success. But when they just try and put a bit of happy glamour on themselves as they all go to a neighbourhood party, things gang aft agley, and the hellishness and spookiness only increases.
I was on board at the start of this – it didn't seem so completely formulaic what the girls were dipping their toes into magic for, and there was a touch of maturity to proceedings. But when they become squealing girls you see them and their genre for being really quite ho-hum. Things pick up again – the genre trappings at work here – before a bit of a damp squib of a climax. So while my feelings about this are definitely on the uneven side I can see others responding with delight throughout – although other reviews elsewhere certainly don't universally show that. All told it was definitely not objectionable, but not a major success – three and a half stars, perhaps.

WHY did I wait so long to read this!! I loved the girls and I loved the story, hope I can find it in the wild to read it properly.
Just wish the ARC had been available for Kindle!

I love how different each girl is and how their personality was placed on the page. The magic was entertaining. Thank you for the netgalley arc.

Thankyou to Net Galley for sending me an e copy of Covento review
I loved this so much, as well as the witchy vibes. The love the four girls have to save an elm tree is really refreshing, and becomes interesting when they turn to magical rituals to help them save it.
I loved the art style of this graphic novel and how each character was very unique.
I will definitely be recommending to others!

Reminiscent of The Craft, this graphic novel follows a group of girls who decided to use magic to save a beloved local tree, but it doesn't go quite right. This was so much fun to read, really gave me the feel of those 90s teen movies.

I loved this, but then again I love all things related to GN's and witchcraft. The characters were well thought out and easy to love. My only complaint is that there isn't going to be more adventures and rituals from Eve, Diane, Lily and Morgane :(

I don’t read many graphic novels anymore but I’m so glad I gave this one a chance. The characters were interesting and individual and all added something to the plot. The plot started off relatively simple but built itself up and I enjoyed following the various threads. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book.

I really enjoyed it and if your are a fan of the craft and love the 90s vibes than you will totally love this comic!

I got. this on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!
Overall this was a very quick, fun, and mysterious graphic novel about a group of friends who do magical rituals and then have to find a solution when it turns out they may have been horribly wrong. The characters are very different, but it is clear that they are great friends. It also has a very unique art style, which is always fun! I did not see the reveal coming AT ALL!!!
My biggest irk about this one, which pulled the star rating down for me, was that I feel like we do not get the chance to really fall in love with the girls. It jumps straight into action, and there are many situations where I feel like we are supposed to really feel for them, but sadly since we get so little build-up and character development / see who the characters are as individuals and as a group, I do not really feel much when these things happen! Many of the situations when the girls are together also feel very surface level, which is a big rip.

Thank you NetGalley, Publishers, and Taous Merakchi for gifting me a copy of Coven in return for my honest opinion.
3/5 stars
Eve, Diane, Lily, and Morgane are young rebels with a mission. The beloved elm tree in the four old friends' local park is slated for felling, and nobody seems to care. Appalled, the girls decide to try to save it using witchcraft. Against all odds, their ritual works! Soon after, strange phenomena awaken them to a terrible Demon of Chaos that has somehow been invoked, and it is hell-bent on destroying them...
What I loved
-The twists and turns kept me guessing throughout the whole story.
-The plot kept me entertained and I was left wanting more.
-The representation of LGBTQIA+, larger-bodied, and BIPOC.
What I wish was better
-The illustrations were not my favorite style of art. They are pretty but it's nit a style I enjoy.
-I felt like I was reading the book version of the Craft movie.
Final thoughts
It was a quick, fun read that kept me entertained through out.

I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. This was everything that I wanted it to be and more. The connection of the four girls no matter how different they were seem to come together. It was all witchy fun and something that reminded of growing up during the time of Buffy, Charms and the likes. It is definitely worth a re-read. The illustrations are amazing and it gives a wonderful flow to the story.

My thanks to Europe Comics for a digital review copy via NetGalley of ‘Coven’ by Taous Merakchi & Da Coffee Time. It was translated from the French by Anna Howell.
What a delightful graphic novel this was. It follows four friends and their discovery of witchcraft.
Eve, Diane, Lily, and Morgane are concerned that a beloved elm tree in a local park is due to be felled to make way for an asphalt paved picnic area. It appears that all the usual channels of protest have failed. Morgane had recently purchased a book on magic at a local occult shop and so the girls decide to try to save the tree using a spell. They are delighted when their ritual works and the tree is officially protected. Hurrah!
However, soon after there is a series of strange incidents and they discover that they have accidentally awoken a Demon of Chaos! Now they have to find a way to banish the demon before it destroys them!
This was refreshing as many of the panels show the girls doing normal teenage activities including interacting with parents, being in class at school, thinking about relationships, teasing each other, and deciding what to wear to a party. This created a nice balance with the more dramatic and sinister scenes.
I appreciated how one of the girls had a poster for ‘The Craft’ on their bedroom wall, though the girls in the ‘Coven’ are more adjusted than the characters in the iconic film of teen witchery.
I thought that the artwork was striking with a good use of line, colour, light and shade.
Overall, I enjoyed ‘Coven’ very much and while the story was self-contained I felt that the ending did allow for the possibility of a sequel.

i really loved this graphic novel. great characters and a really fun interesting story, absolutely recommend for people that love a little bit of witchcraft

Such an easy, but enjoyable read. Love the main characters and how each were very original and developed. My only complaint is that I was hoping it ended with a cliffhanger so we’d get a sequel!

I LOVED this!! I just don't usually give graphic novels 5 stars because it feels like cheating. The illustrations are. gorgeous and the story flows really well. I found myself wanting more when it was over.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this book, via NetGalley. I enjoyed this book, and I couldn't put it down! Would recommend!