Member Reviews

You or someone like you by Winter Renshaw was a very quick read for me. Renshaw is one of my favorite authors, so I was excited to receive a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. This book did not disappoint! I enjoyed the plotline and character development. I found myself anxiously awaiting to see how things would progress as the suspense grew. I also felt a special connection to Sloane and Margoux. The struggles of having a twin (a triplet in my case) and the great lengths you will go to in helping them. But also the feeling of always having someone who has your back no matter what. I definitely empathize as the sisters had their struggles throughout the book. Many things they dealt with I've experienced firsthand with my own sister. I really enjoyed this book. I did feel the end was a little rushed. I would have liked to see the ending in more detail. but overall, I was happy with this book. ⅘ stars.

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You or Someone Like You❤️‍🩹

Sloane’s sister asks her to go on a blind date for her when it turns out she’s violently ill with possible food poisoning. Sloane is not at all happy with this arrangement but wants to help her sister out, so she goes. It turns out the man she’s meeting is the man that got her fired a few years earlier😳

Roman is a widower and single dad to two girls, when his aunt sets him up on a date with one of her employees. Suffice to say it doesn’t go well, but there is a pull of sorts and they try again❣️

I feel the twin sister genre is making a come back as this is the second book I’ve read in the last week but let me tell you I was blown away by this story and loved each and every word. I read the author’s note at the end and how this story came about….and for that reason it was that much more poignant and struck a chord😍 Sloane’s sister I could’ve done without but she was redeemable towards the end😊

A fabulous tale of second chances that made me love Roman and Sloane even more. I received an advanced copy via Netgalley and voluntarily leave my honest review♥️

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This book was amazing; it hooked me from the very first chapter. As an art major, the fine art background of this story really struck home for me.

At 25% in I swore up and down that I knew who Halcyon was, but discovered quickly that I had it all wrong. The Banksy-esque mystery was a lot of fun to follow through the story.

Overall it was extremely well written and I have nothing bad to say! I loved this so much and the Afterward had me in tears. I highly recommend giving this one a read.

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Sloane and Margaux are identical twin sisters who participate in a twin swap in this contemporary romance from Winter Renshaw. While Margaux is outgoing, social & narcissistic, Sloane is more reserved and thoughtful and often a doormat for her sister. Margaux agrees to a blind date encouraged by her boss as she thinks her promotion hinges on it. Margaux pressures Sloane to take her place when she becomes ill. Roman’s aunt is Margaux’s boss and he agrees to the blind date to ease his aunt’s mind. Roman is still grieving the loss of his beloved wife and single parenting his two daughters. He’s not ready to move on despite being pressured to do so.

As one date leads to more, Roman and Sloane discover how much they have in common especially their love of art. Roman starts to feel alive again and sees himself wanting more with Sloane. But Sloane is still being dishonest with Roman and as her feelings for him grow her conscience won’t allow her to continue the ruse eventually allowing her to stand up to Margaux. It was necessary growth for Sloane.

Roman’s love for his late wife is palpable. His grief is felt through the page as is his love for his daughters. Sloane respects his grief and their relationship develops organically. Nothing felt forced between them, awkward initially but never forced. Roman and Sloane were both such likable characters that I found myself rooting for them. They both acted like adults in how they handled the inevitable conflict which was refreshing. This book overall was low drama and angst. It was a sweet, heartfelt romance about moving on in an unexpected timeline as love is often unexpected.

Don’t miss the dedication and author’s note at the end.

Thanks to Montlake & Winter Renshaw for the ARC.

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What an amazing story, I loved Sloane and Roman. Switching places with her sister to help with a promotion should be easy, right? Go on a date for her she said, be dull and boring she said, make him not want another date. Something so easy shouldn’t have been so hard. Roman has been grieving the loss of his wife and out of the dating game for a while, one favor was all this was to be and nothing more. Until it wasn’t. These two hit it off and what should’ve been one date has turned into so much more. Now all Sloane has to do is come clean with Roman before it’s too late. Fantastic read, I found this book on Netgalley.

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This story will break your heart and mend it all at the same time. Sloan and Margaux are identical twins. Where Sloan is empathetic, easy going and willing to do anything to help, Margaux is narcissistic, and only does things for her benefit. When Margaux’s boss suggests she go on a date with Roman, her bosses nephew, Margaux agrees hoping to give a boost to her chances for promotion to vp. The day of the date Margaux gets sick and convinces Sloan to pretend to be her, act boring and not make Roman interested in a second date. Things get complicated when Sloan and Roman hit it off. Roman lost his wife 3 years ago to a hit and run and never expected to find someone who interested him again. He was content living his life with work and his 2 little girls. Sloan wants to tell Roman everything but doesn’t want to ruin her sisters chances at a promotion. With deception like this, it’s impossible not to have at least one person hurt and finding the truth and understanding the reasons will have everyone reevaluating their choices and reactions. Eventually you get to the hea and it’s more than expected.

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I really liked this book. Sloane and Roman seemed to be one for the other. Their love of art connected them. I didn't like her sisters personally, it was very narcissistic but in the end she saw her ways. What I would do to make the book better would be to add a bit of more drama. I love feeling the hurt when one character thinks it's one thing and it turns out being another. But overall I really loved the book

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If I had to describe this book in one word, I would call it enchanting.

Margoux wants a promotion, so she says yes to her boss's proposal to go on a date with her nephew. She ends up feeling unwell and she asks Sloane, her twin sister, to go on a blind date in her place. Sloane reluctantly agrees and her date winds up being Roman. It was supposed to be one date only anyways...

I loved the charateristics of the characters; while Roman felt detached, indifferent even and Margoux a self-centered person and a manipulator, it was Sloane who ended up being her true self with a shining personality! It was that what cracked Roman's walls bit by bit, and before he knew what hit him, he has already fallen deep.

Sweet, passionate and tender! I loved it.

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Highly Recommend!!!!

I can say this is a Must Read!

Amazing story with sound Character Development which I love!

This story a brilliant and well written! I could not put this book down!

I love the way this story was written and this book holds you from page one!

Winter Renshaw did an amazing job with this story! I really enjoyed her writing style!

No spoilers with my review. If you have not purchased this book you need to. You will not be disappointed!

Overall I give this book 5 golden stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️

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You or Someone Like You

By Winter Renshaw

This book was a page turner, I couldn’t put it down. It is about the lives of identical twin women. Margaux and Sloane live together in New York. Margaux is a go getter and Sloane is more down to earth and into art. Margaux’s boss wants her to go out with her nephew Roman who is a widower. She sets up the dinner date and Margaux is ill and talks her sister Sloane into going in her place and pretending that she is Margaux. Sloane pulls it off and doesn’t think Roman will ask her out again. Not! Theodora talks Roman into asking Margaux out again, but she can’t do it so Sloane has to go. Things happen and it gets very exciting to say the least.

This is a must read, very intertaining

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I loved Roman and Sloane‘s book. It was an entertaining, fun read. I couldn’t put it down. Great characters. And am voluntarily leaving my review.

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I love Winter and anytime she releases a book it’s an instant read for me. And I devoured this book. Sloan is doing her sister Margaux a favor by going on a blind date (pretending to be Margaux) that her boss set up with her nephew Roman. Romans wife passed away three years ago. He’s not ready to move on, but to get his aunt off his back he’s agreed to go on a date with one of her employees. After an awkward and uncomfortable date both walk away from the date not wanting a second one. But then Roman and Margaux end up walking home the same way after the date. And when he sees where she lives, and her keychain he knows it’s a sign that maybe he should try a do over. I loved seeing Roman open up to the possibility of a relationship. And Margauxs feelings for him kept getting stronger the more time they spent together. This is such a touching story! Definitely a must read!

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Being an identical twin certainly has its perks, but when my sister asked me to take her place on a date with Roman Bellisario, I wasn’t exactly thrilled. While Roman might be everything a woman could want, he’s unfortunately the man who got me fired from my dream job a few years ago. It’s supposed to be one date and nothing more. But what happens when the wrong twin falls for the right man?? Find out in You or Someone Like You.

Sloane has the biggest heart and would do anything for her sister. And well, that’s how she ended up in her current predicament. If Sloane and Roman met under normal circumstances, all bets would be off. Despite Sloane’s history and preconceived notions, Roman is her perfect match. Unfortunately for Sloane, they’re not meeting under normal circumstances as Sloane is pretending to be her twin sister, Margaux.

That brings us to Roman. When we first met up with Roman, I just knew the date between him and “Margaux” would end in disaster. Roman was grumpy and aloof and certainly didn’t want to be on this date. So imagine my surprise when fate kept throwing Sloane and Roman together. Slowly, Roman’s layers start to peel back and you begin to see that there is so much more to him than meets the eye.

You or Someone Like You is a fantastic read from beginning to end. I think it had just the right amount of drama and spice. The twin swap was such a fun idea and is one of those stories that you know is going to hurt when all the secrets finally reveal themselves.

If I had to make one complaint about this book it would be that the third-act breakup felt a bit rushed. It felt like there was a race to the end and I for one, would have enjoyed a little more groveling from a certain character.

Even with the slight issue at the end, I couldn’t help but fall head over heels for Roman and Sloane’s story.

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Sloane and Margaux are twins but are nothing alike. Sloane loves art and likes to stay out of the limelight. Margaux is flirty and career driven. When Margaux convinces Sloane to do her a favor, she's not prepared for what comes next. It doesn't only affect Sloan but also Roman and what he thought he wanted. When secrets are revealed how will it all work out? Really enjoyable and entertaining. Loved the characters.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC

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Love Sloane and Roman’s story. Love how they connected with each other. Love how Sloane was able to get Roman to live again. Live their ending.

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3 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Margaux is up for a promotion at work, and her boss has set her up on a date with her rich and handsome nephew, Roman. Not feeling well, Margaux convinces her identical twin sister, Sloane, to go on the date instead. Sloane is given strict instructions to be boring, which she does. However, Margaux’s boss really wants the relationship to work, so Sloane finds herself going on more than just one date with Roman, pretending to be her sister. Soon she and Roman realize they have a lot in common and begin to fall for one another… but he doesn’t know that Sloane isn’t who she says she is.

I liked this story for the most part. Very middle of the road. Margaux was suuuper selfish during the whole book. I liked Sloane and Roman together and wished Sloane had come clean sooner.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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This one wasn’t really for me, the whole double spiel wasn’t for me, I like my heroine honest. It was very emotional, but during the whole time I did not feel the connection. All in all it was a solid read for a Sunday afternoon, wished for more time with the kids and to be honest I would not give my kid at the end of the book such a name, call me petty.

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You or Someone Like You takes an identical twin switch theme and turns it into a complex, intelligent and oh-so-satisfying story of hope, risk, self-exploration and emotional development. When Margaux’s pushy boss insists on setting her up on a blind date with her nephew, Margaux reluctantly accepts as she is in the running for a massive promotion. But when Margaux gets food poisoning, she begs her identical twin, Sloane, go in her place, be boring (but polite, because hello - promotion) then fob the guy off in the nicest possible way. What Sloane doesn’t expect is that the date is the same guy who ruthlessly had her fired from her previous job.

What Roman doesn’t expect is that this blind date his aunt pushed him into would hold his interest for more than a few minutes. As a widower, he has had zero interest in any woman since his wife tragically passed, leaving him a single dad of two beautiful young girls. So, to nobody’s surprise, the date progresses with stilted small talk and shallow dialogue. But something about this woman piques his curiosity, especially when he notices her keychain is by the infamously secretive and elusive artist, Halcyon.

This is a GREAT story! The writer’s personal family experience with love and loss will bring you to tears, but it helps explain how she has brilliantly captured the depth of Roman’s conflicted emotions. An absolute must read.

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This story has a beautiful flow—with an interesting beginning, a fascinating middle, a beautiful ending—and a few bumps in the road. Roman Bellisario lost his wife three years ago, and has been busy raising their two daughters ever since. He runs a major company, and his aunt runs her own company as well. Sloane and Margaux are identical twins, and Margaux works for Roman’s Aunt Theodora. She sets Margaux up with Roman, and since Margaux is up for a big promotion, she feels like she must go on this undesirable date. Unfortunately, Margaux gets sick before the date, and cajoles Sloane into taking her place, with strict instructions to be ‘boring.’ The date is excruciating and very boring, so Sloane isn’t worried about a repeat date. Well—best laid plans and all…

Needless to say, Sloane and Roman have a lot in common. There are things that they are keeping secret from each other for very valid reasons, and when those secrets are exposed—and you know they always are—there are some tough moments. Regardless, the flow is excellent and the tension and pacing are on point. The ending should make most readers smile, and once again, Winter Renshaw knocks it out of the park! This book has that ‘something extra’ that elevates it to the 5 star category. All of the details get tied up beautifully, and readers are left with a happy ending that feels natural and slightly supernatural at the same time!

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WhAT? This was such a good read!😭
This book includes:
>twin swap
>slow burn
>grief and healing
>second chance

You or Someone Like You is a dual-POV between Sloane (FMC) and Roman (MMC). Sloane has an identical twin sister named Margaux who was set up by her boss to have a blind date with her nephew (Roman), but begs Sloane to take her place. She insists that her job and promotion could be on the line if things go awry, so Sloane agrees to the blind date.
Then only after that, she learns the date is with Roman Bellisario— the man who had her fired 3 years ago.

Roman’s aunt has been on his case about getting back in the dating scene and has been setting him up with blind dates here and there. Roman’s not interested in finding someone else new after his late wife, but still reluctantly agrees to this date.
Enter Sloane— I mean, “Margaux” (who is actually Sloane😌) and they share one of the most awkward first dates ever.

And yeah, things happen afterwards, they realize they both have a shared love and appreciation for art. Bro takes her out on more dates and things get interesting; all the while he still thinks that Sloane is Margaux.

Ahh, this was my second book by Winter Renshaw, and I love the way she writes the interactions between the characters— her writing gives me such vivid visuals in my mind, which doesn’t happen as often as I’d like. So thank you for that, Winter.😌 I absolutely loved the way the author handled the circumstance of Roman’s grief and love for his former sweetheart, and that it never once overshadowed his growing love for Sloane, and vice versa! This was a fast paced and comfy read!

This was sweet and emotional story between the two main characters.🥹 and I plan on reading more from Winter Renshaw!

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