Member Reviews

I loved this book so much. it's about loving the skin you're in and finding all the closed off pieces of yourself. the heart of it was definitely a journey of self discovery but i loved everly and logan so much. they were so sweet together. i also thought the reality show had some really intriguing and intense twists, overall this book was so good and i'll have to check out jenny's other book as well.

A special thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Publishing Group for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Everly has hidden and self-censored: if nobody notices you they won’t reject or make fun of you. She gets nominated for On the Plus Size, a reality show like What Not to Wear that follows fat (reclaiming that word) women as they get wardrobe, make up, career makeovers and encourages personal empowerment. Logan is one of the camera men and he finds himself attracted to Everly. But this is not your average romcom. It goes deeper than that. We watch a romance build but we also watch her bloom and face the real struggles of coming out of her herself and accepting, embracing her fat self.

That’s not to say that this doesn’t have its light and airy engaging love story. And there are some nice sexy bits. But Everly wants her story to be more than a romcom and more about her real struggles to emerge and empower herself during this ‘makeover’.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Jenny L. Howe is a strong writer. She is engaging, descriptive and has great pacing. I enjoy reading her writing and I like that her concepts are not always something I have read before. My favorite part about this story was the sub-plot with Sady; I think it added a lot of tension and drama, and with Logan's connection to Sady, I really was not sure what was going to happen. While I could connect and invest in Everly & Logan's story, I was not always drawn in by it, as I felt like maybe they could have used a bit more tension and build. However, I still found it very cute, and sweet. I loved some of the quotes and I appreciate how Howe represents a healthy romance in her writing.

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Totally think this book is a good fun read and bonus points for the care that the author gives to this book about #bodypositivity and the being unapologetically yourself regardless of size. I definitely think author #jennyhowe did a great job with the main character Everly, a likeable and genuine character in need of big beautiful bold fairy godparents Stanton and Jazzy. It’s giving Queer Eye meets What Not to Wear with the behind the scenes drama a plus-size The Bachelor. Couldn’t give a full 5 because I wanted a little more development before the big surprise from Everly. I got a little too many intros to people in the beginning. I had a hard time keeping up with so many characters so soon. I’m partial to a slower build and growing with a character, but the chemistry and spicy development was there and adorbs. I didn’t realize I was #lumberjacksexual until this book. Refreshing to have a romance with a positive message that was a good old fashion good read. Definitely lends itself to spin-offs and character arcs…would love to read more. My vote is for a Jazzy and/or Stanton love match.

Shot out to #stmartinspress and #netgalley for the ARC for an honest review - I’m all about that life!

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Loved it! I saw myself so much in Everly. And when you see yourself in a book it means so much more.

Everly is plus sized and living a quiet life. She has a small crush on her coworker, lives in her brother (and best friend's) garage. Her mom is... well she's not the best support in the world.

But one things she does have, is her favorite show, On the Plus Side. It's a show that empowers people who are plus sized into being the best self they can be right now. She watches it with her best friend and is quietly on the forums talking about it.

But what happens when SHE'S nominated to be on? What will happen to the quiet life she's led since college? What will her mom say? What will her coworker think?

It was so good. I understood where Everly was coming from in so many ways. She spoke truth for me. I loved the developing relationships she built with the people she meets on the show, the hosts and cameraman Logan.

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Finally plus size representation that actually makes sense, is realistic and is relatable!! The romance was 😘😘 I love how the author tackled some heavy subjects like grief but also incorporated some airy and funny parts. I wasn’t sure how I was going to like the reality tv setting of the story but it just worked! Give me more books from this author!!

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This book will definitely be in my top reads for the year. I finished this book a few days ago and I have not stopped thinking about it and how it made me feel since.

This book touched my soul because I had such a connection to the FMC, Everly. Everly like so many fat bodied people have to deal with the stigmas and society pressures to conform to hide our bodies and dress in either whatever is available in the store (dark, patterned, baggy) clothing options all to make it so our divots, rolls and bodies are hidden or made to be slimmer. But in the course of doing this we start to lose ourselves. Who we are and our confidence in our bodies is also impacted. You can do all of the deconstruction in the world when it comes to internalized fatphobia but this part is something that can be harder to conquer because some are at the mercy of what is at the local stores.

I loved that Jenny tackled this challenging topic in such a kind, beautiful way and with respect. The build to the relationship with Logan was also really great and I just loved this book so much. I cannot wait to have a physical copy in hand!

Thank you to the author and publisher for an e-copy of this book to read and review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and St.Martin’s Press for the eARC! I was so excited for this after seeing it was a plus size romance and reading the author’s note - the plus size character is not obsessed with her size and the main point of the story isn’t a weight loss journey - thank God!

This is fantastic plus size representation and I felt so seen reading this. This book is so much more than just a romance and I was in it immediately. It’s a great premise, a wonderful character journey and a little bit of spice. This is a must read and I can’t wait to read more by Jenny L. Howe! This comes out on December 26, 2023! 4.5 stars!

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*Thank you to Netgalley and the author for an ARC of this book for an honest review!

This was the first book I read from this author and when I read the synopsis and saw that it was full of plus size representation, I automatically knew I needed to read it!

I really enjoyed reading about Everly's journey as she is nominated to go on her favorite show, On The Plus Side. Throughout her weeks of filming, she learns to be herself again. She remembers that its ok to show off her body. She remembers that its ok to laugh and to be loud. She finds herself again and she finds her a man who loves every single thing about her.

I really do think I need to go find my self a Logan after reading this one! Plus its full of cute dogs so honestly you can't go wrong! I'll definitely be reading more from this author in the future!

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On the Plus Side was a super sweet and uplifting read! I enjoyed reading Jenny L. Howe's debut last year, and was super excited to hear she had another romance book with a fat female main character releasing this year. On the Plus Side is everything it promises, Queer Eye and What Not to Wear meet All the Feels. Books centering around a reality television show are always super interesting, as we get to see all the behind the scenes drama that viewers of said TV show normally wouldn't see. I cheered for Everly and empathized with her so much throughout the book as she navigated her relationship with her mother and juggled intrusive judgement from her coworkers and production team. The romance was also adorable, and I'm glad we got to have Logan as a cinnamon roll love interest who never wavered from Everly's side (yay for no third-act break up!). At times, the timeline of the plot was a little wonky and sometimes the detailed descriptions of the show's extra moments, filming process, online snippets, etc. overshadowed the romance in the book, but I still enjoyed the read. Overall, I'd rate this 3.75 stars rounded up.

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Oh my goodness, this book! I’m a sucker for a book about a tv show and this one did not disappoint!

Everly works as a receptionist in a marketing firm, but has the talent to be a designer. She hides her true self from everyone but her brother and best friend (who are married! I thought that would be more awkward than it was.) Then, one day, the two stars of the hit tv show On the Plus Side barge into Everly’s office and tell her she is going to be on the show. (Think queer eye but all the guests are plus sized.) This book is about Everly’s journey on the show. Can she learn to let her true self shine through?

Everly is a spitfire. I loved her. She is funny, smart, and watching her growth was a true joy. Also, how can I not love a character with a tea station at work. Tea station! Cameraman Logan the grouch was one of those characters you think you know, but maybe you don’t? Seeing him slowly come out of his shell led to some fun and cute scenes. There were definitely a few scenes that cemented his cinnamon roll status. Cough, his dogs names, cough.

The side characters absolutely added to the story. The hosts, Jazzy and Staunton, were everything I’d hope they would be … but kinder, somehow. Becca and Ellis were the kind of support system a best friend and brother should be. Everly’s mother was a piece of work, and even though I still don’t like her, I understand her. I appreciate learning what made her treat Everly the way she did.

The forum posts at the end of some chapters were a fun addition. It is something I’ve seen before, but it added to the experience and was used well. Ditto for the deleted scenes, etc.

I highly recommend this fat-positive love story to anyone that finds even a smidgeon of interest from this review. Solid five stars.

CW provided at the start of the book.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin for an arc of this book.

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I loovvvvveeee Jenny L Howe's characters so much I just wanna be best friends with all of them and this book gave me all the fuzzy feelings! I love the dynamic between the love interests and just genuinely couldn't put this book down!

The dynamic between Everly and Logan was just so perfect and reminded me of that one scene in the Office where the cameraman breaks the fourth wall and helps Pam and AHHHH it was just so cute!!!

I especially loved that there was healthy communication and no super dramatic miscommunication type of third act breakup! It was very much appreciated because Logan was just absolutely adorable! That being said, I really loved the self love and growth Everly had throughout the book. This wasn't just a romance but also had great family and friendship dynamics and the growth that Everly has as she builds her confidence and learns to be unapologetically herself really made me happy!

Everly and her mom's relationship hit me hard because of the way her mom was always "doing it out of love". It was a bit too relatable for sure!

The only reason this isn't a full 5 stars is because the beginning felt very rushed and I wish the scene had been set a bit better rather than being ambushed with the whole film crew without too much explanation. Some of the pacing felt a bit jumpy and I had to go back and figure out what the timeline was a few times. But overall, I really loved the story!

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It’s amazing how *seen* this book made me feel. Everly was a wonderful main character who struggled with wanting to hide from the world due to her grief, being afraid to reach for her dreams, and falling into patterns because they were comfortable rather than because they made her happy.

The whole concept of the “On The Plus Side” show was so interesting and honestly it felt like a fat girl’s queer eye which made me HUNGRY for a real life version of the series.

I always say that a book is a good one when it makes me cry (not a hard feat to meet) and the scene where it’s revealed who nominated Everly (AND WHY) had me tearing up on my lunch break.

Also, Logan is a whole sweetie pie and as someone who also only adopts senior dogs (and, unfortunately, reading this story also coincided with the anniversary of the day that I also lost the love of my life in the form of a dog) led to many tears, some swooning over him. I’ll never look at a plaid flannel without thinking of you.

I also love romcoms without a 3rd Quarter Breakup. Give me less miscommunication please!!

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Thank you so much to Jenny Howe and St. Martin's Publishing Group for an advanced copy of On the Plus side.

Where to begin? This book was truly striking. It was everything I love in a novel. It had a compelling romance but also took us on a journey about what it means to step out of your comfort zone and really find who you are.

For her second novel, Howe really didn't hold back. The premise was so so fun. Think Queer Eye but for plus sized audiences. Not only did we get a fun cast of characters with the hosts, Jazzy and Stanton, this book also took us to so many fun locations like renaissance fairs, tattoo shops, the beach and more!

It is hard to pick a favorite part of the book. I loved Everly and Logan's relationship. Their back-and-forth in the beginning was so cute and had me literally smiling at my kindle. I think it's refreshing to do grumpy/sunshine but not have the grumpy be a complete jerk. Logan was surly but still warm and playful in a lot of ways. I also felt so seen and validated by the way that Everly talked about her body and existing in the world. It mirrors a lot of my own journey and the way that I think about who I am and the space that I take up--both physically and metaphorically.

I LOVED the first half. Honestly, I would give the first chunk of the book a 100/5 stars if I could. I think the pacing of the second half dragged a bit in some spaces. I found it that I slowed down between the 60 - 85% chunks. I also found the big conflict to be unsurprising in a lot of ways. Not that unsurprising is a bad thing--I think Howe did a good job setting it up and building us to it, but I think that lack of **gasp** moment is part of what influenced my pacing. However, I didn't expect the ending and the way it was resolved and I commend Howe for that. She did a great job making it feel fresh when it could've easily turned into a cliche.

Overall, this book is fantastic. I had such high expectations after the Make-up Test because it was such a favorite of mine and Jenny Howe found a way to exceed them and write a book that makes you laugh, cry, and feel all warm and tingly inside. It is a must read and I can't wait for you all to check it out!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an eARC of this title. All opinions are my own and are honestly given.

When Evelyn Winters unexpectedly finds herself as a guest on her favorite makeover show, she imagines that maybe her time on On the Plus Side will help her gain confidence with her art and with her handsome co-worker. But when she finds herself making a connection with the show’s grumpy, straight-talking cameraman, Everly has to reconsider what (and who) she really wants.

On the Plus Side was sweet and fun, and I enjoyed reading about Everly’s relationship with Logan and her quest to rediscover what made her happy after the death of her grandmother. I did sometimes wish for a little bit more depth from the characters and would love to see more traditionally-pubbed books where plus-sized heroines are already confident and secure, but, overall, I enjoyed Howe’s writing style and the characters. I would recommend this book to patrons and think it would make a great book club book. 3.75 stars.

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Okay, this book does such a nice job of positive plus-size representation! The book follows the MC Everly as she stars as one of the four contestants in a plus-size focussed makeover reality show, and the book does an amazing job balancing the plotlines of (1) her passion/dream career, (2) discussions about her mental health, (3) her friendships and family and romantic relationships, (4) the (re-)evolution of her self-confidence, and (5) the drama and ethical issues with the reality show itself. The representation and the character development in this book were so real and representative and relatable ❤️ if you like to read any contemporary romance/women's fiction, I'd recommend this book!

TWs - fatphobia, fatphobia by a parent as a result of their own internalized fatphobia, parent abandoning a kid (past), death of a close grandparent due to cancer (past + discussions), death of a family pet (past), emotionally abusive parents (past)

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I enjoyed this book so much! The story between Everly and Logan had me kicking my feet while reading, it was sooooo cute! I also really appreciated that she wanted to grow and change for herself and not focus on the relationship. I know it's a romance novel, but I love that her life isn't instantly better just because of a man. She worked hard and made her life better and that just happened to include a man. If I could change anything I would just want to know more about Logan from the beginning. Overall a great read that I would definitely recommend.

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“I don’t need anyone’s permission to be myself.”

This is something that Everly’s grandmother taught her before she passed, and I think it sums up the theme of the book. On The Plus Side is about a fat woman who has lost her spark, and in her desire for safety and stability, has chosen to make herself smaller, less noticeable, to take up less space. But when she is chosen as a guest on the titular reality makeover show, Everly starts to rediscover the fire and verve with which she used to live her life.

I greatly enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it, especially to anyone who is interested in body positive stories about a heroine who already loves herself and her body. In fact, it was really refreshing to read a romance with a fat heroine who is comfortable in her skin and not constantly castigating herself, for whom weight loss is not a concern at all. At the same time, it doesn’t shy away from the fatphobia that’s engrained in our society and that fat people routinely face.

As such, as a fat woman, I found a lot of Everly’s story to be very relatable, from the sorts of fashion struggles fat people face to her relationship with her mom. So much of this story rang very true for me, and it made me cheer Everly along as she found her way back to herself, to the old, loud, bombastic Everly that she wanted to be again. It’s such an upbeat story filled with fun characters. Jazzy and Stanton are particular standouts for me, and I wish they were real and also my best friends. I love them so much. 🥲

I spent this book wishing On The Plus Side were a real show so I could spend all my time watching the hell out of it. Howe does a great job at making it feel like a show that could realistically exist, and touching on a lot of the behind the scenes realities of these sorts of productions. As a framing device, the On The Plus Side show works really well to move the plot along and introduce unique conflicts to the narrative. I won’t say too much to avoid spoilers, but the show is more than just a backdrop to the love story, and I really appreciated that.

The progression of Everly’s romance with her hunky cameraman is very satisfying and realistic. Logan is grumpy in a very cute way, imo. It’s really easy for grumpy romantic heroes to just kind of be assholes, but that’s definitely not the case here. I wanted to hug the broody lumberjack all the time. I love Everly and Logan’s dynamic and how encouraging they are with one another. It feels like relationship goals without it just being a perfect, frictionless romance. Their banter is very cute, especially as it allows Everly to show off her cleverness. She’s really just a very funny person and I liked following her around.

All in all, I enjoyed this book from start to finish. It was one of those I always looked forward to getting back to when I had to put it down for a moment. It’s an upbeat, fun read, and I’m so glad I got to experience it! I look forward to more of Howe’s work bringing amazing fat characters to the page!

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It is a breath of fresh air to read a book that has body positivity representation. I love the show Queer Eye so I obviously loved this book. It was cute and sweet but also is moving and has a deeper meaning.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this advance review copy in return for an honest review.

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This was fine. I feel like a lot of plus size romances have the same bit (we have to make our plus size character think they need a new style to be desirable) can we please give better storylines to our plus size characters?? Not a vibe.

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