Member Reviews

Ghost At The Table is a poignant, wonderful read filled with mystery and intrigue with decades long family secrets as well as multiple love stories which span eras.
Sam is a writer who has decided to write a story based on her grandfather’s time as a bomber serving in an air crew during World War 2. He was named Ralph George Page and was killed in action with several others when the plane they were flying in was shot down in a small town in France. She knew the story well, listening to her grandmother tell it as well as her mother. But, as she begins to go through her late grandmother’s correspondence, she can’t help but ask some questions. Although life after her grandfather died was difficult, her grandmother was able to find love again and her mother Rosemary and her aunt Sylivia were well taken care of.
So, Sam, who is having relationship issues with her married boyfriend of years, decides this would be the best time to not only get away from him, but also travel with her best friend Lizzie to the place where the tragedy happened, poke around, see where her grandfather is buried and find out if anybody is still alive who witnessed the crash to give her a description of just what happened.
But when Sam meets someone who witnessed the accident, she begins to have more questions than answers. A father and daughter seen the wreckage. Although the daughter Victoria had passed, her husband Raoul is still alive but refuses to speak with her to give her details of what his wife had seen.
The deeper Sam delves into the mystery, the less sure she is she truly wants to find the answers. She discovers her grandmother had been keeping secrets and although she seems to have all of her correspondence, it looks as if some are missing. Why?
In the meantime, she discovers her grandmother was not the only one keeping secrets as she finds out her boyfriend had a few himself which rattle’s Sam’s soul. How could she have been so stupid?
Then, all the pieces come together, and Sam finds out the truth as to what really happened to her grandfather. She can’t seem to write it down, to the angst of her editor because she realizes the can of worms which will open when her family finds out. But, although she knows all their lives will be changed forever, she needs them to know just who this mysterious dead person their family has cherished and missed all these years really was and that they should still be proud of him as he still sits at the head of their table.
Ghost At The Table is a love story, a mystery with many surprises and a powerful reminder of what our military endured and still endures as they keep us safe from harm.
Thank you #NetGalley #Matador #GhostAtTheTable #SandyJones for the advanced copy.

This book just wasn’t for me unfortunately. The writing was decent and the description of the story was really interesting. But I couldn’t get over the fact Sam had been having a relationship with a married man and even though she probably didn’t know he was married at first, she still stayed in the relationship for 3 YEARS knowing he was married.
I didn’t fully stop reading, but more of a scroll and randomly stop to read. But I just couldn’t like Sam. I liked her friend, Lizzie, a whole lot more.
Thank you to NetGalley and Matador, Troubador Publishing Ltd for this ARC. ~I was given this book and made no commitments to leave my opinions, favorable or otherwise~