Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

In the bustling heart of New York City, where ambition meets deception, Michael Ledwidge's "The Girl in the Vault" unfolds as a gripping tale of betrayal, revenge, and the unyielding power of determination. This stand-alone thriller introduces us to Faye Walker, a character whose brilliance in numbers is only matched by her relentless work ethic. As she navigates the cutthroat corridors of Wall Street, Faye's life takes a dramatic turn from a dream-come-true to a nightmare she never anticipated.

Faye's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. From her humble beginnings to the high-stakes world of finance, she embodies the aspirations of many who seek to make their mark in the world. However, when faced with a treacherous betrayal that threatens to upend her life, Faye reveals a side of her that is both ingenious and daring.

Ledwidge's narrative is a meticulously crafted chess game, with each move revealing the depth of his protagonist's resolve. The plot thickens as Faye, armed with her intellect and a plan that requires Swiss-watch precision, embarks on a heist that is as audacious as it is risky. The stakes are high, with ten million dollars in cold hard cash on the line, and the tension is palpable as Faye's carefully laid plans begin to unravel.

"The Girl in the Vault" is not just a story about a heist; it's a story about the lengths one will go to reclaim control of their destiny. It's a thrilling ride that explores the complexities of trust, the consequences of greed, and the unpredictability of fate. Ledwidge's writing sizzles with tension and twists that both entertain and magnetize, ensuring that readers are hooked from the first page to the last.

What sets this novel apart is not just the thrilling plot but also the emotional depth and character development. Faye Walker is not a mere protagonist; she is a symbol of hope and tenacity. Her character resonates with anyone who has ever been wronged and sought to right those wrongs on their own terms.

In conclusion, "The Girl in the Vault" is a masterclass in thriller writing. With its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and a protagonist who is both relatable and extraordinary, Michael Ledwidge delivers a novel that is sure to be a hit with fans of the genre. It's a book that not only provides an adrenaline rush but also leaves readers pondering the moral dilemmas that lie at the heart of the human experience.

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Faye Walker is a brilliant when it comes to numbers and math. She is in the right place and meets the right person to set her on a path to a good job in finances. She is in New York, on track for a high paying job on Wall Street, in love and ready to bring her sister to New York to start her new life when she gets passed over for the woman that the boss is sleeping with. Now she wants to get even. Faye puts a plan in place to steal 3 million dollars from the bank involving a fake kidnapping and a lot of the book is about those plans. Things don't go according to plan and Faye finds herself and others running for their lives. This was a fast moving story, that would make a great movie. Faye is a likable character, even though I didn't like what she wanted to do. When you have clawed your way out of a tough situation, you view things differently. I wanted Faye to make a good life for herself, her sister and the love of her life, Cavan. I was rooting for her to be successful. This story, as in life, shows that working hard and being good at your job doesn't always reap the rewards you should get. The end of the book had some twists that added to the thrilling nature of the story. Overall, it is a story of smart girl betrayed, smart girl gets back at betrayer, an innocent ends up dead and bad guys gets their comeuppance. If you enjoy a thriller, where you just sit back and enjoy the story, then I recommend you pick up The Girl in the Vault.

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Wow, a very compelling story. I finished in 2 days; I didn't want to put it down. Well written, good plot, interesting characters. The end was a bit of a surprise. I'd thought of one ending and while it happened a whole bunch of stuff fell into the story that explained a couple of plot twist. I'm not usually one to give 5 stars but this book entertained me and I'm handing out the total 5.

#Netgalley #TheGirlintheVault #MichaelLedwidge #HanoverSquarePress

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance reader copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Set in New York City, Michael Ledwidge's The Girl in the Vault masterfully unfolds the perfect fast-paced, explosive crime novel, with twists and turns that are sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats in the same realm of Ocean's movies, and Mission Impossible. It’s summer in New York City and Faye Walker has it all. She has a fresh Advanced MBA degree. She’s scored one of the most highly coveted internships in all of Wall Street, and she’s also just met the head-over-heels love of her life.

With her natural-born gift for numbers and a work ethic that knows no bounds, Faye is a shoo-in for a full-time position at Greene Brothers Hale, one of the largest investment firms in New York City. She is one of the hardest workers in the firm, but being a hard worker never wins against office politics. Just as she awaits her offer and her signing bonus, a treacherous betrayal arrives to shatter Faye’s plans and her young life. After helping a co-worker correct a major mistake that could cost the company billions, Faye learns the real truth about working on Wall Street.

You can't trust anyone. Not when your co-worker is sleeping with your boss to get the job that you worked so hard for. Not when your boss thinks that he is doing you a favor by offering a lower-paying return instead. But what her high finance masters-of-the-universe bosses don’t know is that Faye isn’t like any of the other interns. Having made her way past her humble small-town beginnings, for Faye, going back is not an option. That’s why Faye now has a new plan.

Armed with an unwavering resolve to escape her small-town origins, Faye hatches a daring plan that involves orchestrating an audacious heist—a heist that centers around a jaw-dropping ten million dollars in cold, hard Wall Street cash. She enlists the help of a junkie, Gareth Hayes, the estranged son of a wealthy client, to assist her in her plan. Faye's plan seems almost comical in how easy things appear to go. Until she's met with some resistance and tragedy strikes.

While Faye sets a meticulous plan in action, there is the side story of her friend Cavan, a horse-drawn cabbie who is working hard to earn his green card so that he can become a firefighter in New York and not have to return home to Ireland. While Faye is offering emotional support to Cavan, she is also trying to get her sister, Caitlin, away from Kentucky and to move her closer. You can read this book and say, wow, Bernie Madoff has nothing on Faye. Or, you can just enjoy the book and believe that you are watching Danny Ocean and his crew steal from a bad man who owns a casino.

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An internship she was desperate for was simply not enough for Faye Walker. She wants more, especially after meeting the man she plans to marry. Can the internship turn into a permanent job for Faye, and if it does, will it be enough for her.

Actually, definitely not. Spurred on by the betrayal of a woman Faye once thought as a close friend, a friend who took the job Faye was angling for, sets Faye on a path of vindictiveness and Faye begins planning more than one theft, actions that will leave her set for life.

While Faye sets a meticulous plan in action, there is the side story of her friend Cavan who is working hard to earn his green card, and that makes up a part of Michael Ledwidge's latest novels. All the while, Faye, while offering emotional support to Cavan, continues on with a plan for a huge heist.

When the story focuses on the heist that Faye was planning, it reminded me of movies like Ocean's 11. It was so hard not to root for Faye even though what was legal and honest apparently was not in her playbook. This exciting read led to a thrilling and surprising conclusion.

Many thanks to Hanover Square Press and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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An absolutely outstanding thriller set in the banking industry, ripe with intrigue and vengeance. A wonderfully written plot and a gutsy heroine! Super fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat thriller! This was a page turner from the gripping beginning to the last page!

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I was entertained. Lies and betrayal are at the heart of this one. It is action packed but maybe just a little over the top at times. I love NYC and felt like I could be there. The only thing I have previously read by the author were the Michael Bennet series books.

This is for those loving scams, revenge and unlikable characters.

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Faye Walker is everything a woman should be! She's strong, brave and determined. I loved reading about her. she worked hard for everything she has accomplished and she's not letting anyone take it from her. I finished this book in one sitting and I really enjoyed it.

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Read this today and it was such a fun read. A girl from Kentucky makes good and heads to NYC where she works for a hedge fund as an intern. As she realized that the company is going to shaft her, she decides to stick it to the man, and she does it brilliantly.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Harelquin Trade Publishing for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Faye is from the sticks in Kentucky and has landed an internship at a major bank in New York City. She is the smartest and hard working intern at the bank and when she finds out she won't be getting the analyst job, she plans an elaborate heist to get the money she needs to move her sister to NYC from Kentucky and live happily ever after with her Irish boyfriend who hasn't gotten his green card.

I liked the fast paced nature of this and I enjoy a book where someone pulls of an elaboriate heist, but this one was a bit too farfetched for me. First of all, the access that an intern had to company records and the vault just didn't seem likely. Also, the heist was so elaborate that at times, I couldn't even follow what the plan was. It was a quick read that I didn't dislike, I just didn't love it either.

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Loved how it was written. The quick chapters made it a breeze to fly through. I didn’t want to put it down; wanting to find out Faye Walker’s next step. Great insight into the world of trading. I loved the NYC setting and the landmark references. I highly recommend this one!
Thank You to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, and Michael Ledwidge for the opportunity to enjoy this ARC.

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This was a fun thriller read! Some parts of the story were hard to follow or not believable, but overall I loved it!

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I wanted to like this one because I’ve enjoyed the books he wrote with James Patterson. But this was too busy for me. So many storylines and some just weren’t plausible. It was a lot to take in. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this copy for review

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Yeah, OK, this was fun—fun enough to send me to Ledwidge’s Gannon series, which turned out to be cookie-cutter action nonsense with zero actual characters. Maybe he’s learning.

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I really enjoy this mystery thriller read. It's entertaining and fun.

What I like:
- Faye Walker. Totally admire her, love her guts, she's smart, she's the type that will survive in any situation, root for her success from the get-go.
- The thrill. Love that it keeps me on the edge of my seat. Is this crazy plan will work, is she going to get caught, yup definitely a page-turner for me.
- The action. Again it really got me on the edge on my seat.

What I don't like: It wrapped up too quickly for me and some part just too unbelievable, it's like everything is too easy and it takes a great amount of luckiness to be true, but it doesn't take away all the fun though.

Recommended: Yes, especially if you're looking for a fun thriller read.

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This is the second book in the Blackwater Falls series, and while I have not read the first I really liked this one and did not feel I had missed anything (other than a good book). I enjoyed the case as well as the dynamic between the characters, which were very well developed and the pacing was also steady and on point. The case was interesting and I was vested in the characters, and overall really enjoyed this one and will definitely go back and read the first in this series. The audio for this was excellent as well, and I loved reading it via this medium.

Thank you to Minotaur Books and PRH Audio for the copies to review.

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The Girl in the Vault by Michael Ledwidge transports readers into the world finance. A world in which deception and betrayal thrive, where hard work doesn't win you any rewards and revenge, is the tool used to rectify it all. This exciting story is about a determined young woman who uses her smarts to claim what she rightfully earned. The Girl in the Vault will keep you turning the pages to the very end.

The story introduces Faye Walker. She works as an intern for Greene Brothers Hale, one of the largest investment firms in New York City. She works hard and looks forward to the day when the firm will hire her full time. Then she learns that someone who barely lifted a finger the entire internship would get the job which she worked hard for.

After learning of the perceived betrayal, Faye hatches a daring plan which would net her a whopping 3 million dollars. Although everything went smoothly a tragic incident changed the dynamics of the plan. Faye now needs to stay one step ahead of her employers, the law and also an unexpected threat.

Ledwidge portrayal of Faye made her relatable and likeable. Now, although not in agreement with her method, I rooted for her and hoped with all my heart that her plan met with success. It took sometime for me to get into the story, but the moment I did there was no letting go. Action and suspense kept me turning the pages of this fantastical tale. I liked that I never knew what turn the story would take. The many surprises including the one at the end showcased Faye’s brilliance.

I enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more from the author. The Girl in the Vault delivered a thrilling read which fans of pulse pounding thrillers would enjoy.

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What a ride! This novel reads like a John Grisham thriller. It starts off with a bang and gallops along to a mind-blowing ending. You've got to read this book!

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Faye’s worked hard and things are looking up for her as she’s scored a sought after internship at Greene Brothers Hale, in New York. She’s a whiz with numbers and a shoo-in for a permanent job, when Faye finds out they’re passing her over in favor of a well-connected, rich candidate, one she’s bailed out numerous times. She’s endured a lot from life and this firm and she’s not about to take it laying down.

She’s got a backup plan that will set her up for life, one that seems to go off without a hitch until deadly consequences has her scrambling, trying to stay one step ahead and come out on top.

Michael Ledwidge bio states that he has co-written some of James Patterson’s most popular books and I understand why. I really enjoyed The Girl in the Vault! Action packed, with a smart heroine that’s a bit morally gray, but likable, even so. I was rooting for her to come out on top even with some of her shady plans. While some of the story was a little too fantastic to be believable it was still a fun, fast-paced ride!

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Michael Ledwidge is co-author of my favorite James Patterson series.....Michael Bennett. BUT, he also writes some very good thriller stand alones. THE GIRL IN THE VAULT is just another example of his ability to build characters that will keep readers engrossed long after that more chapter....becomes... I might as well finish it tonight!

Faye Walker comes from a background that leans more towards meth and a couple of kids by the time you're 21. But she's good at math....really good. With a little guidance from a mentor and a lot of determination, she will not spend the rest of her life in the sticks. Her straight A's all through college have won her an internship at a private investment bank that caters to the rich, really rich. Her life is going fine and then she finds that she's not going to be offered a job at the bank, just because she's not a Dartmouth grad, nor is she sleeping with the boss. So Faye gets herself a plan. That's about all I can say without giving away the plot, but it's REALLY good. An easy 5 star read for me.

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