Member Reviews

Fifty something Frankie has just divorced her husband of twenty years. Her son has left for university. So, decides to get back on the wagon as the saying goes and with the help of her friend Bel introducing her to some dating apps. She decides to go on dating apps. But the modern dating scene is not as straightforward as it used to be and she learns about Catfishing, kittenfishing, ghosting and sexting etc and the scene is a jungle out there.
Thank you, Avon, for a copy of Divorced (not dead). I have read the author's historical novels and was intrigued to read her first Rom com. And I will be honest I didn’t read the blurb on who the author was. If I had I realise that I am not the target audience for this. I really wanted to like this but felt the narrator was rambling on about dating and I felt it was more of a guide on dating than an actual fictional story. 3 stars from me.

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I hadn't heard of this author before, but the title was too enticing to skip, and the title is perfect for this story.

When this begins, Frankie is still coming to terms with the end of her 20-year marriage (admittedly her choice), and looking to begin the next stage of her life. It is easy to relate to her newly found freedom, and I enjoyed her independence. The conversations and banter between these characters is very easy to attach with, and for most of the read, I felt as if I was sitting next to her/them. [It is a very British read, and I enjoyed the linguistic phrasing.]

I did feel as if the whole "dating" aspect was a huge part of this character's focus, and took up much of the read [even if it was hysterical, it's a lot]. Seeing what she encounters on all the online dating apps is entertaining, and sad at the same time. Her friend Bel definitely spurs her on, and their conversations in the potting shed were fun. I am a bit torn about how I feel about Stef. As much as I liked him for her, neither of them were entirely what the other needed. I felt like that was the point the author was trying to convey, that love isn't easy or perfect, but I kept waiting for them to get it more together, and make decisions that resulted in the Happy Ever After I wanted for them.

I thank Avon Books UK and Netgalley for my free ARC. This was a fun read, easy to connect with, and I recommend reading this one.

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Such a brilliant story with such great humour! I adored Frankie’s character right from the beginning and I thoroughly enjoyed reading her story. My favourite things about this book is that I felt like the readers really get a chance to get to know the characters so well and it with the humour and the relationships involved it just feels like your reading a story about your friends which I loved. A really enjoyable story :)

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I absolutely adored Frankie in this book, Harper Ford has really drawn Frankie so well. She’s likeable, funny and a bit crude and I’m here for her and her whole life story. She’s so well written and thought out I LOVE her

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Divorced Not Dead
By Harper Ford

Frankie is Divorced, she's certainly not dead. She maybe a little rusty with the dating scene and a total novice at online dating, but she certainly isn't dead.

I read a whole heap of crime thrillers, every now and then a book from a different genre catches my attention and that is exactly what happened with this book. I really liked the sound of it and really thrilled that I got to read it.

Meet Frankie: fifty, divorced and getting back on the horse. What a ride it will be. Frankie decided to give on line dating a go and while it may not be something she's familiar with, with the help of her good friend Bel she's soon learning all the jargon and just what a minefield online dating can be.
Getting back in the dating scene when you've been married for forever is never going to be easy. But if you do it Frankie style then it should certainly be fun.
Heartfelt and laugh out loud this book had me in stitches. It also gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that only a good ending can leave you with.
I love the group of hotbed quilters that Frankie has set up, a great place to meet like minded people. What a great bunch of characters they turned out to be, learning different things about different people is always fun but when it has humor included it's even better.
Get on this journey with Frankie into the crazy world of online dating and enjoy the ride. The author has taught us to understand what it's like getting back out there when you have been in a relationship for so long, that you need to be safe but most of all you need to have fun, you need to do what you want to do and look out for yourself.

The book should come with a warning. ' Double up on your tenna ladies'

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I so want to be Frankie when I grow up! Problem is I have no idea how to quilt and my son has already left home! Thoroughly enjoyable read

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A very enjoyable book with lots of funny moments & likeable characters. Thanks for the opportunity to read & review it.

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A heartfelt story about a newly divorced woman after 20 years of marriage and her discovering how to date, or how to have a one night stand.
I especially love books where you can see the characters in your head and you know how they would react to situations before you read how they react. And this book definitely had that!

A book that shows an unconventional group of friends but that's what most people have, and we can see faults in each other, but that doesn't mean we don't respect and love each other. 10/10 for letting the reader decide how they think some of the characters plots end

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A great read with plenty of laugh out loud moments. I’ve definitely picked up some new insults! Highly recommended.

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Funny, sweary, heartfelt and totally relatable - I loved this book! I particularly liked the fact that it didn't just concentrate on romantic love, but on the love between female friends, and a parent's love for their child. I'd totally join the Hotbed, despite having absolutely no sewing skills...!

The characters were all well rounded, and I really liked the way the secondary characters - the Hotbed - had surprising stories of their own. I will never look at anyone who works in M&S in the same way.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good laugh, a twisty love plot, and a happy ending - as long as they don't mind a bit of swearing!

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Laugh out loud funny in places and somewhat cringeworthy in others, but still a fab book!

Frankie is fifty and is starting her life again after divorcing her husband of twenty years. As part of her new life, she has opened up her own quilt shop.

Trying to find her new happiness she hits the dating apps and with a bit of help from her best friend Bel she quickly picks up the lingo, and the one night stands.

Frankie seems more than a bit lost at times, but all good comes to those who wait - and who are open with what they are thinking and wanting!

Highly recommended!

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Meet Frankie: fifty, divorced, and getting back on the horse

Frankie is navigating through catfishing, kittenfishing, and the rest of the dating thing after her best friend Bel signs her up on not one but two dating apps.

The book had it's laugh out loud moments, and I thought Frankie was warm, funny, and likeable. It felt like I was listening to my best friend telling me tales of her dating experience. Harper Ford's writing style is witty, though at times, I felt the character Frankie went off at a tangent sometimes and rambled on.

It's definitely a book to read before you sign up for any dating apps, and a lot of women can relate to this. I just hope that I will never ever have to do this.

Thank you, @Netgalley, @avonbooksuk, and @harperfordauthor for the advanced reading copy.

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Book Review 📚
Divorced Not Dead by Harper Ford - 4/5 ⭐

Massive rom-com alert! Goodness there was so many laugh out loud moments and just pure hysterical comments. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will definitely recommend.

Frankie is our MC and I can't think of a character I have liked as much as I have her! She's the friend you want and need in your life. I absolutely adore her. The fact she refers to her ex with a certain name, absolutely kills me every time!

Be warned, there is an obscene amount of profanities but that made it so much more realistic for me! She's exactly the kind of person I would be at 50 going through a divorce. Thank you so much for lightening my mood with this brilliant book Harper!

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books for allowing me to read this ARC - this is an HONEST review from my own personal opinion.

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Me now being 50, divorced and have my own Twatface , has me nodding my head, laughing out loud at Frankie’s new life!

The dating scene is so true to life it’s a bonkers minefield!
Adored the ‘hotbed of quilters’ the new found friendship.

Thoroughly entertaining- I needed this!

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Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy!

This rom com read follows a newly divorced woman in her 50's who is starting over. She recently opened a quilting shop and moved into the apartment above the store. She dips her toe into the online dating world with the guidance of her best friend. She quickly learns that there are a variety of men on the apps, from scammers, creeps, liars, and so much more. Luckily, she has the support of her newly founded quilting club to help give her advice and navigate the dating world.

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Ladies, meet your new best friend, Frankie Brumby. Frankie is fifty and just out of a marriage with a controlling nightmare known primarily as 'Twatface.'

Living above her fabric shop, supported by her new-mum friend Bel and university-age son Jay, she has sunk everything she has into the shop after her ex-husband wiped out their savings. It's time to get back on the horse (and on the apps for the first time) but Frankie has no idea of the complexity and catfishing that lies ahead of her!

She has better luck with her 'hotbed' of quilters at the shop, including representatives of every sexual identity on the spectrum. But what about her man? Will it be Guy (also known as Gone Guy - a hot neuroscientist, a catfisher or a bit of both)? or moody Stef, who shows up at her shop and seems curiously reluctant to leave?

An absolute delight that will cheer up anyone's autumn.

This next section will not go on the public reviews, but no book is flawless - I bloody love swearing, but it felt like Frankie spent the last third of the book yelling and cussing people out, and I wondered if some of the conversations could have been a bit more modulated and interesting. I wouldn't speak to anyone like that (with the exception of my own Twatfaces of course)!

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The perfect novel for anyone who has tried online dating! Or perhaps, I'm the only person to have had experiences to rival Frankie's? Either way, Divorced Not Dead is a laugh out loud romp of how Frankie learns to start living her life, post-divorce and discovering whether true-love who exist!
And Stefan's jumpers are absolutely fab and I just wish they were for sale.

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This is a novel that instantly feels totally relatable. Protagonist, Frankie is an 'everywoman' in the 21st century. She is, indeed, divorced, not dead, and certainly NOT dead. She is, or very quickly becomes, the friend you wish you had. You can't help but love her as she starts her new life after having left her husband and started a quilting business. From a narrative point of view, this is a compellingly written novel. It's conversational and, yes, profane, but that's Frankie for you, and you'll love her and her insecurities. What I think Harper Ford is really good at is creating situations and characters who are modern and believable. I was reminded of a (better than) 'Sex In the City' vibe. I loved it, this novel, and you will too. More please, Harper Ford :).

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Debut for this first well known author, a funny witty sense of humour read.
Frankie Brumby is newly single, dating at fifty, and looking for fun.
Living in the small flat above her shop she is a free woman and signs up to a dating app.
Well what can I say? a fabulous holiday read that had me laughing out loud.
Everyone knows a Frankie and this girl is feisty, funny and so down to earth.
I loved it, cheers up any day recommend to all genre readers. brilliant!!!!

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A light hearted read some good laugh out loud moments.
Nothing to taxing which makes it a great holiday read.
Many thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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