Member Reviews

Julie has done it again! With her clever wit and amazing imagination, she has created a festive and fascinating story of likeable characters, exciting plot and some intriguing curve balls that keep this novel fresh and delightful. The Highland Lodge Getaway is a heart-warming story about the magic of Christmas and how a sprinkle of goodwill and positive attitude can go a long way! It is also about second chances and how people are often stronger than they think. Dealing with life’s challenges can be draining and sometimes we just want to run away from the people and things that hurt us. But this story shows that we cannot escape or hide forever. We must deal with our fears and insecurities, learn to forgive, hit the reset button and create new memories. This may be difficult but necessary to free us. So, The Highland Lodge Getaway is also about emotional healing from damaged relationships. Plus having confidence in one’s abilities to accomplish new tasks.

Lottie Grant is a bundle of energy with a passion for Christmas. She studied Interior Design and has a real gift in making rooms and businesses shine. But the shop, Christmas Crackers, that she has worked so hard to make successful, is now being sold and the lease cannot be renewed. There are plans for a new business on these premises. Lottie had planned to buy the business but now her dream has been trashed and there is nothing she can do. Except move on and find another position. Luckily a new one arises. She is offered a position to re-decorate and manage a new business with luxury cabins in her quaint Scottish town of Craig Brae. It is a daunting task but her mother and others encourage her to accept. And she comes up with some amazing ideas that have plenty of sparkle and spirit.

But then Lottie must work with a grumpy member of the community. The hiking expert, Blake Dempster, who is especially moody about Christmas. His sullen attitude tries to dampen Lottie’s Christmas cheer. But she makes every attempt possible to stay on track in spite of his wet blanket mind-set to derail her Christmas spirit and design ideas for the cabins. She suspects there’s a reason behind his adverse response to the holiday season. But what is it? After roping him in to play Santa Clause to the school children, she begins to see little glimpses of his softer, kinder side. But he still remains silent about his past life—even after they become closer. Is there more to Blake than firm muscles, a long beard and pessimistic remarks?

I loved watching the relationship between these two move from friction to friendly encounters. They maintain their humorous banter while a caring connection blossoms— much to their surprise. Certain events and challenges bring on the changes. Growth happens and the story ends on a beautiful note.

I loved how Lottie’s late father keeps reappearing in the text at important moments. He passed at the young age of sixty. They were very close and although he is physically gone, she still ‘hears’ him in her heart giving her advice and encouragement. I can personally relate to this. It was a nice touch to show Blake’s polar opposite experience with his father as it provides light and shade in the story. Not everyone is as fortunate as Lottie (or myself) to have had a great relationship with their father. There are some like Blake who have had a very different experience. This also helps explain some of his reactions and viewpoints. But even these are not fixed in stone, as Lottie’s bright essence becomes a positive influence on him.

This story is full of wonder, Christmas spirit and sparkle. It is easy to be enlightened, surprised and warmed by the love that shimmers across these pages; to taste the snowflakes drifting down from a white feather sky. The setting is heavenly, cosy and comforting. The characters real, likeable and lasting. Beauty abounds inside this charming community, along with humour tapered by wisdom. I enjoyed The Highland Lodge Getaway and recommend that all feel-good fiction readers add it to their Christmas wish list! 5 Shining Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to One More Chapter and Netgalley for my review copy.

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A great love story that is an easy read and hard to put down. Full of emotion, you can buy into the characters and keep hope that all goes to plan

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Another gorgeous Christmas Scottish read for this lovely author. I loved its festiveness, the smell of the cinnamon baked goods, the hazelnut lattes, I could almost taste the mince pies. This was a tinselled fairy light wrapped beautiful book. Perfect for us Christmas romance book lovers. I loved Lottie she was organised, sassy, loyal and sweet. I liked her contrasts to chiselled, hard Blake. Again the Scottish setting was so beautifully described my heart aches to visit it.
Thank you NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I chose this because I have enjoyed some other books by this author, and I was in the mood for something lighthearted to read. This is part of the Scottish Escapes series.

This was a charming cosy feel-good Christmas story. From the first few pages, I found myself wanting to escape into it, and it made me want Christmas! I identified with Lottie as a character, and the story was heartwarming. This book would be a great choice to curl up with on a winter evening, with a hot chocolate and a fuzzy blanket, and it's likely to get you in a festive mood.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Even though its summer I enjoyed this warm hearted story based in the Highlands. Great read

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Stunning - absolute joy of a read. What’s not to love - Christmas and romance and Scotland. If you’re wanting to get into the Christmas spirit, tuck yourself up with this book and a hot chocolate.

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THE CHRISTMAS HIGHLAND LODGE is a small town grumpy/sunshine Christmas romance with Lottie at an unsettling crossroads in her life crossing paths with Blake as they become co-workers in a new holiday themed vacation venture.

The author brings the beautiful country to the forefront in this quaint village in Scotland. Lottie is reeling from the loss of her father and her future owning the Christmas shop she works at. Blake appears as holiday averse as Lottie is holiday chuffed.

You will enjoy watching the prickly relationship bloom amid the background of Christmas in the Scottish Highlands.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced review copy.

The Christmas Highland Lodge is a sweet holiday story. I enjoyed reading this and I will look forward to rereading it during the holiday season.

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Lottie is distraught when Christmas Crackers where she works and was hoping to buy is sold. She doesn't know what she's going to do until 2 people come and offer her a job creating the perfect styles for their log cabins. Lovely descriptions of Craig Brae in winter even if it is fictional

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Julie Shackman is an author that I particularly enjoy reading. She is very good with her descriptions of the people taking part in the stories.
This is a nice book, but I felt it was a tiny bit thin in parts, and also just a little unreal. Sounds wonderful, a job decorating holiday chalets, but of course there has to be an attractive male who tries to spoil the fun.
It all works out but again, just a little too fluffy for me.
Thank you for the chance to read and review this book.

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I was not sure what to expect from The Christmas Highland Lodge, by Julie Shackman. I love books set in Scotland, which explains why I wanted to read this novel. The Christmas Highland Lodge is a romance, and like most romances, whether in print or on television, romance and love are always a struggle, although that same struggle works out for the couple at the end. Lottie and Blake are not an especially enthralling couple, nor are they memorable, but they are an enjoyable couple. I could easily see this novel turned into a Hallmark Christmas film, since the setting fits perfectly into that genre.

Although The Christmas Highland Lodge is not exactly compelling, this novel is an enjoyable read. I think that many romance readers will be happy to escape their real world for a couple of hours, I found the characters, especially Lottie and Blake in The Christmas Highland Lodge, behaving in a too predictable manner, but I suspect that is exactly what many romance readers want to read.

I want to thank the author and publisher, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, for letting me read this ARC, in exchange for my honest review. Thank you also to NetGalley for making this novel so easy to download.

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A really compelling read. I loved the story of Lottie with the ups and downs of her career. It was true in her case that when one door closes another one opens. The closure of the shop Christmas Crackers was heartbreaking for her when it was intended she would buy the shop when the owner moved to the US. It wasn't to be but the opportunity of bringing alive the four cabins due to open at Christmas. I really enjoyed the interaction she had with Blake. A story of many challenges, heartbreaking and heartwarming in equal measure together with a blossoming romance. A great ending which I loved.

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I received a free copy of, The Christmas Highland Lodge, by Julie Shackman, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Lottie Grant is loving life until the place she works, Christmas Crackers is sold, and she has to get a new job, start all over. Then their is Blake who she does not get along with at all. I enjoyed this book, I really liked Lottie, but Blake was hard to like. A nice holiday read.

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This is a perfect Christmas read on the sofa with heart chocolate . I loved it . A light happy and sad easy read. I am reviewing it in 43 degrees and I just got lost in the story,Lottie had her dream job then it all changed.. It is all about Christmas and falling in love and people who are synical about Christmas . Just a great feeling book with a little sadness. Read it

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book despite the fact it's July!
Loved the characters.. particularly Lottie whose dream of buying The Christmas Cracker shop is dashed when an Italian food chain purchases the property. However she soon finds a new job suited to her love of Christmas. Not so suited to her is Blake Dempster, one of her colleagues.
A little predictable but with a few twists. A thoroughly enjoyable read. Recommend

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The Christmas Highland Lodge by J. Shackman, published by Harper Collins UK / One More Chapter, is book 5 in the Scottish Escapes Series.
Read a christmas story in july? I gave it a try and I wholeheartedly agree that's a great idea.
I recommend this sweet story.
Lotti and Blake are such a sweet couple and I rooted for them right from the start. A beautiful story, 4,5 stars.

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I really liked the abundant festive details of all the Christmas related decor and activities. It made it easy to visualise the locations and surroundings in the book and gave it a really Christmassy feel. All up it was an enjoyable holiday themed read!

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Even though as a book blogger I struggle with reading Christmas books in July, I absolutely loved this festive read. Lottie was an adorable lead and I was rooting for her from the off. Her passion, enthusiasm and work ethic were to be admired. Blake was also a good male lead, and I liked how their story unfolded.

Definitely kept me warm on a rainy day, and gave me early festive feels.

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