Member Reviews

This beautiful collection of comics really sums up so many of the feelings I’ve had while trying to navigate my gender identity journey. I laughed, I cried, I was basically just a mess of emotions the entire time.

There are so many different styles of illustration throughout the book too. They were each unique but just beautiful in their own ways, which I think also connects to the experiences each individual creator has been through.

I enjoyed them all but my favorite was the comic by Coco Ouwerkerk which features a panel that is really the most authentic way I’ve seen my pansexuality described, basically ever.

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This was a comprehensive, sweet, and very uplifting graphic novel, full of joy and understanding. There were many different art styles, and I was surprised to find that I liked all of them to some degree, as this is somewhat rare for a collection of small comics from different artist - which is what this is.

While it was clear and informative, I don't think you'll get a lot out of this, if you are already pretty informed about trans and queer issues. I would recommend this for children, and for people who haven't spent much time in queer circles and want to learn more.

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I absolutely loved this entire thing, from the art to the message to the overall vibes it gives off. I can't wait to buy this as a Christmas present for my friends.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-arc!!!
This was such an amazing read! There was pain, confusion, hurt, and abandonment but ultimately there was so much hope found in these comics. I loved how diverse the different authors were as well. Coming to terms with your gender identity is already hard and when you add societal and cultural stereotypes and expectations on top of that it can become so much harder. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone I know!

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I really did not enjoy this. I thought this would have been a story about the characters on the cover going on adventures that various artists had collaborated on. Instead it was hideously drawn characters in some sections. I know that it was the various authors talking about their lived experiences now that I've read the blurb, but I still felt disappointed at how bad some of the art quality and storytelling was. I found it a little repetitive in sections (which I know can't be helped because it's dealing with shared lived experiences) but I think an anthology should be related stories on similar topics, not just the same story told in a slightly different way (and even exactly the same way in some stories. It some ways it dragged because of this, and made me want to race to the end to finish it.

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This is absolutely beautiful. I enjoyed and appreciate each individual comic. The artwork is amazing from each artist.

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A very diverse and interesting anthology of short comics that show us different artists' gender journeys.

As with any anthology, some stories and art I enjoyed more than others. But the overall result is so personal and brave that I can't help but love it as a whole.

I like that despite representing the struggles of the trans and non-binary community, the focus of the book remains hopeful.

It is a highly recommended book with a powerful message.

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Thank you so much to Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with an eArc of this collection in exchange for my honest review.

I absolutely love anthologies. Especially graphic novel anthologies where you get to meet so many new and unique artists and their styles. And for this to be dedicated to Trans/Nonbinary artists, I knew I would love it so much!

Each comic had its own story to tell. From struggling to identify this feeling you have but can't the right words, to feeling alone in such a cis-built world. This comic shows the ups and downs while also expanding on the beauty of being Trans.

Every artist had a story to tell and I was here for all of them!

For anyone queer who reads this, there will definitely be something that you connect to, and for any allies, maybe by reading this, you will be able to understand a bit more why a cis world is so harmful and difficult to live in.

I genuinely can't pick any favourite comics because they all spoke to me in different ways. I just know that everyone should read this collection!

Before each comic, there is a small blurb and cute illustration of the artist who created the comic and I absolutely adored this addition! It helped me feel more connected to the artist and through that, the comic they wrote.

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Its like stepping onto a rainbow and the further you climb up the more the world seems brighter, feels fluffier and like i am able to discover treasures i otherwise would have missed [imagine a sad cloud face for if i had missed them].

Its not all fluff, which i am glad about, this book represents a rainbow of experiences and artstyles, but even the darkest glimpses feel like they are being cushioned and safe to digest

I am not trans or non-binary....yet, who knows, i still have a lot of life ahead of me. But i have definitely struggles that made me feel that i was outside of life itself. Yet i am sure i would have connected with these amazingly depicted glimpses into each of these artists experiences either way.

I feel like this book needs to be a must in every library and most importantly be in every school library so it can embrace and hold space for everyone interested and or struggling with their self.

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A very beautiful anthology. Lots of different styles, stories and authors from all possible backgrounds. I'm really happy to have been able to read this work and to have discovered all these artists and illustrators.

It's not easy, as a cis person who has never asked themselves these kinds of questions, to understand the process of reflection and transition around the issue of transidentity and non-binarity. I think that if anyone wants to get interested in these issues but doesn't know where to start, this anthology might be a good place to start.

A book that can be bought as a gift and that shows a positive representation of this part of the lgbt+ community.

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The title and cover made me think this book would be about queer outdoors experiences, so I was a tad disappointed it wasn’t. But I did enjoy this anthology featuring a range of stories and art styles!

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Absolutely enchanting and deeply inspiring, every piece within this collection offers a spectacular portrayal of the artist's distinctive journey toward self-discovery. Without a doubt, this compilation is a must-have addition for every bookshelf.

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A collection of short comics created by numerous trans artists about their experience as queer people.
The style greatly differentiates the various oneshots; each person manages to make the story visually unique.
Many of the stories are similar, in that they often talk about the oppression of gender roles and binary society, and then come to a path of awareness and queer joy, but there is always that one graphic element or particular situation that manages to make for interesting reading throughout the volume. So we find the person very attached to his or her cultural roots and trying to reconcile with them, as well as the non-binary person who first tries to conform to a stereotype of "non-binary" and then breaks away from it. So many experiences, all similar but also different, that make you laugh and cry, emote and reflect.

Huge plus point, a short biography is given of all artists, with social media contacts as well: this can be a great way not only to give them visibility, but also to allow transgender people to find community and support.

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First, I wanna say that I find it hard to put a rating on a comic book that's based on real life experiences of trans and non-binary people, the reason behind that simply being that I don't want to rate someone's life and experience on a scale from 1 to 5. Therefore, I am giving 5 stars because I enjoyed reading about how queerness and self-discovery presented itself in 29 different ways for 29 differents persons. I will say that some comics fell short for me and I would have liked those to have a few more pages to really expand their stories (Never Be Loved, I'm looking at you!), but I enjoyed them nonetheless. If you want to learn more about gender identity but don't necessarily feel like reading a long book, this comic is a nice way to do so!

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This collection of short comics from LGBTQIA+ authors is great! It's so important for folks of all ages to continue to read a variety of perspectives about the trans and nonbinary experience so that we don't fall into the danger of a single story. I definitely plan to add this to my classroom library!

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This was such a treat to read! All the amazing perspectives came together wonderfully. I loved getting the chance to get a peak at the unique experiences of so many different individuals!

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A great collection of various trans and non-binary stories! I loved the differing artwork and reading about everyone’s journeys. There were some fun, light stories, but also ones that were more dark and deep. Seeing everyone come to love and accept themselves was really heart warming. The stories felt similar yet uniquely different and it was interesting seeing everyone’s voice through their art. Definitely recommend if you’re looking to explore or read more from trans and non-binary voices!

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"The Out Side: Trans & Nonbinary Comics" might... genuinely be one of my favorite queer graphic novels out there. This anthology made me laugh. It made me cry. It made me feel so incredibly seen and validated. It has even given me some new insights in my own gender.

"The Out Side: Trans & Nonbinary Comics" is a stunning celebration of transness that is so desperately needed in the wake of all the hate, vitriol, and anti-trans legislation that our community is currently experiencing.

Furthermore, this anthology has been contributed by many people of different genders, races and ethnicities, ages and cultural backgrounds. The amount of time, love, and effort put into this project shows. I cannot wait for the proper release of this book so that I can purchase it immediately.

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This anthology is comprised of a multitude of autobiographical comics by trans and nonbinary artists.

I feel like it's difficult to rate and review something so personal to so many. I thoroughly enjoyed this collection, and I feel like I've learned a lot. I know these comics will resonate with so many LGBTQ+ people out there.

I didn't keep a thorough list of trigger and content warnings, but obviously this includes transphobia and body dysphoria. But also acceptance and body euphoria.

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I feel like this will be very good for all members of the LGBTQIA+ to read and people that love and support them. I think what everyone put into this book will help a lot of people well not alone on a journey they take that they need comfort in.

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