Member Reviews

The Out Side sets out to do one thing, and that one thing it does extremely well. It's hard not to appreciate this anthology for what it is, especially with the way America is devolving into hate from coast to coast.

This collection features stories from a variety of trans and non-binary artists that share their experiences on the long road that begins at struggling with their gender identity, and eventually leads to self-acceptance. It's both a teaching tool and a proclamation, a simple "I Exist and That's Amazing" message that is sorely needed and will keep on being needed.

As with any anthology, some stories and art I enjoyed way more than others. At times I wished the artists had more page time to expand their stories, but some were absolutely perfect at a simple 2-4 pages. My favorites were How I Got These Sweet Nips! by The Nifty Fox for the comedy that hit my funny bone in the exact right place, and Familiar by Cyrus for the absolute gut punch of wonderfully effective art.

Whether you are a part of the rainbow or an ally, I think everyone can benefit from checking out this anthology. We're all human in completely different ways, and it's lovely seeing the spectrum of queerness and human expression represented here.

The Out Side began as a Kickstarter project, and is now being traditionally published by Andrews McMeel Publishing for release on September 26, 2023. Thanks to Andrew McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC.

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This was super cute and a really quick read. I loved all of the art styles and the different perspectives and experiences!

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A great, diverse anthology. Trans/non-binary comic creators share comics about their own experiences that run the entire spectrum of identities, trans experiences, and art styles, from fun and silly to serious to artistic. A great read for anyone, trans or cis, and a book I’d highly recommend to everyone, especially people who want to understand our collective but varied experiences.

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Gorgeous artwork from a variety of artists, each expressing what their trans/NB journey is like for them.

I loved that there are so many distinct and unique voices in this collection!

"Regardless of who the world said I was supposed to be, I was always going to be who I am." - Vixtopher

"MYSELF. Whether other people see me as I am or not." - Aidyn / Snailords

"Just being able to live as who you REALLY are is freedom." - Salwa Datoonie

And a list of helpful resources at the end.

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As with all anthologies I loved some more than others. The story was written by several different writers/artists which was really cool. It gives a variety of stories and experiences. I think my kids will really like it.

4 stars

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This is a collection of short comics, all by different authors and artists. It chronicles the trans and nonbinary, as well as queer, experience. Each one is impactful in many different ways, leaving my warm and fuzzy, emotional, or smiling by the end of each short work. There are so many different art styles in here and it covers so many unique stories, all with that same theme of self acceptance. A wonderful anthology of comics.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This is an adorable compilation of short comics from and about Trans & Nonbinary artists. While compilations aren't usually my favorite, the diverse art and stories kept me engaged and wanting to read more stories. The Out Side: Trans & Nonbinary Comics is a kaleidoscope of experiences. It explores self-discovery, acceptance, and the ups and downs of identity. The 29 artists featured in this book bare their souls, sharing personal journeys that are both uplifting and raw. Some stories made me smile and cheer, while others tugged at my heartstrings and brought tears to my eyes. Each artist brings their own style and perspective, adding depth and richness to the stories. This book is a testament to the diverse experiences within the trans and nonbinary community. It's not always an easy journey, but The Out Side is a powerful reminder of resilience, strength, and the beauty of sharing Trans and Nonbinary stories.

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THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO: mini-memoirs, diverse art styles, finding self-love & acceptance, queer af, real & heartfelt

CWs: internalized sexism & homophobia, body dysmorphia, mental health, family trauma

>> this anthology is full or heart and bursting with queer identities. it’s about the many ways that humans exist in this world and that even if we are struggling in our own ways, there is so much joy in finding yourself and your community. in claiming your little piece of the world that is uniquely you.

this is a great read and i highly recommend!

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An eye-opening comic anthology that sheds light on the queer journeys of trans and nonbinary artists.

As a trans nonbinary lesbian, I found The Outside to be full of stories I felt seen in. I love the diversity of the artists who are featured here, especially because it helps highlight how universal certain struggles are in the trans community. I also appreciate the varying art styles which make each story so unique.

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The Out Side is an anthology of comics by and about their trans and nonbinary creators. This collection features 29 comic artists who provide snapshots into their personal gender identity journeys through their individual art styles. I was surprised to see several artists whose work I recognised appear here! Zhen from Hello We Are Rats, Aidyn who wrote Freaking Romance, and Kyla Aiko who assists on one of my favourite Webtoons, Everything is Fine, were all included.

Still, most of the artists were new to me and offered lots of interesting insights I hadn't considered before. I am a cis queer, so I'm personally fascinated by the trans perspective because there are lots of elements to these stories I can relate to and plenty more that I cannot. Well-Hidden by Maddie Jacobus and Genderfluid by Vixtopher were two of the stories that made me think.

If you are a person under the trans umbrella looking for comfort, relatability, or guidance in your journey, this book is great for you. If you are someone, like me, who has never seriously questioned your gender. this book is just as valuable for you. Many of the thoughts and feelings expressed here, I genuinely had never considered before. Heck, the importance of allyship aside, the book is entertaining and exposes you to a host of talented artists.

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I really enjoyed this short comic anthology.
I really liked how each creator was introduced before their comic and all of the comics were extremely heartfelt and open, often made me emotional even though they were so short.
We need more stories like these, both for people who haven’t experienced these things to learn and understand better as well as for non-cis readers to be able to see themselves in it and maybe understand themselves better, to know they’re not alone.
A great read, absolutely recommend.

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This is a really great anthology, with contributions from author/artist/creators from a variety of backgrounds, with a variety of trans identities, and with a variety of aesthetic styles. Some vignettes stylistically gelled with my own taste better than others, but overall this is a fabulous collection.

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This queer comic anthology was an absolute delight! I enjoyed seeing all of the diverse arts styles and appreciated that they included artist bios before each comic. My only critique is that I wish the stories were longer!

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I very much enjoyed getting to read so many different coming out stories. I found I related to quite a few of them and gave context to my own journey of figuring out my gender identity. I love that the different authors all came from different walks of life and were of different ethnicities, abilities, and identities.

An incredible collection of art!

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The Out Side: Trans & Nonbinary Comics is an anthology of voices from the trans and nonbinary artist community, depicting their own personal journey of self love and acceptance. The book started as a Kickstarter project and quickly resonated with people, raising more than twice the asking capital for producing the book, proving that there is indeed a need for trans and nonbinary recognition in the greater Queerdom.

While The Kao, best known for his artistry in the Magical Boy series, intended the book to be safe for work and school, giving kids and tweens the opportunity to see themselves and their life represented in the comics, I am not sure that all the are actually relatable to kids that age. many of the works take a level of awareness, self-acceptance, resilience, ability to walk away from what is to create what can be, that doesn't often come without maturity, money, and legally being out from under someone else's thumb.

That said, the overall message, which couldn't be more clear, without being lit up in neon letters on Broadway, is one that all people should embrace: be, love and accept yourself for exactly who you are, do no harm to others, and don't judge others when they are being and loving themselves.

If everyone could bring their authentic selves to the table, with love and no judgement, we might all be healthier, happier people.

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This is a fantastic collection, and one I think many people, including myself, need. We need varying representation for trans and enby folks in all mediums!

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This graphic novel would be a great addition to any library because it tells so many different stories by so many different people. THAT is the draw. There's so many different ways that these stories show how others see the world that so many readers will be able to relate to parts of stories, one, and/or mutliple. This allows for people to see that there isn't one box you have to fit in, but hundreds and all you have to do is find yours. It is a very heartening and enlightening book that I will be recommending to my library. I think this will help anybody at any age just to see how people have figured themselves out.

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Thank you NetGalley for the review copy!
Brilliant and diverse collection of comics with much needed rep of trans, non-binary and genderqueer people! I am sure these stories will have a big impact on many lives.
Loved the little notes about each artist.
Blob by Coco Ouwerkerk will stay with me for a while.

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“Back when I was growing up, positive trans representation in media simply didn’t exist— there was a complete void in the culture. Any time media featured gender nonconformity it existed as something to either be laughed at, demonized, or often both. The messaging was clear: The discomfort I felt with the gender I was assigned at birth was something to be ashamed of, never vocalized or acted on.”

This was a cute graphic novel anthology of a bunch of trans authors/artists and their life experiences. I think this quote from the beginning really sums it up, everyone has a right to see themselves represented in media as more than just a punchline or a joke.

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I got this on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

This was a great collection of comics and I love the variety of styles! It really opened my eyes to a lot of artists and their work online too which was pretty cool. The artists were also hella diverse in every way and I loved that combined with their different views on gender and their journey etc. Really shows how different life and gender can be and how we all experience stuff differently but also somewhat the same.

A great collection that I will think about a lot! (also was hella validating)

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