Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for a digital arc of Lights!
Marjorie, Eliza, and Wendell (the ghost) are on a quest to discover more about Wendell's past. Wendell has a few memories about who he was before becoming a ghost. He knows, for example, that his death was due to drowning. But how did that happen? As if solving a mysterious death isn't enough - Marjorie and Eliza's friendship faces some challenges. Eliza is upset that Marjorie has started hanging out with two old friends - friends that, at one time, bullied Eliza. How could a friend do that? And can they work out their differences and focus on the things they have in common?

The book also explores light and dark. The light that friendships can bring. And how when someone you love dies, you have a tendency to focus on the bad and sad things and not so much the happy memories. Also - light and dark in photography. And, of course, graphic novel illustrations.

I love this series! The illustrations and story are amazing. I also liked that both Marjorie and Eliza talked to their parents about their problems. And that Eliza is very open about her therapist and mental health issues. They are off to high school next year! I hope Brenna lets us know how they are doing.

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Lights was a nice, cute ending to this graphic novel series. I really appreciated the conversations around friendship and how each relationship is as unique as the people in it. I think the discussions about what is ok when developing new friendships and trying to keep old ones is important for young readers, and it's presented in a very easy to digest way. I think this was a great way to wrap up the series with a sense of closure and also hope for the future.

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A beautiful conclusion to this graphic novel series! I found this volume to be a mix of emotion as our main characters experience conflict in their friendships and the gang tries to solve what happened to Wendell. Yet, there were also moments where we see the joys of navigating friendships that shape our formative years as well as our characters finding - or rediscovering - passions that provide them happiness and comfort. Once again, this installment lives up to its predecessors in maintaining this balance of cozy comfort read and more nuanced storytelling. With each volume of the series, I feel like the artwork and writing have improved and shown Thummler's brilliance in both design and storytelling! <i>Lights</i> shows more emotional maturity from our characters and more emotional depth in the themes explored. Additionally, the art in this volume felt more vibrant and detailed which made the story feel fully formed and brought to life. Overall, this volume highlighted the growth and progression of this series over time while simultaneously providing readers a beautiful and only slightly bittersweet conclusion to our time with Eliza, Marjorie, and Wendell.

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This was a truly delightful finale to one of my most cherished graphic novel series. The main characters have undergone significant growth since we first met them, and I thoroughly enjoyed witnessing their development throughout. It's a beautiful note on which to conclude their journey.

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I love this series and how it takes a story about a girl who lost her mother and is taking care of her father and brother while still trying to keep her head above water by going to school, make friends and keep her family business open. This whole series is a must read that I think tweens and adults would love to read for years to come. 5 stars.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the free copy of Light by Brenna Thummler in exchange for my honest review.

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The whole 'Sheets' trilogy is beautifully illustrated and a visual joy to read. The story following the lives (and un-lives!) of the characters is incredibly moving, and I love how over the course of the 3 books we see such character growth. The themes of friendship and belonging are so strong, and so relevant for our young people today. These books are really popular in our school, and have won over some new graphic novel readers. 'Light's was a fantastic and heart-warming end to the trilogy.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and it’s connection to the overall story of the previous 2 books. I liked the deep look into life after death, those that miss and grieve you, as well as the look into the life happening around us and the growing pains of adolescence, friendships, and finding those you can trust in the world.

I would highly recommend this series!

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This was the last instalment of the Sheets series by Breena Thummler and even though I loved this, it isn't my favourite probably because I didn't want the series to end. The illustrations were as beautiful as ever and I really like the character development. I will definitely be purchasing a copy for my library.

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This is the last installment in this beautiful series. Although this is my least favorite out of the three, I still really liked it. I think I’m just in love with the illustration, color scheme, and characters.

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I enjoyed this one just as much as I enjoyed Sheets !!! Absolutely stunning and the story, again, made me sob !!!

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Ever since Majorie met Wendell, he’s been a bright light in her life. He’s been her best friend, and even became friends with her new friend from school, Eliza. The three of them have been close friends ever since, but as Majorie and Eliza get closer to entering high school, things are starting to change. Majorie and Eliza’s friendship is put to the test when Eliza rekindles old friendships, and Wendell is determined to find out who he was and why he died. The three of them now face being torn apart or becoming closer than ever.

In what seems like the final book in the series, we focus primarily on friendships as the human and ghostly trio search for who Wendall was when he was alive. This time around, we get to see what friendships Wendall has as he slowly remembers things from his past. They come back to him in bits and pieces, and aren’t always what they appear to be, but it helps Majorie and Eliza figure out where to look.

I really liked getting to learn about Wendall’s past as he slowly remembers things and tries to figure out who he remembers from his life. It was so interesting to see where his memories took us and figuring out how the living characters we meet along the way fits into that. It was exciting to see that Majorie, Eliza, and Wendell each got a book that focuses on them and their healing. Wendall has been one of the more interesting characters due to the fact that he’s a ghost and doesn’t remember who he was and where his family is, so it was really nice to see him finally get answers and have that mystery completed.

I loved seeing Majorie and Eliza again, and it was great to see how their friendship continued to grow after the previous book. Eliza accidentally ends up with two ex-friends thrown back in her life, and it was nice to see how some supporting characters experienced character growth off the pages. Unfortunately, it does shake things up between Majorie and Eliza, but I loved seeing how they both figure out how to work through things because even friends can experience problems with their relationship.

All in all, this was a sad but wonderful read. The artwork was beautiful as always and really aided in telling the story through color palette alone. The way the book ended, I really think this is the final book in the series, and I can’t picture how the story would continue after this anyway. I think these characters are continuing to heal and find new ways to enjoy life again off the pages and can picture them going on to lead happy lives (or afterlives).

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Oh wow. This graphic novel series did something to me. I started book 1 (Sheets) after dinner yesterday, and I finished book 2 (Delicates) and book 3 (Lights) before midnight. First of all, the art style was fantastic, and Wendell as a ghost made me actually giggle with joy.

When I tell you this book made me cry, I SOBBED. This is a Middle-Grade/YA Graphic Novel that covers some hard topics, such as coping with death and depression. While Lights was my least favorite out of the series, it still was a solid finale. I really enjoyed the flashbacks to Wendell's life, and by the end, I thought the message of acceptance was shown perfectly. I will be buying this series for my classroom IMMEDIATELY.

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Wow, I just loved this series so much! ‘m not a huge graphic novel reader, and this was one of the few ones that really captured my heart.

And the moment I read what this third installment is all about, I knew I was going to love it even more than the first two. Because I love digging into the past of the characters I already know and love, seeing them in a different light and understanding them better.

Lights had so much to offer - such a perfect blend of the most cozy vibes, growing up, friendships and mystery.

And a lot of snow! Reading this graphic novel felt like being a child and spending a perfect cozy winter day wandering around your small town through snow-covered streets with your best friends, on a mission to solve a mystery. And make it a ghost mystery!

A huge thank you to Oni Press and NetGalley for providing me with an arc of Lights by Brenna Thummler in exchange for an honest review!

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I didn't like this book as much as I hoped. 😐 Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it for the most part but it didn't quite live up to the success of the first two books. 𝘓𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 is the third and final installation to the Sheets series. In this book, Marjorie and Eliza embarks on a mission to help Wendell remember his past life.

I've been really anticipating this book because we'll finally get Wendell's backstory. It's unfortunate that I felt so underwhelmed when I read it. I feel like the story dragged on for the first half. The setup felt flat so it took me quite a while to get invested in the story. I almost DNF this book, but I'm still glad that I sticked to it because the ending was worth it. It was nice to see Wendell finally make peace with his death and accept afterlife. Thank you so much NetGalley and Oni Press for this copy!! 👻

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A beautiful ending to this series. We learn more about everyone and clear up everything that needed cleaning up. Emotional and gorgeous.

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The Sheets trilogy has been a beautiful and moving journey about friendship, loss, growing pains, and more. Lights is the perfect conclusion to this trilogy. It really provides a lot of closure on the lives of the characters, the friendships, and Wendell's story. I honestly teared up reading this one. I definitely recommend this trilogy.

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Great books! i love how heartwarming it is. the color of the illustration is so vibrant. i did enjoy the whole series and this third book is such a perfect add up into it. open up more chemistry between the two main characters and their own uniqueness compliment each other.

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Lights is the third and final graphic novel in the Sheets series, during which we focus on Eliza, and the mystery of Wendell's death. If theres something Brenna Thummler does well, its capturing the emotions of teenagers - the lonliness, grief, and insecurity are so well written throughout this series, beautifully complimented by Thummlers stunning artwork. The colour palette is well thought out, indicating flashbacks with ease. I cannot wait to see what more Brenna comes out with in the future.

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How happy, yet sad I was to finally be able to read this final installment of one of my favorite graphic novel series!

I read this during the perfect time of year which just enhanced all the winter and nostalgic vibes in this book. I found the friendship dynamic and issues so relatable even as an adult! Brenna always does a wonderful job of exploring difficult topics, yet balances the story with humor and wit.

I will never get over the amount of detail Brenna puts in her illustrations and will read anything she writes!

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Lights is the final instalment in the trilogy of graphic novels by Brenna Thummler about Marjorie, Eliza and their ghost friend Wendell. I absolutely loved Sheets and Delicates so was eager to see how Brenna would wrap up their stories.

Sheets concentrates more on Wendell and his background compared to the previous two graphic novels and it was really heartwarming to see him discover his own story. Thummler also dives deeper into Marjorie and Eliza’s friendship and examines some tender subjects such as changing friendships, forgiveness and grief in her usual beautiful intuitive style.

Just like Sheets and Delicates, the artwork in Lights is simply gorgeous. The delicate pastel palette and simple yet emotive illustrations perfectly compliment some possible tear jerker moments.

If you enjoyed Sheets and Delicates you will absolutely adore Lights. I’d also really recommend the series for anyone considering trying graphic novels for the first time.

Thanks to Oni Press for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

If you enjoyed this review come follow me on instagram @TravelsEatsReads for more.

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