Member Reviews

I loved this enormously sweet story of a family affected by grief and a ghost for whom no one has grieved. I want to give the entire trilogy--Sheets, Delicates, and Lights--to every elementary or middle-school kid I know who's every had a hard time. The characters are real and affecting, and the overarching messages about needing friends and being tolerant and realizing that life is hard and so you have to try hard, sometimes, to get though it, is told in a sympathetic way.

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I absolutely adored this book! A charming third book in a trilogy that I did not realize was a trilogy. So I will pick up the first two books as soon as possible. Regardless of my familiarity with these characters, I thought this book did a great job of bringing the audience up to speed and into the story. I thought that art was wonderfully charming and I loved the way the flashbacks and present timeline story were composed.

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This whole set was just so good! Anyone looking into this needs to get them all at the same time. I am so honoured I had the privilege to read these. I could not put this one down. I loved everything from the illustration, the colors, the contrasts, the conflicts, the resolutions, literally everything. This one in particular got really deep and really makes you think about some things going on in your own life and mind. I love this one so much I cant really say more than how much I loved it lol. It made me laugh and made me cry! So good.

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FInal book in the Sheets trilogy. I really enjoyed the first one the most, once Eliza came to the picture I was so over it. I found her to be annoying, whiny, and dismissive. Glad this book focused on Wendell and how he died. Again, great series, I just didn't like Eliza.

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What a great follow up to Brianna Thummler's first two graphic novels in the series. My 10 year old daughter, who read the previous two - loved this one and flew through it in a couple hours!

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This book was a wonderful end to the trilogy! I was happy to find out more about Wendell and his past. I am looking forward to handing this to patrons who enjoyed the previous two books.

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4.5 stars

Oh man, I really did not want this series to come to an end! The main theme of this book was friendship and healing, and just as with the themes the first two books embodied, it was handled beautifully. Wendell was a much more central character to this book compared to his more subdued role in the second installment, and I loved to see that because he is definitely my favourite character in this series. We find out why Wendell died in this installment and it was really beautiful to see him understand what happened to him and come to terms with his death. The artwork was of course gorgeous, with a really lovely colour palette, and I loved how the colour palette switched from cold colours in present day, to warm colours when we were seeing flashbacks to Wendell's life. This graphic novel series is really fantastic, and I hope to see much more from Brenna Thummler in the future!

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This book is an amazing ending to the heartfelt stories of Marjorie, Eliza, and Wendell. The character growth for each of these characters is both self contained in this specific book and spans across all the books in the trilogy. The use of color palette to delineate timeline is both beautiful and necessary, but is never distracting. The ending felt rushed after we learn the ending of Wendell’s story as a human. I wish we had more time to revel in the peace of knowing they were able to overcome different challenges with the power of friendship. Overall a beautiful and touching story.

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Before anything, I would like to thank you for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Sheets trilogy was exactly what I needed to lift my heart a little after so many bad romances with horrible messages. This is a beautiful ending to it.

While I did not like Eliza on this book and couldn't stand her, which made me bored at a few pages, I liked the message behind having multiple friends and dealing with different interests in a friendship.

I loved getting to know Wendell's story a little more and was touched by Tierney. She was a great character and I wish I could've read even more about Wendell and her.

The ending felt a little pointless, I couldn't understand the purpose of that happening besides causing an emotional reaction. I also didn't like the illustrations as much as I did on the previous books.

Overall, it was a cute light-hearted story with beautiful drawings that, even though had its flaws, was fun to get through.

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Lights was a great ending to this graphic novel series. In order to truly understand the story and appreciate the characters, you should really read this series in order.

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I absolutely love this series and this installment did not disappoint! Thank you for another beautiful snippet of life through incredible illustrations and relatable dialogue.

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A tearjerker! Wendell is one of my favorite characters of all time at this point. These characters are so so special to me and while I'm sad their story is over, this was a wonderful end to the trilogy.

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A beautiful way to end this beautiful trilogy of graphic novels, Lights focuses more on Wendell's story and it was very interesting to find out more about his background. A very dignified ending, continuing the sensibility of the previous books, I ended up crying at the end. Great experience to follow these characters and a comic that is visually beautiful too. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I have really enjoyed this graphic novel series and was excited to see how everything wrapped up and this did it so well, I loved all of the characters and the themes of friendship were really strong. I loved how we got to see more of Wendell's back story which was actually really sad and didn't expect what happened to him but it was very well done. I still love the art style and would love to pick up more graphic novels from Brenna Thummler in the future. A 5 star graphic novel series for me with important messages.

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This book is simple, yet it gets the point across. The images and back and forth make the book worthwhile.

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"Some lights shine brighter than others,"

'Lights' is the third and final book in Thummler's graphic novel series. The story continues from its first and second instalments, 'Sheets' and 'Delicates', where Wendall, a ghost, has found a friend in Majorie, the daughter of a Laundromat owner, and can see his eyes through a new lens with her help.

This was such a heartwarming and emotional ending to Wendall and the other characters' stories. I loved the switch between Wendall's memories of who he was before he died, with the switch to the present and the main goal of the novel to figure out the truth about who he was and how he died.

As usual, the art in Thummler's books is so beautiful and pleasing to look at. And with the story and characters that I grew to love with each book also made it such a comforting read.

I enjoyed the addition of reading and learning more about Eliza and her adoration of ghosts and ghost hunting. On top of that, I also loved seeing Marjorie be in more than one friendship and become happier in some aspects of her life, especially when you look back to the beginning of the series. It is great to see how far she has come as a character.

A story based on friendship, discovery and spooky mysteries beyond belief, this trilogy will grip you quickly and make you fall in love with all of its characters, both human and ghostly.

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Brenna Thummler's graphic novel series is about a girl and her best friend named Windell that just happens to be a ghost. Lights is the third installment and is also, surprisingly, my favorite. All of Thummler's books are full of a wonderful mixture of whimsy, heart, pain, growth, and overall spookiness, but Lights balances them the best by far. This book was also the most atmospheric, in my opinion, with vivid illustrations and a haunting reveal.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance reader's copy of this graphic novel in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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The most emotional installment in the trilogy because we finally get Wendell's backstory. It's a lovely conclusion to the series and it's been nice seeing the characters (especially Marjorie) developing throughout the whole story arc. I wholeheartedly recommend these graphic novels to anyone and everyone.

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I enjoyed the focus on Wendell and his backstory. I also liked how this one focused on friendship and how there are more then one singular kind of friends. As like the last there is still discussion about mental health that is easy to understand. I overall enjoyed this book the most out of the series. I would recommend giving it a read.

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This is my favorite graphic novel series. So when I saw there was a sequel, I applied for the NetGalley ARC immediately! This third installment fits right into the series and extends the story. We learn more about Wendell and see Marjorie grow. I love where the story takes us and I hope there is more down the line for us later with another installment, but it does end at a good place.

If you like a little sweet a little spooky and a little wholesome, this is a great read for you. 5 stars all the way.

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