Member Reviews

I've been waiting for Wendall's story since the first book and I'm thrilled to finally know it. Lights was a pitch perfect ending to the amazing trilogy Brenna has created. I never wanted this series to end but if it had to, I'm happy this is the ending we got. All characters got such a nice ending in this story of friendship and what matters in this world. LOVED it!

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Thank you Oni Press and NetGalley for the advanced electronic review copy of this book. This is a very emotional conclusion to the Sheets series focusing on figuring out what happened to Wendell and why. The art is still hauntingly beautiful and adds to the overall feel of the story. The themes of friendship and grief are very delicately presented and discussed throughout the series. The ending, while bittersweet, is the best for the end of the series. I definitely recommend this book and the whole series and would share it with my middle grade students.

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(Full disclosure: I received a free e-ARC for review through NetGalley.)

After a falling out with her friend group, Marjorie Glatt has more or less settled in to eighth grade. Her free time - now that her dad is beginning to emerge from his depression, she actually has some - is divided between her two best friends: Eliza, a talented photographer and resident "weird girl" at school; and Wendell, the ghost of an eleven-year-old boy who lives in her family's laundromat.

As his time in the Land of Humans lengthens, Wendell is beginning to wonder about his life - and death. His memories of both are foggy - is this because Wendell the boy has been forgotten in the Land of Humans? With the help of Marj and Liza, Wendell ventures outside of Glatt's Laundry in search of clues about his past. But the more the trio uncovers, the more Wendell's death begins to look not like an accident, but murder.

Meanwhile, Marjorie finds herself longing for more "normal" friends. Not because Wendell and Liza aren't great - they are! - but because they alone can't light up the many corners of her heart. Sometimes a kid just wants to sing karaoke at the top of her lungs while getting a pedicure, you know? But how can she justify letting Sid and Sasha back into her life when they hurt Liza so terribly?

LIGHTS is a satisfying conclusion to the SHEETS trilogy. It's got the same ooey, gooey center as DELICATES, exploring the horror and angst of the tween/teenage years with care and compassion. As with DELICATES, the title of LIGHTS hints at the Very Important Lesson the story imparts (don't worry, I won't spoil it, but it is executed masterfully); the final few pages are real tearjerkers. The murder mystery was an inspired touch; it allows us to meet Wendell as he was in life, before he became the adorable ghost we got to know and love in SHEETS.

And I have an especially soft spot for Liza - her deadpan humor, generally underwhelmed demeanor, and social misanthropy really speak to me. One of my favorite panels is the one in which Liza wonders if the ghost of a turkey can hang around to watch you eat them in a sandwich. File that one under "accidentally vegan (messages)".

Thummler's artwork is lovely, with one glaring exception - I still find the human faces kinda strange and icky looking. (They remind me of that scene in ONE CRAZY SUMMER: "If you make faces like that, and somebody slaps you on the back, you'll stay that way FOREVER!") I can honestly say that I prefer Wendell as a ghost - he's much cuter that way. Not to mention, it's amazing how much emotion Thummler can manifest on the face of a sheet ghost. Wendell slayed me with a single expression when Tierney asked his ghost how anyone could forget him. Like, instant reaction gif there.

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A really well done ending to the trilogy. Thummler did not disappoint. The driving plot of the book is focused on Wendell and discovering the story of his life and what led up to his death, where the conflicts arise as Marjorie and Eliza work out what their friendship will be. Compromise and communication are major themes, as well as processing grief; I was most impressed with the work Thummler put into showing how the ways other people see us affect how we see ourselves. As always, the artwork is beautiful with an ethereal, watercolor-esque quality that plays well with the ghostly themes.

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Wow, all the emotions. This series took me on a roller-coaster of feelings. I loved the ending of this book. Wendell is an amazing friend and he helped Marjorie become an amazing friend as well.

I am looking forward to reading more of Brenna Thummler's work in the future.

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Thank you Netgalley and Oni Press for the eARC. My daughter is a huge fan of this graphic novel series and having read them as well, I was very excited to read this.

It was beautifully and emotionally illustrated. The story was sweet, heartbreaking and a great depiction of middle school friendship. I loved this!

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This was the perfect end to the trilogy! We see how the three main characters, Marjorie, Wendell and Eliza grow and mature in this last tome. It was great while heartbreaking to learn more on Wendell's past. Thummler's art as always is gorgeous and brings the characters to life!

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Big shoutout and thanks to NetGalley for hooking me up with the eARC of "Lights"!

Let me tell you, I absolutely loved "Sheets," was totally smitten with "Delicates," and now, "Lights" takes the cake as the ultimate favorite in this trilogy! It's the perfect wrap-up to this captivating series. The artwork is just stunning, and those soft palettes? Totally swoon-worthy, giving the whole reading experience a magical touch. Can't get enough of it!

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This volume is even more detailed and developed than the previous two and I have loved them all.
This volume focuses on wrapping up the mystery of how Wendell died and developing and balancing friendships for Marjorie between Wendell, Eliza, and other friends from school who bullied Eliza.
The plot includes flashbacks from Wendell’s childhood in a different limited color palette of blue and red.
Readers will need to read the previous two books to understand the plot.
The coloring, art style, clothing choices and messages about how to be a good friend and communicate to loved ones make this one a winner.
For fans of the series, K. O’Neill, Snapdragon, and The Girl from the Sea.

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I LOVED IT OMG. The characters were very comforting, the plot was easy to follow, while also being interesting. I may have almost cried at the ending. Overall, it was such a good read, and a memorable one.

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This is easily the best graphic novel I have ever read. It got me bawling my eyes out. This one tells you how Wendell dies. Moving on is about travelling, going on a journey to a different place, a different time, a different dimension. But if someone has ever shone a light in your life, no matter how far they have gone, they shine on in your heart.

Thank you for the tears. This book is just brilliant.

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This was such an unusual series for me, in that I ended up liking later books more than the earlier ones. This final book in the trilogy was a really sweet and great end.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of Lights!

I loved Sheets, I double loved Delicates, and I triple loved Lights.

Lights was a wonderful conclusion to this trilogy, and as with the previous books. I spent a lot of time looking back at the artwork and lovely soft pallettes.

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Lights is a great end to this graphic novel trilogy, I'm really happy Wendell's backstory was included he is definitely my favorite character. When I first heard about this series when sheets came out the concept sounded so perfect to me. A sheet ghost who haunts a laundromat? How cute is that! But the series has so much emotion when it comes to friendship and loss, this series is perfect for any child who feels like an outcast.

My favorite of the trilogy is still delicates, but the frames of Wendell dancing in the nutcracker in his flashback were so adorable, you want to just hug him. I also loved the snow in this one, it made the frames it was included in so whimsical.

I reccommend this trilogy to everyone even though it's technically a children's graphic novel, and I would absolutely love to see it get a film or show adaptation done well like heartstopper ❤️

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4.5/5 Stars

Each book in this series is better than the last!

“Lights” is the outstanding finale to the “Sheets” graphic novel series, a heartwarming set of stories about a lonely ghost and grieving teenager who become friends when they need each other most.

Like the other two books in this series, “Lights” alternates between two main narratives. One part of the story focuses on how Marjorie must navigate her new friendship with Eliza, while remaining true to herself and the other relationships in her life. The other part delves into Wendell the Ghost’s human life, as he, Marjorie, and Eliza search for the answer as to why he died.

As always, the art style is gorgeous. “Lights” is set during early winter, and I absolutely adored seeing Brenna Thummler’s usual stunning illustrations set against a snowy backdrop! Multiple design choices, but most notably the colour palette, add so much to the story, setting the scene and truly allowing readers to immerse themselves in the story. The whole series is illustrated very well, but “Lights” includes, by far, my favourite images out of the three books.

“Lights” also includes more of my favourite character – Wendell, the super adorable ghost! It was such a pleasure to learn about his human life, if a little heartbreaking at times. This book is slower than the first two, especially when delving into these Wendell scenes, but I really appreciate this change in pace. The time the story takes to unfold feels very natural and allows readers a chance to say a proper goodbye to the characters.

Without going too much into detail, at risk of spoiling the plot, I also really appreciated Marjorie’s main storyline, which revolves around juggling multiple friendships. This is the kind of story I really wish I had consumed as a teenager, when having different friend groups felt like such a betrayal.

Overall, I have to say that “Lights” is my favorite installment of the “Sheets” series!

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First of all I want to thank netgalley for providing me with the third volume of this graphic novel.

I have to be honest, I did not notice that it is the third part, I thought it was an independent volume, but no, it was not difficult for me to understand the story, like other times that I have mistakenly requested sequels.

In this third part, he tells us about how Wendell dies, and how Marjorie and Eliza's relationship evolves, how Marjorie socializes again but she must not leave Eliza aside, but it will be complicated, since she begins to relate to the bullies in this They should also not put aside helping Wendell since he wants to know what really happened to him.

I can't say more since everything I say will be a spoiler, just to say that read this story but don't be like me, read it in order, respect the order, it is also readable on its own, but it helps to have context for the relationships past.

I give it a 4 out of 5 stars

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I rarely give 5/5 stars to books, but... OMG! "Lights" was the perfect conclusion to this graphic novel trilogy... although I'm sad to see it end.

In this final installment, Marjorie and Eliza help Wendell discover the truth about his past, and how he died.

I absolutely loved seeing Wendell's backstory through short flashbacks interjected throughout the book. It felt like we were experiencing it at the same time as him (because he was slowly regaining his memory).

The ending was truly tragic and heartwrenching. It's pretty miraculous, really, how all 3 of these books have made me cry.

I almost feel like there's a found family dynamic between Wendell and Marjorie, that's been building up until now. It's like, they would do anything for each other.

That's all I can manage to say right now (right after finishing the book), but I really loved this series. I want to thank the author, publisher and Netgalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Final rating: 5/5

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As I delved into Lights, the captivating conclusion to the beloved Ghosts trilogy by Brenna Thummler, I was drawn back into the enchanting world of Marjorie, Wendell the ghost, and Eliza. The story follows their heartwarming journey to uncover the secrets of Wendell's past life, adding a touch of mystery and adventure to the mix.

Thummler's masterful storytelling handles heavy themes with a delicate touch, exploring the complexities of compromise, friendship, and grief. The characters are imperfect, relatable, and deeply endearing, making their journey even more engaging. As they face both paranormal and real-life challenges, the trio's bond is put to the test, and Thummler weaves a tale that captures the essence of middle-grade emotions.

Wendell's story, in particular, is a beautiful exploration of self-discovery and acceptance. As the mysteries unfold, the satisfying conclusion ties everything together, leaving me fulfilled.

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This was an emotional and evocative conclusion to the Sheets series. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Wendell's closure and his story, his character is so loveable and this added to his likeability as a character. I struggled with Eliza's character, I feel that although she is portrayed well and is a good example of representation for not only POC but for mental health as well however I don't warm to her character. I appreciated seeing the growth of Marjorie throughout the series and here we can see her grow even more as a person and she is a good example for teens as she demonstrates a lot of internal conflict when trying to not only find yourself but also find out who your friends are.

Something I find so powerful about the Sheets series and about Lights in particular is the representation of grief and the impact it has on people. Lights was able to show how not only different people respond to grief but also who is effected by grief, it was also interesting to see how Wendell reacts to his own death and grieving for his life.

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Lights is just gorgeous!

The ending to the story began in Sheets and Delicates, we follow our characters through their final year in middle school, solving the mystery of why Wendell died and discovering more about friendships in the process. This graphic novel is bittersweet and slightly hopeful and really gets to the heart of what it is like being a young teen.

I really enjoyed it, once again the illustrations are beautiful and whimsical and the story is solid. No criticism here, I will be buying it when it is released.

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