Member Reviews

I don’t really like the art style of this series but the story really carries it for me. I nearly cried so many times. However, Eliza was annoying the h out of me for way too long. Your friends are allowed to have friends of their own!! I still girly recommend the series though.
Little heads up this one takes place during the end of fall and winter.

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4.5 ⭐

first of all thank you SO much to OniPress and Netgalley for a copy of the arc in exchange for an honest review 🥹

This one hit me in the feels so hard. Wendell is just such a sweet character and I absolutely adored finding out how he died and seeing more into his short life. We continued to grow with the characters as they discover more about themselves and what friendship really means. I was tearing up at the end, such an amazing and wholesome trilogy that I would recommend to everyone of all ages!

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Pub date: September 5th, 2023 !!

The third and final book in the Sheets trilogy! This was definitely my least favorite out of all three books, but I still fancied it and think it was a beautiful way to tie up the series.

Reasoned I liked it:
- FINALLY getting Wendall's story was everything we've been wanting this whole time. Loved that for him and us!
- I love when any book brings in holiday elements and we get both Thanksgiving and Christmas in this one. So cozy, inviting, and warm. Can you tell I'm over summer????
- A good conclusion!!!! So many series finales (especially GNs I've noticed) leave too many unanswered questions or end on cliffhangers. This wrapped up so beautifully and every single character really had their own moment. Appreciated that SO much!

Reasons I disliked it:
- The pacing!!!!! This is a LONG graphic novel for what it is. I truly believe a lot of it could have been cut or condensed, especially considering this is middle grade and kids just don't have that kind of attention span these days lolol. It honestly DRAGGED until around the 60% mark.
- The graphics have never really been my favorite in this series, but I love the concept and storyline so much that I've always let it go. Art is obviously subjective though so you may totally love it and that's completely fine!!! Don't let this persuade you away from it. It just isn't my personal taste.
-Marjorie, our MC, is still SO annoying. And I get it! She's realistic, especially for a kid in middle school, and she's trying to figure herself out. But she's just kinda selfish and rude which I do not like at ALL. Eliza and Wendall for the win!

Overall, I enjoyed this and I'm happy to have read this series! It's cute, heartwrenching and warming all at the same time, and definitely cozy.

Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for a DRC. All thoughts and opinions are, as always, my very own.

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I’m so sad this was the last volume! But what a way to end it.

Very happy we got Wendell’s story and the closure it deserved.

Heartwarming with a touch of bittersweet, glad I got to experience this wonderful trilogy!

Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press
5/5 ⭐️

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Thank you netgalley for this arc. 4.25 stars. I didn’t realize this was the last one😭. Wendell is adorable 🥲🥲🥲. I really liked the plot in this one, and now I’m so sad😭. It was a happy ending, yet I hurt.

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This ending was PEFFECT!! (I might’ve teared up a little). I was slightly concerned about the ending to this series as I didn’t know this was the final volume until about halfway through, but it was very satisfying. It wasn’t just focused on ending the story but does so very well.

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Thank you for the publisher and Netgalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

I love this series, and as the other two volume, this was also humorous, heartbreaking and fun at the same time. I think this was a nice closure to the trilogy, it teaches you forgiveness and I loved these pastel colours too, the art style is very unique.

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The conclusion to Sheets was unexpected (I did not know it was going to be a trilogy) but very fulfilling in terms of answering questions and giving a warm and cozy ending to the characters. We get to learn how Wendell became a ghost and what happened to his loved ones. The story involves a light mystery that never goes too dark, all puns intended. We get to see Marjorie and Eliza's friendship continue to develop, as they experience growing pains with Eliza struggling to come to terms that Marjorie has other friends and other interests. While it makes me sad there will be no more Sheets stories to come, it was a heartwarming conclusion that gave everyone the best ending possible. This series comes highly recommended, the unique colorful palette of the art helps balance some very deep life lessons and gut wrenching moments about life and loss.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

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I haven’t read the other books and I started with this one, but I now know why this series is so loved. I will definitely pick up the other ones as well, such a quick read and such a lovely story ! Lights is everything you need on a bad day. Get your hot chocolate, slip under your blanket, and read this, please. You won’t regret it !

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The third and concluding graphic novel in Brenna Thummler’s ghostly series that began with Sheets and continued with Delicates, more than holds up the excellence established by the two prior volumes. On the cusp of high school, Marjorie is dealing with friendships both old and new, and how to toggle between the two (or does she need to?). The spine of the story is ghost Wendell’s need to go on a quest to find out just how he died – was it an accident or something else? Marjorie’s musing about how much power the dark has over the light, and how hard it is to create light, might seem headed down a gloomy path, but it’s a waypoint on her realization that the light does exist, in the memories of times with her mother (now gone), as well as connections with her family and friends. There are twists and turns on the journey, as well as some chilling moments, but all turns out well in the end, albeit just a touch bittersweet. Highly recommended.

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A really sweet ending to the series. We finally get a conclusion to Wendell's story and Marjorie learns more about balancing friendships as she is about to move up to high school. Same art style as the earlier instalments, this is a really big graphic novel with a lot of art pages.

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A very cute graphic novel with fun and colorful illustrations.

This us the third installment in the series and to give the brief synopsis it talks about a ghost Wendell who lives in Marjorie's laundromat who becomes her best friend.

Now in this book they explore Wendell's background and Eliza and Marjorie try to solve the murder mystery of Wendell. This graphic novel how friendships are effected when new friends are added to the equation.

Finally this graphic novel explores friendship with a hint of mystery.

I received this arc from the publisher at NetGalley

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Lights is another amazing installment in the Sheets series. I loved getting to learn more about Wendell's past and where he comes from. This is a must read for fans of the first two titles. A first purchase for all YA graphic novel collections!

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The ending to the Sheets trilogy. This was such a beautiful series and I am so glad I got to read them. I adore Wendall and Marj is going to become such a wonderful human! This whole series touches on some amazing story lines throughout and I cannot wait to add them to my classroom library.

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I can't quite put my finger on why I've been bowled over by this series but I can try to articulate a few of the elements that I love so dearly in this third and final installment to help.

First, Marjorie's muted life is so deeply felt in the way the story is told panel by panel. She has found a ghost and befriended him, Wendell, in their family's laundromat. Marjorie has been generally friendless, but then meets Eliza who is a bit weird herself which is why they become friends. In this book, there's a push/pull between them as Marjorie befriends two other girls from school and has a hard time figuring out whether that means she has to be less friends with Eliza or that there's room for everyone. This is while also navigating her ghost friend Wendell's quest to figure out how and why he died and is still a ghost.

The mystery pulls the story a little long in parts for this book, but it's a satisfying end and as Wendell and his ghost friends vacate the laundromat, it's the bittersweet moment readers have waited for.

Marjorie's life in the house with her younger brother and dad who is trying to make things work is picture-perfect and pitch-perfect. When dad utters phrases like "your mom was better at this" or "I'm trying", as an adult reader, I feel for him. And Marjorie's teen angst mixed in with the tragedy amps up the emotional impact of the story as a whole.

Also, color choice. The palette for the three graphic novels are STELLAR. It's a whole mood and the quest adds a layer of action to an otherwise humdrum (in a good way) story that's being told. Ugh, deep feelings!

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this was a great conclusion to the sheets trilogy. i love the relationship between marjorie and wendell and how he helped her learn to move on. I love eliza she needs a spin off. this was an epic story my poor baby wendell

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The conclusion to this series wraps up the story in a heartfelt and satisfying way. This instalment focuses a lot on Wendell and him unravelling the true story behind his death and his life. We also see Marjorie exploring more friendships and learning to trust people along with learning to remove herself from toxic friendships that do not add to her life.
This beautiful series explores life & death, grief, friendship and coming of age. A fantastic series for any teenager or adult to read.

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Very beautiful and emotional ending to the series. As always the art-style and color palette is gorgeous, and the story delves into some deep and important subjects. I loved finding out more about Wendell, while Marjorie and Eliza learned more about themselves and each other as well

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The Perfect ending to this trilogy, I love that we focused on Wendell for this story. As with the earlier installments of this series the artwork was beautiful and the characters and storyline perfect for a YA audience.

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An amazing conclusion to an amazing trilogy! I reread the first and second book in this trilogy and then went into the third and I loved it so much! The final book in this story does have themes of grief and healing if that would be something that could affect you.

Seeing Marjorie grow through this book has been outstanding coming from what she was like at the beginning of this trilogy. The same with Eliza being able to learn how to be friends with more people and being able to enjoy other hobbies. And the lovely, lovely Wendell! This story was a rollercoaster for him, revealing his past and coming to terms with how he died, it was amazing to read. As always with Brenna Thummler her storytelling is amazing, and the artwork was phenomenal. I cannot wait to see what she comes out with next.

Thank you net galley for this e-arc of Lights by Brenna Thummler

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