Member Reviews

The visuals in this graphic novel are superb. The colour scheme? Chef's kiss. The drawings? Chef's kiss. It was pure cuteness vibes and I loved it.

The story took a little bit longer to get going but once it was flowing, the pages flew by and the story got very juicy.

A lovely end to the series.

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I really enjoyed this third and final installment in the Sheets trilogy! Finding out more of Wendell's story was lovely. Maybe it's because I haven't read the other two in a while, but Marjorie's sullenness started to annoy me even though I'm fairly certain she has valid reasons for being sad and quiet. Regardless, it was a good ending to the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for advanced copy!

I reviewed this in my story on Instagram @chronically_KD and saved it in my ARCReviews highlight.

4.5 stars!

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The third book in the "Sheets" trilogy. I am writing this review on behalf of my daughter who has read Sheets and Delicates. She was thrilled to have the opportunity to read this book. She felt the book was a little slow to get going. She liked the sequential art. She felt the ending was good for the series. She rated the book 4.5/5. Thank you to NetGallery and the Publisher for the ARC of this book.

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It’s been a couple of years since the last book but I fell back into this story a lot easier than I expected, you could even read this separate from the rest of the series and still get a lot from it (not that I would recommend doing that though, as you would miss out on a lot of beautiful storytelling!)

In this conclusion to the Sheets trilogy, we are drawn back into Brenna’s beautifully illustrated, pastel world. This art style is both unique and expressive, it really brings the story to life. The dialogue is also beautiful bringing us words of strength, healing and commentary on the importance of friendship. Plus there are a lot of important messages that can be drawn from this Graphic Novel on the subject of acceptance, bullying, forgiveness and loving yourself and others too.

It’s an incredibly cute story with characters I adore, and this one is set around the festive period, giving us wintery, holiday vibes without it taking over the book completely. Each Graphic Novel also brings a new layer to the tale, this time we are faced with an intriguing mystery, ‘What caused Wendell’s Death?’ and ‘How did he die?’, something I have been itching to find out from the very first book.

It also builds really well on the themes that have already been established too, to create a coming-of-age tale with a lot of character. Although this Graphic Novel chooses not to use labels, there are some diverse themes that pull through too, especially through Eliza who gives me strong neurodiverse vibes. I feel like this is one of those stories that everyone can relate to in some way.


This book is aimed at older children and teens, and it’s definitely something I would recommend to that audience. It holds so many important messages about acceptance and learning to be yourself. It’s about breaking stereotypes and opening up your heart to new people and experiences. But it’s also a mystery and a fun coming of age tale at the same time. It’s a beautiful experience from start to finish.

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This was an easy cute little Graphic Novel that I really enjoyed reading. I had some troubles going into the book since I did not read the first two books of the trilogy but I could catch up really easily so I had no further problems later on. I really liked the characters especially our little ghost since he was so cute and understandable. The art style was not completely my favorite but it still fit the story and the characters. I also liked the throwbacks to Wendells childhood to get more background to his story. All together I enjoyed this Graphic Novel and think it was a perfect cute little read.

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The long awaited conclusion to a much loved graphic novel series.

I absolutely adored Lights. Out of all three books, it has got to be my favourite, as the author explores Wendell’s past, Marj’s friendships, and the overarching theme of learning to deal with difficult topics. The colour palate for this novel is the most impressive so far, and it's really easy to see how the colours have changed as the series progressed.

This will be a fan favorite, and I’m excited for the world to love it as much as I did.

Thank you to NetGalley, Oni Press and the author for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Did you love and enjoy Sheets and Delicates, Lights will also be hit. This series is so wonderful but also tackles hard hitting topics and Lights follows that with Wendell curious about his death, with his friends Marjorie and Eliza they try to figure out what happened. This book also follows Marjorie and Eliza as they navigate their friendship and if and where new friends could fit in with them.

The art for these graphic novels is wonderful and consistent through all 3. some of my favorite spreads were in-between scenes of landscapes that would in a physical copy cross 2 pages

This story is a great conclusion to the trilogy, we navigated though some very tough topics like loss of a parent (Sheets) depression (Delicates) and in Lights we work though death, friendship gaining and losing, and figuring out oneself as you are growing up I recommend these to everyone just make sure you check all topic warnings for yourself.

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Lovely ending to the series 💕
Gets a bit sad at some points but I love the ending and Wendell is the sweetest!

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Sad to hear this series is ending, but a wonderful conclusion. In this volume, we get to hear about Wendell's backstory and see the friendship continue to develop between Marjorie and Eliza. Overall, a great series for all ages.

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A delightful follow up! I loved LIGHTS and I know my students will too. The artwork is gorgeous (as expected), and the characters are so relatable (even if the plot is a bit out there!).

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The series comes to a rich and moving climax that explores the themes of friendship, loss, and recovery.

Eliza discovering that compromise is a necessary component of any relationship, Marjorie learning how to balance her responsibilities to both the living and the dead, and Wendell discovering the truth behind his own narrative were all wonderful to watch.

Through the writing and illustration of this trilogy, Thummler has significantly improved as a storyteller. My favorite of the three volumes is this one since it is the quietest and most lovely thus far.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the arc of this book in exchange for my honest review! I absolutely LOVED this. This story has been so great, from the very beginning, and I’m sad to see it come to an end. Marjorie is such a great character and I felt so many feelings with everything she has gone through throughout the series. In this book, watching friendships grow and change, seeing Marjorie and Eliza grow, and learning about Wendell’s story, the way his life was and how he died, was so incredibly sad. The ending had me in tears. I cannot recommend it enough!

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After some hurtful experiences in the previous book, Marjorie is only friends with Eliza and Wendel, but her dad doesn't know that and invites Sid and Sasha to Marj's birthday party. Eliza hates hanging out with S and S and decides to solve the mystery of Wendel's death without Marj, but unless the two work together, it's unlikely they'll ever learn the truth.

This graphic novel comes in such a dull, spooky style. I didn't really like it at first, but the more I read, the more appropriate the color choices and detail levels seem to fit. I love that we get both Marjorie and Eliza's perspectives on their friendship rift, reminding us that it takes to people working together to make a friendship work. Wendel is sweet as always, and I like the way his story is wrapped up. I realized that I never have read book 2, and now I want to go back and get all the juicy details, but after that, I'll be happy to let this story rest. It's been a good time, but Wendel is moving on, and I am too; looking forward to more thoughtful work by this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I thought Sheet was a duology so, the third volume was a lovely surprise for me. It was so sweet ending to this heartwarming graphic novel series. The color palette was amazing. The pastel colors fit the story amazingly. In this volume, we learned what happened to Wendell. I cried a little. I loved every single installment and this series forever will be one of my favorites. 

This ARC was given to me by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A graphic novel all in beautiful pastel and personal drawings reflective of its unique ability to send you onto a serious melancholia trip. Like the previous two volumes there is a lot of emotions here and loaded silences, eye contact, small smiles for oneself, and mainly empathy.
I love this trilogy dearly. It gives so much colour and profoundness to the mundane. Sure, there is ghosts in there too, and detecting for murder, and festive seasons, they are part of this snow covered everyday, they fit with the desires of the characters to find a place for themselves in life. The characters are both too big for real life, and completely real. It is a remarkable graphic novel and I highly recommend it to people who feel different, in need of friendship or want to feel so many things. And of course the illustrations are just amazing.

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Wendell, Eliza , & Marjie are back again this time they are here to find out Wendell the ghost human life and how he passed away did he really drown by accident or was it on purpose ?

Thank you @netgalley and @onipress for giving me the amazing opportunity to read an advance copy of @brennathummler lights ( sheets vol 3) I can’t say one bad thing about it I generally can’t I loved the art, the story, the colour scheme just everything Wendell is now my favourite ghost of all time he is just so cute !!!

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I loved the colour palettes! The palettes of the flashbacks and now were distinct and beautiful.

The story itself is adorable just like the other two installments. This one focuses on friendship, the feeling you might have to choose between friends. And Marj and Eliza and Wendell are trying to find out the truth behind Wendell's death.

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Lights is the third volume of the Sheets series.
This book felt a little slower and longer but it completed the story well.
Now Marjorie and Eliza have an established friendship but are also still navigating how to be friends. and also make new friends while maintaining their friendship. In this book they are all trying to figure out the mystery of how Wendell died.
The colours throughout this book especially, being used to show flashbacks and different time periods are gorgeous.

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A lovely read and nice finish to the trilogy. It took me a while to get in to this book but when I did I enjoyed it.

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This last story in the trilogy felt a little slower and longer but it completed the story well. I did not like that it used the term "spooks" instead of ghost or spirit. That felt VERY out of date. It did drop it a little for me. However, I did enjoy the variety of lifestyles and relationships in the book. I liked the emotional themes and watching how they worked them out. I was happy to finally learn what happened to Wendell even if it was sad. I very much loved the winter/Christmas vibes.

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