Member Reviews

I haven't read the first two books in this series, but based off my experience reading this third book, I am excited to go back and get my hands on the others.
While I believe this is marketed as a middle grade novel, I believe it would do well in both middle grade and YA graphic novel collections.

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A tale so comforting and spooky it feels like Halloween is giving you a hug in the middle of July. Such a darling addition to the series of mischievous ghosts and the adventures they have with the people around them.

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This is the final book in the Sheets trilogy which is a story about Marjorie who is a young woman whose best friend is Wendell a young ghost. In this final book Wendell is on a journey of discovery. He wants to know how he died and so acting on vague memories of his life, he start to investigate with the help of his best friend Marjorie and his new friend Eliza.

Marjorie and Eliza have also become best friends but Marjorie’s former friends miss her and want to become friends again. Marjorie has old friends and new friends and she has to work out how to go forward. Wendell has an old life that he vaguely remembers and he has to reflect on how to go forward as a ghost.

In the midst of all of this are serious questions about Wendell’s past. As new friendships are formed will Wendell be able to resolve his past. This is a very moving and beautiful story about forgiveness, friendship and hope. The artwork and colouring follow the style of the two earlier books, bringing the story to a heartwarming conclusion. I am now very tempted to read all the trilogy together.

This is a lovely story for both young people (YA) and adults. If you like heartwarming and hopeful stories then this is a good one.

Copy provided via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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A fantastic conclusion to a wonderful series. Every time I've opened up a book in the Sheets trilogy I find myself lost in the beauty of the art and story, Lights is no exception to this rule. I wish I had these books as a kid, I was morbid like Eliza, and struggled with friendships like Marjorie, their stories made me feel seen, all these years later. Thummler's art transcends this book and I truly feel as the characters do. The topics of teasing, bullying, and death can be triggering to some, but this book handles the topics with care. Sad to see these character's stories end, but am excited for what Thummler has next.

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This book perfectly encapsulates the feeling of autumn. Every time I pick up a book from the Sheets series, no matter the time of year it makes me feel the chill of October and smell the leaves. I love this series! I am 31 and read Sheets for the first time last year and loved it. I passed it along to my 11 year old daughter and she loves it too. It’s been read multiple times since then. Brenna creates beautiful, whimsical stories I can get lost in and this conclusion to her series was no different. In this book we follow our leading ladies as they maneuver the intricacies of friendship and also try to find out exactly what happened to their paranormal pal Wendell.

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i was a big fan of the first 2 sheets graphic novels when i read them earlier this year and so when i saw this was coming out i was so excited to read it! getting to see wendell's backstory was nice! he is so cute and it's sad how he died but i'm glad him and marjorie were able to find each other, and also that the "sea witch" got her closure! this book was the perfect little wrap up to the series and i'm happy i got to read it!

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I really loved the third in this series. This book touched on more mental health, similar to Delicates did. I loved learning more of Wendell's backstory and the tragic circumstances of his death. I also appreciated the inclusion of the dance world in this story. Marjorie struggles to fit in and find her friend group, which was a very relatable topic. I'm sad to see the series end and look forward to more from this author. I shared a review on my Instagram @readingtomydogs

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I absolutely love the first two books in this series so I couldn't wait to dive into this one.

I loved reading about Wendell's back story.

I received an ebook for free but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I adored the first two books in this trilogy and was so excited to see what this one had in store. In this story, Marjorie is struggling to balance all of her different friendships as well as caring for her younger brother and cope with the loss of her mom. We learn Wendell's backstory and this was extremely interesting and heartwarming.
I just love the illustrations in these graphic novels. The colours are just gorgeous and the characters are so expressive! This was a very satisfying conclusion to the trilogy and I even shed a tear at the end! A wonderful read.

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First, I absolutely loved this series. This book was the perfect conclusion to it. It’s so tempting to post spoilers but that’s just not something that I do. Though the conclusion is not exactly what you would expect, everything does end up wrapped up nice and neat. Overall, I highly recommend this book and series.

I’d like to thank the publisher, author, and Netgalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my favorite out of the trilogy. What a beautiful way to wrap up the series. It brought closure and comfort to the story. I loved that we got a more complex look into Wendall and also into the development of friendships. The art was still beautiful and I felt more connected to Erie. Loved that this series took place in my town and look forward to more writing from Brenna if that's in her future.

Thanks to Oni Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I read this story while enjoying a warm summer night watching a I pass by to the South. This story was like the calm warmth of the evening, with a charge of possibility in the distance, impossible to firmly grasp. The story, the colors of the art, and the friendship between the four girls, felt so incredibly bittersweet, yet nostalgic. The remembered memories felt magical to read, and just like the puzzle of his death, they found the answers to their friendship as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced readers copy of Lights! I was so excited to see the last and final installment of this series! Now while the artwork isn’t necessarily my favorite, the storyline and color scheme are amazing. I’m so glad we could finally figure out what happened to Wendell. I felt for Marjorie as she was trying to navigate friendships and relationships between friends. I love the way this book covers hard topics in an easy to read graphic novel. I also enjoyed how the title of this book not only related to laundry, but related to the story as a whole. While also talking about ghost lights in the theater world. I will say I was sad at the end when Wendell and all the ghosts left, but was warmed that Wendell finally found the closure he was looking for. One of my favorite graphic novel series and I recommend them to anyone looking for graphic novels to read. Thank you again NetGalley for the ARC! What a beautiful ending to a wonderful series!

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Lights was an absolutely delightful finish to the Sheets series. I’ve really enjoyed the characters’ growth so much. I think this is a great series for older middle grade readers because it touches on a lot of things they might be dealing with. I got a little misty at the end when everything resolved but in a heartwarming way. Lights ties up the longer story beautifully with a little whimsy and lots of hope.

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What a beautiful ending to a beautiful graphic novel series. The juvenile patrons at my library will love this book when it is published. I imagine it will be requested on our hold shelves as soon as it is available. Graphic novels like this are great for young readers who struggle to identify what they are feeling and this story, although fiction, will relate to so many young readers. Even as a 30 year old, I felt nostalgic reading this book as if I was reading a story from my middle school years.

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This was a good conclusion to a series that has such strong messages. I don't think overall it was a series for me as I just couldn't enjoy the art style unfortunately.

But the story, and its conclusion, were done very well. And the dealing with grief and loneliness and having Wendell's origin story made for a delightful read regardless.

I'm positive others will love this.

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Wendall and the gang are back! I loved the art style as per usual, with the vivid pastel colors. However, the plot on this one wasn’t my favorite- it did feel fitting for the character’s ages, but I found it frustrating at times. I did really enjoy that Wendall got his moment and learned about his life- he is such a treasure and I want to protect him at all costs! I'm sad to say goodbye to this series.

Thank you to Oni Press and Netgalley for giving me a copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley, Brenna Thummler and OniPress for sending me an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review! ☺️🫶
I loved it so so much! I have read Sheets and Delicates in the past and this one was such a good conclusion to the trilogy! Also I love how to title Lights ties back to the laundry themed names but also because there are several connections to actual lights in the book! Super cool! As always, the illustrations and color palette are just gorgeous! I loved reading more about Wendell’s backstory and watch as Marjorie and Eliza’s friendships grew and evolved. Such a lovely story!
Lights by Brenna Thummler comes out on September 5th!

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There are a few panels near the end between Majorie and Wendell that speak volumes and mirror how readers may feel having joined these friends on their journey (the hug, her fleeting wave in the dark). Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for the advance copy. I’ll be looking to re-read a finished copy (box set?) when published.

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I've enjoyed reading this graphic novel series so much, and this ending to the three books is just wonderful. It's emotional, beautiful and a lovely story about loneliness, being different, dealing with grief and bullying. The illustrations are stunning. Loved every bit of it!

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