Member Reviews

Having reads Sheets and Delicates last year, I was really excited for the conclusion of this story. While I thought it was a fitting end to the trilogy and I loved learning more about Wendell's backstory, I was disappointed by this one. It had a heavy tone and left me feeling worse than when I went into it.

I wish the conclusion of these characters had been stronger. I do like that the girls are all friends. But I worry that Eliza and the former bullies will butt heads as they head into high school. I also did not like the message that the book sent. Kids are able to have more than one group of friends. Navigating relationships is a huge part of middle school and this set an unfair expectation that all friends need to come together in the end to be happy.

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*I received a free ARC copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I really liked this ending to a decent graphic novel, especially a little bit of a plot twist, which was very welcomed. The characters in the storyline really evolved in theirselves and their relationships with each other, and I thought it was a pretty good ending to the series. I would recommend that if you've read 1 & 2, you definitely make sure to read this last installment. It really makes the series whole.

#NetGalley #Lights #BrennaThummler

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This story was beautiful and moving. The artwork complimented the narrative in an enchanting way. I didn't realize this was the third book in a series and can't wait to go back and read the first two books.

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I can't believe this is the final installment to the Sheets series. I have loved following Marjorie and Wendell, and later Eliza too.

Throughout the series their friendships are strong and they are so real with each other which is so nice. These books deal with a lot of heavy issues like loss, grief, depression, and more, and this one is no different. In this installment, we get some closure for Wendell and learn more about his life before he was a ghost. We knew he had drowned but not the circumstances around his death, so Marjorie and Eliza are trying to help him remember more. Their friendship is threatened along the way though. There were times when I wasn't a fan of how Marjorie and Eliza acted toward one another, they both seemed a little shady, but I also think that in the end they did ok coming back together.

The overall story is heart-warming and easy to follow, even with the time jumps throughout. The illustrations are well done again with pastel colors and it is a pretty book.

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UGH! What an ending to a great series. As an Erieite, I LOVE reading about my hometown in a positive light. I loved seeing the evolution of the friends in this series. I think that this was a great way to explore grief and how remember those we lost can be a good thing. I don't have much more to say other than go read this trilogy! I thoroughly enjoyed it as a 26-year-old.

Thanks to Oni Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! I cannot wait to get a physical copy.

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I absolutely loved Sheets and Delicates and was so excited to get an arc of Lights, thanks to Oni Press and NetGalley. These graphic novels are beautiful, thought provoking, and gorgeously illustrated. Lights was no exception and I could not put it down.

Watching Wendell finally get answers and cope with what's happened to him was so wonderful. Not just that, but watching his and Marjorie's friendship change and grow with Eliza was an absolute treat. I'll be thinking about Eliza's marbles conversation for a long time.

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I think this is the best one out of the three in the series! ties the entire storyline up well and is just such a sweet, heart felt, good story

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This was a touching finale to the Sheets series. Though sad, it was delicately and lovingly delivered. Nicely illustrated and told touchingly, we get the ending of Wendell's story and the growth that Marjorie and Eliza go through. It was a very enjoyable read.

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Thanks to NetGalley & Oni Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest & fair review!

This volume closed the series & whilst I won't say too much about the story to prevent any spoilers leaking... it was absolutely worth the read. It has a great art style and way of telling the story. I would recommend this book.

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Very good closure for this series!! Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed it and the end made me a bit sad with Wendell saying goodbye, but at the same time I think it was a very good ending!

I love that Marj is finally coming into her own and she has grown and matured so much during this series!! the way she treated her father made me angry and sad, because I feel he was trying but didn't really have a clue about how to act with her.

I also liked how Marj saw that she needed to have other friends, and Eliza was a bit unfair with her in my opinion. Although I can see part of the point because the girls had been mean to her in the past. Anyways, you cannot prevent people from having other friends, and I am glad they all end up as friends.

Wendell's story made me really sad but I am happy we (and also he) had some closure.

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ARC was provided by NetGalley and Oni Press in exchange for an honest review.

👻 Sheets ⭐⭐⭐⭐

👻 Delicates ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Content/Trigger Warnings: Very brief scene of clowns, talk of death, depictions of loneliness, abandonment, implied child neglect, scenes of stalking, mentions of bullying, brief scene of fire, grief, scene of drowning

I’m absolutely sobbing! I had no idea this graphic novel was being released this year and I feel so blessed to have obtained an arc. I read this in an hour and a half because I had no idea I needed this story until I had it. Those first few pages stole my breath away and I knew, I wasn’t prepared. I cried so much over this book and even now, I’m still not over it. This has made it onto my top books for 2023 and all I can really say is I’m excited for what this author will do next!

Each book in this trilogy follows one particular character and in this one, we’re finally getting to follow Wendell’s story. Marjorie is back again, but this time, her and Eliza are teaming up to help Wendell on his quest to remember his past, and ultimately, remember how he died. Yet this story is so much more than that. Along the way they’ll really dive deeper into what friendship means; how it’s a complex thing, that for friendship to work it’s a two way street, and how sometimes second chances can be hard especially when people who once hurt you come back into the picture. And the biggest theme that has followed this series through all the books, grief and loss. Through this whole series we’ll see different stages of grief, but even more so in this book. We’ll see how sometimes grief hangs with us no matter how much we try to move on, how grief over pain can morph into anger, and we’ll even see the healing process and how even as we move on, the sadness is still there but it hurts a little less as time moves on.

“And some, like a flame, won’t last forever. But they’re all there, ideally, to play their part – however big or small… at eliminating the darkness.”

If there’s one thing you take away from this book, it’s the fact that this is a love letter to friendships, old and new. There are so many moments where there’s conversation surrounding friendship and how it’s now always an easy thing to navigate. There’s a moment that really softened my heart where Marjorie asks her day for advice when it comes to her friendships because she’s feeling so torn over wanting other friendships, but she doesn’t want to hurt her friendship with Eliza and Wendell. We see Marjorie have these complex feelings over the whole thing and trying to navigate this situation. On the opposite, we see Eliza struggling with understanding why Marjorie would want other friends especially when the people Marjorie is becoming friends with are Eliza’s past bullies. Eliza feels like she’s losing her friendship with Marjorie and we see a really good conversation between her and her dad unfold about friendships being a two way street, how for friendships to really work you have to care about the other person and their interests. The big thing, though, we see Marjorie and Eliza come together to support Wendell and how they both care about their friendship with him, and they want to help him achieve the answers he’s been looking for so long. And though I love all of this, the one moment that really stuck out to me was near the ending. This series started with Marjorie and Wendell becoming friends, and this trilogy ends with them. It was really emotional nod to old and new friendships, and it made me feel so many things. Even now I’m trying not to cry because it was such a beautiful note to end this trilogy on.

“There’s good and bad in everyone, you know? But the more friends you have in your life… well… the more, uh, brightness you’ll have overall.”

I also want to briefly talk about Tierney. I really loved her character and she plays such a key role in this graphic novel. I really wanted more of her character and there’s some interesting conversations that surround her dreams, how she’s constantly boxed into the role of being a villain or a “bad” person, and of course, stressing over one’s future and the financial struggles that comes with trying to obtain that future. I really hope we get a novella or short story with her character because I truly hope she gets the peace and healing her character deserves.

Overall, there’s so much I really want to say and talk about with this book, but this is the last book in this series and in my opinion, you need to go into this book without knowing much. This is a book you feel with your heart and soul, because there’s so much love and healing in this series, and jumping right in is truly the best way to experience this series as a whole. As I mentioned above, I’m so excited for what this author does next. Their writing and themes are so beautiful, that speak to me on a very deep, emotional level, and I think I can say that Brenna Thummler has easily become a favorite author. They’ve just snuck up into my heart and made a cozy little nest for themselves there. If you’ve been debating on this series for a while or you were debating continuing on with this series, let this be your sign to pick it up or continue on. This is probably one of my favorite graphic novel series, one I’ve recommended to so many. I highly recommend this series with my whole chest and it’s one that’s going to stick with me for a long time.

The quotes above were taken from an ARC and are subject to change upon publication.

All thoughts, feelings, experiences, and opinions are honest and my own.

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This was so beautiful. The perfect heartfelt ending for this series. I can not get over the beautiful art and colour scheme chosen for this. I love how the friendship is presented. I will definitely recommend this to everyone who enjoys a good graphic novel.

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Maybe I'm just over this series because I did not like it as much as the first two.. Then there was the issue of the repeating racial slur (s***ks) Like I know its from an innocent kid in the story but jeeze.. use a different word

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This one wasn't for me.

I personally didn't love the art style (mostly people's faces, especially the noses), but the colour scheme was extremely pretty.

Marjorie still wasn't a great character and I found her best friend really unlikable.
Then there were the other two girls who apparently did something to Marjorie in the previous books. I didn't remember the previous books, so I had no idea what exactly they had done that was so terrible. To me personally, they were basically the only likable characters.

The mystery around Wendell's death was the one thing that kept me reading, but even that part of the story was somewhat predictable.

Anyways, I think if you loved the previous volumes you'll probably enjoy this one as well, but I didn't.

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**I was provided an electronic ARC from the publisher through NetGalley.**

Brenna Thummler concludes the Sheets graphic novel trilogy with Lights. Lights follows shortly after the events in Delicates as Marjorie and Eliza are getting ready to enter high school. The difficulties of navigating friendships in their many forms and how they change through time was a key focus for this story. There was no shortage of Wendell as he explored his life and death to try to remember how he became a ghost.

This trilogy of graphic novels never hesitates to tackle real topics that are relevant to the target age demographic. It doesn't shy away from the difficulties, but presents them in an accessible and age appropriate way. It also gives everything a hopeful wash that makes things brighter moving forward.

I was glad to have gotten this book early, and would absolutely recommend Lights as well as the rest of the Sheets trilogy to anyone interested in graphic novels.

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Thanks NetGalley and OniPress for this incredible Arc. I haved so much fun reading this, Brenna's writing definitely improve.
This is the last Volume of the Sheet's Trilogy, and here we have Marj and Eliza starting a beautiful friendship while they are resolving the case about Wendell's death. Throughout the book Wendell is remembering his past, and with this helping to connect the pieces to resolve this case. Marj is really maturing in this book, she is trying "new" friendships, trying to bond with them and this really makes me happy. I would like to tell you guys about the ending but this would spoil all the fun.
I would definitely recommend this book to a friend

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Slightly too middle grade for me at times with the friendship side of things but nice to have a fitting end to the series. Loved finding out more about Wendell

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I have adored this series so much, and the last book is no exception.
It is heartbreaking, but also warming. It makes you cry, and makes you laugh.
It is just so beautiful, and I will miss the Wendell so much.

This last one also has a sort of mystery at the center, which made it all the more intriguing.

A story about friendship, guilt, grief, and happiness.
Just read it and enjoy the ride.

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Thank you SO much to NetGalley & Oni Press for this ARC! This was a title that I was anxiously awaiting to see if it would come available on NetGalley and then I even more anxiously hoped for approval, so thank you again!

Brenna Thummler's Sheets & Delicates are among my all time favorite middle grade graphic novels and Wendell's story will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Lights was a bit different as far as the ending I expected, but I also think that I myself just didn't quite feel ready to let go of sweet Wendell & his story just yet, I kept wanting more because I just love this story so much, so no fault of Thummler's storytelling, just me not wanting the story to end :(

As with the earlier portions of the story in Sheets & Delicates, Lights has some sensitive topics discussed but it's done well and with respect to young readers and adults alike. My mother (who has greatly enjoyed many of the middle grade stories I've shared with her over recent years) also absolutely LOVES this series as well :)

I love being surrounded by children's books at my job, it's introduced me to some of my now forever favorite authors and Thummler is definitely one of them! I know that the Sheets trilogy has ended but I so look forward to whatever comes next for Brenna! I'll be there waiting with bells on!

5 Stars!

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I was so excited to get into this book after reading the first two. I enjoyed reading this one but i will have to say it was my least favorite out of them all. I am happy of how it was all wrapped up being this is the finale book.

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