Member Reviews

This is a very good mystery/thriller!! A lot of twists and turns and characters that are very well developed and enjoyable.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.

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This is the first novel in Tess Gerritsen’s new series, the Martini Club. It is also, somehow, the first of Gerritsen’s novels that I’ve ever read — not entirely sure how this happened, given that the Rizzoli & Isles series looks like it should definitely appeal. (I also enjoyed the first season of the TV adaptation). Anyway, I digress: The Spy Coast is a really good start to a series, which I really enjoyed, and it will definitely not be my last Gerritsen read.

This first novel focuses on former spy Maggie Bird, and a case from her past that comes back to upend her quiet, anonymous retirement in a sleepy Maine town. Bird has been living the quiet life of a chicken hobby-farmer, fending off hungry foxes, (warily) getting to know her neighbours, and generally keeping to herself. One day, though, she’s confronted by a newcomer with clear connections to Maggie’s former employer: the CIA. Later, this newcomer’s body is discovered displayed in Maggie’s driveway, and she knows her life won’t be quiet until she gets to the bottom of what’s happening.

The Spy Coast alternates between the past and the present, gradually parcelling out information and context to paint a bigger picture and understanding of the events that have informed the person Maggie she is today. (It’s a similar approach to that taken by Charles Cumming, in his Box 88 series — which I also very much recommend.) In particular, a chance encounter on a mission in Bangkok leads Maggie down an unexpected path — at first, exciting, then both settling and unsettling, and finally devastating. Along the way, we learn of some of her early introductions to her fellow retirees in Purity, Maine. Along the way, we see Bird’s evolution as an operative for the CIA, and get a sense of her focus and dedication, and what could cause her to question her life choices.

The plot moves swiftly, and the momentum never flags. There are a few nicely-placed red herrings and twists, which kept me guessing until shortly before the Big Reveal towards the end. I was always eager to get back to reading, and irked by any interruption when I was doing so. Gerritsen’s prose is excellent, and her characterization is superb — each of the characters feels realistic and three-dimensional. There’s plenty of tradecraft, but Gerritsen doesn’t let it get in the way of the story, and instead weaves these details expertly into the narrative. All of this makes for an engaging and gripping read.

Definitely recommended for all fans of espionage and thriller fiction, I can’t wait to read the next book. I really enjoyed The Spy Coast.

(According to Amazon, The Summer Guests is due out in March 2025 — which is ages away!)

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I knew from the first chapter that I was going to thoroughly enjoy this book. Gerritsen’s writing style is so engaging! The picture she paints with her writing allows for really excellent character development and this book really immersed me in the characters’ background and thought process. You get a sense that these characters are completely real and exist outside the pages of the book which is instrumental in any good story: The twist and turns of this one kept the pages turning. I cannot wait for another story in this series.

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Such a different book from this authors previous books...and I really enjoyed it. At the beginning I was a little worried it was going to be a little like The Thursday Murder Club books but that couldn't be further from the truth. Maggie and her friends get caught up in something they aren't prepared for. I like the way the book moves between now and Maggie's past to allow the reader to try and piece things together. Very enjoyable read.

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Interesting read!!
I do enjoy Tess Gerritsen and did enjoy this one as well.....
A little winded in areas but soon picked up and found myself not wanting to put it down.
Enjoyed the storyline.

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An excellent foundational title for Tess Gerritsen's newest series. The Martini Club. Gerritsen has skillfully made the transition to writing spy thrillers. As always, the characters are expertly crafted. It will be interesting to see if she continues with Maggie Bird as the lead protagonist. It was wonderful to have a woman "of a certain age" featured. Looking forward to what comes next in the series.

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The Rizzoli and & Isles series is one of my favorites. I was excited to read a new series from the same author. The Spy Coast is the first book The Martini Club series. I loved all the characters in this spy thriller. These are not your typical Jason Bourne all-action, always on the go spies. These are your retired, 60ish, living on a farm, needs a nap type of spies. Nonetheless, they are strong, brave and intelligent. It is immensely thrilling and suspenseful, flashing back and forth from the present to the days preceding the fateful mission. I hope this becomes a movie or a tv series. Can't wait to read the next one.

Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer and Tess Gerritsen for an ARC of "The Spy Coast".

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4.5 very strong stars! The Spy Coast was the first book that I had ever read by Tess Gerristen and boy was it a good one! It was the first book in a new series titled The Martini Club. Tess Gerritsen proved to me that she should be considered as a masterful and talented storyteller. She was able to incorporate just the right amount of suspense and mystery into her writing of The Spy Coast. It was fast paced and I enjoyed her character development throughout the book.

Maggie Bird was a sixty year old retired woman who had recently moved to Purity, Maine on the recommendation of a very old and dear friend. When Maggie first learned about Purity from her friend Declan Rose, Maggie had thought that she had finally found a place where she could live out the rest of her life. Maggie had been a CIA spy but everything changed for her after Operation Cyrano. Reluctantly, Maggie became involved in that operation but something went terribly wrong with it. Maggie did not hesitate to submit her resignation after that operation. That was the last operation Maggie ever worked on for the CIA. She was now the proud and content owner of Blackberry Farm. Maggie loved everything about her chicken farm and living in this quaint and quiet little town in Maine. She even participated in a book club whose members were also part of The Martini Club. All was good for Maggie until a dead woman was discovered on her driveway. Soon Maggie’s own life was threatened. Maggie had also became a target. Who wanted her dead and why? Operation Cyrano had been classified but the word was that it had been compromised and someone was seeking revenge. Will the members of The Martini Club be able to help Maggie figure out who was trying to kill her? Can they keep her safe?

The chapters in The Spy Coast alternated between Maggie’s past and present day life. It kept me at the edge of my seat. I am so glad that this is going to be a series and that there is going to be another book. Hopefully, most of the characters will return in the second book. In her author’s note, Tess Gerritsen explained where she got the inspiration to write this book. I found that very interesting. Overall, I really enjoyed reading The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen and highly recommend it.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer for allowing me to read The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen through Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book! At first it felt like Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn, but it soon became edgier, and a little darker. More like the Bruce Willis movie Red. I think the author did a great job of giving each character time develop, and she cast enough attention on each antagonist to make you suspect them in turn. I’ve been a longtime reader of Gerriten’s and I look forward to more books in this new series.

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This was an interesting book, the first in a series, I have read many books by this author, mainly from the Rizzoli and Isles series, this one is, as the title suggests, about a spy (one or more). Maggie Bird, 60, lives a quiet life on a rural Maine farm, she raises chickens and makes a modest income by selling the eggs they produce. She is friends with her neighbor and his granddaughter. Life is good, that is until she gets a visit from a woman asking if she remembers Diana, Maggie does, but doesn't let on. Not long after, this woman is dumped dead on Maggie's driveway, and not long after that someone takes a few shots at her, trying to scare her or silence her. Maggie is a former CIA agent, she last did a case some 16 years ago, Diana was the lead on that case. Several other former CIA agents live in a small town not far from Maggie, they all get together to discuss what they should do with the events from the past coming back to life. The story flashes back to the events from 16 years ago and what had happened. All very interesting I found and I would recommend. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Thomas and Mercer for the ARC.

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This was so much fun.

You know when you read a book and just know it would be a fantastic movie? The Spy Coast is that for me. I could practically see the scenes play out in my head and I loved it.

This was so brilliantly paced and I didn’t want to put it down. I devoured this book.

I loved that the story jumped between the two storylines of the past and the present.

I loved all of these characters. I loved that underneath all the action-packed moments, this book was truly about friendship and I loved the found family aspect of the book.

I am so excited to read more about the Martini Club.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for providing me with this ARC. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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EXCERPT: . . . she stopped and looked back at the farmhouse. The bedroom windows were now dark and the curtains were closed, but Jo wouldn't be surprised if the woman was watching them at this moment because, judging by all her security cameras, Maggie Bord was a watchful woman. An odd woman, whom Jo could not get a handle on. She thought of how unruffled she'd seemed about the body in her driveway, and wondered if that was simply due to the shock of the moment, and her true reaction was simply delayed. Perhaps the trauma would hit her tomorrow, and that's when she'd feel the terror that most people would feel when there's a murder victim on their premises.
Or maybe the woman really was as unflappable as she seemed. She glanced at Alfond and Dr. Wass, who were still crouched over the body, conferring over the wounds. Let them focus on the dead woman, Jo thought. She was going to focus on the one who was still very much alive.

ABOUT 'THE SPY COAST': Former spy Maggie Bird came to the seaside village of Purity, Maine, eager to put the past behind her after a mission went tragically wrong. These days, she’s living quietly on her chicken farm, still wary of blowback from the events that forced her early retirement.

But when a body turns up in Maggie’s driveway, she knows it’s a message from former foes who haven’t forgotten her. Maggie turns to her local circle of old friends—all retirees from the CIA—to help uncover the truth about who is trying to kill her, and why. This “Martini Club” of former spies may be retired, but they still have a few useful skills that they’re eager to use again, if only to spice up their rather sedate new lives.

Complicating their efforts is Purity’s acting police chief, Jo Thibodeau. More accustomed to dealing with rowdy tourists than homicide, Jo is puzzled by Maggie’s reluctance to share information—and by her odd circle of friends, who seem to be a step ahead of her at every turn.

As Jo’s investigation collides with the Martini Club’s maneuvers, Maggie’s hunt for answers will force her to revisit a clandestine career that spanned the globe, from Bangkok to Istanbul, from London to Malta. The ghosts of her past have returned, but with the help of her friends—and the reluctant Jo Thibodeau—Maggie might just be able to save the life she’s built.

MY THOUGHTS: The Spy Coast is a great read. I loved the characters, especially Maggie. The plot is brilliantly paced, moving back and forth through time as Maggie's backstory is slowly revealed and what has happened in her past ties into the current events.

I have never been a great fan of spy stories - John Le Carre excepted - but The Spy Coast quickly reeled me in, probably because it's not your average spy story. It is extraordinary. I loved the retiree spy community, although it definitely isn't The Thursday Murder Club, which I loved. The Martini Club is on a whole nother level with no civilians involved.

This is a thriller that focuses heavily on friendship.

I am excited by the beginning of this series and loved Tess Gerritsen's explanation of how this novel came about, so make sure you read the author's note at the end. I will definitely be putting up my hand to read The Martini Club #2.


#TheSpyCoast #NetGalley

THE AUTHOR: Internationally bestselling author Tess Gerritsen took an unusual route to a writing career. A graduate of Stanford University, Tess went on to medical school at the University of California, San Francisco, where she was awarded her M.D.

While on maternity leave from her work as a physician, she began to write fiction. In 1987, her first novel was published.

Now retired from medicine, she writes full time. She lives in Maine.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Thomas & Mercer via NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

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This is the first of Tess Gerritsen's books that I have read and it certainly will not be the last.

Fast paced, exciting, well plotted ad tense with a series of excellently drawn characters who all have fascinating back stories that are gradually teased out as the story develops.

This has all the hallmarks of a series and I look forward to future additions.

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Entertaining and engaging story about retired spies who now face an unknown threat. Living in an unknown location in relative obscurity, Maggie Bird had hoped to live her retirement in peace until danger came knocking on her door at her farm. She enlists the help of some fellow retired spies along with the help of the local woman police chief to solve this and keep everyone, including her, safe. Some surprises, this reminded me a bit of RED (the movie) and the book, Killers of a Certain Age. And I loved it. I enjoy seeing older characters featured that are strong and smart, don't underestimate them. Some twists and turns, it kept me entertained. You can't go wrong reading this one. I was not familiar with Tess Gerritsen, but I look forward to discovering more books by her. Many thanks to #netgalley, #thespycoast #tessgerritsen for the opportunity to read and review this book. 4.5 / 5 stars.

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Tess Gerritsen's new book is a real thriller - action packed from beginning to end. I couldn't put this book down. Her characters are all retired spies living in Maine - this would be a great new series featuring “the spies” for her to write. I always enjoy her books and this one is fantastic!

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The very first book I ready by Tess Gerritsen was Vanish, a Rizzoli and Isles book. This led me to dive into the world of Rizzoli and Isles, the TV series. Picking up this latest book by the author was a given. I love the author's style of writing and the way suspense is built into her plots.

The Spy Coast is the first in a new series by the author and introduces us to a variety of characters. The beauty of these characters lies in that they are retired from the CIA, and happy in their quiet lives away from the bustle of cities. Maggie Bird, the main protagonist, is surprised by an unexpected visit that leads her down paths that were put away and well hidden in her past.

This story brings out events from sixteen years ago and the future, switching seamlessly in a way that only Tess Gerritsen can write. I love how she focuses on each character, giving each of them the importance that they deserve and explaining their relationship with Maggie. Each character has a role to play and as they learn to trust one another, the truth behind what happened sixteen years ago and how it impacts Maggie today is revealed. Imagine what happens when you bring 4 or 5 retired CIA agents back into the fold to solve a mystery surrounding one of their own. I guess once an agent, always an agent is a good way to describe the characters and the way they come together to solve the murders and save one of their own.

I loved the way the story developed and progressed. The pace is steady and the mystery well developed. I was hooked by the second page and didn't stop until the end. I have always been a fan of the books written by this author and even with this latest book, the feeling continues! I highly recommend this book for fans of a good mystery thriller and am looking forward to the next book in the series. I am sure that Maggie and her friends are just getting started!

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I enjoyed this book. It was a little unbelievable at times but overall had a catchy storyline and some good twists.

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4.5⭐This story is sure to surprise you. I have apparently been living under a rock because this is my first Tess Gerritsen book, and I am hooked. A gripping psychological thriller with compelling characters that captivated me from the very first page.

The story follows the life of Maggie Bird, a former spy who now resides in the seaside village of Purity, Maine. After a mission that went tragically wrong, she moved to Purity with the hope of leaving her past behind. Maggie now lives a quiet life on her chicken farm, but she still fears the repercussions of her past actions. But when a body turns up in Maggie’s driveway, she knows it’s a message from former foes who haven’t forgotten her. The acting police chief of Purity, Jo Thibodeau, is puzzled by Maggie's reluctance to share information with her. Jo is more accustomed to dealing with rowdy tourists than homicide and finds it difficult to understand Maggie's odd circle of friends, who always seem to be a step ahead of her.

The author skillfully portrays the relationships between characters in a realistic manner, which adds emotional depth to the reading experience. Additionally, the pacing of the novel is well-balanced. Gerritsen expertly blends action-packed scenes with quieter moments of character development, allowing readers to take a break while eagerly anticipating the next plot twist.

I adored Maggie and her retired spy crew, who were eager to utilize their useful skills once again. I wish I had a crew like that.

The book is a must-read for anyone who loves winter thrillers. The only criticism is that the repetitive dialogue about the characters' age, specifically their grey hair, is mentioned too frequently.

This was soooo good and I looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

Content: closed-door/language

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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Maggie Bird is a retired member of the CIA and thought she had put that life behind her after she moved to a chicken farm in Maine. As it turns out, she's been tracked down by former enemies who leave a dead body in her driveway. Not a neighbourly thing to do.

She asks her local circle of friends (all also retired CIA spooks) for help and things get complicated as the town's acting police chief, Jo Thibodeau, starts investigating the murder.

I enjoyed this Tess Gerritsen novel. The plotting was complex enough to keep me guessing and turning the pages. I do hope this is the start of a series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this ARC in return for an honest review.

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Thanks to Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for a gifted digital copy of the book for my honest opinion.

I loved the retired spy theme and the remote retirement location of Maine. This book is great for fans of the Thursday Murder Club and Killers of a Certain Age. I look forward to another installment in this new series!

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