Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. I hope the author continues to write more books in the future. I can't wait to see what this author releases in the future.

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This is my first graphic novel here on Netgalley and thank you for this eARC. Thank you First Second and Netgalley for an eARC of this novel.

This was a cozy romance read. There is always a certain charm in witnessing a couple involved in a marriage of convenience turned into falling for each other kinda thing. I think this does happen in real life especially for those countries where arranged marriages is still practiced in their culture. This kind of trope just feels incredibly fitting.

I was a little bit disappointed with the artwork though, I thought it was going to be similar to the cover but alas it was not. I appreciate the portrayal of the Regency period though - for me it's one of the most interesting periods and I always enjoy TV shows, books in that era.

While I typically devour graphic novels, the pacing in this particular one left me a bit unsatisfied. I found it to be somewhat sluggish, leading to moments of boredom, which ultimately influenced my rating. However, if you like regency romance era, they say this is similar to Bridgerton but I've never really read or seen that one -- you may like this graphic novel.

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Sarah Vaughn's 'Ruined' is a compelling read with well-developed characters. While there were moments where the pacing could have been tighter, Andrew's depth and charm added a layer of richness to the story, making it a solid 4-star experience overall.

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I normally love this artist's work, but the panels in this book felt a little flat. I don't know if it was an effect of reading a digital ARC, but it just felt like the illustrations could have been so much better. The story was nice, though, if a bit simple.

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As it turns out, regency romance translates exceptionally well to graphic novel format. Ruined was proof of that. The story - following a familiar romance pattern of a marriage of convenience that turns into something more - was illustrated with gorgeous coloring and visuals, making it immersive and lovely to read. And since it was a graphic novel, I devoured Ruined in one sitting.

My only real complaint about this book is that the story itself fell a little flat at times. The reader is thrust into the middle of things, and while Catherine and Andrew's pasts are ultimately explained, I felt a bit lost in the beginning. Much of the tension that might exist in narrative in a traditional romance novel was missing here, and while the illustrations were kinetic and able to communicate a lot, there was still a level of interiority that wasn't ever present.

Still, I loved finding a new way to experience a favorite genre, and definitely recommend this book to other histrom fans!


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This was a sweet marriage of convenience to lovers romance. I liked all of the characters and particularly enjoyed how the supporting cast were also developed. One couple even reminded me of Patience & Esther. I love Searle's art and this was no exception.

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I love Sarah Winifred Searle's art so much that I would be tempted to pick it up no matter what, but I fell in love with the plot, too. Sarah Vaughn took the story that isn't often told and turned it into its own love story, and I loved the entire book. I can't wait to snag a physical copy and read it again!

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I love a good romance, and Ruined hit the spot. I enjoyed the way they created a graphic novel of a historic romance. It had similar effects, but with graphic images (lol). The illustrations were not the best, and I found the story line a bit stilted. I thought the romance was cute (I'm a sucker for a brooding hero). Catherine's character did not have too much character development, but her character is great form the get-go. Her sense of responsibility and self-lessness at her new home as the Lady of the house evident in the way she provided for her household. Andrew's realisation of his love for Catherine is ever so adorable.

In this work's universe queer relationships are normal, however patriarchy is still alive and perpetuated? That aspect of the book confused me a little. Overall, I would recommend this book!

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I love a good Regency romance so this one caught my eye. The fact that I've not seen a graphic novel done in this genre before only prompted me to request it faster.

Honestly, I thought this was ok. I don't know if it's because I'm used to not having pictures with my story but I'm still on the fence as to whether I think the art took away from the story. Overall the story was pretty standard - marriage of convenience that eventually turns into more. I just don't think I connected with these characters very much. Admittedly it was a shorter story so that might just be due to the length.

All that to say, while this was a quick and easy read, I'm not sure about how I feel about historical romance in graphic novel format and again, that is probably just me and my taste as the story itself wasn't out of the ordinary for the genre.

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Just as the comps promised, RUINED evokes Pride and Prejudice or Bridgerton vibes. It was absolutely charming, I read it in one sitting. And though RUINED comes in at about 300 pages, I would have happily read twice as much about this couple.

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This is a quick, fun read for those of us who are fans of the regency romance. It's led by all the familiar tropes and delivers them reliably. Making a graphic novel isn't as easy as it may seem and this one is done very well. I'd like to see more genre romance done in this style. I hope the author/illustrator have plans for more.

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I wanted to love this so badly. Unfortunately, it just missed a few steps for me.

First, I did enjoy the main storyline and characters - I do wish there was a bit more buildup in the relationship between our two main characters. However, there were quite a few subplots and none of them felt fully developed; it truly felt like the author was trying to put too much into the story.

For me, I enjoyed how Bridgerton-esque this graphic novel was; there were gay and BIPOC characters. However, to some, it may feel slightly too close to source material.

As a side note, I wasn't prepare for this graphic novel to be...that graphic. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it - but definitely wasn't prepared. So, those that prefer closed door romances should just be aware of that!

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If you like Bridgerton and the spiciness of a good regency romance, this graphic novel is for you! Catherine is marrying Andrew out of necessity: her reputation has been tarnished and she's not getting any younger. Andrew had the weight of the family name and legacy fall on his shoulders, but has no way to finance it all. When the two get hitched, neither expects to fall in love... but to tolerably live together to assuage society.

Word of warning: this graphic novel does get rather spicy (I had to stop reading it in public - that level of spicy).

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This was beautifully written and illustrated! This was so wholesome! I love stories like this. Graphic novel, historical, romance.
Count me in!!!

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I liked the look of the artwork on the cover because it was simple but cute. Although, I was disappointed with the art style when I started reading. It's not that it's bad but it just wasn't to my taste. It was a bit too simplistic and all of the different characters look pretty much the same. I guess I'm just used to a different style of artwork and this was a bit off-putting for me.

In terms of the actual story, it's quite a basic and familiar story. It's basically the same premise as the first book in the Bridgerton series but the details are slightly different obviously. The ending won't surprise you because this is a romance after all. It's formulaic but I guess that's typical of Regency romances. I was a little disappointed in the story. It was so similar to The Duke and I that it was a little off-putting. It will just mean that it's impossible not to compare them.

Unfortunately, the format of Ruined meant that the story felt rushed and it wasn't able to really showcase any chemistry. You didn't get to know the characters or really care about what happened to them. It's not necessarily that the story or the characters are bad but that the format is wrong for this story. There are so many side characters that the protagonists are often overlooked. There's just so much going on that the graphic novel can't adequately handle it all.

Ruined is a quick and easy read that will undoubtedly please fans of Bridgerton and other Regency romances. However, there's no denying that the story isn't that exciting and it's all very formulaic. We've seen this story told before and Ruined doesn't do anything new with it. This isn't a romance that really stands out for any reason. I liked the idea o f a romance told in a graphic novel but I don't think it was the right way of doing it. You need to have more build-up to really get on board with the romance.

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**Disclaimer: I recieved a free eARC of this through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.  I loved this graphic novel.  It was so beautifully illustrated, and the characters were so interesting.  I really enjoyed seeing the relationship develop between the two main characters.  Their marriage of convenience forming into a relationship of love was so absolutely lovely.  It was a really beautiful storyline.  For some reason I didn't expect it to be smutty, but that's more on me than anything else.  It was compared to Bridgerton.  I highly recommend this.

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I wasn't in love with this. It felt rushed and not really detailed. The romance was way too fast without a whole lot of WHY they're falling in love.

A lot of attention was paid to side characters so you don't really find out anything about the main characters. All you know is she caused a scandal and he is broke, you never really learn anything else.

The art style wasn't my favorite but that's a personal preference thing.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this one! Definitely strong Bridgerton vibes. I’m not sure that the art style is my favorite, but it doesn’t detract from the story much. I loved the queer storyline quite a bit and hope there might be a second installment focusing on that couple.

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A regency romance set to comics and panels, a sheer enjoyable delight.

A marriage to avoid scandal and to put debts to rights, neither of them can imagine it being any different. When love is on the line, while stubbornness win out or will love triumph over all?

A delightfully adult read, taking regency romance and throwing some gorgeous spin on every part.

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This was my first graphic novel, so I didn't quite know what to expect from Ruined by Sarah Vaughn. I would say I'm in the middle with how I feel regarding the storyline. Too much focus is paid to the side characters which sacrifices the romantic buildup of the main characters. Within a few pages Catherine is head over heels for her marriage of convenience husband. We don't necessarily see what prompts her to suddenly love Andrew; what I can glean is that he protects her a ball and listens to her opinions. The bar is definitely on the floor here.

The artwork is beautiful. While not too complicated as the story is not in need of artistic spectacle, I think its subtlety and softness work really well to provide a clear plot. I thought the designs of the costumes were historically accurate,

Overall, for a short graphic novel, I would recommend it, but don't expect a swoon worthy romance here.

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