Member Reviews

A sweet and slightly steamy regency romance graphic novel. I enjoyed returning to this story that I first got a glimpse of in Fresh Romance, and having since enjoyed the illustrator's work elsewhere. Ruined will appeal to fans of Jane Austen and Bridgerton, the latter especially for the sensuality and inclusion of POC and LGBTQ+ characters, the former for the more sedate tone and slower pace. I appreciated the communication between the hero and heroine, and how well we see them functioning as married partners even before they fall in love. There are a couple side plots that were interesting, but with the exception of one (Helen), I was disappointed by how they were resolved too simplistically (Gemma) or not resolved at all (Mary).

TW: past death of family members, agoraphobia, on-page nudity and sex (not graphic), misogyny (trope of a woman being "ruined" for having pre-marital sex)

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A very quick, cute romance right up the alley for Brigerton lovers! I have loved reading graphic novels as of late and this one DID NOT disappoint! I loved it, and the pages were so pretty to look at. It was very diverse which I also appreciated.

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This was... meh. A typical, formulaic historical romance that lacked depth with severely underwhelming art.

A bummer, but I found it forgettable.

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This felt very rushed and there was no actual time to get to know the characters, to care about them and understand why they would act that way especially the female MC and her backstory. The side characters that all got their own little story was a reason why this felt rushed and why the whole story + characters felt undeveloped. The art style was also not very to my liking, the characters were drawn very bulky and rectangular and did not fit the expectations I got from seeing the beautiful cover. The explicit scenes were very surprising as well.

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This was a cute and cozy romance and a quick read, but it just didn’t hook me in like other graphic novels I’ve read. The plot was a little jumpy and hard to follow at times. The illustrations were detailed and beautiful though. Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC!

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Fast and enjoyable graphic novel, although not really my cup of tea; perfect for a relaxed read on a summer day, took me literally 50 minutes to start and finish.

the main problem for me was the lack of angst, like they could have had a bit more time apart before everything working out so smoothly and fast but i’d say it was enjoyable anyways.

Thanks to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this E-Arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was my first ever graphic novel. It was a cosy and quick read. Im not surprised as to how fast I was flying trough this book. It did the regency era well. The marriage of convenince trope was executed well too. I would definitely recommend for beginners in graphic novels like me!
Thank you NetGalley for providing me the ARC

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If you are looking for a regency romance but in graphic novel form then you need to pick this book up now!

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This book is a total slam dunk for regency era romance fans looking for a fun read!

Ruined had me snickering and swooning over the main characters in different turns. This was a cute take on characters with bad reputations. Fans of Bridgerton would love this book, but anyone in the genre would as well.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was your classic historical romance story that starts with a scandal and ends with a declaration of love so I had a fun time the whole way through. The story was a bit predictable but that didn't make it any less enjoyable so I would recommend this to anyone just getting into graphic novels because this was quick and easy. The side characters were all interesting and I see the potential of them getting their own novels but we will have to wait and see. I will warn readers though that this is a *graphic* novel and there are some explicit parts so be wary reading this in public but otherwise, enjoy!

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I did find this book quite cozy. There’s something I love about watching a couple in a marriage of convenience fall for each other, it just feels so right!

I thought the art was unique and I enjoyed it. I loved seeing the regency period brought to life through art! And I liked that it featured an ethnically diverse Regency period.

I normally eat up graphic novels but the pacing in this one was just . . . a little too slow for me. I found myself pretty bored, which is why I dropped my rating.

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I read both a lot of romance webcomics and a lot of regency romance novels. I have often thought that there had to be a good way to mesh these together. Perhaps a regency romance graphic novel? So, when I saw this book was available to me as an ARC I simply HAD to get it.
And it's... ok. The story is a very common regency plot: an arranged marriage turns into a love match through mutual respect and physical intimacy. But the graphic novel elements leave something to be desired. The low-text medium robs us of a lot of the inner turmoil that normally makes up the meat of a regency romance. I struggle to pinpoint any strong visual motifs. The art style is a bit too cute, and the people a bit too muppet-y, for a book that contains sexual content.
I found myself only really finishing it because I knew it wouldn't take up too much of my time.

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"The whole town is whispering about how Catherine Benson lost her virtue, though they can never agree on the details. Was it in the public garden? Or a moving carriage?
Only a truly desperate man would want her now―and that’s exactly what Andrew Davener is. His family’s estate is in disrepair, but Catherine’s sizeable dowry could set it to rights.
After the two wed, Catherine finds herself inexplicably drawn to Andrew. but could falling in love with her husband tear her marriage apart? In this richly detailed Regency romance, duty and passion collide in a slow-burn tale of intertwined fates."

Cat and Andrew are a marriage of convenience, they have both been heartbroken and ruined in their own ways, but found marriage to be their last best hope. They will give this marriage a go and try to make Andrew's estate successful once more, but what happens when you fall in love with your spouse?
I enjoyed this graphic quite a bit. The art style may not be to everyone's taste but I liked the delicate lines and soft colors. The emotions conveyed on the character's faces was so well done and I loved it.
The whole story was so lovely and gave me all of the Regency feels. This story was the romance I really needed this summer. I look forward to purchasing a copy for my personal library.

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Thank you NetGalley and First Second Books for the chance to read and review this ARC.

I've never had to read a regency romance graphic novel before in the past, which made this a fun experience. While the style of illustrations is not any absolute favourite, I did this novel was very fun and sweet.

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I love a regency romance and I love a graphic novel, so this was pretty much ideal for me. This is a delightful way to help fill in some time before the next series of Bridgerton hits our screens - or would serve as an introduction to graphic novels for people who have enjoyed the TV show or reading historical romance novels but who haven't previously consumed graphic novels. There's no high peril - just two people in a marriage of convenience working out that actually they might be the right fit for each other after all. What i also liked about this was that it left space for some of the secondary characters to get a bit of prominence, although I would maybe have liked a little bit more background to the main characters instead of one of the subplots. But I really liked the art and the whole feel of this. It's quite open door though - like Bridgerton on TV - so go in aware of that. I would happily read more!

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A Convenience Marriage Catching Spark

I had the pleasure of reading this graphic novel back in August thanks to Netgalley. It sparked my interest through the setting and the graphic style, but I stayed for the both main characters. Catherine and Andrew both habe several packages to carry and I loved to get to know their individual backstories. I likewise enjoyed seeing them build a future. This slow burn (with a bit grumpy meets sunshine) is based on shared ideas and sense of economies and their mutual respect for each other, which is so much more enchanting than many other stories. When we see them talk and listen to one another, my heart bloomed with anticipation and love for them. The illustrators enabled us to watch them appreciate the small things as much as for us to see the tiny changes.

This graphic novel further features other endearing stories. Andrew’s litte sister Gemma repeatedly challenges him but has her own challenges to fight. His aunt is the heart of the family and deserves only the best. Catherine’s maid is looking for a way to independence and gets her very own happy end. And Catherine’s sister’s love story is the side plot I did not expect but cherished the most. There is one main story line but several small developments to enjoy while devouring this novel.

The story itself is already moving, but the illustrations make it come alive in an unique way. There are small changes to witness in our protagonist’s estate that reflect their individual and joint growth. Colors and -hades allow us to recognize their moods and feel their emotions even more. Even without speech bubbles, the sketches conveyed deep sensations and made us feel with the characters. From a raised or narrowed eye brow in Andrew’s face to a tone in the sky, the illustrators knew how to get the message across. I will definitely look out for morse of their projects.

In conclusion
The protagonists as much as the side characters came alive in this moving love story thanks to the slow individual and joint developments and the illustrators‘ talent to signify a lot through endearing details. I’m afraid Andrew and Catherine’s story is already over but I’m looking forward to any other project of the contributors.

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This was a quick read and the first graphic novel I’ve read in many years. I loved the idea of the book, a marriage of convenience, historical romance, Bridgerton style story, but there was potential for much more. I felt confused most of the time with what was going on, the female to female relationships felt thrown in for the sake of having inclusion. The story just fell flat and I kept wishing there would be better romance or passion or anything. I do think the author did something unique with the graphic novel aspect to this and with more tweaking, this could be an incredible story, I just think there should have been more focus on the main plot line and characters.

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Very enjoyable Austenian romance graphic novel.
The story is cute, if with more skin than what I had expected for the teen tone of the comic, but I guess this is for adults? Maybe new adults?
Anyway, the drawings are cute, the colouring is very soothing. there isn't too much personality in the line, but it gets the point across and has a very chill vibe.
The wholesome world created and goodwill of people is adorable, and if you're looking for something cute and feel-good this should do it nicely. Get a warm cup of chocolate, a blanket, and dig into this cosy romance with no particular expectation for historical accuracy, but a lot of sweet wishful thinking and you should have a nice time.

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This graphic novel follows Catherine, whose reputation is ruined after rumour spread about her, and Andrew who needs a wife with a large dowry to fix up his family estate. It’s giving Bridgerton vibes with the balls, secrets and brooding men.

Just as a warning before you read my review, I am not a huge graphic novel reader and the ones I have read were in book form not digital. So take my comments with a grain of salt if you’re a graphic novel lover.

I really enjoyed the artwork and how each section worked together to build the story, even when no words or dialogue was needed. There were a few stories going on in the background that didn’t seem to have anything to do with the main plot but still helped to give a bit of depth to the story, though I was still confused about the sister and what the deal was with her. So she’s fine now? Just out and about?

There were a few bits I found confusing where we seemed to jump from one thing to another quite randomly and I had to go back a page to make sure I hadn’t missed some pages. There was also some dialogue that felt really awkward and stilted and the awkwardness made it cringe to read.

Thanks to #NetGallery and the publisher. I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Genre: Romance - Graphic Novel
Format: Digital
POV: Multiple
Spice: 🌶️/5
Age suggestion: 18+

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After reading this book, I read some of the other reviews and I’m so glad that I was not the only one shocked by the nudity. I really wasn’t expecting that when I requested this book! I was expecting more Jane Austen.

The artwork on the cover was deceptive. It is beautiful. But the artwork within the pages is simplistic and sloppy. The colors, setting, lack of details at some points, and over abundance of details at other times jerked me out of the story several times.

The subplots seemed to take over the story but added very little to the main characters’ struggles.

The main thing that bothered me though was the historical inaccuracies. A noble woman at this time would know better than to sleep with an engaged man unless he was engaged to her. The social ramifications of someone finding out would have been marriage to said man regardless of his previous engagement, banishment to the countryside or out of the country, and of course social exile. She would be shunned by everyone as a loose woman. And god forbid she end up pregnant. With very good luck she might find a husband in a foreign country, but most likely she would become the spinster aunt in someone’s household.

I also applaud authors for giving us diverse casts and gay/lesbian etc relationships, but again the level that this story portrays them is unrealistic. The Bridgerton TV show is not an accurate depiction of Regency England diversity. While there were people of color in England at that time, they are estimated to be less than 1% of the population. This novel has them represented as 40 to 50% of the characters. And yes there were people who enjoyed the company of the same sex during this time as well, but it was not a widely accepted state. Most people would never share their feelings with anyone, let alone their families. At this time, it was still considered a criminal act and was punishable under the law. There were same sex relationships, but they were carefully camouflaged and kept secret. It is wonderful that as a society we have moved passed this and these relationships are widely accepted and are mundane at this point, but I feel it diminishes how hard they have had to struggle for equality to portray it less than historically accurate.

Next time you list something as “Historical Fiction” it would be nice if it wasn’t “Historical Fantasy”. Or “History as We Wish it Was”. Next time I’ll be more careful in my search for historical accuracy.

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