Member Reviews

I knew this book was going to hurt me. I just knew it but wow did Elizabeth Lim find a way to really twist the knife!

In some ways this book reads like a “villain origin story” but it’s so much more than that and Channari was far from a villain. I actually loved her character in SIX CRIMSON CRANES which was why I knew this book was going to be a doozy.

Ukar was hands down my favorite character. He gave me such Mushu vibes from Mulan in the best way. A little morally grey, a lot sarcastic, but all best friend.

All I want now is a sequel with Channi and Vanna together again in another life because they deserve it!


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A gorgeous story of myth full of sisterhood and depth.

I actually haven’t read Six Crimson Cranes, but I own book 1? So I’m interested to see how my feelings might change after reading them all in release order.

Overall, this is YA at its finest.

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Awesome! I absolutely loved it. Great world building and great characters. I couldn't put it down. I want more!

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"Her Radiant Curse" by Elizabeth Lim is an enchanting tale that swept me away into a world of magic and curses. The vivid descriptions and dynamic characters kept me hooked from beginning to end. With a perfect blend of romance, adventure, and a touch of humor, this book left me spellbound and eagerly awaiting the next installment.

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This is a prequel to Six Crimson Cranes (which I loved) and Elizabeth Lim did not disappoint! The writing was beautiful and the world building was vivid. This is a must read if you enjoyed Six Crimson Cranes.

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Incredible story as always from Elizabeth Lim. I love her style of prose and the way she effectively tells a story in such a fairytale like way. There is a sense of ingenuity and relatability to her story.

Channi. How did she become her sister? How did she end up Her Radiance? I was always fascinated by the morally grey villains that turned out to be a hero. No one character is evil. The story of the Stepmother was such an exciting but uneasy book to dive into because I knew going in it was not a happy ever after.

The bond of sisters. Vanna and Channi are so special. Each trying to save each other. Channi was the person Vanna loved most and wanted to be happy. Channi was question once if her sister would save her as hard as she was trying to save Vanna. She hesitated but in the end she always knew the answer. I cried so much. The love was incredible and the passing was so graceful.

Overall, even though I don’t tend to seek books that are not happy ever after I had to read this because Elizabeth’s books are like movie magic. There is something special in her storytelling that I crave and love.

Special mention I love Ukar! He was the reason and humor throughout the story. And just like Channi he grew and transformed in his role as the King of Snakes.. and maybe the world will forget Channi but the snakes never will.

Highly highly recommend!! I am so excited this summer

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Her Radiant Curse tells us the true story about Raikama, back when she was Channari. Back when she was a girl cursed with a snake's skin and whose only purpose in life was protecting her beloved sister, Vanna.

Raikama was a character I found extremely intriguing since Six Crimson Cranes when we learned a glimpse of her tragic and sad back story. Knowing Her Radiant Curse dived deeper into her character I was more than excited to read it. And this book did not disappoint at all. Bearing EL's trademark writing style with a lyrical narrative, rich in chinese culture and mythology, and characters that you easily become attached to, Her Radiant Curse was a story that had me captivated from start to finish.

Channari and Vanna were such beautifully written characters. It was impossible to hate single thing about them. Both had such complexity in them and such uniqueness that every interaction they had was enticing to read. You could feel the love they had for each other and also feel how much they were willing to sacrifice for the other. It was such a beautiful relationship as it was heart breaking. EL has such a way to write these types of relationships that both compliment each other but they are not overshadowed. Both Channari and Vanna shine wonderfully as individuals and as two parts of a whole.

Now let's talk about Hokzuh and Channari. I absolutely adored Hokzuh. I'm a sucker for these broody types but can be cinnamon rolls deep down, especially a half-dragon. I'm all about furries. The way their cautious relationshp started was carefully written. Starting as unlikely enemies, to even more unlikely friends, to two souls who shared a bond, to even silent lovers. They interactions always stole my breath away and also hurt my heart with each passing page, having read Six Crimson Cranes and knowing fully well how it ended. Despite that a part of me wished the ending would be different. It was simply beautiful to read how they had found each other. Two souls who were considered monsters, unwanted, a mistake, and hated. For them, they were that but they were so much more and they were not alone in the world. I'd dare say they were soulmates, which made the betrayal all the more heart wrenching to read.

Her Radiant Curse is a successfully written prequel that gives us not just a backstory to a character, but a story about the unconditional love between sisters, the solace of finding a soulmate, the power of discovering you can be more than what others see in you, the pain of betrayal, and the lonely agony of grief. I'd even say this has been the best book EL has written. And thank God its a standalone.

5/5 stars
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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*Thank you Netgalley, RHCBEducators, and Elizabeth Lim for this eARC in exchange for an honest review!*
Posted to: NetGalley, Goodreads, and The StoryGraph
Posted on: 8 July 2023

4.3 (rounded down to 4) out of 5 stars.

Before Shiori, there was Channari- and Elizabeth Lim does an *amazing* job giving us the past of the stepmother who was once Serpent Queen.

When I saw the NetGalley listing, I KNEW I had to request this title and honestly, I hate that I did because it’s made me want to pause *all* of my current reads to go back and re-read the rest of the books that are a part of the Legends of Lor’yan. I mean, getting a taste of Channari and seeing her past? Beautiful, I absolutely *devoured* this book as quickly as I was able to.

It sounds like I’m entirely biased for this rating, and I’m trying hard not to be, so I’ll get to a few nitpicky parts.
The characters were wonderful! I loved being able to see more of Hokzuh, of Channi, and even a little surprise appearance from a certain emperor. I know a lot of importance was placed on Vanna and how beautiful she was, how she literally *glowed*, but I think this was more often brought up as a reminder to why things tipped the way they had- and why Channari fought so hard to free Vanna from this selection and everything that came after.
There were a few little plot points too that were murky, though I really think that I was so excited to read this that I skipped some key words and moments in my haste to see how it would end. (Mild Spoilers up until the end of the next paragraph!) Like, I can’t entirely remember the reason the Serpent King bit Channari besides being there when the Witch Demon was. I kind of also wish Nakri was explained more/touched on more though she was also more a side character- just an interesting one in my opinion!

Every character isn’t without their flaws though. I think Elizabeth Lim does a good job showing this, no matter how badly you know it will go and you’d wish they’d be able to work it out somehow else. Some of the characters were left wanting more- like Oshli and some more hints of him and Vanna. Or again, with Nakri as I kind of loved her character! The characters that *were* given more light to shine though, they were a lot more rounded and developed through the end of the book.

Overall, ‘Her Radiant Curse’ lived up to every idea I thought it would be. The flows of time/scene changes were a bit patchy here and there for brief moments, but to unravel Channi’s story and how she became Raikama was *amazing*. Even though readers of the Six Crimson Cranes duology know just how this story will end, you can’t help but sink into the words and hope that somehow, someway, the ending will re-write itself. I loved every page of this book, and I really cannot wait to re-read it whenever my pre-order arrives!

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Even when you think you know the story, Elizabeth Lim finds a way to surprise you and wring an impressive amount of tears from you. Raikama’s backstory as Channi with her sister Vanna was so heartbreakingly beautiful. The bond between the sisters, and between Channi and her snake bestie Ukar, had me in allllllll my feelings.
If you’ve read Six Crimson Cranes and The Dragon’s Promise, you’ll probably get the most out of this book, but it’s not necessary. It truly does stand on its own as a gorgeous story of love, curses, impossible choices, unintended consequences, and magic. The writing is so so consumable too; I felt like I’d blink and have read 100 pages.
I highly recommend this, especially if you’ve loved the other books set in this world.

4.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a requested copy to review. All opinions are my own.

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The beginning had me hooked with the backstory, poor Channi. Her father was so cruel 🥺
I absolutely loved Channi's relationship with her snake friend and with her sister Vanna. Their bond was so fierce and loving. Based on the "fall of one" sentence, I thought the sisters would be enemies but....they simply weren't. They were each others strength 😍

The only downside for me where the demons and the dragon, which confused me. I couldn't picture him, sometimes he seemed almost human. Other times like a medieval dragon, or a gargoyle. Just a bit confused as to his features and his role, because in the end, beside his pearl, he wasn't all that important lol

The ending was a bit bittersweet, but it was a good one and perfectly sets up for the start of Six Crimson Cranes 😊

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.
This was my first read by Elizabeth Lim and I absolutely loved this book even though it is a prequel, it felt like a strong book that held its own and I didn't feel like I was missing anything while reading it. I can't wait to read the rest of her books and see where the story goes from here. This story is about two sisters, Channari and Vanna. One was born with beauty and light, while the other was cursed to have a snakelike appearance and poisonous blood. My favorite part of this story is the love and bond shared between the two sisters. So many books have a romantic plot and this book didn't have much of that, but the love between these sisters made my heart warm and fuzzy.
In conclusion, Her Radiant Curse is a remarkable work of fantasy and the narrative will pull you into his beautiful world. With its compelling characters, immersive world-building, and expert storytelling, this novel is a must-read for anyone seeking an enchanting and magical adventure.

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Thank you so much to the publisher and to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

I LOVED Six Crimson Cranes, so getting a chance to read the prequel and backstory of Channari and Vanna was a delight. Elizabeth Lim is such a gifted writer, with the ability to create a lush world, fully-realized and complex characters, and an enchanting tale that pulled me in from page 1. I highly recommend this for any fans of Elizabeth Lim's other novels, as well as fans of Asian mythology/young adult fantasy.

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"Her Radiant Curse" by Elizabeth Lim

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I am a big big fan of alums other novels and I adored ‘Six crimson cranes’ so when I saw this standalone prequel I had to read it . I’m not surprised that this too was amazing.
"Her Radiant Curse" by Elizabeth Lim is an enchanting and weaves elements of romance and magic in a truly remarkable way. From start to finish, I found myself completely engrossed in the story and the beautifully crafted world that Lim created.

The characters are well-developed and relatable. I was particularly drawn to the Channi whose journey of self-discovery and overcoming personal challenges resonated deeply with me. The relationships portrayed in the book are nuanced and heartfelt, and I couldn't help but become emotionally invested in the characters' lives.

My only minor criticism would be that at times, certain plot developments felt predictable. However, this did not detract significantly from my overall enjoyment

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Children for allowing me this ARC.
Her Radiant Curse is a beautiful story of the love of two sister overcomes all. This book was beautifully written and pulled at all the right heart strings.

If you love a whimsical feel, with a little bit of dark magic, and lots of asian folklore this book will definitely do it for you. This book is a prequel to Six Crimson Cranes, and I have yet to read that book, but I will say even without reading I was fully able to follow along.

EL is magic, I love her writing and I love her books, as I have read her twisted tales.

This book get 4.5/5 stars for me.

Thank you for such a magical whimsical book.

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some side notes before we get into my positives and negatives:

⭒ this is a prequel, but i guess you could technically read it without having read six crimson cranes.

⭒ while this has arranged marriage, it’s not an arranged marriage story.

⭒ the advertised “romance” between sworn enemies is hardly there. i personally preferred it this way, but reading the synopsis again and seeing that selling point made me add this.

okay, that’s all.

(+) so excited to read a “villain” POV.

(-) slow buildup until about halfway through, when a main “plot twist” shows up (the plot twist? i ate up. the time it took to get there? not so much.)

(?) vanna. for channi’s entire life to revolve around her, i wish we got more screen time with her in the beginning! i can’t say i disliked her, but i also can’t say i saw the hype… (side note, but the sister dynamic is EXACTLY like kate and edwina sharma. vanna IS edwina, and it was eating me alive trying to remember who she reminded me so much of.)

(+) every time dragons were mentioned i thought of seryu, so i suppose that’s an indirect plus.

(-) you know when a main character is debating on doing something, and literally every single supporting character says “hey girl, maybe don’t do that”? happens here. everyone (and i mean everyone) told our mc that she should NOT [insert]. and then she went ahead and did it. oh, but then her actions had consequences, so maybe this is actually a (+)?

MAJOR NEGATIVE (-): sometimes you read a book to read! to go through the journey, and the end is simply a consequence of the rest. this time, though, i was reading just to get to the end. this kind of goes along with the book being a slow buildup, but it’s honestly just all buildup to get to the end! if it wasn’t lim’s writing bringing me through, it’d be unbearable.

(+) i actually really liked the callbacks from six crimson cranes (specifically one towards the end). there weren’t tooo many to the point where you’d be lost without having read it- just a pinch for me to say that i understood the reference. (i did, in fact, have six crimson cranes open like an encyclopedia throughout the read).

(+) chapter thirty-nine. AND HOW WELL IT ALIGNS? elizabeth lim, i see what you’ve done!! i love a well written chapter, and i love a parallel even more.

(+) just the ending, overall. well done!!! it made me go back to scc and reread certain sections. the problem is, it hurt knowing i read through 90% buildup.

4.0 stars. the ending was everything, the buildup was… there. and as much as i love elizabeth lim, i must be fair!! the only reasons i stayed immersed in the buildup were 1. elizabeth lim’s writing and 2. i’ve read six crimson cranes.

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Elizabeth Lim has been solidified as a favorite in the genre for me. Her Radiant Curse is an outstanding new novel that does not pull any punches. Channi is a protagonist who we immediately love and root for in the first chapter. She is tragic, but powerful. The setting is lush and compelling I wanted to dive right in. My favorite thing about Lim's books is that they are consistently impossible to put down. Her Radiant Curse is no different. I love the adventure, the magic, and the mystery and I know you will too!

Thanks to Netgalley for the eARC!

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I loved the Six Crimson Cranes duology and so when this was announced I was excited. It is a bit weird to read essentially a prequel of a character you’ve read so much about because you know how the story ends.

Channi is left do dead by her father as a sacrifice to keep her mother and the baby daughter alive. However, the sorceress in tiger form comes for her too late, she was protected and bitten by the serpent king and Channi isn’t the daughter she wants. So she warns C THAT SHE will return for her younger sister and the servant king basically tells a prophecy that one sister must fall for the other to rise.

C does her best to protect her sister but she was cursed with a snake face and eyes and can talk to snakes and her family and village want nothing to do with her. Her sister is gonna be auctioned off to the highest bidder until C intervenes but ends up getting sold out by her father/village priest guy to a horrible king who keeps animals and other things in cages and runs a fight ring on behalf of his wife, who happens to be the tiger that C has been looking for but she took over a human body.

Anyway, major spoilers follow.

She must join forces with a half demon half dragon to get free of the king, find and protect her sister. But the dragon is looking for his peal, which was split in half. One half with her sister the other with the tiger (idk that I fully understood how that happened). They escape but he is enraged when he finds out her sister has his part of the pearl. But C gets a promise that he won’t hurt her and will let her live out the rest of her life and then take the pearl back.

But of course everything gets messed up because her sister doesn’t know how to defend herself and the tiger takes over her body and makes her the tiger and she’s weak and injured and C tries to swap them back and even succeeds but it’s too late because the half dragon becomes a demon without his moonstone and kills C’s sister Vanna, breaking his dragon sworn promise and therefore basically preventing himself from taking his pearl back (a dragon has to keep the sworn promise). So she joins the two halves together and tries to give it back but it won’t take so she takes it and makes a really dumb wish that backfires. She loses her snake face and looks like her sister. She leaves her small village to marry the King from Kieta, which doesn’t have magic in a bid to protect herself and find some peace. Also her best snake friend becomes the Snake King, which was so cute I was sad to see them say goodbye.

Overall, great description and definitely an emotional story. You learn so much more about C and Vanna and basically how Six Crimson Cranes became to be. I really did enjoy it.

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I really enjoyed reading about Channi's bittersweet backstory. I do wish it focused more on her relationship with Shiori's father. However, it does not compare to Six Crimson Cranes, which in my opinion, is the best of Lim's works, but it was an improvement from its sequel. Overall, it was very enjoyable but not a top favorite.

375 stars rounded to 4

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This is my first Elizabeth Lim book and I really loved it. It felt like I was stepping into a fable and I’m really excited to read the author’s previous works now. My understanding is that Her Radiant Curse is a prequel to the Six Crimson Cranes duology, which I was not aware of going into the book, but I don’t feel like I missed out on anything in this story; if anything, it just adds to my eagerness to start Six Crimson Cranes. So to anyone who’s intrigued by the synopsis of Her Radiant Curse, don’t worry about it being a prequel, don’t worry about feeling like you’re missing vital information, you’re going to get an amazing, fleshed-out story. I loved Channi, she was an incredibly strong main character, driven equally by love and a very justifiable sense of rage.

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Firstly, this is a great prequel to the Six Crimson Cranes books (ones I really loved) so I really enjoyed this look into the backstory of Channari and Vanna. I also love a tale about sisters. Elizabeth Lim’s storytelling is so beautiful. The lush Asian mythology/folklore woven through this book makes the world, the characters and the writing come to life.

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