Member Reviews

Her Radiant Curse is a solid adventure story with good characters and character development, excellent fights and flights, kick-ass sisters watching out for each other, and a satisfying end. Magic, witches, and talking animals help bring down patriarchal establishments and help the women of the book forge new paths. This is a prequel to two other books by Lim, but can be read before or after them, and stands alone just fine.

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Her Radiant Curse is amazing and captivating companion novel to Six Crimson Cranes that tells the story of Channari before she became the Raikama, the Nameless Queen of Kiata.

Her Radiant Curse should be read before the Six Crimson Crane duology but one can easily read this as standalone or after the duology. As I read Her Radiant Curse after I had read all the books in this world, I knew the ending and my anticipation was all about ‘how’ – how Channari got her name Raikama, how she got connected with the dragon’s pearl, how she got her sister’s face, how she has such close connection to snakes, and how she married to be The Nameless Queen of Kiata.

Her Radiant Curse also connects Six Crimson Crane duology very well giving us more insight to Raikama’s character, what shaped her to be the queen she was in the was in Six Crimson Crane, and also why she needed to return the pearl.

Plot is riveting and action-packed mixed with legends and magic. From characters to legends, thrilling battles, compelling marriage trials, and more than one villain keep readers hooked to the story even though we know the end from the duology.

I loved the concept of two sisters one beautiful and the other cursed with a snake face– one is adored and admired by the world while the other is shunned and has to live with the cruelty of the world- gives it element of beauty and beast. Even with their different look and how that changes their lives love, loyalty and trust between sisters remains at the core.

Themes and layers of loyalty, sibling love, betrayal, belongingness, inner beauty, curse, vengeance, and loss make the book emotional and touching read. Writing is as engrossing, beautiful, fairy tale style as other books by the author with fast pace and first-person narraive from Channari’s (Channi) perspective.

Channi is kick-ass, strong, impulsive and singled-focused heroine who is determined to watch over her sister, Vanna, and save her from Angma, the demon witch, who cursed her with snake face and is going to come for Vanna when turns seventeen.

It was heartbreaking to read how her snake face changed her life, how terrible she felt when people repulsed and shrieked looking at her face. I hated her father who was responsible for her curse in first place and yet he made Channi feel like she was the monster and responsible for everything wrong in their life. He kept her hidden, made her wear a mask, and shattered her spirit. She kept her vulnerable side hidden behind stony and cold exterior.

Vanna was Channi’s only family who loved her regardless of how she looked. She was the source of Channi’s happiness, her weakness, and her purpose to live.

At first, I didn’t like Vanna. She sounded vain and selfish who has lived a sheltered life and only seen and received good from the world. Sometimes it felt she was deliberately ignoring the cruelty of their father towards Channi. I had doubted if the situation was reversed she wouldn’t risk her life for Channi but I liked how that changed in last 30% of the book.

She loved Channi as much as Channi loved her. In fact, being separated from Channi changed not just her power but her as well. It was amazing how her doubts shattered when Angma attacked and how she was the stronger one between two after that.

I liked Hokzuh. He didn’t give a reason to trust him often and yet I was rooting for him. His story is touching and I hated King Meguh for what he did to him. I knew the end would not be good between him and Channi and yet I adored their moments together. Their growing friendship, trust, and plausible love was heartwarming to read. I didn’t like what happened to him in the end. Tbh it wasn’t his fault, it was Angma’s doing and for that one thing, I didn’t like Channi’s decision she made in sorrow and anger.

The presence of dragons, witches, and demons makes the plot exciting and mesmerizing. I enjoyed visiting Sundau Island again. It looked bleak in The Dragons Promise but here it has the character of its own, especially the forest. I loved how magic, minor demons, and humans lived together. Visiting other islands of Tambu isles and knowing a little more about them was interesting and also made the plot adventurous.

The Legend of the creator Niur and God Gadda and how he created Tambu Isles and Sundau the first island, the history of snakes and dragons, the legend of Hanum’nya, and why snakes don’t trust dragons was fascinating.

Twists and turns weren’t that surprising except for the climax and everything that happened after it. I anticipated the attack in the climax but it surprised me how that changed Vanna, literally. Their return home and final battle was exciting but I hated how that changed the future of all characters even though I knew it coming from the beginning.

End is tragic and heartwrenching which makes this book different from all other books in this world. There is no happily ever after. “Her Radiant Curse” title made much more sense at this point. My only complaint is, I felt bad for Hokzuh in the end how he was made a villain when it wasn’t entirely his fault. It just felt sad how Channi and Hokzuh’s fate was entwined in the beginning and then they unraveled and drifted apart.

Overall, Her Radiant Curse is captivating, enchanting, action-packed, and bittersweet YA Fantasy with fairytale-style writing and beautiful sibling bond.

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5 Reasons to Read


I am a sucker for sister stories! I'm very close to my sisters and sister in laws. I wouldn't be able to get through life without their love and support. Vanna and Channi's relationship was one of the highlights of this one for me. Channi will do anything to keep her sister safe and to ensure she gets to be the one to choose her path.

Deadly Contests

Oh man this contest was intense! What would you do if you had 11 kings and princes vowing for your sister's hand in marriage but you know that none of them are actually right for her? Of course you'd throw your hat in the ring and fight for her! That's exactly what Channi does for Vanna. She just doesn't know that her opponent just so happens to be a dragon!

Dragons & Snakes Oh My!

Channi was cursed by a snake when she was a child and now when people see her face they see a monster. There were so many different animals in this one from dragons to snakes. So many snakes. I am not usually a lover of snakes in any way but after reading this one I'd totally let them back me up in a fight! Let's not forget the Dragon Channi ends up on a journey with.

Dark Mythologies

I loved the mythology we saw in Six Crimson Cranes and this one did not disappoint. Elizabeth Lim does an incredible job of intertwining myths into her stories. Of course this is a great prequel and I can't wait to see what Elizabeth does next!

Villainous Demon Witches

If these beautiful covers don't do anything for you then check these books out for the villainous witches! Angma doesn't hold back when it comes to getting what she wants. She will ensure one sister will fall so she can rise.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC publication for an honest review.

I am a fan of Elizabeth Lim and enjoyed the previous two books in this series. This is the prequel, and it absolutely owns my heart. I almost wish this book was available to read before the other two because I have such a deeper insight into the characters, and I am seeing the other two books in a whole different light. This is the origin story of Shiori's stepmother, Raikama who began life as Channi.

This book is so emotionally charged: tragedy, curses, unconditional love, utter heartbreak. The author did a masterful job weaving the hidden pieces of the puzzle that connect all three stories.

This story was as beautiful as it was tragic. And while I knew how the tale was going to go, I still was secretly hoping that something would change... (Oh, Hokzuh! You and Channi deserved so much more than the cruel world gave you!!)

5 stars

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Her Radiant Curse is a story about sister love. They're so different in literally everything but none love them as fierce as they do each other.

Infused with witchcraft, curse, magical forest, TIGER AND SNAKES, Her Radiant Curse is highly suitable for anyone liking light fantasy tale. It didn't have that high stakes conflicts or super complicated plot to follow. It's entertaining enough. With sprinkles of romance, this book is an enjoyable standalone.

My 16yo self would definitely love this book.

My two cents:
- I don't particularly loving this book bcs it just didn't standout. However, I didn't have anything particular to hate either. It falls into an okayish story for me. I didn't cheer for the characters, but I don't hate them, too. (I actually prefer when they're able to give me strong emotion to go through the story.)

- A slight problem I encountered is.... How everything made to be a comfortable coincides for Channari to ease her adventure. Everything's just being toned down. It might not be a problem for other readers, but it's just not my favourite.

- DO I NEED TO READ THE OTHER BOOKS BEFORE READING THIS ONE? NO NEED!!!! It's a nice standalone fantasy. Actually, this book is a start to Elizabeth Lim universe. Give it a go ✨

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Lovely and touching. A smidgeon too long in parts but I will absolutely be back for another if it gets written. Cried at least once and laughed multiple times. Solid!

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I have to admit, I was nervous to read this one. I LOVED Six Crimson Cranes, but was then painfully disappointed by The Dragon's Promise, so I wasn't sure what to expect with Her Radiant Curse. I would say I was somewhere in the middle! It definitely wasn't my favorite, but it did have so much of what I enjoyed about Six Crimson Cranes (and also a little of what I didn't in Dragon's Promise). Overall, it was beautiful and the magic was fascinating. It was great to see this character (who'd been a part of Shiori's life in such a profound way) have her backstory explained more and to see what led to the events in SCC. Overall, I would recommend!

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Her Radiant Curse is a beautiful and vividly written fantasy. It drew me in to its intricate world and fascinating characters almost immediately. Love, friendship, hatred, adventure, despair, and so much magic. Channi is my favorite type of character: deep, loyal, a bit broken and fierce. I loved every moment of the story of these sisters. Now I need to reread Six Crimson Cranes to see that story in a different light. Wonderful.

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(3.5/5 stars) Elizabeth Lim's writing has always been so beautiful and lyrical! I was looking forward to this release back in the Six Crimson Cranes universe, but this time a spin-off prequel about Channi (who eventually becomes Shiori's stepmother, Raikama). Starting out with another BEAUTIFUL cover, this book pulled me in! Asian mythology is so lush and vibrant, and I was excited to jump back into the SCC world. Lim delivers a strong standalone that is easy to read (though if you're not big on YA might be a bit frustrating). We love a story of the strength of sisterly love.

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steeped in a lush asain mythology. this was able to be read as a standalone even though its a prequal

fans of ‘six crimson cranes’ will really enjoy being back in this world and seeing it expanded. and readers who have not read the series will come to love ELs storytelling and magic.

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I've enjoyed Elizabeth Lim's books before, which is why I chose this one, and it didn't disappoint me at all.

The protagonist, Channi, was cursed by a witch, bitten by the Serpent King and lost her mother on the same day. Also, on the same day, she swore to protect her younger sister, Vanna, at all costs. This book is about sibling bonds, the one that is beautiful and painful.

The sisterhood bond between Channi and Vanna was expressed in a very heartwarming way. The love and affection Channi has for Vanna was so beautiful. I love the author's writing style so much.

There are many things I love in this book. One of them is Channi's ability to talk to snakes. Ukar, the Serpent, was Channi's closest friend, and I really enjoyed his sense of humour. His deep and caring friendship with Channi was truly heartwarming.

The dragon's unexpected arrival surprised me. But I loved every scene where he was present. The fight between Channi and the dragon was so descriptive and awesome. The constant turns in the plot kept me hooked till the end.

Everything in this book was outstanding, from the plot and characters to the twists, magic, and the way everything came together at the end. Filled with action and magic, this is a perfect fantasy novel with a wealth of emotions in play.

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I really base my reviews on how much I enjoy reading, so i’m giving this 5 stars. We get to know more about “Raikama” or “Channi”. It’s such a wonderful read. Elizabeth’s writing will forever feel like a fairy tale. So excited for more of her books!

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I really enjoyed this spin-off of Six Crimson Cranes. I enjoyed the characters and their relationships as well as the lore and development of the story. Even though I knew how the story would end, I was not expecting the journey to take the twists and turns that it did.

Definitely recommend!

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A bittersweet tale of love, friendship and the lengths two sisters will go to protect each other.

I will start off by saying I have yet to read the duology for which this book is a prequel. But I don't think it affected my enjoyment of the story at all. I was able to follow along with ease. The writing for good and the pacing was quick but not overly so.

This was most definitely a story about sisterhood and destiny above all else. There were hints of romance but they were far and few between. I admit I wish there was a little more development in the romance department. And while I enjoyed the story, for the most part, I found things a touch too predictable. I also never quite connected with the characters. That lack of an emotional connection made it difficult to truly fall in love with this tale.

The ending, I would say, is the strongest part. Only at that point did I truly feel for the characters. The hurt and the betrayal. I truly found myself wishing things had turned out differently. Alas, by then it was a little too late.

Long story short, I liked the story enough to finish it but I would not say it was a stand-out book.

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I’m a fan of Elizabeth Lim (Spin the Dawn, Six Crimson Cranes) so I was excited to get my hands on Her Radiant Curse. I was not disappointed.

One of the best things about Lim’s writing is her ability to drop you into an unknown world and make you feel at ease. Her world-building is on point and works seamlessly with her characters. And Her Radiant Curse is very much a character-driven fantasy.

The story unfolds from Channi’s point of view. Channi has a single-minded purpose — kill the witch and save her sister. Channi is cunning and bold. She’s imperfect and a bit dark, and you want things to work out for her.

As with Lim’s other work, Her Radiant Curse is an immersive read. It’s pacing is spot-on, and you won’t want to put it down.

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Elizabeth Lim never disappoints me. I loved this book so much, especially since it is connected to her other books. I love how every single one of her books takes place in the same world. It's such a cool part! I loved the characters in this book and I especially loved the sister relationship in this. Sibling relationships are one of my favorite aspects of books especially when one sibling will do anything to protect the other. That's how Channi was and I loved it. I can't wait for the next book!

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Channi's father tried to offer her to a witch as a child, only for Channi to escape. However, she was cursed with the face of a snake while her sister, Vanna, shines with luminous beauty (literally). To protect Vanna, Channi is pulled into a whirlwind of betrayal and struggle that will end with terrible loss, unless she can build alliances. Lim's writing shines and her characters are excellent, complex yet archetypal, heroes of a fairy tale that feels breathtakingly real. The novel reads like a fable, but one where logic and loss prevail. I was grateful for the lack of compulsory romance, and for the depth of the characterizations. A great choice for fans of Lim's Six Crimson Cranes series, or who like transcendent YA.

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When SIX CRIMSON CRANES came out, so many of my bookish friends told me it was a must-read, and I’ll admit I slept on it. I vowed it would be a priority on my #backlistbooks23 picks & I was thrilled to listen to the audiobook before picking up this prequel.

I’m not normally an out of order reader, but I loved that each title could be read as a standalone, and had such a strong tie in — I’ll definitely be picking up The Dragon’s Promise ASAP! This story weaves together whimsical folklore with strong family bonds, thrilling adventure and the consequences of beauty and love. While I’m not familiar with Asian mythology I really enjoyed the backstory, and how Lim beautifully creates a world around these two sisters and their curse, I was hooked immediately with this intriguing story.

Thanks to Penguin Random House Audio, for the audiobooks of both titles, I loved being able to read and listen to this one and for TBR & Beyond Tours for having me on the book tour! I find it easier to follow along with fantasy titles when I can listen to and this was just such an exceptional title.

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I was a little nervous about Her Radiant Curse because I'm generally not a fan of villain origin stories (and yes, I know Channi is more of a misunderstood antagonist-turned protagonist than a villain,) but I'm always wary of any anything that might have a "cool motive, still murder" kind of a story.

So no one is more surprised than I am when I say that I think I like Her Radiant Curse more than the Six Crimson Cranes duology.

Six Crimson Cranes might've passed the vibe check, but Her Radiant Curse delivered the more compelling story. I actually thought the worldbuilding was a bit lacking in this prequel, but what it was missing in vibes, it more than made up for in feels. Her Radiant Curse is the angsty Asian stories I love in a YA fantasy. At its heart, it's a story about two sisters willing to do anything for the other (and if you're familiar with C-drama tropes, you'll know to expect lots of sacrifice and heartache along the way.)

For a story centered around sisterhood, a good portion of it has one sister conspicuously absent for a good portion of it. I thought Vanna's character arc was a bit awkward and would've liked to see her developed more. In general, I think the pacing could've been better. The book got off to a slow start, and the best, most emotional parts (which coincidentally coincide with the heart of the story) didn't come until the end.

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I am a huge Elizabeth Lim fan and will continue that streak with newest novel, Her Radiant Curse. Channi, cursed and monstrous, and her younger sister Vanna, blessed and beautiful, share many differences, but a similarity is the loving sisterly bond that makes them near inseparable. When they are forced apart, Channi does all she can to get to her sister, setting off on an epic quest to break her curse, battle demons and kings, and save the only person who cares about her. Lim weaves a tale of imagination, action, and magic that is easy to read as the reader will undoubtedly get caught up with the story. When the ending came I was not prepared and at first not happy, but I soon came to appreciate the true quest of the story for what it was, along with the realistic aspects that the author creates to make this a memorable tale.

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