Member Reviews

John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than 1000 NDEs. This book is a great follow up to his classic , Imagine Heaven. The stories are intriguing and comforting. Puts earth life in perspective!

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are mine.
This is my first John Burke book and a gentle reminder of the God of Heaven. His loving grace , his love and a reminder that heaven is the goal. In the book John tackles Near-Death experiences through real life stories and provides a biblical perspectives. It is wonderful and gives a new perspective on near death and heaven.

Title: Imagine the God of Heaven
Author: John Burke
Imagine the God of Heaven by John Burke is a well-written book that delves into the fascinating subject of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). The author has clearly put in extensive research to provide a comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon.
One of the strengths of this book is how it seamlessly moves from real case studies to the author's analysis of recounts of NDEs. This approach allows readers to explore the experiences of individuals who have had NDEs while also benefiting from the author's insights and interpretations.
John Burke skillfully incorporates biblical scripture to complement the NDEs discussed in the book. By doing so, he provides a spiritual perspective that adds depth and meaning to the accounts shared by those who have had these extraordinary experiences.
Overall, Imagine the God of Heaven is a fantastic book that offers a thought-provoking exploration of NDEs. The author's thorough research, combined with his ability to seamlessly blend real-life stories and analysis, makes this book a compelling read. If you are interested in the subject of NDEs and the intersection of spirituality and personal experiences, I highly recommend giving this book a read.

I read John Burke’s book Imagine Heaven several years ago, learning what to expect when one goes to heaven. I couldn’t wait for Imagine the God of Heaven so that I could continue to learn more. Oh, my goodness! John’s new book not only gives more vivid pictures of heaven, but even more importantly shares the attributes of a loving, caring God!
I was amazed at the diversity of people that shared their NDE’s – adolescents to elderly, male and female, countries all over the world, different religious backgrounds. Even though all their stories reflected the same general characteristics of heaven, remarkably each story was also unique in the way they experienced what they saw and felt. Also, characteristics of God were the similar in their stories, yet each one also experienced a love that was hard to describe. Many said it felt like they were the only one in the whole universe that God loved; it was that personal!
John was very good at connecting the NDE stories to references in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, showing the reader that God revealed this information to humans over the centuries.
I’ve been a Christian since early childhood. But this book expanded my knowledge of God and his heavenly kingdom way beyond my expectations. I read it in five days! And I continue to ponder the new lessons I’m learning. Great timing to be published – I’ve ordered several copies to give as Christmas gifts to those I pray will want to learn more about God and heaven.

I listened to the entire audiobook within 5 days!!! I was in tears in chapter 4 because of a conversation between a woman and God during her NDE… it’s basically what I needed to hear from God. Each chapter made my faith and love for God grow. I loved hearing the accounts of believers and even how skeptics or unbelievers from around the world encountered God and came back to earth to discover who this God of light and love truly is, Jesus!! There are both heavenly and hell experiences in the book and I love how the author keeps pointing to the Bible and Jesus.
I was blessed so much by “Imagine Heaven”, but this book has blown my faith out of the park and I feel like I can see myself as God sees me for the first time in my life! I am loved and adored by God the Father, Son, & Spirit!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
This book has further solidified the importance of living in right relationship with God, others, and myself… how we love others matters greatly and it emphasizes the 24/7 relationship God desires to have with us in this life so we may enjoy Him forever. I’ve already bought this book as a gift and am praying over buying more to have on hand to give away.

Another wonderful book from John Burke. Imagine the God of Heaven is so much more than a compilation of NDEs, While the stories are fascinating, uplifting, and inspiring, the analysis from a biblical worldview is what really makes this book shine. I appreciated the NDEs from all over the globe, their similarities and differences.
The book did not shy away from those who described meeting their "god," be it Kali or Allah or the man in the white robe. Burke shows that the NDErs often described the encounter with this god of light based on their prior belief. Their accounts align with the God of the Bible, the I AM. It's a reminder to me that Jesus is not an American. He is the King of All Creation.
I love the research that went into this book and the way Burke examined every story through a biblical lens. Scripture backs up the truth claims. God's attributes of justice, goodness, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, grace, joy, peace, patience, and overwhelming love are presented throughout.
I finished the book with a glorious anticipation of what is to come, a peace about what is, and a desire to make his name known. What more could you ask.
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I read Imagine Heaven by John Burke and couldn't wait to read this one. I was not disappointed. The first book showed how wonderful heaven will be. This book not only shows the glory of heaven, but also how much God loves us. He sets about explaining the existence of heaven and God from all angles--science, people's experiences, the vast number of people who have had very similar experiences., in a way that gave me joy and hope. And...he reported on many occasions that people experienced the feeling that God loves each one of us individually and fully..
The book was a must read and would be a great gift for both believers and nonbelievers.

God comes to man in various ways - that God is only one
Revelation 1:8
"I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord God. "I am the Almighty, the one who is, who always was and who will come."
John 14:6
Jesus said to him: "I am the way, the truth and the life." No one can come to the Father except through me.
The human soul's thirst for God cannot do without the Creator-
After returning from clinical death, people testify to the great Light.
When we see Him face to face, we will feel the greatest Love.

I couldn't stop talking about this book! I was so excited to get a copy of this book and it did NOT disappoint. It was so encouraging to read about how God revealed Himself to people in their near-death experiences. I felt closer to Him and fell more in love with Him after reading this book.. It also helped me to long for Heaven more, a very necessary thing for all believers because this world loves to trick us into thinking this is all there is. The only problem I had with this book was how repetitive it would get at times. I wish there was more of a summary, but I know even that had its benefits because even weeks after finishing the book I can still recall so many impactful moments. I LOVED IT.

This book is a wonderful compliment to the author’s book “Imagine Heaven.” In this book the focus is on the different attributes and characteristics of God that many people who had an NDE bear witness to. I found the book to be an encouraging and inspiring glimpse into what awaits us in Heaven and in the presence of Almighty God and Jesus! The one scene depicting the lightning bolts of prayers into God’s throne room really resonated with me and is changing how I prioritize prayer in my life,

If you’re as fascinated as I am about near-death experiences (NDEs), or if you’re curious about God, heaven, and the afterlife, you will love John Burke’s latest book, Imagine the God of Heaven.
Burke presents data collected from several thousand near-death experiences (from people who had clinically died). His results are distilled down into the common patterns and themes found in these experiences. His focus is on those NDEers who experienced heaven, because some experienced hell.
Beyond the NDEs, Burke consolidates the attributes of God as that of light and love, which were most commonly expressed by NDEers. The stories that describe our amazing God are truly inspiring and give a beautiful glimpse of what we can hope to experience one day. These stories also help us know God today in a more personal way.
Imagine the God of Heaven includes an interesting and eye-opening view of the Trinity. The NDE experiences helped me understand more fully that a triune God is possible even if we can’t understand it in human terms.
I especially appreciated that the NDEs included were from people of various religious beliefs.
I agree with Burke that NDEs are one way God speaks to us today. Do we still know everything there is about God and Heaven? No, but I don’t think we’re meant to. We’re given enough to feel hope for an amazing eternal future.
Note: This book will be released in November 2023, but you can preorder ahead of that time using the link included.