Member Reviews

Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me. The synopsis sounded great, but I did not like the
main character at all, and I found myself very bored by the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free arc of this book in exchange for an honest review

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I DNF'd this one. It was dull, none of the characters were intriguing me and the story was just meh. This is not for me.

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Coming to Find You by Jane Corry is a Thriller chock full of secrets and surprises, some pleasantly unpredictable. I liked the directions the story took.

Nancy witnessed the horrendous murders of her mother and step father and the high-profile case meant Nancy was never at ease. To escape the media and peering eyes she unlocked Tall Chimneys, her grandmother's home which was bequeathed to Nancy. The change of scenery was what she needed...but secrets travel.

Nancy's step brother knows something others don't. A game of cat and mouse ensues as Nancy seeks answers and closure. Her grandmother had secrets of her own which adds further layers.

My favourite aspects are the intriguing family dynamics, tension and the feeling of being pursued.

My sincere thank you to Penguin Random House Canada and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this clever novel.

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Nancy Greenfield fled to her newly inherited home, Two Chimneys, in the aftermath of her Mother and Stepfather’s grizzly murders. Her brother was convicted, but Nancy wasn’t entirely truthful about what happened that fateful night. Someone knows the truth and is coming for her.

As a highly anticipated read, I went into reading Coming To Find You with big expectations and it absolutely blew me away! It was the perfect blend of a thriller, mystery and historical fiction and I was completely enraptured from beginning until end. This book centred on two women, Elizabeth and Nancy, who owned Tall Chimneys during different periods of time. While Nancy’s story was rooted in the present, Elizabeth’s story occurred during the 1940’s at the height of World War II, when the home was being used as a boarding house. While both point of views were fantastic, my personal favourite was Elizabeth’s. She was strong, selfless and kind-hearted and I couldn’t help but root for her. Simply put, Coming To Find You is a must-read book from my perspective!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Coming to Find You is told in a dual timeline format and this works very well.

The unusual aspect to this is one timeline is WW2 and the other in present day but a thriler.

Both stories have the same venue and both have a mystery that keep you guessing until the final page.

My favourite time line was of Elizabeth during WW2 at her home Three Chimneys and the cast of characters that surrounded her. We had her not so nice husband, her son who is off to war , evacuated children with their teacher and the paying guests.

Present day we have Nancy who goes to get away from publicity to Three Chimneys after her stepbrother is found guilty of murder.

The stories intertwine well and both have twists and turns that keeps you guessing.

Jane Corry always writes a book that I find hard to put down and Coming to Find You is no exception.

Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada, Doubleday Canada for a page turning read.

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Unfortunately, this book was not for me and I put it down around 60% into it. The dual timeline was very confusing to me and I found the characters infuriating. I kept forcing myself to pick this one up and only read a few pages before I put it down, so I am calling it quits. I hope others enjoy this one more than me!

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All in all, this book was a decent read, although it did display some occasional inconsistencies.

I didn't realize that the book was divided into two different time periods with their respective points of view.

In the first perspective, we follow Nancy, our main character, as she retreats to her seaside home following the trial of her murderous step-brother. While I did find this part of the story enjoyable, it followed a rather typical setup. It's not necessarily bad, but it lacks depth, which is probably why the second perspective was introduced.

The second point of view delves into a historical fiction account of the owners of the same seaside home during World War II. I found this section quite engaging and, to be honest, I would have preferred an entire novel dedicated to this historical narrative.

In the end, the story unfolds as expected, weaving the two perspectives into a single narrative that satisfies the curiosity surrounding the fates of the characters.

I should mention a couple of minor issues. Firstly, the dialogue felt somewhat rough at times, with characters expressing themselves in a manner that didn't always come across as natural. Secondly, the frequent 'cliffhanger' sentences at the end of each paragraph, such as 'no one can know what I did,' 'if he only knew the truth...,' and 'they must never find out about that day,' while not detrimental to my overall rating or enjoyment of the book, did stand out as a somewhat annoying literary device.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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Dual timeliness historical fiction with a thriller element thrown in? Yes please!

Coming To Find You explores the effects of serious crime on the perpetrator's family, and does it very well.

This is a quick read, that drops you right into the middle of the drama. No slow meandering to get there.

It's dark and intriguing, full of atmosphere and a feeling of uneasiness throughout.

I loved the characters, and loved the dark mystery elements.

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Review: ⭐⭐⭐💫

Overall this was pretty good even if it was a bit inconsistent at times.

I don't think it's a spolier but I certainly didn't realize this book is broken into two different time period POVs...

POV one is for Nancy our main character, having just absconded to her sea side home after the trial of her murderous step-brother. I enjoyed the story but it's preeeeeetttty typical in terms of the setup. It's not bad, it just doesn't actually have much meat on the bone in terms of a story, which is why I think we get POV two.

POV two is a historical fiction account of the owners of said sea side home during WWII. I quite liked this portion of the book and would rather have seen this as the dedicated novel.

It all comes together as you'd expect and weaves into a single story which satisfies the curiosities I had about where people ended up.

A couple of minor callouts - the dialogue is a bit rough at times. Characters expressing themselves in a way that doesn't at all feel natural. The second being the 'cliffhanger' sentences at the end of every paragraph - it's filled with things like 'no one can know what I did', 'if he only knew the truth...', 'they must never find out about that day'.

It doesn't lower my rating or enjoyment of the book at all but it stands out as a bit of an annoying device.

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I feel bad for saying it, but this book is probably one of my least favorite reads of the year so far.

The book itself follows two women in two different time periods. Nancy during the present, and Elizabeth during World War 2. This was the first part of the book that threw me off. When it switched to Elizabeth's timeline for the first time I actually had to go back and reread the book's description to see if I had missed any mentions of dual timelines. That being said, I usually do enjoy when a book switches between POV's in different timelines and seeing all the connections between the character, so I was a little disappointed when there really wasn't any between the two in this book. I would say at best they were loosely related, but overall it felt like reading two different books.

The author's writing style also wasn't my favorite. I felt that the conversations between the characters felt pretty mechanical, and that they lacked organic growth. Specifically in Nancy's timeline. She would meet a new character and immediately they would become integrated into her life. Elizabeth's timeline was better this in the beginning, but without giving away too much there are 2 character who near the end jumped from not really interacting to professing their love.

My final issue with the books is it just felt like it was going all over the place. The story itself was pretty predictable (which isn't always a bad thing in my opinion), and the author just kept throwing conflicts in the mix and resolving them within 25pages. Had the story spent more time expanding on the step brother's involvement/crime in Nancy's timeline (their history, his issues, his sentencing...) it would have felt more developed. As for Elizabeth's timeline it was decently developed, but I also feel like it should have just been another story altogether.

Overall, I don't think I will be recommending this book to anyone. But I wish the author luck and hope she continues to develop her writing!

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Dual timeline. Some aspects of crime, but less thriller than I was expecting.
This novel started out strong for me with the introduction of Nancy, and the conviction of her step brother for the murder of her mother and stepfather. I was intrigued to discover the secrets Nancy was keeping and would discover. But then I began to lose interest.
The second timeline, from Elizabeth’s point of view, was somewhat interacting. I liked the idea and perspective of life during WWII, but was unsure how the two stories were connected.
In all honesty, it felt like two storylines in one book, with a loose connection at the end.

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Stop whatever you are doing and pick up this book immediately. The authours storytelling and characters are so beautifully written. I was transported to Tall Chimneys and felt like I experienced it all first hand. Excuse me while I go purchase every single novel by Jane Corry!

Thank you to Jane, Penguin Random House Canada, and NetGalley for allowing me to review Coming To Find You, in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had two stories. One in the present, which is the one you read about in the blurb, where Nancy has just come out of a murder trial in which her stepbrother was convicted of murdering her mother and his father, and the press won't leave her alone.
And the other story is during WWII about her grandmother, and her house. This is the house in which Nancy takes refuge in the present.

I *really* enjoyed the story in the past. It was great. I wish that was the book, really. All those characters were wonderful and well built.

I did not enjoy the story in the present. It was too sensational. The characters didn't make sense to me - who they trusted, spoke with and why. And then when someone shows up and they go out on the boat, it lost me.

It's still worth reading, for sure. But to me, it felt like two books in one, and imho it would have been nicer to focus on just the one story.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing and ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Coming to Find You - Jane Corry
When Nancy's mother and stepfather are murdered, and her stepbrother is convicted of the murder, she feels the need to just escape. With the press breathing down her neck, Nancy decides to take off to her grandmothers house, the house she just inherited and try to put the pieces of her life back together.

As she gets settled into the home, and the seaside village, she not only discovers that this village protects it's people, but also discovers her home might have a darker history than one she lived through as a child.

When she starts to receive letters from the prison, Nancy tries to hide the truth about the night of the murder, and figure out a way to deal with her stepbrother to keep him from telling the truth.

What really happened that night, and how far will Nancy go to protect it.

I came here for the murder mystery novel, but walked away with a combination of murder mystery and historical fiction and it was done in the best way possible. Nancy's story of her past in the house, the murder and dealing with her stepbrother kept me on my toes. I just had to know what happened to her and what happened the night of the murder. And unexpectedly, the story of Elizabeth and the homes history during the war was captivating and could've been a novel on its own. Elizabeth's tale was one of true perseverance and strength that made me keep wanting more.
Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

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More like 3.5 stars. I’d like to thank netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. This is the first book I have read by this author and I enjoyed. Told between two women, Nancy and Elizabeth, one in current time and the other during World War 2, we find how their lives and stories intertwine and how the house, Tall Chimneys ties them together. Interesting plot and the story and characters kept me engaged.

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After the brutal murder of her mother and stepfather, Nancy tries to return to some normalcy in her life. But her stepbrother Martin, the one convicted of the crime will not let her move on. His obsession haunts her ... but so does the past of the house she's living in.

Alternating between two timelines, one sometime in the 2020s and one in the early 1940s, this is a book about female friendships, obsession, and betrayal.

Normally, I don't enjoy books with alternating timelines like this but this book was an exception. The writing style was incredibly clear and the stories in the timelines were distinct enough that they didn't cause confusion. I was definitely very engaged with this book and stayed up late reading it. It had me hooked from the beginning with the spooky atmosphere.

Without spoiling anything, the main conflict in the book is resolved rather quickly and there is a letter at the end that clears up any remaining questions. To me, this made the story kind of clunky. I would've enjoyed the book more if the things in the letter were revealed organically through either of the two narrators. Additionally, the epilogue didn't add anything - I think it was intended to have more of a punch but I just didn't get that feeling.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of Coming to Find You by Jane Corry, published by Penguin Random House Canada

I really enjoyed this novel, it's the first book I've read by this author, but would absolutely read more. I really like her writing style, the novel was easy to follow and events made sense
I liked the story being told in the past and present, how the past laid the necessary history for the present story to come together
The characters were well developed and described and likeable (or not), I connected with both main characters.
This was a good story about WW II, it's effect on individuals, family and their decisions during hard times. Story is told by Elizabeth in the past and Nancy in the present. Elizabeth is married and has a son whom her husband encourages to go off and fight for their country, Elizabeth is devastated. Nancy has just lost her mother and escapes back to Tall Chimneys to process and figure herself out.
This is a book I'd recommend to friends, great story line and I enjoyed the ending
I'd give it a 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4

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This is my first Jane Corey novel - it’s listed as a psychological thriller, which is why I originally noticed it, but I don’t know if I’d say that was the best description. In my opinion, it’s a work of fiction/drama

Coming to find you threads together two very loosely related stories; one set in World War 2 and told by a woman, Elizabeth and one set in present day, told by Nancy. If I’m being honest, I don’t believe the story needed to be written this way - the stories connect only in circumstantial details and both feel like they may have been better written as standalone stories.

I was intrigued by both Nancy and Elizabeth, and can’t say that one story was better than the other, per se. However, I think that if these had been written as two separate novels, both stories could have been teased out in a way that make them more appreciable. As this loosely interwoven plot, it’s hard to really immerse yourself and neither woman gets her spotlight.

The author does do a great job of setting the scene. Tall Chimneys sounds like a lovely place to live, and I could easily picture the home and the setting in my head.

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