Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book and found the breathing exercises and techniques useful. A lot of the information wasn't new but it is well presented and would be very useful for a beginner or someone already familiar with breathing techniques.
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Absolutely a great read, so helpful for my classes yoga and meditation. It was also full of history knowledge about breathe work which sometimes is hard to find. I will definitely be using this for my teaching classes in yoga, meditation and breath work. Must have for anyone into learning about breath or more knowledge than they already have.

This seems to just be a book about breathwork. Some of the breathwork exercises are good, but it’s nothing that I haven’t already learned through yoga practice. There isn’t much here about inner child work at all. Also, there is a strangely judgmental section about obesity.

The book offers an extremely basic introduction to the power of the breath and inner child healing. However, I didn't learn much that I already didn't know. The book is set in two parts, the first focusing on the breath and the second on the inner child, (with an off-putting, leave an amazon review slap bang in the middle). But it felt like an unfinished book. The author explains what she does to help, but doesn't offer much in the way of techniques to use, or really puts any effort into marrying both inner child healing and breath work together.
I hoped for more techniques, breathing practices, rather than repeating basic information.

The title of this book is extremely misleading and after reading I didn’t learn much that I already knew about mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. However, this would be a good introduction for such topics for a beginner but again I believe the title should be changed for that. I wish there was more inner child healing work within the book as that’s why I requested this book for review.

"Inner Child Healing With Your Breath" is a decent introduction n to meditation, yoga, etc. but will agree with another reader by saying I felt like the title was misleading. Lots of facts and buckets of information but what was feature in the book didn't coincide with the title.

I didn’t learn a lot from this book that I didn’t already know but it could serve as a good introduction to concepts like meditation, yoga, mindfulness; etc. I didn’t know the origins of the idea behind the power of words, kototama, and I liked reading more about it as I think it’s essential for understanding why affirmations and mantras are effective. I didn’t like the encouragement to “leave a review on Amazon” in the middle of the book, which tried to tie that promotion request to breathwork. I feel like the book’s title was misleading as there was a lot of focus on basic information and facts, while there could have been more on breath work and inner child healing.