Member Reviews

thank you netgalley, ashley tate & poisoned pen press for providing me with the arc for twenty-seven minutes

so i just finished the book & as im writing this and i have some thoughts, so let’s kick this off:

the description of the book really peaked my interest. the prologue and epilogue were both beautifully written. the prologue really grabbed my attention and pulled me in. the plot twist at the end was something i hadn’t been expecting at all, i sat in my bed shocked at how i hadn’t pieced the twist together in my own mind. i think it was a very unique idea (or maybe i haven’t read as many crime thrillers as i think i have) & i thought it was executed flawlessly, i just wish that it had been revealed a little bit earlier on in the book to keep it interesting.

the pacing was quite slow. like i mentioned before, the prologue really drew me in, but after about 10-15% in, the entire book draggeddddd until the last 10%. i know i just praised the epilogue for being beautifully written in my last paragraph but the end of the book was a let down. the reveal being in a casual conversation? meh. but the people who were killed at the hands (or rather the truck?) of my second worst enemy, grant dean, not getting justice? lame. the author not ending the book with grant in handcuffs or prison? lame!

anyway, back to the pacing. i was skimming certain people’s povs/chapters and that’s probably the reason i finished this book so quickly, otherwise it would’ve definitely dragged out longer. i liked the time jumps going back ten years to the night of the “event” for backstory but i didn’t like that in the present day, the characters were still living & acting like they were teenagers when they were actually like thirty. they also kinda acted and spoke like phoebe’s death was like a week ago & still fresh rather than ten years ago.

i wouldn’t say the cast was stale but they were unlikeable as fuck. kudos to the author if that was the point since they all have their own issues. grant gave like major fuck boy energy but double the manipulation/gaslighting & anger issues. the WORST one had to be fucking becca. MY WORST ENEMY. the pick me girl vibes that i got from her was enough to make me want to skip her chapters completely, but i also love drama so i sat through it. “i have trauma too i was there why is no one feeling bad for me 🥺🥺🥺” girl. by far the most unlikeable character for me.

i didn’t really connect with any of the characters but by the end of the book, june was the character i had the least amount of complaints about. (it’s 2 am does that even make sense?) it just me or were grant & phoebe very ….. incesty??? like the way she was so possessive of him & how other characters described grant’s love for her, i was like.. oh! okay then.

anyway to wrap up since i just be yapping at this point, thank you again to netgalley, ashley tate and poisoned pen press for providing me with the arc for this book

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This book was fine. It seemed really long with a lot of extra, unnecessary characters. It can get confusing at times to keep all the side stories straight and trying to decide what is important to the plot of the book as a whole. There is a paranormal aspect to the book and a twist at the end that kept my attention, but also it ended with some unanswered questions. It is written ad a duel timeline with multiple points of view, which I feel always makes a book better. Overall, this was an okay book that I think some people will really enjoy.

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👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼/5 Thank you to @netgalley for our digital ARC of “Twenty Seven Minutes,” by Ashley Tate. Release date: January 23, 2024.

West Wilmer is a small town with big secrets. When Highschool student Phoebe Dean is killed in a tragic accident 10 years prior, the residents deal with grief and loss of someone so young. It’s now the ten year memorial for Phoebe and some of the players involved in the accident have returned for answers.

This was a quick read that did leave me surprised at the end. I was interested knowing the dynamics between some of the characters and also the way the secrets of what happened that awful night impacted each of them differently. I did not see the twist coming-so, 🙌🏻 for that!

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I believe this is a debut author and she did a great job of writing a compulsively readable book - and I did not really like ANY of the characters, but this book plot still works very well.

I love anything with "a town" gets involved and anything can happen.

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This debut novel tells the story about Phoebe, a teenage girl in a small town who died in a car crash ten years ago and the impact her death had on her brother and their friends. There has always been speculation about what caused the crash and why it took her brother, the driver of the car, 27 minutes to call the ambulance. The upcoming ten-year anniversary of Phoebe’s death revives speculation as to what exactly happened that night.

The story is told from multiple points of view and alternates between the past and present. The novel starts of with a powerful scene but then turns into a slow-paced mystery. It is a dark read with the largely unlikeable, troubled characters dealing with grief and trauma, secrets, manipulation and lies. In fact, a large part of the story focuses on the impact of Phoebe’s death on the characters and on their unraveling due to their grief - this unraveling is well described. The unfolding of the mystery of what happened that night occurs near the end of the book and there is a good, unexpected twist; however, there was too much of a slow build throughout the novel for me. Fans of dark, character-driven slow-burn mysteries should check this one out.

Thanks to Penguin Random House Canada and Netgalley for this complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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While I am always grateful for the chance to read an advanced copy, this was not my favourite. There was such a dark and gritty feel to the book, so while the writing was atmospheric, it made for such a dismal feeling and I didn't enjoy reading it. With all the lead up, I was hoping for a bigger reveal at the end. Overall, the story was a slow-burn with an ending that felt rushed. I will admit, thrillers aren't my go-to genre, so I am hoping this will be better received by other readers.

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This was an unexpected Banger for me! It was full of shock, twists and extremely diabolical . It left me wanting more! I can't wait to read more from this Author. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy ride for this one! Bravo Ashely 5 stars from me.

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First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Ashley Tate, and Penguin Random House Canada, for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

Always up for a great thriller, I turned to this piece by Ashley Tate. With a story that spans three days in the narrative, Tate tells the story of a young man who waited a baffling about of time before calling the authorities, as his sister lay dying. As the story gains momentum, the reader learns more of the dark secrets that surround that night, as well as the decade’s worth of guilt that has haunted one man. Tate offers up a twist in the closing pages, when things finally come together for all.

It has been a decade and the small community of West Wilmer still ponders how Grant Dean could have waited an excruciating twenty-seven minutes to call for emergency assistance while his sister, Phoebe, lay dying. The car accident that took Phoebe was significant, but with no injuries of his own, Grant could easily have helped his sister. He did nothing and has held onto the reason for all this time.

As the ten year anniversary approaches, Grant is subsumed with guilt and memories about that night and his little sister. He knows that the secret that he kept will soon take him over, but it is too crippling to share it with others. He struggles, but knows that he cannot keep it to himself for too much longer. There was another passenger there that night and Becca knows what really happened. Will she keep the secret or tell the truth when asked?

While she was not there, June also remembers that Becca was in the car with Phoebe and Dean. Everyone remembers the tragedy that befell Phoebe, but June’s own brother, Wyatt, also went missing around that time. Now, alone and with no family to console her, she is thinking that she ought to reveal what she knows, if only to shed light on the truth as the anniversary approaching. Told over three days, with great flashbacks, Tate tells this story and ends with an impactful twist that no reader could have seen coming.

Ashley Tate does a great job at developing a strong story, filled with twists and just enough secrets to keep the reader intrigued. With strong characters and a number of keen perspectives, the story advances and develops with ease, without getting too bogged down in minutiae. The struggles of Deran, June, and even Becca come to life in this piece, which pushes the limits and keeps the reader fully involved.

The reader is left to grasp for any shed of evidence they can in this thriller, but ends up at the whim of a great writer and the narrative that guides them along through a number of red herrings. Tate keeps things on point and I could not have asked for more. I hope to return for another Ashley Tate adventure soon.

Kudos, Madam Tate, for providing me with a great story and a wonderful twist at the end.

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Anyway to get me hooked is to start out with a secret that I need to find out.

I haven’t read too many thrillers, the genre is something I’ve been picking up more and I loved this booked.

You get multiple POVs of the people who were involved, or affected by the accident that happens in the epilogue.

Each character had their own personality and I found it was easy to tell them apart, especially crazy Becca, I’ve never said “that’s not okay?!??” About someone doing so many things before.

I wasn’t able to predict the ending which I loved and I was very surprised by the way it ended but it all made so much more sense after everything was brought to light.

Thank you NetGalley and Ashley Tate for the ARC! 💚

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Although well written, this just didn’t intrigue me enough. I kept waiting for a ‘WoW’ moment but lost interest along the way. This one just wasn’t for me.
Thank You to NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada for this ARC.

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Twenty-Seven minutes is a suspenseful mystery that is told from the point of view of 4 main narrators. Occasionally you get the point of view of a tertiary character to better develop the story. It was easy to follow the different narratives and I found each voice to be unique in their viewpoints and struggles.

The characters were well developed and complex even though some were unlikable and deeply flawed. They all had a lot of demons they were either running from or trying to face.

The opening of the book has a great hook. It grabs you and doesn’t let you go. I had to know what really happened on the bridge that night. It was a mystery I needed to have solved.

Though I had many guesses on what may have happened that night, and what the great reveal would be - I did not see the ending coming at all. Which I absolutely LOVED. It’s a great feeling to actually have a mystery surprise you after you’ve read as many as I have.

*Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book for my honest review.*

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Round up to 2.5 stars. Twenty-Seven Minutes was an uncomfortable read for me, as I did not find the characters likeable or even understandable. As a result, I didn't root for a hero or heroine, and I felt the ending fell flat.

The names of the characters were also difficult to keep straight, and there was little distinctive description to separate Heather, Harley, Kelsey, June, Becca, and, even Phoebe. At times, the incorrect character was named, and I had to retrace my steps to find out where the plot really was going. Even the peripheral character were Linda and Lisa - and the various mothers living and dead, easily mixed up and mostly negatively portrayed. Elderly men and women also thrown into the mix, most using canes. I'm hoping further editing will fix some of these confusions, and cut some of the tedious internal monolog, adding clarity to the plot and if so, my rating would improve.
Perhaps this would do better with a younger audience (YA), as this school difficulties and pressures were clearly drawn. There is suspense, and a good depiction of how bad choices can have tragic ramifications.

Thanks to Penguin Random House Canada and NetGalley for an Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Why did Grant Dean wait 27 minutes to call emergency services after a car crash that mortally injured his sister? Ten years later, the town is still reeling from his sister's death and Grant is desperate to keep his secret ... but someone is coming back to town for the 10-year anniversary to expose him.

An interesting premise and the first 75% of the book is engaging and the reader is given all the tools required to solve the mystery along with the characters which is someone I quite enjoyed. However, the last 25% of the book didn't deliver. The ending/resolution felt rushed and missing important details. It was an unsatisfying read.

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I really enjoyed the story/story line of this book. The characters and the way they interacted was super interesting. I found it was too many POV’s for one book though, which made some storylines harder to follow.

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In "Twenty Seven Minutes," Ashley Tate's opening scene plunges you into the perspective of teenage Phoebe as she grapples with the threshold of life and death following a tragic car accident.

This debut novel employs a masterful narrative technique with dual timelines and multiple points of view, a true exercise in thought-provocation. The story unfolds in the three days leading to the 10-year memorial, featuring four intricately developed characters, none of whom are particularly likable. Paradoxically, their imperfections amplify the intrigue and suspense, compelling you to flip the pages with increasing urgency.

Amid the gripping narrative, the central question lingers: What transpired during those harrowing twenty-seven minutes? The thirst for truth becomes an unrelenting force, driving the characters to unearth the darkest secrets that loss, grief, and guilt had kept buried.

Ashley Tate's writing style tugs at the heartstrings, offering an exploration of the unbearable weight of sorrow and the haunting revelations that stem from it. The premise of this book is undeniably unique, and it manages to carve its niche.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, there were moments when the character dialogues led my focus astray. Additionally, the intensity of the story didn't quite align with the denouement, leaving a sense of anticlimax, and some questions remained unanswered.

Nevertheless, as a debut effort, Ashley Tate's "Twenty Seven Minutes" stands as a commendable achievement. Its innovative narrative structure, compelling character development, and ability to delve into the human experience make it worthy of recommendation to fellow readers.

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Twenty-Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate follows multiple characters impacted by a fatal car accident a decade earlier who are still haunted by the secrets they have been keeping since that night. 

It's truly a slow burn of a novel that follows multiple povs remembering what really happened the night of the accident. The mystery of that night takes a back seat for quite a while as the book focuses on the characters and develops their various traumas and how their lives interconnect.  When the book returns to uncovering what really happened that night, is when the book really shines. Overall a good debut novel!

*Rounded up from 3.5 stars 

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the ARC!

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This book held my curiosity the entire time! A powerful suspense about a tragedy that has traumatized a community for the past 10 years. I loved the introduction of multiple characters and POV. And that last 10% of the book? WHEW 😅 Manipulations, lies, truth, grief. This thriller sure kept me guessing till the end.

Thank you to @netgalley @penguinrandomca @ashleytateauthor for an DRC in exchange for an honest review

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This book definitely kept me on the edge of my seat! There were so many secrets discovered and I just kept getting farther and farther into a rabbit hole.

From start to finish this book had me on the edge of my seat! All the lies and deceit and just wow!

Ten years ago, there was an accident on a bridge in the town of West Wilmer. It took Grant twenty-seven (27) minutes to call the ambulance after the accident and Phoebe ended up dying.

There were three people in the car that night, but June remembers a fourth person no one else seems to remember. Someone who knows the truth of that night. The truth ends up coming forward on what really happened that night and wow, I didn’t see any of it coming!

I absolutely loved this book! All the twists and turns this book took me on, oh my goodness! I am here for it!

Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I had my eye on this book when I first saw it because the synopsis sounded amazing.

The chapters were short, and they ended in a way that really made you want to keep reading, so it did make for a quick read. I also enjoyed the back and forth with the timeline because I like that style of writing. I like getting little glimpses of the past to fill in the gaps of what had happened.

However, the characters became more unlikeable as the book went on, to the point where when the twist at the end came, I just didn’t care. And that sucks because the twist was a good one and caught me by surprise. But it just took so long to get there that I lost interest in the book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada and Ashley Tate for a copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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This book gets messy, first of all they were teenagers, in high school, next it was ten years, plus it’s a small town. I feel like this would’ve been more believable if any of those three things were shifted a tiny bit - maybe college, maybe 5 years, maybe they had moved away, not seen each other for a few years, like Wyatt. But you expect me to believe that a small town with this level of involvement and drama, and no one spoke about these things for TEN years? Tough.

This book moved relatively quickly, but I also found myself a bit frustrated with some of the characters and their communication abilities. I wanted June and Becca to demand answers, put their feet down, but it felt like the men really ruled these women in different ways.

All this aside, I still flipped pages like a mad woman to get to the bottom of this convoluted story. There were clues sprinkled throughout which kept you on the hook just enough to want to know if they pan out that way, or if a bomb was going to drop and shake it all up. The ending may be a shock to some, there was not huge jaw dropping twist necessarily - I could see 80% of it coming, and once you find out it does make a lot of sense

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