Member Reviews

A riveting debut novel! The plot was gripping, the characters were complex and richly drawn, and that twist! I can't wait for more from this author. Bravo.

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Ashley Tate understands grief and loss. This is a dark and gripping novel about how the death of a member of a community can impact that community for years. While it was a bit predictable in places and none of the characters were particularly likeable this book was takes hold of the reader and you are along for the twisty ride. A strong offering for this first time novelist!

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Easy to find yourself lost in this book... lost as in totally into the story.
Each chapter is written in a different perspective of the story which makes it easy to follow along. Definitely some feeling with this book. I throughly enjoy reading it.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book.

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This book hooks you the first few sentences. Then just keeps you guessing what's going on the rest of the time. It has mutiple point of views and dual timeline to help with the story and it helps build up to the ending. I really enjoyed this read and the twist and turns it had.

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"Nothing can keep the truth buried."

One thing that I have done lately is to give myself a few days to ponder a novel. I let it sit with me and see how it holds up over time. Do I think about the story and characters a lot? Do I continue to feel something once I am done? Do I have the often talked about BOOK HANGOVER? Twenty-seven minutes definitely gave me a book hangover.

Ashley Tate does an amazing job of pulling you in from chapter one, with an incredibly intense scene. If you ever wondered what it is like as someone meets their end... Ashley takes us there. Would we have these profound thoughts of our life, or would we be superficial in our thinking at the end? It left me with chills.

In my opinion, there are two heavy topics addressed in Twenty-seven Minutes, favoritism and survivors guilt. Whether its favoritism within a family or within the community, one thing that connects the individuals, is that they feel less than someone else. So you have a group of individuals, with their own stories, working through feelings of unimportance while trying to move on from their guilt.

Twenty-seven Minutes is worth your time. I really wanted to give this a 5-star rating, but one character in particular (*cough cough* Becca) was super annoying. But I understand her purpose.

Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the opportunity to read and review this dark and twisted story.

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Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada, Doubleday Canada and NetGalley for this ARC!

This was my first book by Ashley Tate and it left me sobbing! The story is told in POVs by multiple characters, and told beautifully. I was never left confused by what was happening and I just wanted to keep unraveling all the secrets.

5 stars!

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of Twenty-Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate, published by Penguin Random House Canada

This was a good novel, I enjoyed it, it was a bit of a challenge to keep the characters and their stories straight, but as I read it became more clear and I could keep them all straight. The story really got my attention and I didn't want to put the book down
The novel revolves around the 10th anniversary of Phoebe's death, the bridge she died on and the interaction of friends and family since the accident.
As the story is told by a few different characters, the reader begins to see how the relationships were 10 yrs ago and how they have developed to present day since the death of Phoebe. All the characters seem to have anger or psychological issues that become apparent during discussions about the accident and that stem back to the party and the accident. And then the twist at the end that I didn't see coming, awesome!
I would love to read more novels by this author and will watch for her next book

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Special thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
"Twenty-Seven Minutes" follows the story of a town still processing the tragic death of a teenage girl, Phoebe that happened 10 years prior. This book had well-crafted suspense and intriguing characters that made it a compelling read. One thing I loved about this book was that it was told from multiple different characters perspectives. The narrative unfolds with precision, keeping readers engaged and eager to uncover the truth.
From the opening scene, the author reels you in by staring with Phoebe’s perspective as she’s dying. “Twenty-Seven Minutes” creates a sense of tension that grabs hold of the reader. Throughout the book I was anxiously waiting to understand why it took Grant 27 minutes to call for help that night and what secrets him and Becca were keeping.
"Twenty-Seven Minutes" is a suspenseful mystery that will satisfy fans of the genre. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat waiting to uncover the truth of what happened that night.

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