Member Reviews

The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater is the perfect fall read!

Read if you love:
- Spooky books with a tangible explanation at the end
- Dual timeline
- Atmospheric writing
- Suspense and mystery
- Romance (as a sub-plot but so good)
- Gothic fiction

Jaime is such a fantastic writer. I love that she explored class issues and difficult feelings associated with adoption alongside a well-constructed mystery.

I highly recommend this one, and it’s the perfect read for fall!

Thank you to Bethany House Fiction for a gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

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The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater is written by Jaime Jo Wright. I’m a huge fan of this author and this might be my favorite book of hers. This is a dual time line thriller. This book kept me up reading late at night.

Greta Mercy has been dealt a rough hand in life. She lost both of her parents. Her brother was killed during the construction of the Barlowe Theater and they were on the verge of losing everything. When she accompanies her childhood friend Eleanor to a show she sees a woman in white throw an infant from box seats. However Mr. Barlowe tells everyone Greta isn’t a well woman.

Present day Kit is helping her friend Madison preserve the historical Barlowe theater. Madison thinks it’s a great idea to bring in a television crew. Then she goes missing. Evan the skeptic on the show and Kit start digging deeper into the theater history. She finds secrets that the town would rather keep buried. Someone will stop at nothing to make sure of it.

This book took me on a journey. The author throws in many twists and turns that I wasn’t prepared for. Evan and Kit make a great team while searching for answers.

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This story goes back and forth between 1915 and decades later. In 1915 Greta is trying to keep her family out of the poor house. Her oldest brother fell to his death while working on the construction of the Barlowe Theater. Now her next oldest brother has disappeared while in the theater. Years later Kit's best friend disappears in the same theater. The stories parallel each other with the strange happenings at the Barlowe Theater. As the story progresses, the mystery of the theater gets deeper and deeper.

I'm not a fan of stories that go back and forth in time. But this was a good book.

I received this book from Bethany House Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.

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The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater delivered everything I enjoy in Jaime Jo Wright’s novels: excitement, thrilling mystery, danger and an exhilarating story with a hint of romance. Some of this author’s novels get very dark in terms of the subjects and material which they touch on, this one doesn’t so much. It does go into attitudes towards the urban poor and disadvantaged and how these can perpetuate the cycle of poverty and crime.
Although I did enjoy this one, and I would certainly give it a re-read along with some of my other Jaime Jo Wright novels I didn’t feel there was very much new about it. I don’t know, except for the setting in a theatre, there was a lot that reminded me of the author’s previous books. Maybe that’s a good thing, as it gives the reader a sense of familiarity and so we know what to expect, I don’t know.

Also, I found the modern heroine a bit vapid. She’s like a lot of other female protagonists in mystery novels with little to make her stand out.

Thanks to Bethany House for approving my request for this title via Netgalley. This didn’t influence my opinions in any way and all opinions expressed are my own.

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This dual time novel will keep readers guessing as this tale of mystery and ghosts unravels. It was interesting to read how the hunt for the supernatural could be included in a Christian novel. Lots of twists and turns along the way will keep readers involved to the very surprising conclusion. Recommended.

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I love Jaime's books, and this one was not an exception. It was spooky and mysterious, with a dash of romance. I can't wait for what other stories she has in store.

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This is a perfect read for this time of year! To my knowledge, this was my first book by Jaime Jo Wright. It certainly won't be my last!

This novel has just the right amount of spookiness and suspense, and the author does a great job of immersing the reader in the story's world.

The story alternates between 1915 and present day in Kipper's Grove, Wisconsin, focusing on Barlowe Theater where people have mysteriously disappeared. The dual timeline format works well to keep the reader turning the pages.

The faith element is strongly presented without overwhelming the narrative. Without giving anything away, the story's conclusion definitely feels satisfying.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary e-galley; all opinions in this review are my own.

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This was just eerie enough to be a perfect “spooky season” read without turning me into a chicken.
It was moody and atmospheric, but I loved that all the bizarre things had a rational explanation behind them, and that it still kept God’s word in its pages.

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1915, Kipper’s Grove, WI

Greta Mercy and her family can’t get a break. Her parents’ untimely deaths leave Grace and her five brothers orphans, but the county allows her and her older brother to keep the younger boys. When Gerard dies while working on Mr. Barlowe’s sumptuous theater, Grace knows only a miracle will allow her to keep her dwindling family out of the poor house.

And everyone in town knows the rumors about Grove House, where those with power send the unwanted to live out their lives away from the public eye. But when Grace attends a lavish event at the theater with her rich friends Elanor and Oscar Boyd, she witnesses a horrible scene. In the aftermath, Mr. Barlowe and the police claim it never happened and charge Grace with disrupting the peace.

When her younger brother goes with two friends to investigate the theatre to prove Grace’s innocence, the three boys go missing. Who can Grace trust to help her find her brother before it’s too late?

Present Day, Kipper’s Grove, WI

When Kit Boyd’s best friend disappears on a ghost walk in the historic Barlowe Theatre, Kit feels frantic. Adopted at birth, Kit harbors a deep fear of abandonment—even though she’s had loving, adoptive parents from infancy.

Evan Fisher, the handsome host from the ghost show, surprises Kit when he offers to help her find Madison. Growing up in a Christian household, Kit has deeply held beliefs about ghosts and hauntings. She doesn’t expect anyone on a show about ghosts to have faith in the Almighty.

Someone vandalizes the food bank where Kit works, and Evan insists it ties in with Madison’s disappearance. Kit reluctantly agrees when someone tampers with her car, and she has a wreck on the way home. The only way to feel safe again is to find Madison and put to rest the notions of a haunted theatre once and for all.

What I Loved About This Book

Wright has penned another creepy ghost story where the impossible seems possible, and nothing is as it seems. Her use of time shift keeps the novel flowing between centuries and highlights the truth that evil always exists, and powerful people will go to any lengths to have their will done.

Readers who grew up in adoptive families will relate to Kit and her struggles with fear of abandonment. Greta’s story of determination will inspire readers to never give up despite overwhelming circumstances.

Fans of Kristy Cambron will love this book.

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BOOK REVIEW - The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater - Jaime Jo Wright - 3.5/5 Stars

I'm a massive fan of Jaime Jo Wright, so I had very high expectations for this story, especially with its nod to The Phantom of the Opera and Peter Pan, two favourite stories of mine. Unfortunately it didn't quite meet what I was hoping for. Overall it was a good story and definitely got much better the further you read. JJW's tales are usually a bit dark and morbid but this one also had quite a depressing air to it. Kit was such a glass-is-half-empty kinda person even though she's surrounded by good people who love her and speak truth into her life. I did love Greta and her love interest was a lovely surprise, I loved seeing her view of him change as she got to understand him better. JJW isn't known for having much romance in her stories but this is probably the least romantic of them so far. Maybe that's why I didn't enjoy it as much, I do loooove my romance stories.... Anyway I would still highly recommend giving this book a try! Especially if you like mysteries, history, and suspenseful books that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

This story was a welcome reminder that God is constant. He's the one thing in life we can count on to never change and to always be there. People will disappoint and hurt us, the will pass away or leave but God never will. Everything about Him is constant and unchanging, His love and forgiveness, His hope and promises, His presence and comfort. Build your faith and trust on Him and He'll not disappoint you.

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I'm not usually one for wanting to be scared or anything creepy, but I have read all of Jaime Jo Wright's books and found that they are the perfect read for this time of year! I enjoyed getting to know the characters in this story. It was truly sinister to have people disappear in the early days of the theater and then in modern times. Greta and Kit both feel like they must race against the clock in order to save those they love.
The suspense in this story kept me up late reading to figure out what happened! I thought that the history was interesting, and loved the historical notes at the end. Whether you like to be slightly terrified or just enjoy a good, historical read, this book is an excellent one to pick up.
I received this book from Bethany House publishers. This is my honest review.

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As ever with Jaime Jo Wright, this is a great October read--the perfect spooky book for the Halloween season!

Interestingly, it's probably the first one I could get away with reading at bedtime--but it defo had its share of scary scenes! Maybe my new living quarters in the southern USA gave me sufficient Vitamin D (amidst 80-degree weather this weekend--what even is this?! Haha!) to resolve, or at least lessen, my typical "deliciously scared" inner Anne of Green Gables when I read Wright's books, haha.

I was entirely fascinated with the plot and its denouement--really wasn't sure what to expect. And to find out that much of it was based on the real Al Ringling Theatre and its own events?! Wow! Today I learned!

My favorite part of all Wright's books is the theology element--and that absolutely met my expectations in _Lost Boys_, too. So, so good!

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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When a television ghost-hunting host wants to do a show at the Barlowe Theater, things get ghostly when a young lady disappears while leading the crew through the theater. Locals think it's haunted and it's widely known that young boys have been lost inside and never seen again. I enjoyed hearing the tale of the past and maybe it's finally figured out in the present. Interesting indeed!

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Wow! This was just an amazing unputdownable story that beautifully intertwines Christian and mystery together. A very unique genre that Jaime has become a master at writing. She has become one of my favorite go to authors over the years and this story is now one of my favorites!

We follow Kit and Greta Mercy, two women separated by centuries, yet connected by unforseen circumstances. The dual points of view is something that I loved about this book and how it interweaves and connects together their stories is absolutely stunning. Through their tragedies both woman are able to find strength and peace within themselves. The mystery elements were intriguing and kept me flying through the pages to keep me beyond connected to the characters' stories and how they were unfolding. Her characters are always relatable and easy to fall in love with.

The loosely based story about the Barlowe Theater started by a Ringling brother and shrouded in mysterious stories about children lost in walls, floors and tunnels was very interesting. It made me immerse myself even more into understanding what was going to happen. I just couldn't put this book down at all!!

Love, strength, mystery, friendship, hope and peace is what in a nutshell I believe this story portrays. I will be talking about this book and highly recommending it to everyone I know!!

Thank you Bethany House and Netgalley for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Once again Jaime Jo Wright has provided her readers with a masterpiece of storytelling. The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater has just the right blend of spooky legends, intriguing characters, mystery and romance within the pages of the dual time novel.

The story bounces back and forth between 1915 and present day in the Wisconsin town of Kipper’s Grove and most of the action centers around the infamous Barlowe Theater where people have died and/or disappeared.

The historical account features poor Greta Mercy and her wealthy friends Oscar and Eleanor Boyd. When Greta’s brother disappears, she will do anything to discover what happened to him. With the aid of Oscar and Eleanor, she takes multiple risks to discover the truth.

Present day narrative features Kit Boyd who agreed to be present with her friend for a taping of a popular psychic show in the theater. When her friend disappears, Kit too is determined to solve the mystery, With the help of one of the show’s hosts, Evan Fischer, they are met with roadblocks at every step. As they search for clues, they discover some of the past history of the theater.

I thoroughly enjoyed The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater with all its unexpected twists and surprises. As is always the case with Wright’s books, there is eventually a logical explanation for everything. However, it is always fun to experience her delightfully spooky tales that hint of supernatural involvement. It was a perfect tale for autumn reading.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group. A favorable review was not required. All views expressed are my own.

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And...another Jaime Jo Wright book slides into a trophy space on my bookshelf.

This story had me guessing from the very beginning. Having a psychic/medium in a Christian fiction book is quite a risky move, but in true Wright fashion, all the pieces fit together by the end. I kind of loved how odd Kit was. She was very much her own person with some unique interests (insects) and I love how she and the past timeline heroine, Greta, were so different yet went together so perfectly.

The "love triangle" in the past timeline was done well in my opinion, it kept you guessing without the stress of her choosing the right guy. (Spoiler she ends up with the right one in the end.) And I was pleasantly surprised by the ending of the present timeline. I won't say more than that but I found both endings very satisfying.

The faith was present, although light.
The romance was very light but still good.
The story itself was brilliantly executed.


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The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater is a historical mystery set in two time periods - 1915, when Greta Mercy's brother goes missing at this mysterious theater, and recent years, when Kit Boyd's friend vanishes there.

I wanted to read this novel because the theater setting intrigued me. I recently read another novel by Jaime Jo Wright, so knew I would enjoy her storytelling.

This is a compelling, can't put it down read with two mysteries and lots of twists and turns! I recommend it for fans of historical fiction, historical mysteries, and atmospheric reads.

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“Sometimes death came quietly. A phantom swooping in and siphoning the last remnant of a soul from one’s body, leaving behind a shell of a person who once was and would never be again. Other times, death decided that dramatics coupled with terror were its preferred method of delivery. Tonight, that was the chosen form death took” (location 50). What a great, creepy start to a book, especially right before Halloween. It immediately sets the tone for the book.

Wright is THE BEST author for dual timeline books. She’s the ONLY one I recommend reading without hesitation. The stories take place in 1915 and the present and there are clear correlations. History seems to be repeating itself. In both cases, danger lurks and the only way out is by figuring out the mysterious secrets of the Barlowe Theater. There are some twists and turns all along the way.

In the present, a ghost hunter show gets involved and I understand Kit’s struggle with accepting help from a psychic. She struggles to see how a person of faith should respond to something her family considers demonic, especially when it seems to be producing results.

This is a great read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you to Bethany House for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This is a contemporary timeline novel at which Wright excels in. I love the way she writes and weaves in eerie characters and their puzzling ways and habits. If You have never read one of her novels then you have missed out completely. This one is no exception to her way of writing. Barlow Theater was supposed to be a place of entertainment but it just so happens that it’s a place of death and also a mysterious disappearing of people never to be found again. You will be enthralled as you hold on to your seat and follow the incidence of both the present and the past. I thoroughly enjoyed this book as I have all of Wright’s books. I find myself wishing that her next book would be out and published in a couple of months but alas we must wait, because writing these fascinating novels takes quite some time…. Thanks to Bethany for another great novel and allowed me to read and review it.

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This was such a haunting read! This story is shared by two points of view separated by generations. Two young women who are both impacted by loss at the same theater. The author skillfully weaves a mystery around you as she takes you on a journey to discover the secrets hidden in the theater.

. The plot line of adoption and Kit’s struggle between knowing she is loved but expecting that love to run out were heartbreaking. It echoes the struggle I’ve seen some of my friends face.

This is a clean read full of faith and just a tad spooky

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