Member Reviews

Wright’s latest book showcases the stark differences between classes in her historical arc and explores the believability of the poor’s words and the injustices suffered by those who find themselves ‘less than’ in a cultured society. Wright tends to deal with heavy themes in her books and in this one’s contemporary arc the ideas of adoption and its lasting effects are delved into delicately but realistically.

Through it all, Wright manages to weave mild romance throughout her mystery with a solid thread of Christ’s love and acceptance. For those concerned with the realm of mystique that appear in some of her books–readers should know these topics are dealt with from a faith standpoint.

If reading books filled with intrigue, well-formed characters, love, and Jesus are your thing then Wright’s latest installment will not disappoint.

Disclaimer: The publisher offered a complimentary copy of this book. The review was given freely, without payment and is my honest review. .

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The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater is another spell-binding read from author Jaime Jo Wright. I was excited to be given a copy through Library Thing. It is a split-time story with mystery and edge-of-the-seat suspense that lures the reader in immediately and doesn't let up. Readers are caught up and compelled by the lives of the characters and their stories. Wright has permeated the story with mystery, drama, and emotional tension as well as some intense action. I liked how the mysteries of the Barlowe Theater are woven into the present story of the contemporary characters. This is a book that readers who love a great suspense book will not want to miss.
I read a complimentary copy of the book and was not required to write a review. The opinions are my own.

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I read this book in one sitting. Which is the second Wright book that I’ve done that for. And this comes from a mama that rarely sits down to read anymore!
The Lost Boys of Barlow Theater was so captivating. With such a large cast of characters, I was worried that they’d feel lackluster or blended together. My goodness was I wrong. Every single character blossomed to life, every single character was detailed and nuanced and they all felt so real.
And the ghosty mystery!? So many twists and turns and secrets revealed, I couldn’t stop reading. I loved how this book was spooky but not horror creepy. Wright is a master storyteller in this area, and I cannot wait for more books from her.
Also, Jamie Jo Wright, I’m going to need you to jump into the romance department for a hot second because I need more Evan and Kit!

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Extremely atmospheric and a tad spooky, The Lost Boys of Barlow Theater is trademark Jaime Jo Wright. It's the perfect read for Fall.

I don't quite know how she does it, but Wright has a knack for exploring the darkness and easing it into the light. Her stories aren't always easy to read...

but they are guaranteed to provoke thoughtful conversation and insight into what it truly looks like to walk in the light as He is in the light.

Bravo for sharing your talent with your readers! I received an advance copy from the publisher. My review is honest and not solicited.

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Another creeptacular dual timeline from the Christian goth queen! While this one didn't give me quite the same spooky vibes as some of her other books, this book was fraught with mystery that spanned generations, potential spooks, unexplained (until the end) disappearances and of course, a message of hope. The book opens in the historical timeline when Greta Mercy witnesses a woman in white dropping an infant over the box seats at the theater in the middle of a performance. This one event becomes a turning point for Greta's life as major life instances spiral from that. This same event becomes a catalyst for Kit in the modern timeline as her best friend Madison vanishes into this air during a ghost tour walkthrough in the old Barlowe theater. Questions about the validity of both the woman in white and the lost boys hover over the plot through the entire story in both timelines.

In addition to a stellar plotline and a mystery that kept me turning pages, there were subtle romance threads in both timelines. Themes of adoption and abandonment, poverty and social structures, and reliance upon God to overcome hardships were prevalent throughout. All in all, this was a thoroughly enjoyable story with elements for fans of all genres and one I can heartily recommend. Special thanks to Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for an advance e-copy of this novel. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

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It is another eerie, secret-filled, masterfully written dual time novel from Jaime Jo Wright. The two timelines are seamlessly melded together yet the main characters, as well as the secondary ones, in each timeline are uniquely memorable. In this story, we are transported to Kipper's Grove, WI, in 1915 when the recently built Barlowe Theater in town threatens all that Greta has left. In present time Kipper's Grove, Kit is emotionally and physically haunted by her best friend's disappearance, sabotage at workplace, and menacing bodily threats. How the disappearance of Greta's brother and Kit's circumstances tie together is absolutely mind-blowing. Twists and turns and surprises along the way will have you hanging on for an adventure you won't forget.

Though wounded by tragedy and sting of poverty, Greta was quite lovable with her fiercely loyal and determined spirit. Oscar and Eleanor were great side kicks as Greta went searching for her brother.
Kit, adopted as an infant, had her own battle with abandonment to face, in addition to battling confusing and heartbreaking incidents. Evan was a logical, level-headed person to lean on and I really enjoyed watching their friendship bloom.

With intricate plot, well-developed characters, and wonderful reminders about faith, The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater will thoroughly captivate you as only a Jaime Jo Wright book can.

I received a compliment copy courtesy of Bethany House Publishers via Interviews and Reviews and LibraryThing and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.

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If you're looking for a book featuring: fake ghosts, voodoo, and a psychic medium, look no further. I wanted a "Christian mystery thriller book." Not this. Jaimie Jo Wright sure disappointed me with this one.

I do not recommend to anyone.
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and I read and reviewed of my own free will. All opinions are my own.

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I always love how JJ Wright can write a creepy, haunting story with absolutely always a real-world, natural explanation for all the ghostly encounters + experience.

"Kit mumbled an apology to the Almighty, who was probably rolling His eyes at their attempt to mess with the spirit world. But this was Madison. She believed ANYTHING was possible. Kit had been raised to believe that this type of anything was probably demonic. There had to be a middle ground. Hadn't there?"

For a tiny second there this quote had me worried about the direction this book was heading. A middle ground? No thank you. I absolutely believe there is a spiritual world that we have not even the slightest understanding in, with Satan trying to snare believers and unbelievers alike. 1 Peter 5:8 clearly proves this truth. We can't change anything (or, 'mess with the spirit world'), but we can always fight the devil with prayer. Anyway, this is a tangent on a topic that isn't even a big deal in the book, because everything gets clearly resolved. I just had to pause when I read that part, because it gave me as the reader a chance to question what was real and what wasn't. And in this scenario, I don't think that's necessarily a good thing.

Anyway, this book features a medium psychic who thinks she can speak to the underworld, which was all clearly explained away by the end. However, it left me thinking I could have spent my time reading a good, solid theological book on spiritual warfare instead of a book with fake ghosts and voodoo/psychic medium stuff. This is something I've never had before when reading one of JJ Wright's books. Again, I love her books. But I guess I'm feeling convicted more and more lately of what kind of material I spend my time reading, and how profitable it really is in the grand scheme of things. So this review isn't a knock against this book (because it really was executed very well!), but I'm just not in the headspace lately for books that make me question what reality is actually true.

But if that's your thing, go pick up this one because it really is a thrilling read. Both timelines are executed and intertwined brilliantly. Not to mention, the subplots in both timelines (especially the historical) are incredibly complex and not the typical topics brought up in most Christian historical fiction. I would recommend to anyone who loves thrillers and haunting stories.

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The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater
Jaime Jo Wright
Oct. 10 2023
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Christian fiction
I enjoyed this dual-time tale, two women-separated by a century yet bound by the ghosts of the past pursue light in the face of darkness.
Jamie has done it again! I highly recommend this book for people who prefer clean fiction and aren’t afraid to enjoy a good scary Gothic book.
5 stars

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One thing I love about Jaime Jo's stories is that they are really creepy, yet not without the hope of Jesus. No, she doesn't preach!! But she just has really good stories. If you follow her on social media, you'll also see that she's a fun person. Anyway, as for this story, it's split time, but easy to follow. And there is a mystery in each time!!! It also keeps you guessing until nearly the end!! Enjoy!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance e-copy of this book! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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My second Jaime Jo Wright and it was just as eerie as my first!

The synopsis of this one totally caught my attention…

•The elegant Barlowe theater
•An incident of a ghostly figure and a baby witnessed only by one
•Missing boys
Decades later…
•Ghost hunters walk through the Barlowe and a vanishing occurs.

Told in a dual timeline… and utterly haunting. I was nervous to pull this out in the dark of the night to read. Jaime puts you into the depths of the theater with her atmospheric descriptions. This is a perfect book for Fall to deliver those eerie vibes with also the topic of social issues.

I’m so excited for whatever Jaime has coming next!

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The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater by Jaime Jo Wright is an exciting, dual-time mystery filled with Wright's penchant for creepiness. I guarantee you will not be able to put this book down!

Our two main characters are Greta and Kit. Greta Mercy has lost her parents, her oldest brother, and now another brother, Leo, to Barlowe Theater. She risks everything to find him and the other boys who went missing inside the theater. In the future, Kit Boyd's friend Madison goes missing in the same theater during a ghost walk. With the legend of the lost boys ever present in her mind, Kit is determined to find Madison and put the haunted stories to rest.

I loved how the author merged these two stories from different eras together. As Kit uncovers more information about the lost boys in her time, Greta begins her search for her brother Leo and the other boys with him when they go missing. Each era has its own dangers and dangerous people, making this book hard to put down. I honestly didn't know who to trust!

If you love mysteries and ghost stories, you will love The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater. I highly recommend it!

I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Bethany House through NetGalley for my honest review.

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With ghosts, secrets tunnels, and missing boys, The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater by Jaime Jo Wright captures the attention and does not let go. I love all the spooky elements and the hunt for what really happened. I love a good ghost story, and Wright delivers. I love searching through the basement and the well-described setting of all the places. The two-time slip time periods are a nice touch. I enjoy seeing the past play out to show what the present-day storyline is trying to solve. The present-day heroine was adopted, so it was nice to see the hurt from being abandoned or chosen to give up as the hurt and lies the character believes. This was a different take on a character that I liked. On the other hand, the past character had both parents dies and struggle to keep her brothers and her together. Overall, The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater by Jaime Jo Wright was a spooky story with all the thrills mixed with the historical element that I love. If readers enjoy historical mysteries, and you have not tried Wright’s stories, then now is the time to start. I will definitely own the book.

I received a complimentary copy of The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater by Jaime Jo Wright from Bethany House Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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