Member Reviews
I was looking forward to this arc for the longest time and it didn’t disappoint, bring on book number 2 which is Emily’s sisters story ! It was such a fun read and I loved how it highlighted some very serious topics at the same time in a way I felt was sympathetic and sensitive. A perfect second chance at love with a bit of revenge in at the same time.
Also will note, If my mother did will Emily’s mother did. I would not be able to show my face in public ever again, let alone a dating show !
What's worse than your mother going on national tv to petition for you to be the next bachelorette on a reality dating show? Getting picked and showing up on night one to find out that your ex-boyfriend, the one that smashed your heart to smithereens, is a producer of the show. Yikes. That's the first time Emily sees her ex Jake after seven years... as she's getting set up in front of the mansion to meet her 30 suitors. Talk about awkward. Emily is as determined to show Jake that she's moved on and is as unbothered by him as he is to try to sabotage her path to love and show her he still cares. They swing from flirting to messing with her dates faster than you can say “here for the right reasons”. Just as much as the book swings between humor and heart. While the connection between Emily and Jake feels a little forced, I always appreciate a second-chance childhood romance when there’s forced proximity at play. And I’m looking forward to the sequel that was queued up at the end of the book with her twin sister.
When Emily is signed up for a tv dating show against her will, she finds herself more concerned with the ghost from her past on the production team, than the lineup of eligible bachelors waiting to date her. This was a really fun story, and although the ending itself was somewhat predictable, there were so many unexpected twists and turns along the way. The pace of this book is also really great if you have a short attention span! Definitely pick this up if you’re looking for a lighthearted romance, however check the trigger warnings beforehand.
Miscommunication ( a bit too much)
Reality Show
Second Chance Romance
The Love rematch is a fun behind the scenes look at a Bachelorette type show.
Emily Ann needs a man <- the sign her mom shows on a GMA like show with a juicy tip about the next love interest on the new season of The Love Match. Than Emily Ann is swept up into a whirlwind from normal jewelry designer/flower shop worker to being the star of the new season.
Jake, Executive Producer of The Love Match, is Emily's first love who left her in the middle of the night and just never communicated back.and is now in charge of all the Men who are whooing Emily to be her Match.
Lets just say this whole book could have been 50 pages if the two main characters actually had a conversation about their past. However the book is fun quick read.
I was blessed enough to receive this arc from @netgalley and Kay Marie but the thoughts and opinions of this review are my own.
This was such a cute read. This was a book based on a reality TV show that is bachelor/bachelorette style, and as a fan of the bachelor I ate this up. It was the it was the perfect balance of TV reality show drama, big real behind the scenes, emotions and feelings past traumas and current debacles. Jake and Emily are ex’s that are forced together on the dating show that Emily now stars in and Jake produces. You fall in love two main characters, as well as a few of the side characters or main characters. They have a lot to unravel before they can be together. The fact that they are able to get through all the hurt and deal with the past is quite special. There are so many sweet little moments and flashbacks from their past, as well as laugh out loud moments and the perfect amount of spice. I literally read this book in one sitting and could not put it down and hope hope hope that there is more to come in this world
This book definitely needs a few trigger warnings. There are definitely some scenes that could cause people to be upset. That being said, I enjoyed it. I didn’t really feel like Jake and Emily had THAT much chemistry but I really liked Emily so that kept me reading. I reallllllly liked Sam though. I wish she was actually in the book more spice level on this is 0.5/5. There’s scenes that allude to it but nothing really happens more than making out. It’s a cute safe read if that’s what you’re looking for. It’s also good for people who might be fans of the bachelor or bachelorette. I guess I’m learning that miscommunication just isn’t a trope I’m a fan of but that doesn’t mean others won’t enjoy it.
How much do we love forced proximity, lovers to enemies to lovers again, second chance love stories? So, so, much! We were lucky to receive an ARC of the newest release from Kay Marie, The Love Rematch (The Love Match Book 1). Our episode was an absolute lovefest.
A Little Bit of Plot
Seven years ago, Jake and Emily were high school seniors, in love and ready to start their lives together. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Jake leaves in the middle of the night, cutting all contact. Fast forward to the present, and Emily’s mom is begging America to find her a boyfriend on national television. Overnight, Emily is the new star of hit dating show, The Love Match, with Jake unknowingly signing on as a producer. Call them both blue spruces, because there’s a lot of pining.
What we liked about the book
- How Kay Marie incorporates conversations and occurrences from the past into the present to get a better understanding of the overall story.
- It’s low-key brilliant that the man who jilted the heroine (who he claims is the love of his life) has been tasked to find a husband for her for his job in front of all of the U.S.
- The characters are very likable.
- Reality television is called out for the cesspool it is.
What we didn’t like as much
- We needed more interactions between Emily and the beaus.
- Jake needs to speak to a professional and he needs to understand that he’s not the same person as his dad.
- Jake, ‘real answer’, is all over the place with what he wants from Emily.
Overall, this book was amazing and we absolutely adored it. For more of our thoughts on the novel plus, our Stuntcasting for Emily and Jake, find our show on Spotify!
The Bachelorette with a second chance romance? SOLD. This book had me hooked from the beginning.
When Emily wakes up one morning to find her mom on national television announcing she’s single, she finds herself on the new season of The Love Match. Not only that but she gets to reunite with the man that broke her heart 7 years ago that also happens to work on the show.
Gosh this book. I loved it. I enjoyed reading from both Emily and Jake’s POV. We got to see a lot of characters growth from both of them, together and separately which I loved. The ending has me hyped and hopeful that we get a Sam and Conner book because I freakin loved them. Sam was iconic and I want her in my life.
If you love slow burn, second chance romance that’s a little more on the heavier side then I highly recommend picking this beauty up!
Thank you so much to NetGalley for the e-arc! This beauty is officially out tomorrow so make sure to grab a copy!
4.5 stars
“She’s the new lead of a hit dating show. He’s the producer. And seven years ago, they were in love. Let the games begin…”
Loved this one - Perfect for fans of the Bachelor/Bachelorette! This book gives second chance, it’s always been you, first love vibes with slow burn and some miscommunication. A little cringy, especially moments with the bachelor guys, just like in the actual show. There are some heavy issues, but all in all the book is pretty light and I could not put it down! Very angst-y and entertaining. I also enjoyed the behind the scenes look into a reality show (which sounds awful tbh), and loved Emily’s twin sister - need book 2 NOW!
Thank you @Netgalley and @KayMarie for this ARC!
This book was so cute! I do like watching reality TV every now and then, and this felt story felt like I was thrown into a TV show, which was different from anything I've ever read before! I think anyone who is into reality TV would love this book.
I liked our main characters Emily and Jake, and liked how we got both POVs. Although, the third person writing wasn't my favorite (it usually isn't) because sometimes I feel like I don't get to know the characters as much, but that's just a preference of mine!
There were a lot of characters. It makes sense as Emily is on a dating show, and there has to be a cast and crew. I'm just not sure if all the crew members that were introduced were crucial to the story. I often found myself confused on who was who and who did what part in terms of their job on the show. I did like how the story wrapped up at the end with a few surprises.
Overall, this was a great second chance romance (my favorite trope) and would recommend to anyone looking for a fun romance!
Thank you Net Galley and Kay Marie for the opportunity to read this ARC!
Throughly enjoyed this read. A great 4 star for me!
I really enjoyed the entire plot and idea of this book, the whole ‘bachelorette’ show (known as the love rematch) was already a winner for me but to then add the hilarious way our lead, Emily, actually gets cast for the show. So good and fun!
Emily’s character was everything I expected her to be. I particularly loved that although she may seem like the nice and quiet girl, she could also stand up for herself and had a short fuse when it came to ‘assholes’ and certain topics.
Her twin sister Sam was definitely the unruly and louder one, her introduction in this book was nicely done, although I do wish to have had read more interaction with her but I am aware she is getting her own book so I can NOT wait for that!
Jake, the ex-boyfriend had a lot of layers to him and although I really didn’t like his choices and found the reason why a little cliche at first, when we started to get a little more back story to what happened in the lead up to that choice, it did make sense.
On that note… what happened seven years ago was so well written, it was a plot twist I didn’t see coming! A topic that so many people can relate too but can also be touchy, the end when we get the aftermath explained from Emily, wow, I really didn’t expect it but it was so well written and introduced.
This book deals with a lot of hard topics but still remains fun and romantic. I still found it an easier read due to how light hearted the overall plot was and characters but I am glad we still had some harder topics too. It added depth to the fun story and characters.
Looking forward to the next book! I will definitely be picking it up.
When Emily’s Peters mom decides to take her daughter's love life into her own hands, Emily ends up on a dating show. The fact that it puts her in the role of desperate single is not the worst thing. Because what could be worse than being on a show where she has to date handsome contestants in front of the show's producer- the man who broke her heart seven years earlier.
What I love about books is the suffering of the main character after he hurt the heroine. Especially if it's written from his point of view. Oh and Jake suffered! I adore him. On the one hand, he seems confident, but he also has many doubts about his worth. Reading how he had to watch the love of his life date other people made me feel a pang of jealousy myself. Emily is an easy character to relate to. Strong, after many hard experiences, independent, a little lost, on the one hand in love but on the other hurt and seeking revenge. Reading this book felt like I was watching a romantic comedy. I really liked the memories of the past, which I usually don't like. I must also admit that I rarely manage to be surprised by the development of a situation, and here I did! To sum up: 5 stars are not enough! I'm sure this book will be a hit on booktok and bookstagram. At least I hope so, because this book deserves it.
Gdy mama Emily Peters postanawia w swoje ręce wsiąść życie uczuciowe swojej córki kończy się to udziałem Emily w programie randkowym. Fakt, że stawia ją to w roli zdesperowanej singielki nie jest najgorsza rzeczą. Bo co może być gorszego niż udział w programie, gdzie musi randkować z przystojnymi uczestnikami na oczach producenta programu- mężczyzny który siedem lat wcześniej złamał jej serce.
To co uwielbiam w książkach to cierpienie głównego bohatera, po tym jak skrzywdził bohaterkę. Tym bardziej jeśli jest opisane z jego punktu widzenia. Oh i Jake się nacierpiał! Uwielbiam go. Z jednej strony wydaje się pewny się pewny siebie, ale ma też wiele wątpliwości co do swojej wartości. Czytanie jak musi oglądać miłość swojego życia randkującą z innymi sprawiało, że aż sama poczułam ukłucie zazdrości. Natomiast jeśli chodzi o Emily jest ona postacią z która łatwo się utożsamić. Silna, po wielu ciężkich przeżyciach, niezależna, trochę zagubiona, z jednej strony zakochana ale z drugiej skrzywdzona i poszukująca zemsty. Czytając tą książkę, miałam wrażenie jakbym oglądała komedie romantyczną. Bardzo podobały mi się wspomnienia z przeszłości, których zazwyczaj nie lubię. Muszę też przyznać, że rzadko udaje mi się być zaskoczona rozwojem sytuacji a tu się to udało! Podsumowując: 5 gwiazdek to za mało! Jestem pewna, że książka zrobi furorę na booktoku i bookstagramie. Przynajmniej mam taka nadzieje, ponieważ ta książka na to zasługuje.
This was just angsty enough for me and I loved it. Jake had reasons that seemed good at the time for leaving Emily but Emily just never knew what they were. He was such a troubled man and I love him. The two of them never stopped loving each other. All of their stolen moments together were super cute.
I received an arc through netgalley.
Jake and Emily met in high school and fell in love over ten months, but they always knew they would have to separate after graduation. Him to Los Angelos to become a movie producer and her to design school in New York. But she never expected him to just disappear and leave her heartbroken. Now she's working in her mother's flower shop and growing her jewelry designs business in her spare time leaving no time for romance. She's shocked to see her mother on national television begging America to find her a boyfriend. Even more shocked when, after the story goes viral and she's invited to become the lead on Love Match, her producer is none other than Jake himself.
It destroyed Jake to leave Emily back then. Her face still haunts his dreams seven years later. But what becomes his nightmare is fixing up the love of his life with another man for tv ratings. He wasn't good enough for her then... he's still not good enough for her now. If only he could convince his heart of the same.
I'm definitely not a fan of the Bachelorette show, but a rom-com second chance close proximity book with this setting was fun and unique. I like the dual POV throughout the book that shows each character's perspective with sprinkles of their past thrown in for added drama. I was wondering how this was ever going to work out for them and was thrilled by the ending and the hint at the next book featuring Sam and Cooper.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
5 WHOLE STARS !!!!!!!!!! 🌟
This was so freaking good —even though I'm not a big fan of reality shows, I absolutely adored this book!
This is a second chance rom-com that follows Emily Peters who is a busy entrepreneur juggling her mother's flower shop and her own jewelry business and has no time for romance until her mother's plea for a boyfriend on national television goes viral. Suddenly, Emily finds herself cast as the lead on the dating show, ‘The Love Match’, only to discover that her ex-boyfriend, Jake, is the producer. Intent on revenge, their animosity transforms into attraction as they confront their shared secrets and conflicted feelings, leading Jake to realize that finding Emily a new fiance is the last thing he wants to do.
As my first Kay Marie read, I found myself expectantly surprised to see how amazing this novel was and how good it was written. I am now very much looking forward to the author's next book!
A big thank you to the author and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. The Love Rematch by Kay Marie will be coming out on October 16th, 2023.
Review: The Love Rematch - Kay Marie
I was lucky received this book as an ARC on NetGalley.
The Love Rematch delivers a captivating and emotionally charged story of love, second chances, and the complexities of the entertainment industry. Emily Peters, a woman dedicated to her flower shop and startup jewellery business, has no room for romance in her life—until her mother's desperate plea for a boyfriend on national television changes everything.
Thrown into the spotlight as the new lead of the hit dating show, The Love Match, Emily's dreams turn into a nightmare when she discovers that her producer is none other than Jake, the man who broke her heart seven years ago. Their past, filled with unresolved emotions and secrets, resurfaces, sparking a fiery battle between them.
Emily's thirst for revenge and Jake's ambition to secure a promotion create an engaging and dynamic backdrop to their rekindling relationship. As they clash behind the scenes, their undeniable attraction and the ghosts of their shared history refuse to be ignored.
The Love Rematch is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with witty banter, heartache, and the possibility of redemption. Readers will be swept away by the magnetic chemistry between Emily and Jake and will root for their love to triumph over past wounds and present obstacles.
This novel is a must-read for fans of second-chance romances and behind-the-scenes drama, offering a tantalising blend of passion, humour, and heart. Get ready to be enthralled by Emily and Jake's journey as they navigate love's unpredictable game once more.
Rating: 4 / 5⭐️’s
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This book surprised me in the best kind of way. I went in without much in the way of expectations (honestly I just liked the cute cover), and although it took me a few chapters to get into it, I was quickly hooked. I was set on not liking Jake from the start (I was appalled that he had just up and left in the middle of the night), but inevitably I fell for him. Hard. The author has done an amazing job at highlighting the character's redeeming qualities in this book and readers will find themselves falling too.
This was a fun and addictive read and the short chapters and alternating POV held my attention and had me wanting more at the end of each chapter. I enjoyed the build up and longing between the two main characters, and I felt that was just enough of miscommunication and emotional trauma between the two without being too heavy.
I also thought this book was a good length overall and had the perfect balance of plot driven and character driven content to balance it.
Readers will like this book if they enjoy
- The Bachelor/reality dating shows
- Dual POV
- Slow Burn
- Second Chance Romance
- Forced Proximity
Am looking forward to the authors next book and will be subscribing/following her!
Thanks to #NetGalley, the publisher and author for this ARC in exchange for an honest review
“I’m yours as long as you’ll have me. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you if I have to.”
First of all, I want to thanks Netgalley for providing me this ARC.
The love rematch is romance stand alone book, here you’ll find:
✨Second chance romance
🩵Forced proximity
🎥Dual POV
💋Reality show
This was a fun, lighthearted and cute read, I really enjoyed it. I always love a second chance romance and this one was good🥰
I really liked the main characters and I loved how the author included Jake and Emily's backstories into the book and I really enjoyed the flashbacks of the two of them in high school.
If you are looking for a light and flowing read, this could be for you.
The Love Rematch was such a cute and sweet second chance romance - I liked it quite a lot! It is Bachelorette style, with some changes to the names of things from the actual show (I’m sure due to trademark), and that is a show and plot I have really enjoyed every time I’ve come across it.
Emily is an identical twin, single for many years, and the story begins with a phone call from her sister Sam waking her to turn on the national Morning Show because their mother is making a spectacle about getting her (Em) on as the next Bachelorette, after a scandal with the current one that hasn’t even broken the news yet… somehow it works and she agrees to do it, to help her business and brand, and get over her ex from 7 years ago - who is never far from her mind, or all of the terrible life events she went through since.
Jake, the ex who abandoned her 7 years before, without even a goodbye, happens to be a producer and bachelor wrangler on the show - and from the moment it’s announced that Emily is taking over the lead role, he knows he’s in trouble.
One for everyone (clean - just kissing), and definitely a recommendation from me! If you love second chances, secrets finally being aired out, twins having each other’s backs like nothing else, and Bachelorette style storylines, this one is definitely for you! I can’t wait for book 2 and Sam’s story, now!
I received an advance copy from NetGalley and Kaitlyn Davis (the author), and this is my honest feedback.
“The Love Rematch” by Kay Marie is a second chance romance of epic proportions.
Emily and Jake are scorned exes even after 7 years, bent on never forgiving each other or the past. But when Emily’s mom goes in National TV and tells the world she needs to be the next lead in a reality dating show, she’s swept up in a whirlwind….and right back into Jake’s life as the producer of the show.
It’s giving Bachlorette vibes throughout and I was here for it! It is a closed door romance so that lost a star for me because we all know I’m a skank but damn, it was so cute I (almost) didn’t miss it. Excited to read her next in this series!
“The Love Rematch” is set to be published on October 16! Make sure you snag it! You won’t regret it!
@netgalley #netgalley #theloverematch #kaymarie