Member Reviews

This is the third book I've read by Carola Lovering, and I've loved them all. She is masterful at writing from the points of view of different characters and in different timelines, but this is never confusing and works really well to round out the story. I wouldn't call this a thriller, mystery, or suspense novel--although it is tagged that way in some places--since we always know what happened. The only suspense is in waiting to find out when Billie's deceit will be discovered and what punishment awaits her, but that was perfectly fine with me. I enjoyed the dynamics of the women's changing relationship and found Billie likeable and understandable, despite her actions: Cassie was by far the more unsympathetic character for me. Carola Lovering is now one of my favorite authors and I very much look forward to her next book. Many thanks to St, Martin's Press and NetGalley for an e-ARC of this book--I thought it was great!

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First off – 3 stars is a good read, meaning I enjoyed it but it missed a few elements that would have elevated it to 4 or 5 stars FOR ME.

This is most definitely not a mystery/thriller, despite the blurb and the unfortunate title. Not that the story isn’t without merit, just know that going into it. Best to just avoid the blurb as it gives too much away.

This is an exploration of obsession and a toxic friendship that defies understanding - until you realize the reasons behind it.

Cassie and Billie have been the best of friends since childhood, and bonded together in inexplicable ways. Now in their 30s, Billie remains unmarried and childless, while the term “gold digger” is an understatement when it comes to Cassie. She married up in a big way, is a new mom, and is now an “influencer” on IG. With her new life and rich friends, she has cast Billie aside.

Billie is deeply hurt and can’t let it go. She goes to extraordinary means to maintain the friendship, which is clearly is one-sided.

I admit to being frustrated with Billie’s character in the beginning, but we eventually learn why Billie is trauma bonded to Cassie and it all starts to make sense.

Let’s just say Billie needed years of therapy. I would have enjoyed it more if the author had included a therapist or the psychology of her character’s behaviors in the narrative. It’s no secret to anyone who has followed my reviews that I love psychologically complex characters and I would have loved to have seen this theme explored further. I had to stretch my understanding of the psychology of trauma bonding to understand it.

There’s a shocking incident that brings things to a head, and we finally get the backstory on what happened all those years ago, which sheds light on Billie’s behavior.

For me, I think the author tried to include too many themes in the story: sexual abuse, Alzheimer’s, remaining childless by choice vs motherhood, social media, influencers, etc….it’s a lot.

I also thought the evil villain in the story was a bit of a cartoonish caricature, and only needed to twirl a handlebar moustache to complete the picture. I like my villains to be a bit more nuanced.

I read 90% of this in one day and I did love the ending and the themes, even if the execution frustrated me at times. It generated a great discussion with my reading buddy, which always makes a read worthwhile.

• I received a digital copy from NetGalley for review. All opinions are my own

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Bye, Baby centers around a complicated friendship between two women who have been by one another’s side through the toughest moments of their lives, but have more recently drifted apart. Though it might be more intentional than it intentionally seems. Until, Billie hears the feral screams of her (toxic) best friend Cassie after her daughter has been kidnapped. Unfortunately, as she hears this, Billie is cradling her friend’s daughter. Yikes. The story then jumps between various points from their many years of friendship and present day in the days following the kidnapping.

The novel is not quite the thriller that the description would have you think. I expected more action from the description, but Lovering creates a different, more subtle kind of tension that grows between these two women. And it’s really more of a dive into the dynamics of female friendships, especially those childhood friendships as they transition into adulthood.

I did find the novel enjoyable to read and I couldn’t put it down because I had to know how it was going to end. But I did feel myself cringing through the whole thing. Sometimes because I was meant to, other times because I felt certain situations could have been easily avoided by the characters and impractical that they would actually occur. I was also a bit let down by the ending for the same reason. One character saw a lot of growth and development while the other reverted back to her old ways. Now, that may be the point but I can’t say that I was a fan of how that character’s problems were easily resolved.

There are other little things that made this work less for me, like the mention of brand names constantly--though I do think it was to help illustrate the divide between Billie and Cassie, I still didn't love it, I feel it can date the book very quickly--and I found both main characters unlikeable.

While I don’t think this book worked on all levels for me personally, I did enjoy it and some the characters, like Alex. And while I don’t get traditional thriller vibes, I do think fans of thrillers will still enjoy this novel. It has the suspense, the tension, and good pacing that keeps you turning the page and wondering how it ends, even if it's not exactly a mystery for you to solve.

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This is one of the best thrillers I have read in a long time! It is the story of Billie and Cassie, two best friends from middle school who are now in their mid-thirties. These two friends live very different lives, with Cassie being a micro-influencer who enjoys showing off her lavish lifestyle, including her husband and child, and Billie working for a luxury travel company. One night we find out that Billie has taken Cassie's baby. This story is told through both girls' POVs and flashbacks. A definite must read.

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This is my first time reading a Carola Lovering book after seeing a lot of great reviews on her work. 'Bye, Baby' is a great introduction to the author's incredible ability to create charged moments, high intensity feelings, and showcase broken relationships.

I think this book is less of a thriller and more an exploration of a decades long friendship between two very different women. I found myself a little underwhelmed by the actual climax of the story and more intrigued about how the relationship between Billie and Cassie would evolve throughout the book after everything that has happened between them.

This didn't have me hanging on the edge of my seat, but I was so intrigued about how the relationships would play out that I finished this is one day.

Cassie was so annoying (in a good way) and Billie's attachment to her makes so much sense in the context. Lovering did a great job showing a fractured friendship where one person isn't ready to let go yet.

My only issues with the story center on Billie and her lack of depth between the dual timelines. I wanted more insight into how she feels about her actions and the changes between her and Cassie. At times, it felt shallow and I think that took away from the story at points.

Overall, 'Bye, Baby' is a quick, engaging read and I'm interested in reading Lovering's other books!

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A tension-filled decades-long look at the rawness of need - the things we think, or perhaps are lucky enough to know, we need - to make us whole - and what may be unleashed in our compulsion to find them.

Told in the alternating intimate first-person POV voices of Billie and Cassie - two young women who meet as pre-teens - and following their complicated, emotionally-intense friendship through ups and downs that criss-cross time, culminating in at least two traumatic events as heartbreaking as they are inevitable.

As Billie, (seeking redemption in love and acceptance), and Cassie, (who has subrogated the allure of wealth for intimacy), each face their own demons, their fierce dependence on each other is threatened, as the foundation of their lives shifts through the competing dramas kicked off by their collective and individual experiences in childhood, college, career, relationships, and motherhood.

This fascinating, deep, dark look at friendship is both touching and troubling, and will appeal to readers of psychological suspense, domestic thrillers, and anyone who enjoys taut character-driven journeys.

A great big thank you to #StMartinspress for an ARC of this book. All thoughts presented are my own.

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Another reviewer described Carola Loverling books as "compulsively readable" and that's the perfect description for how I felt about Bye, Baby. It was literally unputdownable, once I started, I got nothing else done and read it over just a few hours. The dual POV between the women was ~chef's kiss perfection~ because I love mess. I also thought the incorporation of someone becoming an influencer was perfect for a present-day story. We've got the person doing the influencing, sharing that their life isn't actually what they're posting, and then we've got the other person watching their stories and obsessing, even though they can't get a call back. I just loved the dynamic it created and the way it spurred the story along.

This was a really, really fun read, and definitely one I'll be recommending!

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Billie West and Cassie Barnwell had an intense friendship. They were inseparable, shared each other's dreams and secrets, and oftentimes seemed like two minds merged into one soul. The dependency of Billie continued on past that of Cassie and that is what the story revolves around.

Cassie desired the world of fame, fortune, and moving in circles she had once dreamed of, while Billie, was always left on the outside, an introvert, a woman bearing secrets that made her even more dependent.

When Cassie casts her off for the world in which she moves, now rich, now semi famous, now married to money with a child, Billie is devastated and tries in every way to work her way into that inner circle.

Both girls share big secrets that deal with trauma and while Cassie moves on in a big way, Billie is left in a valley of despair and desperation. It all comes to a head one night when Cassie is having a huge birthday party for his wife and Billie is not invited. Then tragedy occurs and Cassie's baby is taken.

The girls grown to women show the difference between the ability to cope with trauma or the inability to do so. They both fall apart in different ways and feel they have no one to go to except one another.

This was an interesting look at how people perceive things, having many side elements, like rape, instability, social class, abortion, not wanting children, influencers, and alzheimers disease. Too many issues cloud the story and make the original story get bogged down in the other side issues. Unfortunately for me, it added elements that were not fully brought out and made for a somewhat tedious story.

Jan and I had quite a lively discussion from the book so of course that made it a worthwhile read for us.

Thank you to Carla Lovering, St Martin's Press, and Net Galley for the ability to read this story due out in March of 2024.

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I was totally sucked in by this one. The first chapter really sets the scene for what’s going to happen later in the book. I had no idea I was actually going to be on Billie’s side, given what happened in the prologue, but j just couldn’t stand Cassie. It was so interesting to read about how their friendship changed throughout the years and to finally get to the reason why they were so close and wouldn’t let each other go. I enjoyed reading both perspectives, but ultimately related the most with Billie (although I would NEVER do what she did!). I wasn’t sure how to classify this novel, as it wasn’t really a thriller. I ultimately decided on suspense because it does have you on the edge of your seat. I loved this book!

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Carola Lovering is one of my favorite authors ever and I was SO excited to get the opportunity to read this ARC of her newest book. Every book she writes is a remarkable, jaw dropping, page turner, and this book was no exception. I loved how this explored the complicated and ever changing relationship between best friends and what it’s like when you grow apart from someone who was once so important to your life. I also really enjoyed the social media/influencer mom subplot and the setting in New York. These characters were very relatable and reading both of their perspectives made me resonate with the story even more.

Definitely check this book out when it’s released in March 2024 and in the meantime if you haven’t read “Tell Me Lies”, “Too Good to Be True”, or “Can’t Look Away” I highly recommend each of those!

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This tells the story of a long standing friendship between Billie and Cassidy. We meet them as adults and then flash back and forth to when they were younger and how their friendship has now changed dramatically. Its an intense story that definitely kept me turning the pages. The character of Cassidy is pretty awful, but I think that's purposeful to reflect the awful influencers that we have these days. Biliie is pushed to her limit in the friendship and does something awful to Cassidy...but in a way you are rooting for the friend who did the bad thing???? Overall I loved this look at friendship, trauma and the long term effects of it.

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This was an intense book about Cassie and Billie. Their lives have always been intertwined, but Cassie has been pulling away. Billie does something drastic and changes everything. This definitely kept me turning the pages! I really enjoyed reading this.

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The Bye Baby storyline is one of my favorites - a long term friendship of two women whose lives have changed over the years and one of them strives to keep it alive. We all have them and deal with them in different ways. Cassie and Billie suddenly become close again as the result of an incident. Bille basks in the glow and Cassie regrets the estrangement. What follows is a heartbreakingly well written portrait of two women who entwined pinkies and swore allegiance to each other. It’s a thriller too, and the women, especially Bille will stay in your head.

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I was obsessed with this book from the prologue. Child abduction stories freak me out but I also have a weird obsession with them (if they get solved/happy ending). This story also has a major plot line of a friendship breakup which felt very relatable to me post baby. I oddly loved the MC who is kinda a villain but the better of the villains? I was rooting for her and didn't want anything bad to happen. Like I said, I related to her.
There were a few parts of the story that made me roll my eyes but I was rather pleased with the ending. This is one of those books where I will be half way in and just know there is no possible good ending. There is no way the author can salvage the mess. But I was pleasantly surprised by the closure the ending brought me.
This doesn't release until 2024 but it is one to keep on your radar!

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I was so excited when I saw a new Carola Lovering book was coming out! Such a fantastic, yet underrated author.

Bye, Baby was yet another outstanding novel and it's going right to the top of my list of 2023 favorites.

Billie and Cassie have been friends forever but recently Cassie has been trying to leave Billie behind. Billie just won't accept it and is desperately trying to hang on. (Seriously, Billie, it's super cringy. Let it go.) But then one night Billie happens to be in the same building that Cassie lives in and somehow ends up with her baby.

This was a great book! I loved it, even cringy Billie, and was able to get through it quickly. Another well done novel from Carola Lovering.

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4⭐️ Y’all… this book stressed me TF out! I flew through it because I NEEDED to get to the ending because I could not stop thinking about it. I saw myself in Billie’s character a lot. Her best friend is now married with a baby which has caused a monumental shift in their relationship. One night Billie makes a rash decision that alters everyone’s lives.

Themes that I identified with:
How friendships change over time
The differences in having kids vs not having them
How society treats childless women
How social media can take over our lives
The pressure women face to have children
Quantity vs quality friendships

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Looove this author - she writes multiple perspective domestic thrillers like no one else. Lovering is so great at relating her characters to our everyday lives. The way she describes friendship, romance and life is so relatable!

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Before I read the book I naturally looked at the reviews to prepare myself for what I might embark on.....I found them to be both misleading and insightful. This book is about friendship changing and growing as they do from childhood to adult. We begin with Billie who is borderline obsessive over her friend, Cassie who....I am not a fan of. They try to make you feel for both women and understand them each.....well I just can't wrap my head around Cassie. I found myself siding with a kidnapper?! Don't get me wrong....she messed up and was wrong but I felt for her! The book was a quick read with ups and downs to keep you going.

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4 stars-Cassie and Billie meet and become best friends in middle school. The story takes us from their teen years to now and how their lives have changed. What I liked-the writing. The author is very talented at writing a captivating story about the two women. What I didn’t like is Cassie. She is such a shallow, self important character who feels like the world should revolve around her every whim. The in between, I understand Billie’s character, but…I am going to leave the rest unsaid. I think reading it for yourself will give you an idea of where I am going with this. I also liked the ending…it felt to me to be exactly as it should have ended. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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All I can say is… this ain’t a thriller the book description is trying to make it seem to be.
*insert Jay Alexander confused gif here*

Lots of shallow sh!tfluencer vibe with Cassie.
But not gonna lie I actually liked how the author made this character vapid. Pretty much sums up the sh!tfluencers you see on social media.
Oh and Billie… three words… SIMP BEST FRIEND
The book was weaved in a suspenseful manner just so the reader can see an unfinished and lazy ending.

i would give it a 2.5 but 2 is more adequate.

thank you netgalley for the copy in exchange of my HONEST REVIEW.

btw good for you if this book worked for you but it didnt on me.

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