Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read this ARC!

MY GOODNESS THIS BOOK! I received an email from St. Martin's Press letting me know that they wanted send me a copy of this ARC based on my pervious reviews with them. I was a bit skeptical because I had not personally picked out this book to review but I liked Carola Lovering's pervious books so I decided to give it a shot. Let me tell you, this book is phenomenal. I was in a bit of a reading slump but this shot me right out of that hole. It was a fast paced dual timelines/POVs, what more could I ask for? Oh yeah, it was also a bit of a psychological thriller mixed with the sometimes messy friendships that come with being childhood bestfriends. Carola Lovering did an excellent job of keeping the reader invested from the prologue. The writing was so entrancing and made it feel like a movie; the reader could see the play out that was Cassie and Billie's friendship from their teen years to today. Although you get to see both sides (past and present) through the respected POVs it really makes the reader wonder, who really is more at fault? Is Billie really as "crazy" as Cassie's new friends lead her to believe or is Cassie just that much of an manipulator?

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review.

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I shelved EVERYTHING to read this book. The blurb totally hooked me. Carola Lovering does a phenomenal job at giving the readers relatable characters with intense well-developed back stories. BYE, BABY was no different. I’ve never understood when people say they wanted to toss the book or their kindle across the room but that is exactly how I felt when I finished this book. Cassie was detestable and I wanted nothing more than to see life humble her. Billy I adored and completely related to. She was genuine and was clinging to a friendship that she didn’t understand why it had become one sided. That kind of rejection is hard. This book evoked a lot of feelings as a woman who has experienced friendships like this. I highly recommend this book!

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Lovering’s books are always satisfying and compulsively readable. And highly underrated in my opinion. This book delivers a double punch- not only is it a thriller (and a great one at that)—it’s also a commentary on friendship and social media and toxicity and childfree women and so many other things. This one’s a must read in my opinion.

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First things first: I loved Carola Lovering's debut novel Tell Me Lies, which at times felt so excruciatingly true-to-life I feared she'd read my diary. So with that context, I'll admit I started off skeptical of Bye, Baby, which seemed far less realistic - how does someone accidentally kidnap their frenemy's baby?! But by the halfway point, I no longer cared about plausibility - I was absorbed and more than willing to go along with every twist and turn.

The dynamic between Billie and Cassie, who are lifelong best friends (if you ask Billie) or who have grown apart for the better (if you ask Cassie), is taut, discomfiting, and completely riveting. The balance of power between them is always clear - though not always consistent!

I will say I don't think the blurb strikes quite the right tone. It implies (1) that it's a total mystery to Billie how she wound up with Cassie's daughter, and (2) that the story revolves entirely around Ella's kidnapping. (While critical, it's not all-encompassing - and I found the aftermath the most fascinating part anyway!)

So to be clear, this isn't your classic who-dun-it thriller - or, as I originally imagined, a plot that feels in large part like it could have been lifted from your own life. (At least, I hope no one can relate too directly to the specifics!) But if you're willing to suspend some degree of reality for the sake of a great story, and if you're intrigued by complicated characters and treasured yet toxic bonds, I strongly recommend. (And if anyone at Hulu is reading, Bye, Baby would make for a spectacular screen adaptation! Just saying...)

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.

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Carola has become one of my favorite authors. When I saw this book come to my inbox I was so happy!! Carola’s writing just keeps getting better and better. Bye, Baby was SO GOOD.!

I loved the New York City setting and a glimpse into the life of the wealthy. The two main characters both had very interesting POV’s. The pacing was also perfect as were the twists that crept up throughout the book. . The roof incident I was able to predict as the scene unfolded, yet it didn’t take away anything from the book at all. I loved the characters of Remy, Jane, and Alex. As for the two main characters,Cassie and Billy: one I liked, the other I did not care for and was angered by her actions in many parts of the story. . If you have already read the book you will likely know which female main character was likable, despite being flawed. I felt sorry for her many times as the story went on, especially regarding her mother’s health matter.

I love books about female friendships and this friendship was very twisted. Bye, Baby was an unputdownable, clever book. I really loved it.

Many thanks to NetGalley and to the publisher for the ARC.

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Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering A fast paced, gripping read. Multiple POVs, mutiple timelines which are all well written and expertly interwoven. Billie was the bestest friend (except for that one misstep), Cassie not so much.
Thank you to Marissa Sangiacomo for recommending the book and the author,,St martins publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Kindle Copy for Review from Net Galley and St. Marin Press.

I received a free, advance copy of this book and this is my unbiased and voluntary review.

Two childhood friends who drifted apart as they got older sets this scene for this thriller.

One fatal night that will change their lives as a baby disappears but somehow ends up in the arms of the friend. What really occurred and why the baby was taken.

Deep look into friendships that you have taken for granted a the unlike happens. You will be drawn into the drama of these two friends

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