Member Reviews

Bye, Baby follows two main characters who were childhood friends that have drifted apart in the recent years. The book is told from both character's point of view. The first, Billie, is still working through her emotions about previous relationship as she searches for a new partner. The second, Cassie, who is married with a newborn while also managing a brick-and-mortar store while being a micro-influencer. Both characters have a deep history, being best friends through childhood all the way through adulthood but they also share traumas as well. The plot really picks up when Billie 'accidentally' kidnaps Cassie's infant. (None of this is spoilers, it is all listed in the description of the book).

I really wanted to love this book, and although I did enjoy it, I felt like I spent the entire book waiting for the other shoe to drop. Which might be the whole point of the book to be honest. And, to be fair, is told to you up front, but in many mysteries set up like this, it often feels like "will they get away with it", but throughout this book I felt "when will she be discovered". I think this difference is the main reason it isn't a four/five star review for me. Throughout the book it felt like Billie will be discovered for kidnapping Cassie's infant, it was a matter of when, not will it ever happen. I also spent half the book cringing, not wanting to be a fly on the wall when Billie was discovered.

The part I really enjoyed about this book was the battle we see Cassie and Billie have with holding on to an old friendship. I know I personally have struggled with trying to maneuver friendships that feel as though they have faded. I regret the distance between them and as many people say losing a friend is often harder than a breakup. So I enjoyed seeing both sides of this fictional friendship, and how the two people involved could both have different but valid perspectives of it. I mean, don't get me wrong, this book showcases the two extremes that could occur and showcase a toxic relationship, but there is a bit of me that felt as though I understood at the same time.

I agree with a lot of the reviewers in that this book felt more like Women's Fiction rather than a mystery. I think having that mindset going into it I would have enjoyed it a bit more.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Publishing for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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BYE, BABY | Carola Lovering

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Format: 📱thank you St. Martin's Press for my gifted copy!
Read if you like: dual povs // influencer reads // messy friendships // UNDER THE INFLUENCE // SUCH A FUN AGE

I have a feeling that I am going to be in the minority for this one! 🙈

Don’t get me wrong I read this one so fast - mainly because I couldn’t get enough of these characters who are HIGHLY unlikeable and I was so curious about what would happen, but even because of that it still fell flat for me in a few ways.

I also want to say that I have read and loved all of Lovering’s books before this one! I did like this one, but it’s definitely not my favorite.

I liked -
✨ the multiple povs - I feel like it gave an insight into both Billie and Cassie’s characters
✨ the commentary on womens friendships and how things inevitably change over time and circumstances
✨ the pacing at times made this book very hard to put down

I didn’t love the characters. YES they are made to be unlikeable and they absolutely were, but even so they were kind of annoying to me? I wanted to shake them both. The entire baby being taken and how that happened was also annoying to me and it made it very hard for me to not think about only that the entire time. Whomp whomp. I think this is undoubtedly a me problem, so I think if you are the least bit intrigued you should give this a shot!

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I'll be happy to provide a detailed review once St-Martins Press addresses the boycott and fixes the issue.

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I was really invested in this book the whole time, but I felt like the ending kind of let me down. Billie and Cassie's friendship was really frustrating. I definitely was on Billie's side the whole time. Cassie is very self absorbed and selfish. I liked the back and forth of the book. We get present day and then we jump back to when their friendship began and we see how they got to where they currently are. Overall, it was a good read.

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I'd like to thank Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Never thought I would side with or be so invested in someone who kidnaps a baby but this book had me feeling sorry for the main character, Billie.

I think this story is relatable to those who have grown up with a best friend who you thought would be there forever and then one day they are just not in your life anymore. Where that friendship just falls away and you move on, but in this case one of them can't move on. All through the book I could not see the appeal of wanting Cassie in her life.

This was a great thriller and I appreciate the two views, now and then points of view. It gave so much insight as to why they were friends and so bonded to each other.

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"Bye, Baby” by Carola Lovering
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Publication Date: March 5, 2024
Many thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC of this book. All opinions below are my own.

This is my second book by Carola Lovering and I just love her writing style! It’s captivating and leaves you flipping pages to find out what happens next.

This story is a dual timeline/dual POV story of two friends, Billie and Cassie, who became inseparable as teens and what life is like now as they have grown up and grown apart. When tragedy strikes Cassie she finds herself desperate for the one person who knows her inside and out, Billie. Though they haven’t spoken regularly for years Billie comes running to Cassie’s side—while this may not be the smartest decision Billie just can’t help herself when it comes to Cassie.

I found myself loving and understanding each girl while simultaneously hating them. This is because of Lovering’s fully fleshed out characters, which makes the story so much more enjoyable to read. My only complaint is that I would definitely not classify this as a mystery/thriller but rather a drama/slow burn.

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4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A story of friendship, love, trauma and grief. This story leans more heavily contemporary fiction with a hint of thrill/mystery than true thriller/mystery but the story was beautiful.. I was fully invested in this friendship through all its ups and downs. The ending felt rushed and a little unrealistic compared to the rest of the story but overall I recommend picking this one up and giving it a go!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review

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This is a fast-paced, psychological thriller that leaves you in constant need of turning the best page up until the very end. Although I felt some parts were a little too intense and chaotic for me, it is an intense dramatic story that is quite the quick read!

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Thank you to St. Martin’s for the advance copy of Bye, Baby.

Billie and Cassie were best friends who lived through some pretty tough moments together when they were teenagers. Unfortunately times and people change, and with that has come a distance in their relationship. Cassie is married to a trust fund guy and working her way through being a mom for the first time while also running her boutiques and becoming a pretty prominent influencer. Billie on the other hand is treading water without the desire to have children and not overly interested in finding a partner. While Cassie is totally fine in her life without Billie, Billie is not. She misses Cassie & is desperate to be a relevant part of Cassie’s present again even though there is an obvious disconnect and strain whenever they do see each other. On the night of Cassie’s birthday party - to which Billie was purposely left off of the guest list - Billie ends up at Cassie’s apartment building to feed her boss’s cat and while there hears Cassie’s daughter screaming relentlessly from the terrace above her. And so, she does the unthinkable and snatches Cassie’s little baby girl.

I have several Carola books on my TBR, and even own one or two others but this was the first I actually read and I was impressed. It’s such a wild plot that it’s hard to imagine how it can be done in a way that has me invested & believing in what’s going on, but it was done well.

I could not stand Cassie, not at any point in the story, and although there were moments where it was easier to feel some sympathy for her overall I was far more sympathetic to Billie. As a person who doesn’t let go of the past or relationships easily, Billie was a far easier person to connect with regardless of her flaws and (big) screw ups. I’d love to know if Carola intended for readers to connect with one main character over the other or if it was a social experiment to see who readers ended up feeling a stronger connection to. Both were flawed in very different ways, but also both in ways that so many people could be guilty of. They both contributed to creating a toxic friendship, whether unintentionally or not, and I enjoy when a thriller can make me think about things in my own life and kind of reflect. Because thrillers do tend to be a little far fetched to stay entertaining it’s not rare to get to relate so closely to characters. (I promise I have never stolen a child from my estranged friend…or anyone for that matter).

I enjoyed the flow of the plot and the timeline, we got plenty of backstory in a nonlinear format but without detracting from the current events that also tied together ‘how did we get to this point as a friendship?’

Overall super fun read, high suspense and easily read in a couple of sittings. Can’t wait to get into some of my Carola backlist!

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Secret pasts, frenemies, catty women, and a missing baby. Carola Lovering’s new book Bye, Baby has all those things in her new book and more. The characters are unlikeable, but entertaining in this slow burn mystery. A fast, engaging read!

Thank you to #Netgalley and the publisher for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a slow start book but picked up. Told from two points of view and two different time frames, this tale of childhood friendship drew me in.

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First of all, I would consider this more domestic suspense as opposed to psychological thriller and I think that is good to know going in. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and to have a neck breaking twist that kept my jaw on the floor, but it never happened. I felt like this book started out strong: we have two childhood 'best friends', Cassie and Billie, who are more estranged as adults and have a toxic friendship. The first chapter opens where Billie is holding Cassie's baby, whom she has kidnapped, and Cassie is calling her in a panic. I was sucked in from the first page, but the story fizzled as it went along. Why did Billie steal her bestie's baby?? I needed to know.

As the story unfolded, Cassie and Billie's backstories came out, including their childhood friendship and an illusive 'event' that happens with them and makes a major impact on their relationship. There are some trigger/content warnings (sexual assault, kidnapping of an infant) to be aware of, as well. Cassie is now an influencer and the type that is annoyingly posting stories all day long about how perfect her life is and how great being a mom is, which grinded my gears and had me more sympathetic to Billie, but also made me confused because we are supposed to hate Billie because she freaking stole a baby! So I did like how the author was toying with my emotions.

Like I mentioned, it started strong, but ended too easily. There wasn't much accountability and you will need to suspend a lot of disbelief.

Thank you to @netgalley for the #gifted advanced digital copy. #partner

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Bye, Baby is the story of two best friends.

Billie and Cassie met in childhood and were inseparable. But, as with many friendships they change and evolve. They eventually begin to live separate lives.

One is living the life of new motherhood and the other is jetting all over the world for her job.

I felt sympathy for both main characters at different times. Many other emotions were felt throughout the book. It's hard to describe this one without giving it away. Speaking of giving it away, I wish there had been no prologue. It wouldn't have changed the outcome, but might have added another level to the story. But, that's just me. I like to read books without knowing about them first.

There were many thought provoking moments. What would you do in this situation? type of thoughts.

This is the first book I've read by this author and would definitely read more.

Quick and easy read.

Thanks to netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the arc.

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Wow, This was definitely a page turner! I simply devoured this book.
There’s POVs from best friends Billie and Cassie that gives us a a look into their childhood. Then there’s present Billie and Cassie which is where the friendship is broken, there’s avoidance, obsession, kidnapping and regret. It’s such a well developed story. I highly recommend.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for providing me with an arc in exchange for my honest review.

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4 stars....

An addictive, page-turning, thriller! I always love Carola Lovering books, and this one did not disappoint. If you’re looking for something fast-paced – pick this one up!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to give my honest feedback on this ARC.
I wanted to love this one much more than I did but I spent most of the book 🫣 anxious about how this would all turn out ok for Billie. I think this book being called a Thriller is a little misleading as I think it is more of a study in toxic relationships and how/why they play out.

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Intriguing fiction which will keep you on tenterhooks
How to categorize this book? I cannot truly say except that it was amazing! Although it took a little bit to get a feel for where the author was taking this book, it became a page-turner with my need to know its outcome. I could not stop reading. I kept waiting for the “next shoe to drop.” I guess on one level it is as simple as a study of how people change over time. By using flash-backs and the point of view of both Cassie and Billie, we see the depth of friendship these two girls shared and how it ended. Honestly, I was entranced. I feel sure there are deeper meanings for a book club to explore. I just know that it was a pleasant surprise.
If you like to read suspenseful intriguing fiction which is so well written that you do not want to put the book down, please try this one. I was very much impressed. I volunteered to review an ARC of this book through NetGalley.

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4.5 ⭐️
Loved this book and the drama. The book kept me entertained . Felt like real housewives with some suspense .

Thank you St Martin’s press and NetGalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for an honest review

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3.5 ⭐️
I enjoyed this book, found it a little bit slow and predictable at times, but the toxic friendship between the two main characters was what kept me reading it, haha!

What also kept me from giving it a higher score is that some of the situations were too out there or just seemed to be resolved too quickly.

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Cassie Adler is married to a wealthy man named Grant. She is a new mother to baby Ella; she owns her own fashion store; and is also a lifestyle influencer with a huge following.

Billie West is a luxury travel agent getting to go on trips to check out exotic destinations. She and Cassie were once childhood friends and they even shared an apartment together after college. But, now that Cassie is busy with her marriage, baby, and business, she doesn’t have time to get with Billie. Actually, Billie has messaged her several times hoping they could get together and has had no response. But, today, Cassie responds and agrees to meet up for a glass of wine.

This book is about the friendship of two young women who experienced a devastating event that they have kept secret over the years. The problem is when they were young, they swore to be one another’s best friend forever. In reality, as people mature they change, it’s natural for them to go different ways. I felt bad for Billie that she thought her friendship with Cassie would be forever not maturing enough to know when it’s time to say goodbye and go on her own way. She truly needs psychiatric help. Cassie is one who adores attention and nice things. She also adores her baby. The relationship between Billie and Cassie at times goes from euphoric to hatred. While the story was compelling and kept my attention, I can’t help but strongly feel that when it’s over, it’s over. Accept it and go on with life. Enjoy the read!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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